""" This file contains the Cython wrapper functions to C implementations. """ include "config.pxi" from libc.stdio cimport printf from numpy cimport import_array import_array() IF LASP_FLOAT == "double": ctypedef double d ctypedef double complex c NUMPY_FLOAT_TYPE = np.float64 NUMPY_COMPLEX_TYPE = np.complex128 CYTHON_NUMPY_FLOAT_t = cnp.NPY_FLOAT64 CYTHON_NUMPY_COMPLEX_t = cnp.NPY_COMPLEX128 ELSE: ctypedef float d ctypedef float complex c NUMPY_FLOAT_TYPE = np.float32 NUMPY_COMPLEX_TYPE = np.complex64 CYTHON_NUMPY_FLOAT_t = cnp.NPY_FLOAT32 CYTHON_NUMPY_COMPLEX_t = cnp.NPY_COMPLEX64 ctypedef size_t us cdef extern from "lasp_tracer.h": void setTracerLevel(int) void TRACE(int,const char*) void fsTRACE(int) void feTRACE(int) void clearScreen() cdef extern from "lasp_mat.h" nogil: ctypedef struct dmat: us n_cols us n_rows d* _data bint _foreign_data ctypedef struct cmat: pass ctypedef cmat vc ctypedef dmat vd dmat dmat_foreign_data(us n_rows, us n_cols, d* data, bint own_data) cmat cmat_foreign_data(us n_rows, us n_cols, c* data, bint own_data) cmat cmat_alloc(us n_rows,us n_cols) dmat dmat_alloc(us n_rows,us n_cols) vd vd_foreign(const us size,d* data) void vd_free(vd*) void dmat_free(dmat*) void cmat_free(cmat*) void cmat_copy(cmat* to,cmat* from_) cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h": void PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS(cnp.ndarray arr, int flags) cdef extern from "lasp_python.h": object dmat_to_ndarray(dmat*,bint transfer_ownership) __all__ = ['AvPowerSpectra', 'SosFilterBank', 'FilterBank', 'Siggen', 'sweep_flag_forward', 'sweep_flag_backward', 'sweep_flag_linear', 'sweep_flag_exponential', 'sweep_flag_hyperbolic', 'load_fft_wisdom', 'store_fft_wisdom'] setTracerLevel(15) cdef extern from "cblas.h": int openblas_get_num_threads() void openblas_set_num_threads(int) # If we touch this variable: we get segfaults when running from # Spyder! # openblas_set_num_threads(8) # print("Number of threads: ", # openblas_get_num_threads()) def cls(): clearScreen() # cls() cdef extern from "lasp_fft.h": void c_load_fft_wisdom "load_fft_wisdom" (const char* wisdom) char* c_store_fft_wisdom "store_fft_wisdom" () ctypedef struct c_Fft "Fft" c_Fft* Fft_create(us nfft) void Fft_free(c_Fft*) void Fft_fft(c_Fft*,dmat * timedate,cmat * res) nogil void Fft_ifft(c_Fft*,cmat * freqdata,dmat* timedata) nogil us Fft_nfft(c_Fft*) def load_fft_wisdom(const unsigned char[::1] wisdom): c_load_fft_wisdom( &wisdom[0]) from cpython cimport PyBytes_FromString from libc.stdlib cimport free def store_fft_wisdom(): cdef char* wisdom = c_store_fft_wisdom() if wisdom != NULL: try: bts = PyBytes_FromString(wisdom) finally: free(wisdom) return bts else: return None cdef class Fft: cdef: c_Fft* _fft def __cinit__(self, us nfft): self._fft = Fft_create(nfft) if self._fft == NULL: raise RuntimeError('Fft allocation failed') def __dealloc__(self): if self._fft!=NULL: Fft_free(self._fft) def fft(self,d[::1,:] timedata): cdef us nfft = Fft_nfft(self._fft) cdef us nchannels = timedata.shape[1] assert timedata.shape[0] ==nfft result = np.empty((nfft//2+1,nchannels), dtype=NUMPY_COMPLEX_TYPE, order='F') # result[:,:] = np.nan+1j*np.nan cdef c[::1,:] result_view = result cdef cmat r = cmat_foreign_data(result.shape[0], result.shape[1], &result_view[0,0], False) cdef dmat t = dmat_foreign_data(timedata.shape[0], timedata.shape[1], &timedata[0,0], False) with nogil: Fft_fft(self._fft,&t,&r) dmat_free(&t) cmat_free(&r) return result def ifft(self,c[::1,:] freqdata): cdef us nfft = Fft_nfft(self._fft) cdef us nchannels = freqdata.shape[1] assert freqdata.shape[0] == nfft//2+1 # result[:,:] = np.nan+1j*np.nan cdef cmat f = cmat_foreign_data(freqdata.shape[0], freqdata.shape[1], &freqdata[0,0], False) timedata = np.empty((nfft,nchannels), dtype=NUMPY_FLOAT_TYPE, order='F') cdef d[::1,:] timedata_view = timedata cdef dmat t = dmat_foreign_data(timedata.shape[0], timedata.shape[1], &timedata_view[0,0], False) with nogil: Fft_ifft(self._fft,&f,&t) dmat_free(&t) cmat_free(&f) return timedata cdef extern from "lasp_window.h": ctypedef enum WindowType: Hann Hamming Rectangular Bartlett Blackman # Export these constants to Python class Window: hann = Hann hamming = Hamming rectangular = Rectangular bartlett = Bartlett blackman = Blackman cdef extern from "lasp_ps.h": ctypedef struct c_PowerSpectra "PowerSpectra" c_PowerSpectra* PowerSpectra_alloc(const us nfft, const WindowType wt) void PowerSpectra_compute(const c_PowerSpectra* ps, const dmat * timedata, cmat * result) nogil void PowerSpectra_free(c_PowerSpectra*) cdef class PowerSpectra: cdef: c_PowerSpectra* _ps def __cinit__(self, us nfft,us window=Window.rectangular): self._ps = PowerSpectra_alloc(nfft, window) if self._ps == NULL: raise RuntimeError('PowerSpectra allocation failed') def compute(self,d[::1,:] timedata): cdef: us nchannels = timedata.shape[1] us nfft = timedata.shape[0] int rv dmat td cmat result_mat td = dmat_foreign_data(nfft, nchannels, &timedata[0,0], False) # The array here is created in such a way that the strides # increase with increasing dimension. This is required for # interoperability with the C-code, that stores all # cross-spectra in a 2D matrix, where the first axis is the # frequency axis, and the second axis corresponds to a certain # cross-spectrum, as C_ij(f) = result[freq,i+j*nchannels] result = np.empty((nfft//2+1,nchannels,nchannels), dtype = NUMPY_COMPLEX_TYPE, order='F') cdef c[::1,:,:] result_view = result result_mat = cmat_foreign_data(nfft//2+1, nchannels*nchannels, &result_view[0,0,0], False) with nogil: PowerSpectra_compute(self._ps,&td,&result_mat) dmat_free(&td) cmat_free(&result_mat) return result def __dealloc__(self): if self._ps != NULL: PowerSpectra_free(self._ps) cdef extern from "lasp_aps.h": ctypedef struct c_AvPowerSpectra "AvPowerSpectra" c_AvPowerSpectra* AvPowerSpectra_alloc(const us nfft, const us nchannels, d overlap_percentage, const WindowType wt, const vd* weighting) cmat* AvPowerSpectra_addTimeData(const c_AvPowerSpectra* ps, const dmat * timedata) nogil void AvPowerSpectra_free(c_AvPowerSpectra*) us AvPowerSpectra_getAverages(const c_AvPowerSpectra*); cdef class AvPowerSpectra: cdef: c_AvPowerSpectra* aps us nfft, nchannels def __cinit__(self,us nfft, us nchannels, d overlap_percentage, us window=Window.hann, d[:] weighting = np.array([])): cdef vd weighting_vd cdef vd* weighting_ptr = NULL if(weighting.size != 0): weighting_vd = dmat_foreign_data(weighting.size,1, &weighting[0],False) weighting_ptr = &weighting_vd self.aps = AvPowerSpectra_alloc(nfft, nchannels, overlap_percentage, window, weighting_ptr) self.nchannels = nchannels self.nfft = nfft if self.aps == NULL: raise RuntimeError('AvPowerSpectra allocation failed') def __dealloc__(self): if self.aps: AvPowerSpectra_free(self.aps) def getAverages(self): return AvPowerSpectra_getAverages(self.aps) def addTimeData(self,d[::1,:] timedata): """! Adds time data, returns current result """ cdef: us nsamples = timedata.shape[0] us nchannels = timedata.shape[1] dmat td cmat* result_ptr if nchannels != self.nchannels: raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of channels') td = dmat_foreign_data(nsamples, nchannels, &timedata[0,0], False) result = np.empty((self.nfft//2+1,nchannels,nchannels), dtype = NUMPY_COMPLEX_TYPE, order='F') cdef c[::1,:,:] result_view = result cdef cmat res = cmat_foreign_data(self.nfft//2+1, nchannels*nchannels, &result_view[0,0,0], False) with nogil: result_ptr = AvPowerSpectra_addTimeData(self.aps, &td) # The array here is created in such a way that the strides # increase with increasing dimension. This is required for # interoperability with the C-code, that stores all # cross-spectra in a 2D matrix, where the first axis is the # frequency axis, and the second axis corresponds to a certain # cross-spectrum, as C_ij(f) = result[freq,i+j*nchannels] # Copy result cmat_copy(&res,result_ptr) cmat_free(&res) dmat_free(&td) return result cdef extern from "lasp_firfilterbank.h": ctypedef struct c_Firfilterbank "Firfilterbank" c_Firfilterbank* Firfilterbank_create(const dmat* h,const us nfft) nogil dmat Firfilterbank_filter(c_Firfilterbank* fb,const vd* x) nogil void Firfilterbank_free(c_Firfilterbank* fb) nogil cdef class FilterBank: cdef: c_Firfilterbank* fb def __cinit__(self,d[::1,:] h, us nfft): cdef dmat hmat = dmat_foreign_data(h.shape[0], h.shape[1], &h[0,0], False) self.fb = Firfilterbank_create(&hmat,nfft) dmat_free(&hmat) if not self.fb: raise RuntimeError('Error creating FilberBank') def __dealloc__(self): if self.fb: Firfilterbank_free(self.fb) def filter_(self,d[::1, :] input_): assert input_.shape[1] == 1 cdef dmat input_vd = dmat_foreign_data(input_.shape[0],1, &input_[0, 0],False) cdef dmat output with nogil: output = Firfilterbank_filter(self.fb,&input_vd) # Steal the pointer from output result = dmat_to_ndarray(&output,True) dmat_free(&output) vd_free(&input_vd) return result cdef extern from "lasp_sosfilterbank.h": ctypedef struct c_Sosfilterbank "Sosfilterbank" c_Sosfilterbank* Sosfilterbank_create(const us filterbank_size, const us nsections) nogil void Sosfilterbank_setFilter(c_Sosfilterbank* fb,const us filter_no, const vd filter_coefs) dmat Sosfilterbank_filter(c_Sosfilterbank* fb,const vd* x) nogil void Sosfilterbank_free(c_Sosfilterbank* fb) nogil cdef class SosFilterBank: cdef: c_Sosfilterbank* fb def __cinit__(self,const us filterbank_size, const us nsections): self.fb = Sosfilterbank_create(filterbank_size,nsections) def setFilter(self,us filter_no, d[:, ::1] sos): """ Args: filter_no: Filter number of the filterbank to set the filter for sos: Second axis are the filter coefficients, first axis is the section """ cdef dmat coefs = dmat_foreign_data(sos.size,1, &sos[0, 0],False) Sosfilterbank_setFilter(self.fb,filter_no, coefs) def __dealloc__(self): if self.fb: Sosfilterbank_free(self.fb) def filter_(self,d[::1, :] input_): # Only single channel input assert input_.shape[1] == 1 cdef dmat input_vd = dmat_foreign_data(input_.shape[0],1, &input_[0, 0],False) cdef dmat output with nogil: output = Sosfilterbank_filter(self.fb,&input_vd) #printf('Came back from filter\n') # Steal the pointer from output result = dmat_to_ndarray(&output,True) #printf('Converted to array\n') dmat_free(&output) vd_free(&input_vd) #printf('Ready to return\n') return result cdef extern from "lasp_decimation.h": ctypedef struct c_Decimator "Decimator" ctypedef enum DEC_FAC: DEC_FAC_4 c_Decimator* Decimator_create(us nchannels,DEC_FAC d) nogil dmat Decimator_decimate(c_Decimator* dec,const dmat* samples) nogil void Decimator_free(c_Decimator* dec) nogil cdef extern from "lasp_slm.h" nogil: ctypedef struct c_Slm "Slm" d TAU_FAST, TAU_SLOW, TAU_IMPULSE c_Slm* Slm_create(c_Sosfilterbank* prefilter, c_Sosfilterbank* bandpass, d fs, d tau, d ref_level, us* downsampling_fac) dmat Slm_run(c_Slm* slm,vd* input_data) void Slm_free(c_Slm* slm) vd Slm_Leq(c_Slm*) vd Slm_Lmax(c_Slm*) vd Slm_Lpeak(c_Slm*) tau_fast = TAU_FAST tau_slow = TAU_SLOW tau_impulse = TAU_IMPULSE cdef class Slm: cdef: c_Slm* c_slm public us downsampling_fac def __cinit__(self, d[::1] sos_prefilter, d[:, ::1] sos_bandpass, d fs, d tau, d ref_level): cdef: us prefilter_nsections us bandpass_nsections us bandpass_nchannels c_Sosfilterbank* prefilter = NULL c_Sosfilterbank* bandpass = NULL vd coefs_vd d[:] coefs if sos_prefilter is not None: assert sos_prefilter.size % 6 == 0 prefilter_nsections = sos_prefilter.size // 6 prefilter = Sosfilterbank_create(1,prefilter_nsections) coefs = sos_prefilter coefs_vd = dmat_foreign_data(prefilter_nsections*6,1, &coefs[0],False) Sosfilterbank_setFilter(prefilter, 0, coefs_vd) if prefilter is NULL: raise RuntimeError('Error creating pre-filter') if sos_bandpass is not None: assert sos_bandpass.shape[1] % 6 == 0 bandpass_nsections = sos_bandpass.shape[1] // 6 bandpass_nchannels = sos_bandpass.shape[0] bandpass = Sosfilterbank_create(bandpass_nchannels, bandpass_nsections) if bandpass == NULL: if prefilter: Sosfilterbank_free(prefilter) raise RuntimeError('Error creating bandpass filter') for i in range(bandpass_nchannels): coefs = sos_bandpass[i, :] coefs_vd = dmat_foreign_data(bandpass_nsections*6,1, &coefs[0],False) Sosfilterbank_setFilter(bandpass, i, coefs_vd) self.c_slm = Slm_create(prefilter, bandpass, fs, tau, ref_level, &self.downsampling_fac) if self.c_slm is NULL: Sosfilterbank_free(prefilter) Sosfilterbank_free(bandpass) raise RuntimeError('Error creating sound level meter') def run(self, d[:, ::1] data): assert data.shape[1] == 1 cdef vd data_vd = dmat_foreign_data(data.shape[0], 1, &data[0,0], False) cdef dmat res with nogil: res = Slm_run(self.c_slm, &data_vd) result = dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True) return result def Leq(self): cdef vd res res = Slm_Leq(self.c_slm) # True below, means transfer ownership of allocated data to Numpy return dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True) def Lmax(self): cdef vd res res = Slm_Lmax(self.c_slm) # True below, means transfer ownership of allocated data to Numpy return dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True) def Lpeak(self): cdef vd res res = Slm_Lpeak(self.c_slm) # True below, means transfer ownership of allocated data to Numpy return dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True) def __dealloc__(self): if self.c_slm: Slm_free(self.c_slm) cdef class Decimator: cdef: c_Decimator* dec us nchannels def __cinit__(self, us nchannels,us dec_fac): assert dec_fac == 4, 'Invalid decimation factor' self.nchannels = nchannels self.dec = Decimator_create(nchannels,DEC_FAC_4) if not self.dec: raise RuntimeError('Error creating decimator') def decimate(self,d[::1,:] samples): assert samples.shape[1] == self.nchannels,'Invalid number of channels' if samples.shape[0] == 0: return np.zeros((0, self.nchannels)) cdef dmat d_samples = dmat_foreign_data(samples.shape[0], samples.shape[1], &samples[0,0], False) cdef dmat res = Decimator_decimate(self.dec,&d_samples) result = dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True) dmat_free(&res) return result def __dealloc__(self): if self.dec != NULL: Decimator_free(self.dec) cdef extern from "lasp_siggen.h": ctypedef struct c_Siggen "Siggen" us SWEEP_FLAG_FORWARD, SWEEP_FLAG_BACKWARD, SWEEP_FLAG_LINEAR us SWEEP_FLAG_EXPONENTIAL,SWEEP_FLAG_HYPERBOLIC c_Siggen* Siggen_Noise_create(d fs, d level_dB, c_Sosfilterbank* colorfilter) c_Siggen* Siggen_Sinewave_create(d fs, d freq, d level_dB) c_Siggen* Siggen_Sweep_create(d fs, d fl, d fu, d Ts,us sweep_flags, d level_dB) void Siggen_genSignal(c_Siggen*, vd* samples) nogil void Siggen_free(c_Siggen*) # Sweep flags sweep_flag_forward = SWEEP_FLAG_FORWARD sweep_flag_backward = SWEEP_FLAG_BACKWARD sweep_flag_linear = SWEEP_FLAG_LINEAR sweep_flag_exponential = SWEEP_FLAG_EXPONENTIAL sweep_flag_hyperbolic = SWEEP_FLAG_HYPERBOLIC from .filter import PinkNoise cdef class Siggen: cdef c_Siggen *_siggen def __cinit__(self): self._siggen = NULL def __dealloc__(self): if self._siggen: Siggen_free(self._siggen) def genSignal(self, us nsamples): output = np.empty(nsamples, dtype=np.float) assert self._siggen != NULL cdef d[:] output_view = output cdef dmat output_dmat = dmat_foreign_data(nsamples, 1, &output_view[0], False) with nogil: Siggen_genSignal(self._siggen, &output_dmat) return output @staticmethod def sineWave(d fs,d freq,d level_dB): cdef c_Siggen* c_siggen = Siggen_Sinewave_create(fs, freq, level_dB) siggen = Siggen() siggen._siggen = c_siggen return siggen @staticmethod def noise(d fs, d level_dB, d[::1] colorfilter_coefs=None): cdef: c_Sosfilterbank* colorfilter = NULL if colorfilter_coefs is not None: assert colorfilter_coefs.size % 6 == 0 colorfilter_nsections = colorfilter_coefs.size // 6 colorfilter = Sosfilterbank_create(1,colorfilter_nsections) coefs = colorfilter_coefs coefs_vd = dmat_foreign_data(colorfilter_nsections*6,1, &colorfilter_coefs[0],False) Sosfilterbank_setFilter(colorfilter, 0, coefs_vd) if colorfilter is NULL: raise RuntimeError('Error creating pre-filter') cdef c_Siggen* c_siggen = Siggen_Noise_create(fs, level_dB, colorfilter) siggen = Siggen() siggen._siggen = c_siggen return siggen @staticmethod def sweep(d fs, d fl, d fu, d Ts,us sweep_flags, d level_dB): cdef c_Siggen* c_siggen = Siggen_Sweep_create(fs, fl, fu, Ts, sweep_flags, level_dB) if c_siggen == NULL: raise ValueError('Failed creating signal generator') siggen = Siggen() siggen._siggen = c_siggen return siggen cdef extern from "lasp_eq.h" nogil: ctypedef struct c_Eq "Eq" c_Eq* Eq_create(c_Sosfilterbank* fb) vd Eq_equalize(c_Eq* eq,const vd* input_data) us Eq_getNLevels(const c_Eq* eq) void Eq_setLevels(c_Eq* eq, const vd* levels) void Eq_free(c_Eq* eq) cdef class Equalizer: cdef: c_Eq* ceq def __cinit__(self, SosFilterBank cdef_fb): """ Initialize equalizer using given filterbank. Note: Steals pointer of underlying c_Sosfilterbank!! """ self.ceq = Eq_create(cdef_fb.fb) # Set this pointer to NULL, such that the underlying c_SosfilterBank is # not deallocated. cdef_fb.fb = NULL def getNLevels(self): return Eq_getNLevels(self.ceq) def setLevels(self,d[:] new_levels): cdef dmat dmat_new_levels = dmat_foreign_data(new_levels.shape[0], 1, &new_levels[0], False) Eq_setLevels(self.ceq, &dmat_new_levels) dmat_free(&dmat_new_levels) def equalize(self, d[::1] input_data): cdef: vd res cdef dmat input_dmat = dmat_foreign_data(input_data.size, 1, &input_data[0], False) with nogil: res = Eq_equalize(self.ceq, &input_dmat) # Steal the pointer from output py_res = dmat_to_ndarray(&res,True)[:,0] dmat_free(&res) vd_free(&input_dmat) return py_res def __dealloc__(self): if self.ceq: Eq_free(self.ceq)