/* #define DEBUGTRACE_ENABLED */ #include "lasp_rtaps.h" #include "lasp_daqdata.h" #include "lasp_daq.h" #include "debugtrace.hpp" #include using std::cerr; using std::endl; using Lck = std::scoped_lock; RtAps::RtAps(SmgrHandle mgr, const Filter *freqWeightingFilter, const us nfft, const Window::WindowType w, const d overlap_percentage, const d time_constant) : ThreadedInDataHandler(mgr), _ps(nfft, w, overlap_percentage, time_constant) { if (freqWeightingFilter != nullptr) { _filterPrototype = freqWeightingFilter->clone(); } startThread(); } RtAps::~RtAps() { stopThread(); } void RtAps::inCallback(const DaqData &data) { DEBUGTRACE_ENTER; Lck lck(_ps_mtx); dmat fltdata = data.toFloat(); const us nchannels = fltdata.n_cols; if(nchannels != _sens.size()) { cerr << "**** Error: sensitivity size does not match! *****" << endl; return; } fltdata.each_row() %= _sens.as_row(); if (_filterPrototype) { // Adjust number of filters, if necessary if (nchannels > _freqWeightingFilters.size()) { while (nchannels > _freqWeightingFilters.size()) { _freqWeightingFilters.emplace_back(_filterPrototype->clone()); } for (auto &filter : _freqWeightingFilters) { filter->reset(); } } // Apply filtering #pragma omp parallel for for (us i = 0; i < nchannels; i++) { vd col = fltdata.col(i); _freqWeightingFilters.at(i)->filter(col); fltdata.col(i) = col; } } // End of if(_filterPrototype) _ps.compute(fltdata); } void RtAps::reset(const Daq *daq) { DEBUGTRACE_ENTER; Lck lck(_ps_mtx); for (auto &filter : _freqWeightingFilters) { filter->reset(); } if(daq) { _sens.resize(daq->neninchannels()); us i = 0; for(const auto& ch: daq->enabledInChannels()) { _sens[i] = ch.sensitivity; i++; } } _ps.reset(); } ccube RtAps::getCurrentValue() const { DEBUGTRACE_ENTER; Lck lck(_ps_mtx); return _ps.get_est(); }