#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Jan 15 19:45:33 2018 @author: anne """ import numpy as np from lasp import AvPowerSpectra, Window import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.close('all') def test_aps1(): nfft = 16384 fs = 48000 tend = 10 t = np.linspace(0, (tend*fs)//fs, int(fs*tend), endpoint=False) w = Window.WindowType.Hann # w = Window.WindowType.Rectangular aps = AvPowerSpectra(nfft, w, 50, -1) sig = np.random.randn(int(fs*tend)) cps = aps.compute(sig) pow1 = np.sum(sig**2)/sig.size pow2 = np.sum((cps[:,0,0]).real) # Check for Parseval assert np.isclose(pow2 - pow1,0, atol=1e-2) def test_aps2(): """ Test whether we are able to estimate a simple transfer function of a gain of 2 between two channels """ nfft = 16384 fs = 48000 tend = 10 t = np.linspace(0, (tend*fs)//fs, int(fs*tend), endpoint=False) # w = Window.WindowType.Hann w = Window.WindowType.Rectangular aps = AvPowerSpectra(nfft, w, 50, -1) sig1 = np.random.randn(int(fs*tend)) sig2 = 2*sig1 sig = np.concatenate((sig1[None,:], sig2[None,:])).T cps = aps.compute(sig) H = cps[:,0,1]/cps[:,0,0] # Check if transfer function is obtained assert np.all(np.isclose(H,2)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_aps1()