# Blflow This code solves the boundary layer velocity profile that occurs due to an acoustic wave in the vicinity of a wall. In a small layer (the viscous boundary layer thickness ($\delta_\nu$)), the presence of the wall affects the velocity field which would otherwise be a "plug" flow. The following files are in this repository: - blflow.py: when run, it shows the harmonic, and time dependent solution of the axial velocity in the boundary layer close to a no-slip wall. - parplateflow.py: when run, it shows the the harmonic, and time dependent solution of the axial velocity for 2D flow between two parallel plates at distances y=0, and y=1. Frequency and dimensions are chosen such that the boundary layer is moderately thick compared to the domain. Here we show the solution close to a boundary layer as an animated gif: [blflow gif](blflow.gif)