/* #define DEBUGTRACE_ENABLED */ #include "debugtrace.hpp" #include "lasp_config.h" #if LASP_HAS_ULDAQ == 1 #include "lasp_uldaq.h" #include "lasp_uldaq_impl.h" #include /** * @brief The maximum number of devices that can be enumerated when calling * ulGetDaqDeviceInventory() */ const us MAX_ULDAQ_DEV_COUNT_PER_API = 100; void fillUlDaqDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoList &devinfolist) { DEBUGTRACE_ENTER; UlError err; unsigned int numdevs = MAX_ULDAQ_DEV_COUNT_PER_API; DaqDeviceDescriptor devdescriptors[MAX_ULDAQ_DEV_COUNT_PER_API]; DaqDeviceDescriptor descriptor; DaqDeviceInterface interfaceType = ANY_IFC; err = ulGetDaqDeviceInventory(interfaceType, devdescriptors, &numdevs); if (err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { throw rte("UlDaq device inventarization failed"); } DEBUGTRACE_PRINT(string("Number of devices: ") + std::to_string(numdevs)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) { descriptor = devdescriptors[i]; UlDaqDeviceInfo devinfo; devinfo._uldaqDescriptor = descriptor; devinfo.api = uldaqapi; { string name; string productname = descriptor.productName; if (productname != "DT9837A") { throw rte("Unknown UlDAQ type: " + productname); } switch (descriptor.devInterface) { case USB_IFC: name = "USB - "; break; case BLUETOOTH_IFC: /* devinfo. */ name = "Bluetooth - "; break; case ETHERNET_IFC: /* devinfo. */ name = "Ethernet - "; break; default: name = "Uknown interface = "; } name += productname + " " + string(descriptor.uniqueId); devinfo.device_name = name; } devinfo.physicalOutputQty = DaqChannel::Qty::Voltage; devinfo.availableDataTypes.push_back( DataTypeDescriptor::DataType::dtype_fl64); devinfo.prefDataTypeIndex = 0; devinfo.availableSampleRates = ULDAQ_SAMPLERATES; devinfo.prefSampleRateIndex = 11; devinfo.availableFramesPerBlock = {512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192}; devinfo.availableInputRanges = {1.0, 10.0}; devinfo.prefInputRangeIndex = 0; devinfo.ninchannels = 4; devinfo.noutchannels = 1; devinfo.hasInputIEPE = true; devinfo.hasInputACCouplingSwitch = true; devinfo.hasInputTrigger = true; devinfo.hasInternalOutputMonitor = true; devinfo.duplexModeForced = true; // Finally, this devinfo is pushed back in list devinfolist.push_back(std::make_unique(devinfo)); } } std::unique_ptr createUlDaqDevice(const DeviceInfo &devinfo, const DaqConfiguration &config) { const UlDaqDeviceInfo *_info = dynamic_cast(&devinfo); if (_info == nullptr) { throw rte("BUG: Could not cast DeviceInfo to UlDaqDeviceInfo"); } return std::make_unique(*_info, config); } #endif // LASP_HAS_ULDAQ