commit a22f988b8a148e014f8c89507893a90fc3d6d0d5 Author: J.A. de Jong - Redu-Sone B.V., ASCEE V.O.F Date: Mon Jun 21 15:28:51 2021 +0200 Initial commit diff --git a/ASCEE_lasp.lyx b/ASCEE_lasp.lyx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b34ed14 --- /dev/null +++ b/ASCEE_lasp.lyx @@ -0,0 +1,3882 @@ +#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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+confidential +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Fourier transform vs discrete Fourier transform +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Our definition of the Fourier transform for the real-valued function +\begin_inset Formula $x(t)$ +\end_inset + + with unit +\begin_inset Formula $U$ +\end_inset + + is: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +X(f)=\int\limits _{t=-\infty}^{\infty}x(t)\exp\left(-i2\pi ft\right)\mathrm{d}t, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +such that: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +x(t)=\int\limits _{f=-\infty}^{\infty}X(f)\exp\left(2\pi ift\right)\mathrm{d}f +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Using the radian frequency +\begin_inset Formula $\omega$ +\end_inset + +, a scaling factor should be used in front: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +x(t)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X(\omega)\exp\left(i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}\omega, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +X(\omega)=\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}x(t)\exp\left(-i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}t, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Our definition of the +\bar under +power spectral density +\bar default + is: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P_{x}=\underbrace{\lim_{T\to\infty}\frac{1}{T}\int\limits _{t=-T}^{T}x^{2}(t)\mathrm{d}t}_{\mathrm{Signal\,power}}=E\left[x^{2}(t)\right]\equiv\int\limits _{f=-\infty}^{\infty}S_{xx}(f)\mathrm{d}f +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +From Parseval's theorem, we know that +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +S_{xx}(f)=\lim_{T\to\infty}\frac{1}{T}X(f)X^{*}(f). +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Hence for signals for which the Fourier transform formally exist, the power + spectral density is zero. + In practice, signal +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Filling in: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\lim_{T\to\infty}\frac{1}{T}\int\limits _{t=-T}^{T}\left[\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X(\omega)\exp\left(i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}\omega\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X^{*}(\omega)\exp\left(-i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}\omega\right]\mathrm{d}t=\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}S_{xx}(\omega)\mathrm{d}\omega +\] + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\lim_{T\to\infty}\frac{1}{T}\int\limits _{t=-T}^{T}\left[\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X(\omega)\exp\left(i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}\omega\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X^{*}(\omega)\exp\left(-i\omega t\right)\mathrm{d}\omega\right]\mathrm{d}t=\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}S_{xx}(\omega)\mathrm{d}\omega +\] + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\] + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Results in: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Plancheler theorem: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\int\limits _{t=-\infty}^{\infty}x(t)^{2}\mathrm{d}t=\int\limits _{\omega=-\infty}^{\infty}X(\omega)X^{*}(\omega)\mathrm{d}\omega +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Estimation of power spectra +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Sample frequency: +\begin_inset Formula $f_{s}=1/\Delta t$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $N_{\mathrm{DFT}}$ +\end_inset + + The number of samples taking into the FFT (nfft) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Frequency resolution +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\Delta f=\frac{f_{s}}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +i.e. + the smallest frequency that fits into the measured time +\begin_inset Formula $T=N_{\mathrm{DFT}}\Delta t$ +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Definition of the DFT: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +X[k]=\mathrm{DFT}\left(x_{n}\right)=\sum_{n=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}x_{n}e^{-2\pi ikn/N_{\mathrm{DFT}}},\label{eq:dft_definition} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +such that +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +x[n]=\mathrm{iDFT}\left(X[k]\right)=\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}\sum_{k=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}X[k]e^{2\pi ikn/N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}. +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +The advantage of this definition is that it preserves the duality between + transfer function and impulse response. + However, for proper scaling of signal (power) spectra, it requires more + inspection. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Using the definition of Eq. +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:dft_definition" + +\end_inset + +, using the real-valued DFT (DFTR), we directly obtain the positive frequency + half-spectrum. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Parseval's theorem states: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\sum_{n=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}x[n]y[n]^{*}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}X[k]Y[k]^{*} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The average signal power is defined as +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P(x[n])=\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}\sum_{n=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}x[n]^{2} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +which can be written in frequency domain, using Parseval's theorem as: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P(x[n])=\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}^{2}}\sum_{k=0}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}-1}X[k]X[k]^{*}. +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Hence the signal power as a function of frequency is +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P_{k}=\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}^{2}}\left\Vert X[k]\right\Vert ^{2}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +such that +\begin_inset Formula $P_{k}$ +\end_inset + + is the signal power in frequency bin +\begin_inset Formula $k$ +\end_inset + +. + Now, the power spectral density is defined as the signal power per unit + frequency, for which the signal power needs to be divided by the frequency + resolution. + Hence +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +S_{x}=\frac{1}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}f_{s}}\left\Vert X[k]\right\Vert ^{2} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Single sided amplitude spectra +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If +\begin_inset Formula $X_{s}$ +\end_inset + + is defined such that +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +x[n]=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}X_{s}[0]+\sum_{k=1}^{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}/2-1}X_{s}[k]e^{2\pi ikn/N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}X_{s}[N_{\mathrm{DFT}}/2]e^{i\pi n}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +then the value of +\begin_inset Formula $X_{s}$ +\end_inset + + directly corresponds to the amplitude of the sinusoid, for all frequencies + not equal to the DC and Nyquist rate. + +\begin_inset Formula $N_{\mathrm{DFT}}/2$ +\end_inset + + is an integer division which rounds down to the nearest integer. + From this definition, we can conclude that +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{eqnarray} +X_{s}[0] & =\frac{\sqrt{2}}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}X[0] & \mathrm{for}\,\,\,k=0\\ +X_{s}[k] & =\frac{2}{N_{\mathrm{DFT}}}X[k] & \mathrm{for}\,\,\,0 + + + + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dimension +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Value +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Lower frequency +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Upper frequency +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $s_{1}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +430 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +mm +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +40 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +320 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $s_{2}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +190 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +mm +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +90 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +724 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $s_{3}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +34 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +mm +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +491 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4047 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Hz +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Microphone switching technique for estimating the transfer function corrections +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Normal measurement, mic 0 at position A, mic 1 at position B +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Switched measurement, mic 0 at position B, mic 1 at position A +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Definitions: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $K_{0}$ +\end_inset + +: Microphone calibration correction factor for mic 0. + Such that +\begin_inset Formula $p_{0}=K_{0}\tilde{p}_{0}$ +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $\hat{p}_{0}$ +\end_inset + + is the measured microphone pressure, and +\begin_inset Formula $p_{0}$ +\end_inset + + the actual pressure at the measurement position. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $K_{1}$ +\end_inset + +: Microphone calibration correction factor for mic 1. + Such that +\begin_inset Formula $p_{1}=K_{1}\tilde{p}_{1}$ +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $\hat{p}_{1}$ +\end_inset + + is the measured microphone pressure, and +\begin_inset Formula $p_{0}$ +\end_inset + + the actual pressure at the measurement position. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +We are only able to measure and estimate cross-spectrum (or equivalently + the cross-spectral density): +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\tilde{C}_{ij}=\tilde{p}_{i}\tilde{p}_{j}^{*}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +from which the transfer functions can be estimated. + We require to correct these transfer functions for the relative microphone + calibration. + The final quantity of interest is often the acoustic pressure transfer + function for the two mic's in the impedance tube: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{AB}=\frac{p_{B}}{p_{A}} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +he microphone switching method is used to estimate the calibration constant + that should be used to estimate the transfer function from the measured + CPS's. + In measurement 1: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{AB}^{(1)}=\frac{p_{1}^{(1)}}{p_{0}^{(1)}}\approx\frac{K_{1}}{K_{0}}\frac{\tilde{C}_{10}^{(1)}}{\tilde{C}_{00}^{(1)}}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +From the second measurement in switched configuration, the estimation of + +\begin_inset Formula $G_{AB}$ +\end_inset + + yields: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{AB}^{(2)}=\frac{p_{0}^{(2)}}{p_{1}^{(2)}}\approx\frac{K_{0}}{K_{1}}\frac{\tilde{C}_{01}^{(2)}}{\tilde{C}_{11}^{(2)}}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Equating both expressions yields an exact expression for the calibration + correction factor: +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $G_{AB}^{(1)}=G_{AB}^{(2)}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\left(\frac{K_{1}}{K_{0}}\right)^{2}=\frac{\tilde{C}_{00}^{(1)}}{\tilde{C}_{10}^{(1)}}\frac{\tilde{C}_{01}^{(2)}}{\tilde{C}_{11}^{(2)}}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{K_{1}}{K_{0}}=\sqrt{\frac{\tilde{C}_{01}^{(2)}}{\tilde{C}_{11}^{(2)}}\frac{\tilde{C}_{00}^{(1)}}{\tilde{C}_{10}^{(1)}}}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +K\equiv\frac{K_{1}}{K_{0}}=\sqrt{\frac{\tilde{C}_{01}^{(2)}}{\tilde{C}_{11}^{(2)}}\frac{\tilde{C}_{00}^{(1)}}{\tilde{C}_{10}^{(1)}}}. +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Then, for all measurements beyond the calibration, we can write for +\begin_inset Formula $G_{AB}$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{AB}=\frac{p_{B}}{p_{A}}=KG_{01}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $G_{01}$ +\end_inset + + is the measured transfer function from mic 0 to mic 1 ( +\begin_inset Formula $G_{01}=p_{1}/p_{0}$ +\end_inset + +). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Method for computing the sample impedance, absorption and reflection coefficient +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Float figure +wide false +sideways false +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Graphics + filename img/imptube_meas_setups.pdf + width 100text% + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Caption Standard + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Configurations for acoustic sample testing +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "fig:sampletesting_configs" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Fig. +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "fig:sampletesting_configs" + +\end_inset + + shows two configurations that can be used for acoustic sample testing. + The top configuration is used for relatively open samples. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Open samples - configuration 1 +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For both microphones on the same side of the sample, the reflection coefficient + at the position of microphone +\begin_inset Formula $A$ +\end_inset + + can be evaluated as: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +R_{A}\equiv R(x=0)=\frac{G_{AB}-e^{-iks}}{e^{iks}-G_{AB}}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $k$ +\end_inset + + is the wave number, and +\begin_inset Formula $s$ +\end_inset + + is the microphone spacing. + The reflection coefficient rotates in phase going to the position of the + sample: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +R=R_{A}\exp\left(2ik\left(s+d_{1}\right)\right). +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +The absorption coefficient +\begin_inset Formula $\alpha$ +\end_inset + + is: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\alpha=1-\left|R\right|^{2} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The impedance at the sample location ( +\begin_inset Formula $x=s+d_{1}$ +\end_inset + +) can be computed as: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +z=z_{0}\frac{1+R}{1-R} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For an arbitrary back side impedance, this impedance is due to the sample, + and the back side impedance. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For a thin sample (w.r.t. + the wavelength) with back cavity, the sample impedance can be computed, + by knowing the distance behind the sample ( +\begin_inset Formula $d_{2}$ +\end_inset + +). + We know for a fixed back cavity that, we set: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\Delta p_{s}=Z_{s}U, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The impedance on the back side of the sample, for a closed cavity can be + computed by assuming 100% reflection at the end of the back cavity: +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $p=\cos\left(k\left(L-x\right)\right)$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $i\omega\rho_{0}U=-\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}\Rightarrow U=\frac{ik}{\omega\rho_{0}}\sin\left(k\left(L-x\right)\right)$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +Z|_{x=0}=\frac{p}{U}|_{x=0}=\frac{\cos\left(kL\right)}{\frac{ik}{\omega\rho_{0}}\sin\left(kL\right)}=-iz_{0}\cot\left(kL\right) +\] + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $R(x)=R|_{x=0}\exp\left(2ikx\right)$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $R(-L)=R_{0}\exp\left(-2ikL\right)$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $R_{0}=1$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $z=z_{0}\frac{1+R}{1-R}=z_{0}\frac{1+\exp\left(-2ikL\right)}{1-\exp\left(-2ikL\right)}=z_{0}\frac{\exp\left(ikL\right)+\exp\left(-ikL\right)}{\exp\left(ikL\right)-\exp\left(-ikL\right)}=-z_{0}i\frac{\cos\left(kL\right)}{\sin\left(kL\right)}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +z_{c}=-iz_{0}\cot\left(kd_{2}\right), +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Using that, we are able to compute the sample impedance (jump impedance) + as: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +z_{s}=2z_{0}\frac{1-Re^{2ikd_{2}}}{\left(R-1\right)\left(e^{2ikd_{2}}-1\right)} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Error analysis +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Types of error: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Positioning errors, both sample and microphones +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Bias and random +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Model errors (speed of sound, transport parameters) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Sensor errors +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Nonlinearities +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Noise +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Filter bank design +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Overlap-save method +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Limitations: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Time sample block size +\begin_inset Formula $L$ +\end_inset + + should be larger than the filter order. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Float figure +wide false +sideways false +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\align center +\begin_inset Graphics + filename img/overlap_save.pdf + width 90text% + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Caption Standard + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The yellow blocks are saved for the next +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Digital filters +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform of a sequence +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +Z\left(h[n]\right)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}h[n]z^{-n} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform of the discrete impulse +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +Z\left(\delta[n]\right)=z^{0}=1 +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform of the unit step function +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +Z\left(u[z]\right)=\frac{z}{z-1} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform of the exponentially decaying function +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f(t)=e^{-at}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +is discrete +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f[n]=e^{-anT}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $T=f_{s}^{-1}$ +\end_inset + +. + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +Z\left(f[n]\right)=\frac{z}{z-e^{-aT}} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +DSP Equation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Sample time is +\begin_inset Formula $nT$ +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $T$ +\end_inset + + is the sampling period (inverse sampling frequency). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +y[n]=\sum_{m=1}^{M}b_{m}y[n-m]+\sum_{p=0}^{P}a_{p}x[n-p] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +In the +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-domain, this equation can be written as +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +Y[z]=\frac{\sum\limits _{p=0}^{P}a_{p}z^{-p}}{1-\sum\limits _{m=1}^{M}b_{m}z^{-m}}X[z]=H[z]\cdot X[z] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Analog input signal frequency: +\begin_inset Formula $\omega$ +\end_inset + +. + Scaled frequency: +\begin_inset Formula $\Omega=\omega T$ +\end_inset + +. + Frequency response of the scaled frequency goes from 0 to +\begin_inset Formula $\pi$ +\end_inset + +. + Each DSP system has a frequency response that repeats at the sampling frequency + ( +\begin_inset Formula $\Omega=2\pi$ +\end_inset + +). + The frequency response can be found from the +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +-transform by filling in +\begin_inset Formula $z=e^{sT}$ +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $s$ +\end_inset + + is the Laplace variable. + And filling in for +\begin_inset Formula $s=i\omega$ +\end_inset + +, to find: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +H\left(\omega\right)=H[z=e^{i\omega T}], +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +For the DSP equation: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +H(\omega)=\frac{\sum\limits _{p=0}^{P}a_{p}e^{-ip\Omega}}{1-\sum\limits _{m=1}^{M}b_{m}e^{-im\Omega}} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +FIR Filter design +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Transfer function of a FIR filter: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +T(e^{i\Omega})=\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_{k}z^{-ik\Omega}\label{eq:fir_freq_response} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +The left side of Eq. + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:fir_freq_response" + +\end_inset + + is the desired frequency response, The right side are the corresponding + filter coefficients. + Multiplying the LHS and RHS with +\begin_inset Formula $e^{in\Omega}$ +\end_inset + + and integrating from 0 to +\begin_inset Formula $2\pi$ +\end_inset + +, we find the following equation for the filter coefficient +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $T(e^{i\Omega})=\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_{k}z^{-i\Omega}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_{k}z^{-ik\Omega}e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_{k}z^{-ik\Omega}e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=\int_{0}^{2\pi}\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_{k}z^{i\Omega\left(n-k\right)}\mathrm{d}\Omega$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=\int_{0}^{2\pi}a_{n}\mathrm{d}\Omega$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=2\pi a_{n}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int\limits _{0}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +This relation gives the coefficients of the +\emph on +noncausal +\emph default + form of the filter coefficients. + As the coefficients are symmetrical, only for positive +\begin_inset Formula $n$ +\end_inset + +, the +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}$ +\end_inset + +'s need to be computed. + As the frequency spectrum is repeated and symmetrical around the Nyquist + frequency, we can write this as: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{0}^{\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega+\int\limits _{\pi}^{2\pi}T(e^{i\Omega})e^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega\right]. +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +If we specify a certain frequency response below the Nyquist frequency, + and let the part above the Nyquist frequency be its mirror image, this + can be written as +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $T\left(e^{i\left(\Omega+\pi\right)}\right)=T^{*}\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Using +\begin_inset Formula $k=\Omega-2\pi\Rightarrow\Omega=k+2\pi$ +\end_inset + +, we can write the second integral as +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{0}^{\pi}Te^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega+\int\limits _{k=-\pi}^{0}T(e^{i\left(k+2\pi\right)})e^{in\left(k+2\pi\right)}\mathrm{d}k\right].$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{0}^{\pi}Te^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega+\int\limits _{\Omega=-\pi}^{0}T(e^{i\left(\Omega+2\pi\right)})e^{in\left(\Omega+2\pi\right)}\mathrm{d}\Omega\right].$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Using the fact that +\begin_inset Formula $e^{2in\pi}=1$ +\end_inset + + for all integer +\begin_inset Formula $n$ +\end_inset + +: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{-\pi}^{\pi}Te^{in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega\right].$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +But we know that +\begin_inset Formula $T\left(e^{-i\Omega}\right)=T^{*}\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)$ +\end_inset + +, such that: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{0}^{\pi}T\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)e^{in\Omega}+T^{*}\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)e^{-in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega\right]$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left[\int\limits _{0}^{\pi}T\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)e^{in\Omega}+T^{*}\left(e^{i\Omega}\right)e^{-in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega\right] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Ideal pass-band filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For an ideal band filter, this results in +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int\limits _{\Omega_{l}}^{\Omega_{u}}e^{in\Omega}+e^{-in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $a_{n}=\frac{1}{\pi}\int\limits _{\Omega_{l}}^{\Omega_{u}}\cos\left(n\Omega\right)\mathrm{d}\Omega=\frac{\sin\left(n\Omega\right)}{n\pi}|_{\Omega_{l}}^{\Omega_{u}}=\frac{\sin\left(n\Omega_{u}\right)-\sin\left(n\Omega_{l}\right)}{n\pi}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int\limits _{\Omega_{l}}^{\Omega_{u}}e^{in\Omega}+e^{-in\Omega}\mathrm{d}\Omega=\frac{\sin\left(n\Omega_{u}\right)-\sin\left(n\Omega_{l}\right)}{n\pi} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Ideal low-pass filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=\frac{\sin\left(n\omega_{p}T\right)}{n\pi}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $\omega_{p}$ +\end_inset + + is the pass-band to stop-band transition frequency. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Gibbs phenomenon +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The abrupt change in filter gain from pass band to stop band results is + pass-band ripple and . + Leftover ripple at an abrupt transition in filter coefficients is about + 9% of the gain amplitude. + Windowing the filter coefficients: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Magnitude of the ripple decreases +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Width of the transition band increases +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If the unwindowed filter coefficients are +\begin_inset Formula $f[n]$ +\end_inset + +, the windowed filter coefficients are +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +a_{n}=w[n]f[n] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Hamming window is a bit better than Hann window. + Hann window is an improvement over the Bartlett window. + In terms of the transition band width. + However, stop-band gain increases. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Band-pass digital filter design +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Low pass filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $g_{s,\mathrm{max}}$ +\end_inset + +: maximum allowed gain in the stop-band +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $g_{p,\mathrm{max}}$ +\end_inset + +: maximum allowed gain in the pass-band +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Formula $g_{p,\mathrm{min}}$ +\end_inset + +: minimum allowed gain in the pass-band +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Stereo band pass filter display +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Digital filter should be designed in frequency domain +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The RMS of the output of each filter is computed over a period on once the + center frequency of the band. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Example: 1000 Hz octave band: pass-band is from 750 Hz to 1500 Hz. + Use a Hamming window to reduce the pass and stop-band ripple. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Sound level meter implementation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Time-weighted sound level +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Fast time-weighted sound level,of the A-weighted pressure signal +\begin_inset Formula $p_{A}(t)$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +L_{AF}=10\log_{10}\left(\frac{1}{\tau_{F}}\int\limits _{-\infty}^{t}p_{A}^{2}\left(\xi\right)e^{-\left(t-\xi\right)/\tau_{F}}\right)-10\log_{10}\left(p_{\mathrm{ref}}^{2}\right), +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $\tau_{F}$ +\end_inset + + is the exponential time constant in seconds for the fast time weighting. + Implementation suggestion: square the frequency-weighted input signal, + and apply a single pole low-pass filter with one pole at +\begin_inset Formula $-\tau_{F}^{-1}$ +\end_inset + +. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Fast time weighting: +\begin_inset Formula $\tau_{F}=0,125$ +\end_inset + + s +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Slow time weighting: +\begin_inset Formula $\tau_{s}=1$ +\end_inset + + s. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Impulse time weighting: +\begin_inset Formula $\tau_{i}=35$ +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +ms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Implementation of single pole low pass filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A single pole low pass filter has a frequency response of +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{\mathrm{splp}}=\frac{1}{1+\tau s}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +we create a digital filter from this one using the bilinear transform: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +s\to2f_{s}\frac{z-1}{z+1}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +which yields the digital filter: +\begin_inset Note Note +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $G_{\mathrm{splp},d}=\frac{1}{1+\tau2f_{s}\frac{z-1}{z+1}}=\frac{z+1}{z+1+\tau2f_{s}\left(z-1\right)}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $G_{\mathrm{splp},d}=\frac{z+1}{\left(1+\tau2f_{s}\right)z+1-\tau2f_{s}}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Divide by +\begin_inset Formula $z$ +\end_inset + +, both numerator and denominator: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $G_{\mathrm{splp},d}=\frac{1+z^{-1}}{\left(1+\tau2f_{s}\right)+\left(1-\tau2f_{s}\right)z^{-1}}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Normalizing such that +\begin_inset Formula $a_{0}=1$ +\end_inset + +: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\family roman +\series medium +\shape up +\size normal +\emph off +\bar no +\strikeout off +\xout off +\uuline off +\uwave off +\noun off +\color none +\begin_inset Formula $G_{\mathrm{splp},d}=\frac{\left(1+2\tau f_{s}\right)^{-1}\left(1+z^{-1}\right)}{1+\frac{\left(1-\tau2f_{s}\right)}{\left(1+2\tau f_{s}\right)}z^{-1}}$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +– +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{\mathrm{splp},d}=\frac{1+z^{-1}}{\left(\frac{1}{\tau}+2f_{s}\right)+\left(\frac{1}{\tau}-2f_{s}\right)z^{-1}}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +So its digital filter coefficients are: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{align} +\boldsymbol{b} & =\left[\begin{array}{ccc} +\left(1+2\tau f_{s}\right)^{-1} & \left(1+2\tau f_{s}\right)^{-1} & 0\end{array}\right]^{\mathrm{T}}\\ +\boldsymbol{a} & =\left[\begin{array}{ccc} +1 & \frac{\left(1-\tau2f_{s}\right)}{\left(1+2\tau f_{s}\right)} & 0\end{array}\right]^{\mathrm{T}} +\end{align} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +No correction for frequency warping has been done, as for all cases +\begin_inset Formula $\tau f_{s}\gg1$ +\end_inset + +. + The output frequency of the sound level meter will be decimated to a sampling + frequency, where the single pole low pass filter has a -20 dB point: +\begin_inset Note Note +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1-0.01}{0.01}=\left|\tau s\right|\Rightarrow\left|s\right|=\frac{1}{\tau}\frac{1-0.01}{0.01}\Rightarrow f_{s,\mathrm{slm}}=$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\left|G_{\mathrm{splp}}\right|=\left|\frac{1}{1+\tau s}\right|=-20\,\mathrm{dB}=0.01\Rightarrow s=\frac{1}{\tau}\frac{1-0.01}{0.01} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Hence the minus 20 +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +dB point lies at a sampling frequency of: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{s,\mathrm{slm}}=\frac{1}{2\pi\tau}\frac{1-0.01}{0.01} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Then, the downsampling factor is set at: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +d=\left\lfloor \frac{f_{s}}{f_{s,\mathrm{slm}}}\right\rfloor , +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $\left\lfloor \dots\right\rfloor $ +\end_inset + + denotes the floor operation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Each subsample corresponds to +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +n=o+id +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Find the highest +\begin_inset Formula $i$ +\end_inset + +, that does not fit into +\begin_inset Formula $N$ +\end_inset + + anymore: +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +id>N-o +\] + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Time-averaged sound level +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +L_{A\mathrm{eq},T}=10\log_{10}\left(\frac{1}{p_{\mathrm{ref}}^{2}T}\int\limits _{t-T}^{t}p_{A}^{2}(\xi)\mathrm{d}\xi\right), +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +C-weighting filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Linear amplitude scaling for the C-weighted frequency response: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +C(f)=C_{1000}^{-1}\left(\frac{f_{4}^{2}f^{2}}{\left(f^{2}+f_{1}^{2}\right)\left(f^{2}+f_{4}^{2}\right)}\right)^{2},\label{eq:C_weighting_freqresponse} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $C_{1000}$ +\end_inset + + is the numerator of Eq. + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:C_weighting_freqresponse" + +\end_inset + + evaluated at 1 kHz. + In this Eq. + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{1}=\sqrt{\left(\frac{-b-\sqrt{b^{2}-4c}}{2}\right)}\label{eq:f_1} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +and +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{4}=\sqrt{\left(\frac{-b+\sqrt{b^{2}-4c}}{2}\right)}\label{eq:f_4} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $c=f_{L}^{2}f_{H}^{2}$ +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +b=\frac{1}{1-D}\left[f_{r}^{2}+\frac{f_{L}^{2}f_{H}^{2}}{f_{r}^{2}}-D\left(f_{L}^{2}+f_{H}^{2}\right)\right] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +, with +\begin_inset Formula $D=+\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{2}$ +\end_inset + +. + +\begin_inset Formula $f_{r}=1$ +\end_inset + + kHz, +\begin_inset Formula $f_{L}=10^{1.5}$ +\end_inset + + Hz and +\begin_inset Formula $f_{H}=10^{3.9}$ +\end_inset + + Hz. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +A-weighting filter +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Linear amplitude scaling for the A-weighted frequency response: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +A(f)=A_{1000}^{-1}\frac{f_{4}^{2}f^{4}}{\left(f^{2}+f_{1}^{2}\right)\sqrt{\left(f^{2}+f_{2}^{2}\right)\left(f^{2}+f_{3}^{2}\right)}\left(f^{2}+f_{4}^{2}\right)},\label{eq:A_freq_norm} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +in which +\begin_inset Formula $f_{1}$ +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Formula $f_{4}$ +\end_inset + + are defined in Eqs. + +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:f_1" + +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:f_4" + +\end_inset + +, respectively. + And +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{2}=\frac{3-\sqrt{5}}{2}f_{A}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +and +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{3}=\frac{3+\sqrt{5}}{2}f_{A}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $f_{A}=10^{2.45}$ +\end_inset + + Hz. + The transfer function of +\begin_inset Formula $A$ +\end_inset + + can be written as Equation +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "eq:A_freq_norm" + +\end_inset + + can be rewritten to the following equivalent form +\begin_inset CommandInset citation +LatexCommand cite +key "rimell_design_2015" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +A(s)=K_{A}\frac{\omega_{4}^{2}s^{4}}{\left(s^{2}+\omega_{1}^{2}\right)\left(s+\omega_{2}\right)\left(s+\omega_{3}\right)\left(s^{2}+\omega_{4}^{2}\right)} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Exact midband frequencies +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The midband frequencies of a (fractional) octave band filter are defined + as: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{x}=f_{r}\left[10^{\left(\frac{3}{10}\right)\left(\frac{x}{b}\right)}\right], +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $f_{r}$ +\end_inset + + is the reference frequency of 1000 Hz, +\begin_inset Formula $10^{\left(3/10\right)}$ +\end_inset + + is the nominal octave ratio for a base-10 system. + +\begin_inset Formula $b$ +\end_inset + + is the step-width designator, +\begin_inset Formula $b=3$ +\end_inset + + for one-third-octave intervals. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Octave ratio: Nominal frequency ratio of 2:1. + Base ten system is preferred, where +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{10}=10^{3/10}\approx1.995 +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +, in base 2: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +G_{2}=2, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + Bandwidth designator ( +\begin_inset Formula $b$ +\end_inset + +). + Exact midband frequencies: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{align} +f_{m} & =\left(G^{x/b}\right)f_{r},;\,b\,\mathrm{even}\\ +f_{m} & =\left(G^{\left(2x+1\right)/(2b)}\right)f_{r},;\,b\,\mathrm{odd} +\end{align} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $f_{r}$ +\end_inset + + is the reference frequency (1 kHz). + Bandedge frequencies: frequencies of the lower and upper edges of the passband + of a bandpass filter suchthat the exact midband frequency is the geometric + mean of the lower and upper bandedge frequencies. +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{align} +f_{\ell} & =\left(G^{-1/\left(2b\right)}\right)f_{m}\\ +f_{u} & =\left(G^{+1/\left(2b\right)}\right)f_{m} +\end{align} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $f_{m}$ +\end_inset + + is the exact midband frequency. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Nominal midband frequencies +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +- See standard +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Reverberation time +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Reverberation time is the time that is required to let the instantaneous + sound pressure level drop with 60 db. + Model: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P^{2}(t)=P_{0}^{2}10^{-\alpha t} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +Then at +\begin_inset Formula $T_{60}$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\frac{P^{2}}{P_{0}^{2}}=10^{\frac{-60}{20}}=10^{-3} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Such that at +\begin_inset Formula $T_{60}$ +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Formula $\alpha T_{60}=3$ +\end_inset + +, hence +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +T_{60}=\frac{3}{\alpha}. +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +P^{2}(t)=P_{0}^{2}10^{-\frac{3}{T_{60}}t} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Suppose we have the data +\begin_inset Formula $\boldsymbol{P}^{2}$ +\end_inset + + for given time instances +\begin_inset Formula $\boldsymbol{t}$ +\end_inset + +. + Then we determine +\begin_inset Formula $\alpha$ +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset Formula $P_{0}^{2}$ +\end_inset + + by minimizing: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\left\Vert \boldsymbol{P}^{2}-P_{0}^{2}10^{-\alpha\boldsymbol{t}}\right\Vert ^{2}, +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +which is a nonlinear least squares problem +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Look at Schroeder-back integration! +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Sweep signals +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A sweep signal is a signal which instantaneous frequency changes over time + with a specific profile, the signal follows a sine function with a specific + phase: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +c(t)=\sin\left(\phi(t)\right), +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $\phi(t)$ +\end_inset + + is the phase. + For a sine wave with frequency +\begin_inset Formula $f$ +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Formula $\phi(t)=2\pi ft$ +\end_inset + +. + The instantaneous frequency +\begin_inset Formula $f(t)$ +\end_inset + + is defined as +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f(t)=\frac{\mathrm{d}\phi}{\mathrm{d}t} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + A linear sweep exhibits a profile where +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2}\phi}{\mathrm{d}t^{2}}=\mathrm{constant}$ +\end_inset + +. + For all the sweep implementations, we specify: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The lower frequency +\begin_inset Formula $f_{L}$ +\end_inset + +, +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The upper frequency +\begin_inset Formula $f_{U}$ +\end_inset + +, +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The sweep time of a single period +\begin_inset Formula $T_{c}$ +\end_inset + +, +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The sweep profile, i.e. + forward, backward or continuous +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The sweep type (linear, exponential, hyperbolic) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For the numerical implementation, the phase updating is done based on a + forward Euler estimate of the derivative of the phase: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\phi_{n+1}=\phi_{n}+2\pi f_{n}\Delta t,\qquad n=0...N-1 +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +where +\begin_inset Formula $N=\left\lfloor T_{c}f_{s}\right\rfloor $ +\end_inset + +, and +\begin_inset Formula $\left\lfloor \dots\right\rfloor $ +\end_inset + + denotes rounding down to the nearest integer. + The input parameters are slightly adjusted, such that the sweep becomes + periodic in the discrete time domain, with with +\begin_inset Formula $C_{0}$ +\end_inset + +-continuity, and a sign of the derivative pointing in the same direction. + Note that for this type of +\begin_inset Formula $C_{0}$ +\end_inset + +-continuity, we require that +\begin_inset Formula $\phi_{N}=2\pi K$ +\end_inset + +, where +\begin_inset Formula $K\in\mathbb{N}_{0}$ +\end_inset + + (all natural numbers including 0). + The boundary conditions are thus: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{align} +\phi_{0} & =0\\ +\phi_{N} & =0\\ +\frac{\mathrm{d}\phi_{0}}{\mathrm{d}n} & =\frac{\mathrm{d}\phi_{N}}{\mathrm{d}n} +\end{align} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Forward linear sweep +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For a forward linear sweep with period +\begin_inset Formula $T_{c}$ +\end_inset + +, the discrete sweep phase in a single period is defined as: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +f_{n}=f_{L}+\frac{n}{N}\left(f_{U}+\varepsilon-f_{L}\right).\label{eq:forward_linear} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +This results in the following equation for the phase: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{align} +\phi_{n+1}=\phi_{n}+2\pi f_{L}\Delta t+2\pi\frac{n}{N}\Delta t\left(f_{U}+\varepsilon-f_{L}\right) +\end{align} + +\end_inset + +Solving this recurrence relation yields: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\phi_{n}=2\pi\Delta t\left[f_{L}n+\frac{1}{2N}\left(n^{2}-n\right)\left(f_{U}+\varepsilon-f_{L}\right)\right] +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +We first make a proper estimate of +\begin_inset Formula $K$ +\end_inset + +, by setting +\begin_inset Formula $\phi_{N}=2\pi K$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +K=\left\lfloor \Delta t\left[f_{L}N+\frac{1}{2}\left(N-1\right)\left(f_{U}-f_{L}\right)\right]\right\rfloor , +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + +which is used to set the correction +\begin_inset Formula $\varepsilon$ +\end_inset + +: +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\varepsilon=\frac{\frac{K}{\Delta t}-f_{L}N-\frac{1}{2}\left(N-1\right)\left(f_{U}-f_{L}\right)}{\frac{1}{2}\left(N-1\right)} +\end{equation} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Backward linear sweep +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The procedure for creating a backward linear sweep is similar to a forward + linear sweep, only we replace +\begin_inset Formula $f_{U}$ +\end_inset + + with +\begin_inset Formula $f_{L}$ +\end_inset + + and vice versa. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Continuous linear sweep +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +We define +\begin_inset Formula $N_{f}$ +\end_inset + + as +\begin_inset Formula $\left\lfloor N/2\right\rfloor $ +\end_inset + +, and +\begin_inset Formula $N_{b}=N-N_{f}$ +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{equation} +\phi_{n+1}=\begin{cases} +\phi_{n}+2\pi\Delta t\left(f_{L}+\frac{n}{N_{f}}\left(f_{U}-f_{L}\right)\right) & 0\leq n\leq N_{f}\\ +\phi_{n}+2\pi\Delta t\left(f_{U}+\varepsilon-\frac{n-N_{f}}{N_{b}}\left(f_{U}+\varepsilon-f_{L}\right)\right) & N_{f} + + + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-0.8 0 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-0.8 0 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e +0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e + + + + +0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e + + + + + +0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 e + + +0.6 0 0 0.6 0 0 e +0.4 0 0 0.4 0 0 e + + + + + +-0.6 -0.6 m +0.6 -0.6 l +0.6 0.6 l +-0.6 0.6 l +h +-0.4 -0.4 m +0.4 -0.4 l +0.4 0.4 l +-0.4 0.4 l +h + + + + +-0.6 -0.6 m +0.6 -0.6 l +0.6 0.6 l +-0.6 0.6 l +h + + + + + +-0.5 -0.5 m +0.5 -0.5 l +0.5 0.5 l +-0.5 0.5 l +h + + +-0.6 -0.6 m +0.6 -0.6 l +0.6 0.6 l +-0.6 0.6 l +h +-0.4 -0.4 m +0.4 -0.4 l +0.4 0.4 l +-0.4 0.4 l +h + + + + + + +-0.43 -0.57 m +0.57 0.43 l +0.43 0.57 l +-0.57 -0.43 l +h + + +-0.43 0.57 m +0.57 -0.43 l +0.43 -0.57 l +-0.57 0.43 l +h + + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-0.8 0 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-0.8 0 l +-1 -0.333 l +h + + + + +-1 0.333 m +0 0 l +-1 -0.333 l + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-1 -0.333 l +h +-1 0 m +-2 0.333 l +-2 -0.333 l +h + + + + +0 0 m +-1 0.333 l +-1 -0.333 l +h +-1 0 m +-2 0.333 l +-2 -0.333 l +h + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +224 752 l +224 768 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +128 776 m +172 776 l + +P + +128 744 m +288 744 l + +N +Impulse response, zero-padded to N + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +192 656 m +192 592 l + +FFT + +16 0 0 16 192 576 e + + +200 584 m +184 568 l + + +184 584 m +200 568 l + + +120 760 m +88 760 l +88 576 l +172 576 l + + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +192 560 m +192 496 l + + +128 500 m +176 500 l + + +176 776 m +288 776 l + +L +FFT +P-1 + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +244 692 m +288 692 l + +P-1 + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + +128 688 m +128 672 l +288 672 l +288 688 l +h + + +128 768 m +128 752 l +192 752 l +192 768 l +h + + + diff --git a/img/overlap_save.pdf b/img/overlap_save.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6bb32f Binary files /dev/null and b/img/overlap_save.pdf differ diff --git a/img/radiator.png b/img/radiator.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5536b7d Binary files /dev/null and b/img/radiator.png differ diff --git a/img_default/ascee_beeldmerk.pdf b/img_default/ascee_beeldmerk.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d3d803 Binary files /dev/null and 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202.777 346.07 c 201.895 + 345.613 200.98 345.191 200.066 344.812 c 199.145 344.438 198.25 344.066 + 197.379 343.699 c 196.527 343.348 195.758 342.922 195.09 342.441 c 194.434 + 341.969 193.898 341.395 193.504 340.734 c 193.113 340.082 192.918 339.262 + 192.918 338.293 c 192.918 337.691 l 192.918 337.023 193.039 336.387 193.285 + 335.809 c 193.527 335.23 193.867 334.719 194.293 334.281 c 194.723 333.852 + 195.223 333.504 195.785 333.25 c 196.344 333 196.957 332.875 197.605 332.875 + c 199.332 332.875 l 199.977 332.875 200.59 333 201.148 333.25 c 201.711 + 333.5 202.207 333.848 202.629 334.281 c 203.047 334.715 203.387 335.23 +203.629 335.809 c 203.871 336.387 203.996 337.02 203.996 337.691 c 203.996 + 339.473 l 207.367 337.539 l 207.348 337.355 l 207.336 337.281 207.141 335.508 + 206.734 334.531 c 206.324 333.555 205.754 332.684 205.043 331.949 c 204.332 + 331.215 203.488 330.629 202.535 330.207 c 201.578 329.785 200.543 329.57 + 199.461 329.57 c 197.473 329.57 l 196.391 329.57 195.352 329.785 194.391 + 330.207 c 193.434 330.629 192.586 331.215 191.871 331.949 c 191.156 332.684 + 190.59 333.555 190.18 334.531 c 189.773 335.512 189.566 336.574 189.566 + 337.691 c 189.566 338.293 l 189.566 339.695 189.785 340.895 190.215 341.859 + c 190.648 342.828 191.23 343.656 191.945 344.324 c 192.652 344.984 193.465 + 345.547 194.355 345.984 c 195.234 346.418 196.148 346.82 197.07 347.176 + c 197.988 347.531 198.883 347.887 199.754 348.242 c 200.602 348.59 201.371 + 349.016 202.035 349.512 c 202.695 350 203.227 350.598 203.621 351.285 c + 204.016 351.969 204.211 352.84 204.211 353.883 c 204.211 354.844 l 204.211 + 355.512 204.078 356.141 203.816 356.715 c 203.551 357.301 203.188 357.82 + 202.742 358.258 c 202.293 358.699 201.77 359.051 201.184 359.305 c 200.605 + 359.555 199.98 359.68 199.332 359.68 c 197.387 359.68 l 196.738 359.68 +196.109 359.555 195.52 359.305 c 194.93 359.051 194.402 358.699 193.957 +358.258 c 193.508 357.82 193.145 357.301 192.883 356.719 c 192.617 356.141 + 192.484 355.508 192.484 354.844 c 192.484 352.617 l 189.133 354.539 l 189.133 + 354.844 l 189.133 355.961 189.355 357.023 189.797 358.008 c 190.234 358.988 + 190.828 359.855 191.562 360.586 c 192.297 361.32 193.16 361.906 194.133 + 362.328 c 195.105 362.75 196.152 362.965 197.238 362.965 c 199.461 362.965 + l 200.547 362.965 201.59 362.75 202.566 362.328 c 203.539 361.906 204.402 + 361.32 205.141 360.586 c 205.871 359.855 206.465 358.988 206.902 358.008 + c 207.34 357.023 207.566 355.957 207.566 354.844 c 207.566 353.883 l 207.566 + 352.488 207.348 351.277 206.914 350.293 c 206.484 349.316 205.902 348.473 + 205.188 347.789 c f +230.434 331.949 m 229.723 331.215 228.879 330.629 227.93 330.207 c 226.973 + 329.785 225.938 329.57 224.855 329.57 c 222.652 329.57 l 221.566 329.57 + 220.527 329.785 219.566 330.207 c 218.609 330.629 217.762 331.215 217.047 + 331.949 c 216.332 332.688 215.766 333.555 215.355 334.531 c 214.949 335.512 + 214.742 336.574 214.742 337.691 c 214.742 354.844 l 214.742 355.961 214.949 + 357.023 215.355 358.004 c 215.766 358.98 216.336 359.848 217.047 360.582 + c 217.758 361.32 218.605 361.906 219.566 362.328 c 220.527 362.75 221.562 + 362.965 222.652 362.965 c 224.855 362.965 l 225.941 362.965 226.973 362.75 + 227.93 362.328 c 228.879 361.906 229.723 361.316 230.434 360.582 c 231.148 + 359.848 231.715 358.98 232.125 358.004 c 232.531 357.02 232.738 355.957 + 232.738 354.844 c 232.738 354.539 l 229.387 352.617 l 229.387 354.844 l + 229.387 355.516 229.266 356.148 229.02 356.723 c 228.777 357.305 228.438 + 357.824 228.02 358.266 c 227.602 358.703 227.102 359.055 226.543 359.305 + c 225.984 359.555 225.375 359.68 224.723 359.68 c 222.777 359.68 l 222.129 + 359.68 221.52 359.555 220.961 359.305 c 220.402 359.055 219.898 358.703 + 219.473 358.262 c 219.043 357.82 218.703 357.305 218.461 356.723 c 218.219 + 356.148 218.094 355.516 218.094 354.844 c 218.094 337.691 l 218.094 337.02 + 218.219 336.387 218.461 335.809 c 218.703 335.23 219.043 334.719 219.469 + 334.285 c 219.898 333.848 220.402 333.504 220.961 333.25 c 221.52 333.004 + 222.133 332.875 222.777 332.875 c 224.723 332.875 l 225.371 332.875 225.98 + 333.004 226.543 333.25 c 227.102 333.504 227.602 333.848 228.02 334.281 + c 228.441 334.715 228.777 335.227 229.02 335.809 c 229.266 336.387 229.387 + 337.02 229.387 337.691 c 229.387 339.914 l 232.738 338.02 l 232.738 337.691 + l 232.738 336.574 232.531 335.512 232.125 334.531 c 231.719 333.555 231.148 + 332.684 230.434 331.949 c f +240.586 362.52 m 258.586 362.52 l 258.586 359.215 l 243.938 359.215 l 243.938 + 347.93 l 252.406 347.93 l 252.406 344.625 l 243.938 344.625 l 243.938 333.32 + l 258.586 333.32 l 258.586 330.016 l 240.586 330.016 l h +240.586 362.52 m f +283.543 333.32 m 283.543 330.016 l 265.547 330.016 l 265.547 362.52 l 283.543 + 362.52 l 283.543 359.215 l 268.898 359.215 l 268.898 347.93 l 277.367 347.93 + l 277.367 344.625 l 268.898 344.625 l 268.898 333.32 l h +283.543 333.32 m f +Q q +116 321 24 50 re W n +116 325.098 m 116 337.871 l 116 339.426 116.703 340.895 117.867 341.895 + c 116.691 342.949 116 344.457 116 346.066 c 116 353.93 l 116 354.883 116.238 + 355.805 116.695 356.633 c 116.238 357.43 116 358.32 116 359.25 c 116 365.363 + l 116 368.117 118.281 370.363 121.082 370.363 c 122.918 370.363 124.57 +369.406 125.469 367.898 c 126.113 368.18 126.809 368.324 127.527 368.324 + c 130.301 368.324 132.562 366.133 132.613 363.418 c 135.438 362.602 137.414 + 360.059 137.414 357.094 c 137.414 356.059 137.172 355.059 136.711 354.152 + c 138.43 353.066 139.496 351.191 139.496 349.137 c 139.496 347.988 139.156 + 346.867 138.531 345.906 c 139.164 344.844 139.496 343.641 139.496 342.395 + c 139.496 340.102 138.359 337.98 136.48 336.684 c 136.691 336.129 136.797 + 335.543 136.797 334.949 c 136.797 332.492 134.984 330.445 132.609 330.027 + c 132.484 327.535 130.504 325.52 128 325.293 c 127.254 323.73 125.625 322.684 + 123.836 322.684 c 123.375 322.684 122.914 322.75 122.48 322.883 c 121.801 + 322.039 120.754 321.523 119.633 321.523 c 117.629 321.523 116 323.125 116 + 325.098 c 117.801 337.871 m 117.801 325.098 l 117.801 324.105 118.621 323.301 + 119.629 323.301 c 120.262 323.301 120.832 323.641 121.164 324.16 c 121.004 + 324.883 120.621 325.887 120.066 326.207 c 119.641 326.457 119.5 327 119.754 + 327.422 c 119.922 327.703 120.223 327.859 120.531 327.859 c 120.684 327.859 + 120.844 327.816 120.988 327.734 c 122.191 327.035 122.707 325.469 122.902 + 324.633 c 123.199 324.527 123.512 324.457 123.832 324.457 c 125.027 324.457 + 126.098 325.227 126.477 326.332 c 126.484 326.824 126.453 328.789 125.34 + 330.02 c 124.914 330.488 124.375 330.789 123.707 330.945 c 123.508 330.02 + 122.84 329.211 121.867 328.875 c 121.402 328.715 120.883 328.961 120.719 + 329.422 c 120.555 329.887 120.801 330.391 121.273 330.555 c 121.816 330.738 + 122.105 331.328 121.918 331.859 c 121.727 332.398 121.133 332.684 120.586 + 332.496 c 120.113 332.336 119.602 332.578 119.438 333.043 c 119.273 333.504 + 119.523 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0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.498039 ] + /N 1 + >> + ] + /Bounds [ 0.25 0.375 0.4375 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585937 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617187 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632813 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664063 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867187 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882813 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 ] + /Encode [ 1 1 144 { pop 0 1 } for ] +>> +def + << /ShadingType 2 + /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB + /Coords [ -0.194034 0 0.696154 0 ] + /Extend [ true true ] + /Function CairoFunction + >> +shfill +Q +q +127.438 382.105 m 163.906 346.586 l 128.055 309.777 l 91.586 345.301 l +h +127.438 382.105 m W n +[-40.27288 -41.346773 41.346773 -40.27288 137.856843 356.324871] concat +/CairoFunction +<< /FunctionType 3 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /Functions [ + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.682353 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.317647 0.678431 0.898039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.317647 0.678431 0.898039 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.894118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.894118 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.894118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.894118 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.890196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.890196 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.886275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.886275 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.882353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.678431 0.882353 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.882353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.882353 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.878431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.878431 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.87451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.87451 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.87451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.87451 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.870588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.870588 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.866667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.866667 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.866667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.866667 ] + /C1 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.862745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.313726 0.682353 0.862745 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.858824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.858824 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.854902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.854902 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.854902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.854902 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.85098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.85098 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.847059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.847059 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.847059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.847059 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.843137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.843137 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.839216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.682353 0.839216 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.835294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.835294 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.835294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.835294 ] + /C1 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.831373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.309804 0.686275 0.831373 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.827451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.827451 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.827451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.827451 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.823529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.823529 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.819608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.819608 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.819608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.819608 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.815686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.815686 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.811765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.811765 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.8 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.8 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.8 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.8 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.768627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.768627 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.498039 ] + /N 1 + >> + ] + /Bounds [ 0.25 0.375 0.4375 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585937 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617187 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632813 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664063 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867187 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882813 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 ] + /Encode [ 1 1 144 { pop 0 1 } for ] +>> +def + << /ShadingType 2 + /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB + /Coords [ -0.194036 0 0.696152 0 ] + /Extend [ true true ] + /Function CairoFunction + >> +shfill +Q + Q +Q +Q q +90 321 25 50 re W n +107.672 322.883 m 107.234 322.75 106.777 322.684 106.316 322.684 c 104.527 + 322.684 102.898 323.73 102.152 325.293 c 99.648 325.52 97.668 327.535 97.543 + 330.027 c 95.164 330.445 93.355 332.492 93.355 334.949 c 93.355 335.539 + 93.465 336.129 93.672 336.684 c 91.793 337.98 90.656 340.102 90.656 342.395 + c 90.656 343.641 90.988 344.844 91.621 345.91 c 90.996 346.867 90.656 347.992 + 90.656 349.137 c 90.656 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0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.545098 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.541176 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.537255 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.533333 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.529412 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.52549 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.521569 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.517647 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.513726 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.509804 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.505882 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.501961 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.498039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.498039 ] + /C1 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.494118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.278431 0.709804 0.494118 ] + /C1 [ 0.27451 0.709804 0.490196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.27451 0.709804 0.490196 ] + /C1 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.490196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.490196 ] + /C1 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.486275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.486275 ] + /C1 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.482353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.482353 ] + /C1 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.482353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.27451 0.713726 0.482353 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.478431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.478431 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.47451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.47451 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.470588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.470588 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.470588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.470588 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.466667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.466667 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.462745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.462745 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.458824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.458824 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.458824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.458824 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.454902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.454902 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.45098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.45098 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.447059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.447059 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.443137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.443137 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.443137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.443137 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.439216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.439216 ] + /C1 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.435294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.270588 0.713726 0.435294 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.713726 0.435294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.713726 0.435294 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.713726 0.431373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.713726 0.431373 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.427451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.427451 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.423529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.423529 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.423529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.423529 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.419608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.419608 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.415686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.415686 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.411765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.411765 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.407843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.407843 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.407843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.407843 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.403922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.403922 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.4 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.4 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.396078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.396078 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.396078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.396078 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.392157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.392157 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.388235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.388235 ] + /C1 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.384314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.266667 0.717647 0.384314 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.384314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.384314 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.380392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.380392 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.376471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.376471 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.372549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.717647 0.372549 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.372549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.372549 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.368627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.368627 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.364706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.364706 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.360784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.360784 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.356863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.356863 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.356863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.356863 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.352941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.352941 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.34902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.34902 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.345098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.345098 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.341176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.341176 ] + /C1 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.337255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.262745 0.721569 0.337255 ] + /C1 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.333333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.333333 ] + /C1 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.333333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.333333 ] + /C1 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.329412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.329412 ] + /C1 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.32549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.32549 ] + /C1 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.321569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.258824 0.721569 0.321569 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.321569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.321569 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.317647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.317647 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.313726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.313726 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.309804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.309804 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.309804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.309804 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.305882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.305882 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.301961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.301961 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.298039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.298039 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.294118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.294118 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.294118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.721569 0.294118 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.290196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.290196 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.286275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.286275 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.282353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.282353 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.278431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.278431 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.278431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.278431 ] + /C1 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.27451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.254902 0.72549 0.27451 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.270588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.270588 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.270588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.270588 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.266667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.266667 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.262745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.262745 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.258824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.258824 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.254902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.254902 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.254902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.254902 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.25098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.25098 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.247059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.247059 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.243137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.243137 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.239216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.239216 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.239216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.239216 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.235294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.235294 ] + /C1 [ 0.25098 0.72549 0.235294 ] + /N 1 + >> + ] + /Bounds [ 0.0625 0.09375 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.121094 0.125 0.128906 0.132812 0.136719 0.140625 0.144531 0.148438 0.152344 0.15625 0.160156 0.164062 0.167969 0.171875 0.175781 0.179688 0.183594 0.1875 0.191406 0.195312 0.199219 0.203125 0.207031 0.210938 0.214844 0.21875 0.222656 0.226562 0.230469 0.234375 0.238281 0.242188 0.246094 0.25 0.253906 0.257812 0.261719 0.265625 0.269531 0.273438 0.277344 0.28125 0.285156 0.289062 0.292969 0.296875 0.300781 0.304688 0.308594 0.3125 0.316406 0.320312 0.324219 0.328125 0.332031 0.335938 0.339844 0.34375 0.347656 0.351562 0.355469 0.359375 0.363281 0.367188 0.371094 0.375 0.378906 0.382812 0.386719 0.390625 0.394531 0.398438 0.402344 0.40625 0.410156 0.414062 0.417969 0.421875 0.425781 0.429688 0.433594 0.4375 0.441406 0.445312 0.449219 0.453125 0.457031 0.460938 0.464844 0.46875 0.472656 0.476562 0.480469 0.484375 0.488281 0.492188 0.496094 0.5 0.503906 0.507812 0.511719 0.515625 0.519531 0.523438 0.527344 0.53125 0.535156 0.539062 0.542969 0.546875 0.550781 0.554688 0.558594 0.5625 0.566406 0.570312 0.574219 0.578125 0.582031 0.585938 0.589844 0.59375 0.597656 0.601562 0.605469 0.609375 0.613281 0.617188 0.621094 0.625 0.628906 0.632812 0.636719 0.640625 0.644531 0.648438 0.652344 0.65625 0.660156 0.664062 0.667969 0.671875 0.675781 0.679688 0.683594 0.6875 0.691406 0.695312 0.699219 0.703125 0.707031 0.710938 0.714844 0.71875 0.722656 0.726562 0.730469 0.734375 0.738281 0.742188 0.746094 0.75 0.753906 0.757812 0.761719 0.765625 0.769531 0.773438 0.777344 0.78125 0.785156 0.789062 0.792969 0.796875 0.800781 0.804688 0.808594 0.8125 0.816406 0.820312 0.824219 0.828125 0.832031 0.835938 0.839844 0.84375 0.847656 0.851562 0.855469 0.859375 0.863281 0.867188 0.871094 0.875 0.878906 0.882812 0.886719 0.890625 0.894531 0.898438 0.902344 0.90625 0.910156 0.914062 0.917969 0.921875 0.925781 0.929688 0.933594 0.9375 0.941406 0.945312 0.949219 0.953125 0.957031 0.960938 0.964844 0.96875 0.972656 0.976562 0.980469 0.984375 0.988281 0.992188 0.996094 ] + /Encode [ 1 1 231 { pop 0 1 } for ] +>> +def + << /ShadingType 2 + /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB + /Coords [ 0.112317 0 1.002493 0 ] + /Extend [ true true ] + /Function CairoFunction + >> +shfill +Q + Q +Q +Q q +98 343 14 14 re W n +103.406 343.781 m 103.375 344.145 103.352 344.512 103.312 344.875 c 103.305 + 344.938 103.234 345.016 103.176 345.043 c 102.918 345.16 102.648 345.25 + 102.395 345.371 c 102.281 345.426 102.215 345.414 102.125 345.336 c 101.891 + 345.133 101.641 344.945 101.41 344.742 c 101.316 344.656 101.246 344.656 + 101.145 344.73 c 100.949 344.867 100.75 344.996 100.543 345.117 c 100.43 + 345.184 100.422 345.254 100.465 345.367 c 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] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.811765 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.686275 0.807843 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.807843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.807843 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /C1 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.305882 0.690196 0.803922 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.8 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.8 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.796078 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.792157 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.788235 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.784314 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.780392 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.776471 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.690196 0.772549 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.768627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.768627 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.764706 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.760784 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.756863 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /C1 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.301961 0.694118 0.752941 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.733333 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.729412 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.698039 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.694118 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.690196 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.686275 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.682353 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.678431 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.67451 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.670588 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.666667 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.662745 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.658824 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.701961 0.654902 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.65098 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.647059 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /C1 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.290196 0.701961 0.643137 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.639216 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.635294 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.631373 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.627451 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.623529 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.701961 0.619608 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.615686 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.611765 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.607843 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.603922 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.6 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.286275 0.705882 0.596078 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.592157 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.588235 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.584314 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.580392 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.576471 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.572549 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.568627 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.705882 0.564706 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.560784 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.556863 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.552941 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /C1 [ 0.282353 0.709804 0.54902 ] + /N 1 + >> + ] + /Bounds [ 0.0078125 0.015625 0.0234375 0.03125 0.0390625 0.046875 0.0546875 0.0625 0.0703125 0.078125 0.0859375 0.0898438 0.09375 0.0976562 0.101563 0.105469 0.109375 0.113281 0.117188 0.125 0.132812 0.140625 0.148437 0.15625 0.164063 0.171875 0.179688 0.1875 0.195312 0.203125 0.210937 0.21875 0.226563 0.234375 0.242188 0.25 0.257812 0.265625 0.273437 0.28125 0.289063 0.296875 0.304688 0.3125 0.320312 0.328125 0.335937 0.34375 0.351563 0.359375 0.367188 0.375 0.382812 0.390625 0.398437 0.40625 0.414063 0.421875 0.429688 0.4375 0.445312 0.453125 0.460937 0.46875 0.476563 0.484375 0.492188 0.5 0.507812 0.515625 0.523437 0.53125 0.539063 0.546875 0.554688 0.5625 0.570312 0.578125 0.585938 0.59375 0.601563 0.609375 0.617188 0.625 0.632812 0.640625 0.648437 0.65625 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/Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.74902 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.745098 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.741176 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.737255 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + 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/Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.72549 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.694118 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.721569 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.721569 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.717647 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.713726 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.709804 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.705882 ] + /C1 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.298039 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + /Domain [ 0 1 ] + /C0 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /C1 [ 0.294118 0.698039 0.701961 ] + /N 1 + >> + << /FunctionType 2 + 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0.460937 0.46875 0.476562 0.484375 0.492187 0.5 0.507812 0.515625 0.523438 0.53125 0.539063 0.546875 0.554688 0.5625 0.570312 0.578125 0.585937 0.59375 0.601562 0.609375 0.617188 0.625 0.632812 0.640625 0.648438 0.65625 0.664063 0.671875 0.679688 0.6875 0.695312 0.703125 0.710937 0.71875 0.726562 0.734375 0.742188 0.75 0.757812 0.765625 0.773438 0.78125 0.789063 0.796875 0.804688 0.8125 0.820312 0.828125 0.835937 0.84375 0.851562 0.859375 0.867188 0.875 0.882812 0.890625 0.898438 0.90625 0.914063 0.921875 0.929688 0.9375 0.945312 0.953125 0.960937 0.96875 0.976562 0.984375 0.992188 ] + /Encode [ 1 1 128 { pop 0 1 } for ] +>> +def + << /ShadingType 2 + /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB + /Coords [ 0.244657 0 0.479311 0 ] + /Extend [ true true ] + /Function CairoFunction + >> +shfill +Q + Q +Q +Q q +0.298039 0.290196 0.298039 rg +1.192 w +0 J +0 j +[] 0.0 d +10 M q 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm +151.863 321.727 m 151.863 369.508 l S Q +0.247059 0.721569 0.227451 rg +323.074 369.441 m 322.418 369.277 321.855 368.68 321.734 368.008 c 321.707 + 367.871 321.695 366.742 321.703 364.949 c 321.711 362.109 l 322.387 362.109 + l 322.41 365.09 l 322.43 368.445 322.402 368.168 322.742 368.508 c 323 +368.766 323.262 368.848 323.82 368.848 c 324.18 368.848 324.32 368.828 324.492 + 368.766 c 324.754 368.668 325.008 368.43 325.125 368.176 c 325.211 367.992 + 325.211 367.957 325.23 365.051 c 325.25 362.109 l 325.926 362.109 l 325.938 + 364.832 l 325.941 366.328 325.934 367.691 325.91 367.863 c 325.836 368.512 + 325.473 369.02 324.883 369.312 c 324.578 369.461 l 323.902 369.469 l 323.527 + 369.473 323.156 369.461 323.074 369.441 c h +328.871 369.402 m 328.254 369.184 327.816 368.719 327.68 368.129 c 327.586 + 367.742 327.586 363.762 327.68 363.355 c 327.797 362.84 328.219 362.367 + 328.77 362.141 c 329 362.043 329.09 362.031 329.629 362.016 c 330.113 362.004 + 330.277 362.012 330.465 362.066 c 331.027 362.23 331.457 362.586 331.68 + 363.07 c 331.785 363.297 331.809 363.402 331.82 363.723 c 331.84 364.102 + l 331.559 364.148 l 331.137 364.219 331.168 364.242 331.145 363.848 c 331.117 + 363.305 330.898 362.961 330.441 362.746 c 330.285 362.676 330.184 362.664 + 329.742 362.664 c 329.285 362.664 329.203 362.676 329.016 362.758 c 328.773 + 362.871 328.445 363.207 328.363 363.43 c 328.324 363.547 328.312 364.047 + 328.312 365.766 c 328.312 367.953 l 328.422 368.176 l 328.543 368.422 328.719 + 368.598 328.98 368.734 c 329.117 368.809 329.227 368.824 329.629 368.84 + c 330.293 368.859 330.488 368.801 330.801 368.492 c 331.066 368.223 331.156 + 367.996 331.156 367.562 c 331.156 367.285 l 331.324 367.312 l 331.418 367.328 + 331.57 367.352 331.664 367.363 c 331.84 367.387 l 331.824 367.773 l 331.809 + 368.125 331.793 368.188 331.656 368.461 c 331.465 368.852 331.191 369.121 + 330.801 369.316 c 330.5 369.461 l 329.801 369.473 l 329.184 369.48 329.082 + 369.473 328.871 369.402 c h +347.125 369.441 m 346.453 369.273 345.895 368.66 345.785 367.973 c 345.73 + 367.625 345.73 363.859 345.785 363.52 c 345.844 363.168 345.977 362.887 + 346.207 362.641 c 346.469 362.359 346.676 362.227 347.027 362.109 c 347.289 + 362.02 347.395 362.008 347.859 362.008 c 348.148 362.008 348.465 362.027 + 348.555 362.051 c 348.836 362.113 349.16 362.289 349.391 362.5 c 349.641 + 362.73 349.746 362.887 349.883 363.223 c 349.977 363.461 l 349.988 365.562 + l 349.996 366.949 349.988 367.758 349.957 367.945 c 349.863 368.559 349.5 + 369.043 348.934 369.312 c 348.625 369.461 l 347.949 369.469 l 347.578 369.473 + 347.207 369.461 347.125 369.441 c h +348.535 368.766 m 348.816 368.664 349 368.504 349.145 368.242 c 349.262 + 368.031 l 349.273 365.828 l 349.285 363.293 349.297 363.375 348.949 363.02 + c 348.645 362.711 348.402 362.633 347.812 362.652 c 347.453 362.664 347.312 + 362.684 347.172 362.75 c 346.91 362.867 346.66 363.105 346.555 363.34 c + 346.461 363.539 l 346.461 365.73 l 346.461 368.07 346.457 368.051 346.664 + 368.355 c 346.906 368.715 347.23 368.844 347.879 368.844 c 348.227 368.844 + 348.371 368.828 348.535 368.766 c h +310.086 365.746 m 310.086 362.086 l 312.203 362.098 l 314.32 362.105 l +314.32 362.742 l 312.559 362.754 l 310.801 362.766 l 310.801 365.426 l 313.621 + 365.426 l 313.621 366.062 l 310.801 366.062 l 310.801 368.727 l 312.559 + 368.734 l 314.32 368.746 l 314.32 369.383 l 312.203 369.395 l 310.086 369.402 + l h +315.789 369.352 m 315.777 369.324 315.773 367.684 315.777 365.707 c 315.789 + 362.109 l 316.961 362.098 l 317.645 362.09 318.25 362.102 318.414 362.129 + c 319.188 362.246 319.824 362.824 319.977 363.551 c 320.035 363.824 320.039 + 367.715 319.98 367.965 c 319.871 368.434 319.461 368.965 319.035 369.184 + c 318.656 369.375 318.41 369.402 317.051 369.402 c 316.09 369.402 315.801 + 369.391 315.789 369.352 c h +318.52 368.688 m 318.793 368.594 319.039 368.367 319.18 368.09 c 319.309 + 367.836 l 319.301 365.707 l 319.289 363.586 319.289 363.578 319.199 363.41 + c 319.07 363.168 318.805 362.934 318.562 362.844 c 318.371 362.773 318.254 + 362.762 317.418 362.762 c 316.484 362.762 l 316.484 368.773 l 317.43 368.758 + l 318.043 368.742 318.426 368.719 318.52 368.688 c h +332.801 369.336 m 333.668 366.441 334.941 362.242 334.969 362.176 c 335 + 362.105 335.039 362.086 335.168 362.086 c 335.297 362.086 335.34 362.105 + 335.367 362.176 c 335.391 362.227 335.883 363.84 336.461 365.766 c 337.043 + 367.688 337.527 369.293 337.539 369.332 c 337.559 369.395 337.523 369.402 + 337.199 369.402 c 336.844 369.402 l 336.785 369.215 l 336.754 369.109 336.645 + 368.727 336.539 368.359 c 336.352 367.691 l 333.996 367.691 l 333.758 368.539 + l 333.52 369.383 l 333.148 369.395 l 332.809 369.402 332.781 369.398 332.801 + 369.336 c h +335.84 365.973 m 335.664 365.379 335.445 364.621 335.352 364.297 c 335.18 + 363.699 l 335.117 363.898 l 335.082 364.008 334.875 364.711 334.652 365.465 + c 334.434 366.223 334.234 366.887 334.215 366.949 c 334.18 367.059 l 336.152 + 367.059 l h +339.543 366.082 m 339.543 362.762 l 337.754 362.762 l 337.754 362.086 l + 342.008 362.086 l 342.008 362.762 l 340.219 362.762 l 340.219 369.402 l + 339.543 369.402 l h +343.277 365.746 m 343.277 362.086 l 343.953 362.086 l 343.953 369.402 l + 343.277 369.402 l h +351.785 365.746 m 351.785 362.082 l 351.973 362.094 l 352.156 362.109 l + 353.699 364.73 l 354.551 366.176 355.262 367.41 355.281 367.473 c 355.305 + 367.551 355.32 366.57 355.32 364.84 c 355.324 362.086 l 356 362.086 l 356 + 369.402 l 355.652 369.402 l 354.086 366.75 l 352.523 364.098 l 352.504 +366.742 l 352.48 369.383 l 351.785 369.406 l h +323.125 356.219 m 322.695 356.105 322.207 355.711 322.008 355.324 c 321.82 + 354.953 321.812 354.852 321.812 352.547 c 321.812 350.148 321.816 350.102 + 322.062 349.691 c 322.293 349.305 322.68 349.016 323.16 348.875 c 323.461 + 348.785 324.379 348.785 324.676 348.875 c 325.512 349.121 326.027 349.789 + 326.027 350.617 c 326.027 350.906 l 325.727 350.953 l 325.562 350.977 325.41 + 350.996 325.395 350.996 c 325.375 350.996 325.352 350.848 325.344 350.664 + c 325.312 350.078 325.008 349.656 324.504 349.508 c 324.23 349.426 323.59 + 349.426 323.332 349.512 c 323.027 349.609 322.77 349.828 322.629 350.102 + c 322.508 350.336 l 322.508 354.793 l 322.602 354.973 l 322.73 355.215 +322.906 355.398 323.145 355.52 c 323.32 355.613 323.398 355.625 323.828 +355.641 c 324.215 355.652 324.359 355.641 324.535 355.586 c 324.824 355.496 + 325.109 355.242 325.234 354.965 c 325.324 354.766 325.332 354.699 325.344 + 353.867 c 325.355 352.984 l 324.156 352.984 l 324.156 352.348 l 326.027 + 352.348 l 326.027 356.211 l 325.918 356.195 l 325.832 356.188 325.766 356.121 + 325.613 355.898 c 325.422 355.617 l 325.301 355.754 l 325.125 355.949 324.883 + 356.105 324.602 356.203 c 324.406 356.27 324.266 356.285 323.852 356.281 + c 323.539 356.281 323.258 356.258 323.125 356.219 c h +363.625 356.191 m 362.945 355.957 362.5 355.43 362.402 354.75 c 362.352 + 354.395 362.352 350.703 362.402 350.34 c 362.5 349.641 363.039 349.062 +363.773 348.863 c 364.008 348.801 364.922 348.793 365.184 348.852 c 365.684 + 348.969 366.203 349.375 366.414 349.82 c 366.539 350.086 366.629 350.496 + 366.605 350.742 c 366.594 350.898 l 366.336 350.945 l 365.879 351.031 365.898 + 351.039 365.898 350.699 c 365.898 350.168 365.68 349.797 365.223 349.559 + c 365.062 349.473 364.992 349.465 364.508 349.465 c 364.043 349.465 363.945 + 349.477 363.785 349.551 c 363.551 349.66 363.293 349.895 363.184 350.098 + c 363.098 350.258 363.098 350.285 363.086 352.5 c 363.074 354.742 l 363.168 + 354.949 l 363.285 355.207 363.508 355.434 363.75 355.543 c 364.027 355.668 + 364.84 355.688 365.145 355.57 c 365.445 355.457 365.633 355.289 365.777 + 355.004 c 365.898 354.762 l 365.898 352.984 l 364.707 352.984 l 364.707 + 352.348 l 366.613 352.348 l 366.605 354.266 l 366.594 356.184 l 366.492 + 356.195 l 366.406 356.207 366.363 356.164 366.199 355.93 c 366.094 355.773 + 366 355.648 365.988 355.648 c 365.977 355.648 365.871 355.738 365.754 355.848 + c 365.637 355.961 365.438 356.098 365.312 356.156 c 365.102 356.254 365.035 + 356.262 364.488 356.273 c 363.945 356.285 363.867 356.277 363.625 356.191 + c h +310.086 352.547 m 310.086 348.891 l 312.203 348.898 l 314.32 348.91 l 314.32 + 349.547 l 312.559 349.555 l 310.801 349.566 l 310.801 352.23 l 313.621 +352.23 l 313.621 352.863 l 310.801 352.863 l 310.801 355.527 l 312.559 355.539 + l 314.32 355.547 l 314.32 356.184 l 312.203 356.195 l 310.086 356.203 l + h +315.789 356.156 m 315.777 356.129 315.773 354.484 315.777 352.508 c 315.789 + 348.91 l 316.148 348.887 l 317.297 350.844 l 317.93 351.922 318.641 353.133 + 318.879 353.539 c 319.309 354.27 l 319.316 351.59 l 319.328 348.91 l 320.023 + 348.887 l 320.023 356.207 l 319.836 356.195 l 319.645 356.184 l 318.16 +353.68 l 317.348 352.301 316.637 351.086 316.582 350.977 c 316.484 350.777 + l 316.484 356.203 l 316.145 356.203 l 315.91 356.203 315.801 356.188 315.789 + 356.156 c h +327.832 356.156 m 327.824 356.129 327.82 354.484 327.824 352.508 c 327.836 + 348.91 l 328.531 348.887 l 328.531 356.203 l 328.191 356.203 l 327.957 +356.203 327.848 356.188 327.832 356.156 c h +330.438 352.543 m 330.438 348.887 l 330.805 348.91 l 332.336 351.512 l +333.18 352.945 333.895 354.18 333.922 354.258 c 333.965 354.371 333.973 +353.953 333.977 351.641 c 333.977 348.891 l 334.652 348.891 l 334.652 356.207 + l 334.469 356.195 l 334.289 356.184 l 332.738 353.562 l 331.883 352.117 + 331.172 350.891 331.152 350.836 c 331.137 350.781 331.121 351.969 331.117 + 353.473 c 331.113 356.203 l 330.438 356.203 l h +336.562 352.547 m 336.562 348.891 l 338.676 348.898 l 340.793 348.91 l +340.793 349.547 l 339.035 349.555 l 337.277 349.566 l 337.277 352.227 l +338.699 352.238 l 340.117 352.25 l 340.129 352.559 l 340.141 352.863 l 337.277 + 352.863 l 337.277 355.527 l 339.035 355.539 l 340.793 355.547 l 340.793 + 356.184 l 338.676 356.195 l 336.562 356.203 l h +342.266 356.156 m 342.254 356.129 342.25 354.484 342.254 352.508 c 342.266 + 348.91 l 344.383 348.898 l 346.5 348.891 l 346.5 349.566 l 342.961 349.566 + l 342.961 352.23 l 345.824 352.23 l 345.824 352.863 l 342.961 352.863 l + 342.961 355.527 l 344.719 355.539 l 346.48 355.547 l 346.504 356.203 l +344.391 356.203 l 342.742 356.203 342.277 356.195 342.262 356.156 c h +347.871 356.156 m 347.859 356.129 347.855 354.484 347.859 352.508 c 347.871 + 348.91 l 349.062 348.898 l 350.414 348.887 350.652 348.91 351.07 349.109 + c 351.855 349.488 352.199 350.27 352.078 351.391 c 352.043 351.707 352.004 + 351.848 351.891 352.078 c 351.645 352.598 351.152 352.957 350.547 353.074 + c 350.285 353.125 l 351.273 354.633 l 351.816 355.465 352.262 356.16 352.262 + 356.176 c 352.262 356.191 352.09 356.203 351.875 356.195 c 351.488 356.184 + l 350.477 354.645 l 349.465 353.102 l 348.566 353.102 l 348.559 354.645 + l 348.547 356.184 l 348.219 356.195 l 347.977 356.203 347.883 356.191 347.871 + 356.156 c h +350.738 352.32 m 351.004 352.176 351.137 352.043 351.266 351.785 c 351.383 + 351.551 351.391 351.52 351.391 351.031 c 351.391 350.406 351.32 350.18 +351.043 349.906 c 350.73 349.598 350.59 349.566 349.5 349.566 c 348.566 +349.566 l 348.566 352.434 l 349.57 352.422 l 350.516 352.41 350.582 352.402 + 350.738 352.32 c h +353.773 352.547 m 353.773 348.891 l 354.449 348.891 l 354.449 356.203 l + 353.773 356.203 l h +356.359 352.547 m 356.359 348.887 l 356.727 348.91 l 358.289 351.566 l +359.148 353.031 359.859 354.266 359.867 354.312 c 359.879 354.355 359.887 + 353.156 359.891 351.641 c 359.895 348.891 l 360.57 348.891 l 360.57 356.203 + l 360.223 356.203 l 358.66 353.555 l 357.094 350.902 l 357.055 356.184 +l 356.359 356.207 l h +311.316 343.027 m 310.648 342.844 310.133 342.289 310.008 341.617 c 309.953 + 341.332 309.953 337.363 310.008 337.078 c 310.098 336.598 310.438 336.113 + 310.852 335.875 c 311.211 335.668 311.469 335.613 312.094 335.613 c 312.574 + 335.613 312.715 335.625 312.918 335.695 c 313.629 335.934 314.086 336.496 + 314.184 337.254 c 314.211 337.441 314.219 337.621 314.207 337.652 c 314.191 + 337.699 313.734 337.797 313.543 337.797 c 313.52 337.797 313.504 337.668 + 313.504 337.512 c 313.504 337.113 313.414 336.871 313.164 336.621 c 312.859 + 336.312 312.621 336.238 312.012 336.254 c 311.59 336.27 311.512 336.281 + 311.332 336.375 c 311.082 336.508 310.793 336.824 310.73 337.035 c 310.668 + 337.238 310.66 341.441 310.723 341.664 c 310.789 341.902 311.043 342.188 + 311.305 342.316 c 311.527 342.426 311.562 342.43 312.094 342.43 c 312.59 + 342.43 312.668 342.422 312.832 342.34 c 313.262 342.129 313.477 341.777 + 313.496 341.246 c 313.504 341.055 313.527 340.898 313.547 340.898 c 313.734 + 340.898 314.191 341 314.207 341.047 c 314.219 341.078 314.211 341.258 314.184 + 341.445 c 314.109 342.031 313.848 342.477 313.41 342.77 c 313.031 343.023 + 312.762 343.086 312.078 343.082 c 311.746 343.078 311.418 343.059 311.316 + 343.027 c h +317.031 342.996 m 316.355 342.758 315.91 342.23 315.812 341.551 c 315.758 + 341.191 315.758 337.504 315.812 337.145 c 315.867 336.762 316.004 336.484 + 316.285 336.191 c 316.711 335.75 317.094 335.613 317.926 335.613 c 318.52 + 335.613 318.785 335.668 319.137 335.875 c 319.551 336.113 319.891 336.609 + 319.98 337.102 c 320.039 337.422 320.039 341.277 319.98 341.598 c 319.875 + 342.18 319.52 342.637 318.973 342.91 c 318.656 343.066 l 317.977 343.078 + l 317.355 343.086 317.277 343.078 317.031 342.996 c h +318.637 342.344 m 318.875 342.234 319.094 342.012 319.211 341.758 c 319.309 + 341.555 l 319.309 339.379 l 319.309 337.305 319.305 337.195 319.23 336.992 + c 319.137 336.75 318.902 336.504 318.633 336.363 c 318.48 336.285 318.379 + 336.27 317.977 336.254 c 317.559 336.242 317.469 336.25 317.266 336.328 + c 316.973 336.438 316.703 336.68 316.578 336.945 c 316.484 337.141 l 316.484 + 341.555 l 316.582 341.754 l 316.738 342.074 316.949 342.27 317.25 342.375 + c 317.551 342.484 318.371 342.465 318.637 342.344 c h +329.09 343.023 m 328.57 342.883 328.141 342.523 327.906 342.031 c 327.785 + 341.77 327.762 341.68 327.746 341.359 c 327.727 340.992 l 327.898 340.969 + l 327.996 340.953 328.148 340.93 328.238 340.918 c 328.402 340.891 l 328.418 + 341.223 l 328.449 341.762 328.664 342.113 329.109 342.332 c 329.289 342.422 + 329.352 342.43 329.883 342.43 c 330.387 342.43 330.48 342.418 330.641 342.344 + c 330.902 342.223 331.137 342 331.258 341.75 c 331.355 341.551 331.359 +341.508 331.348 341.109 c 331.328 340.629 331.289 340.523 331.027 340.238 + c 330.824 340.02 330.555 339.863 330.062 339.688 c 329.445 339.461 328.863 + 339.203 328.629 339.047 c 328.16 338.738 327.906 338.324 327.859 337.793 + c 327.789 337.031 327.941 336.559 328.387 336.141 c 328.844 335.711 329.219 + 335.594 330.062 335.621 c 330.602 335.637 330.629 335.641 330.926 335.781 + c 331.535 336.066 331.91 336.57 332 337.219 c 332.023 337.406 332.031 337.57 + 332.02 337.582 c 332.008 337.594 331.844 337.629 331.656 337.656 c 331.312 + 337.707 l 331.312 337.477 l 331.312 336.969 331 336.504 330.543 336.332 + c 330.23 336.215 329.621 336.215 329.312 336.328 c 329.051 336.426 328.801 + 336.633 328.66 336.875 c 328.578 337.02 328.551 337.121 328.539 337.379 + c 328.52 337.766 328.57 337.98 328.742 338.203 c 328.941 338.465 329.289 + 338.672 329.98 338.945 c 331.18 339.418 331.648 339.734 331.883 340.23 +c 332.09 340.676 332.121 341.41 331.949 341.867 c 331.754 342.379 331.262 + 342.84 330.734 343.004 c 330.516 343.07 330.367 343.086 329.887 343.082 + c 329.512 343.082 329.23 343.059 329.09 343.023 c h +334.891 343.012 m 334.543 342.898 334.336 342.773 334.105 342.547 c 333.855 + 342.293 333.672 341.926 333.617 341.57 c 333.594 341.418 333.582 340.188 + 333.59 338.516 c 333.598 335.711 l 334.273 335.711 l 334.293 338.672 l +334.316 342.004 334.293 341.773 334.625 342.105 c 334.902 342.379 335.066 + 342.43 335.707 342.43 c 336.188 342.43 336.285 342.418 336.441 342.348 +c 336.695 342.227 336.941 341.969 337.035 341.711 c 337.117 341.496 337.117 + 341.418 337.117 338.59 c 337.117 335.688 l 337.812 335.711 l 337.812 341.594 + l 337.719 341.852 l 337.523 342.391 337.16 342.77 336.648 342.973 c 336.449 + 343.051 336.336 343.062 335.766 343.074 c 335.219 343.082 335.074 343.074 + 334.891 343.012 c h +361.129 343.023 m 360.652 342.895 360.215 342.527 359.984 342.059 c 359.836 + 341.758 l 359.836 336.945 l 359.965 336.676 l 360.195 336.191 360.621 335.836 + 361.164 335.676 c 361.496 335.578 362.391 335.586 362.727 335.691 c 363.52 + 335.934 364.031 336.633 364.031 337.465 c 364.031 337.707 l 363.863 337.73 + l 363.77 337.742 363.617 337.766 363.527 337.781 c 363.367 337.809 l 363.348 + 337.488 l 363.312 336.883 363.012 336.469 362.488 336.305 c 362.328 336.254 + 362.168 336.242 361.832 336.254 c 361.441 336.266 361.359 336.281 361.16 + 336.379 c 361.031 336.441 360.863 336.57 360.773 336.672 c 360.492 336.992 + 360.492 336.992 360.492 339.348 c 360.492 341.711 360.492 341.707 360.777 + 342.027 c 360.867 342.129 361.031 342.262 361.145 342.32 c 361.336 342.426 + 361.375 342.43 361.922 342.43 c 362.445 342.43 362.516 342.422 362.668 +342.34 c 363.109 342.102 363.312 341.777 363.344 341.238 c 363.355 341.051 + 363.379 340.898 363.398 340.898 c 363.418 340.898 363.566 340.918 363.73 + 340.945 c 364.031 340.988 l 364.031 341.234 l 364.031 342.098 363.445 342.855 + 362.633 343.043 c 362.367 343.105 361.387 343.09 361.129 343.023 c h +321.812 339.348 m 321.812 335.688 l 322.188 335.711 l 323.746 338.363 l + 324.602 339.824 325.312 341.051 325.324 341.09 c 325.332 341.125 325.344 + 339.926 325.344 338.422 c 325.352 335.688 l 326.047 335.711 l 326.047 342.984 + l 325.668 342.984 l 322.527 337.664 l 322.52 340.324 l 322.508 342.984 +l 321.812 343.008 l h +339.531 342.98 m 339.516 342.965 339.504 341.32 339.504 339.32 c 339.504 + 335.688 l 340.199 335.711 l 340.207 339.02 l 340.219 342.328 l 341.641 +342.34 l 343.059 342.352 l 343.059 342.984 l 341.309 342.996 l 340.344 343.004 + 339.543 342.996 339.531 342.98 c h +345.215 342.98 m 345.199 342.965 345.188 341.473 345.188 339.66 c 345.188 + 336.367 l 344.305 336.359 l 343.418 336.348 l 343.418 335.711 l 345.535 + 335.699 l 347.652 335.691 l 347.652 336.367 l 345.902 336.367 l 345.895 + 339.676 l 345.883 342.988 l 345.562 342.996 l 345.387 343.004 345.23 342.996 + 345.215 342.98 c h +347.879 342.977 m 347.867 342.953 349.957 335.988 350.047 335.762 c 350.066 + 335.711 350.121 335.691 350.254 335.691 c 350.387 335.691 350.434 335.707 + 350.449 335.762 c 350.461 335.801 350.953 337.434 351.547 339.395 c 352.137 + 341.355 352.621 342.969 352.621 342.984 c 352.621 342.996 352.465 343.008 + 352.27 343.008 c 351.918 343.008 l 351.707 342.281 l 351.594 341.883 351.48 + 341.496 351.461 341.426 c 351.426 341.297 l 350.246 341.305 l 349.066 341.316 + l 348.828 342.152 l 348.586 342.984 l 348.242 342.996 l 348.051 343.004 + 347.891 342.996 347.879 342.977 c h +351.215 340.602 m 351.199 340.555 350.285 337.41 350.262 337.309 c 350.258 + 337.293 350.031 338.039 349.754 338.969 c 349.254 340.66 l 350.246 340.66 + l 351.105 340.66 351.234 340.652 351.215 340.602 c h +353.773 339.348 m 353.773 335.691 l 353.965 335.691 l 354.152 335.695 l + 355.684 338.301 l 356.523 339.734 357.234 340.953 357.262 341.012 c 357.297 + 341.098 357.309 340.555 357.309 338.406 c 357.312 335.691 l 358.027 335.691 + l 358.02 339.34 l 358.008 342.984 l 357.648 343.008 l 356.078 340.344 l + 354.508 337.684 l 354.5 340.344 l 354.488 343.008 l 353.773 343.008 l h +366.918 342.98 m 366.906 342.965 366.895 342.172 366.895 341.219 c 366.895 + 339.484 l 365.938 337.605 l 365.414 336.574 364.984 335.719 364.984 335.711 + c 364.984 335.699 365.148 335.691 365.352 335.691 c 365.719 335.691 l 366.477 + 337.184 l 366.891 338 367.238 338.672 367.25 338.672 c 367.262 338.672 +367.609 338.004 368.027 337.191 c 368.781 335.711 l 369.148 335.699 l 369.352 + 335.691 369.516 335.699 369.516 335.715 c 369.516 335.73 369.086 336.594 + 368.562 337.629 c 367.609 339.516 l 367.609 343.008 l 367.277 343.008 l + 367.094 343.008 366.934 342.992 366.918 342.98 c h +311.242 329.828 m 310.723 329.684 310.273 329.309 310.043 328.832 c 309.926 + 328.59 309.906 328.508 309.895 328.172 c 309.879 327.793 l 310.18 327.746 + l 310.348 327.723 310.5 327.699 310.52 327.699 c 310.539 327.699 310.559 + 327.859 310.57 328.047 c 310.598 328.574 310.805 328.91 311.23 329.121 +c 311.445 329.227 311.484 329.23 312.031 329.23 c 312.566 329.23 312.625 + 329.223 312.809 329.133 c 313.047 329.016 313.297 328.773 313.406 328.555 + c 313.469 328.426 313.484 328.316 313.484 327.961 c 313.484 327.582 313.473 + 327.5 313.395 327.355 c 313.168 326.93 312.918 326.758 312.051 326.43 c + 310.816 325.961 310.414 325.691 310.16 325.176 c 309.82 324.48 309.953 +323.496 310.461 322.992 c 310.898 322.555 311.281 322.414 312.051 322.414 + c 312.82 322.414 313.211 322.551 313.625 322.965 c 313.949 323.289 314.109 + 323.641 314.133 324.066 c 314.148 324.395 l 314.016 324.418 l 313.941 324.43 + 313.789 324.457 313.68 324.473 c 313.473 324.508 l 313.453 324.227 l 313.414 + 323.727 313.184 323.371 312.766 323.168 c 312.59 323.078 312.52 323.07 +312.055 323.07 c 311.566 323.07 311.523 323.078 311.332 323.176 c 311.082 + 323.309 310.793 323.625 310.73 323.836 c 310.668 324.035 310.668 324.527 + 310.727 324.727 c 310.844 325.109 311.238 325.395 312.141 325.754 c 313.242 + 326.188 313.629 326.426 313.898 326.832 c 314.121 327.168 314.188 327.422 + 314.191 327.957 c 314.191 328.316 314.176 328.438 314.102 328.625 c 313.898 + 329.152 313.488 329.578 312.996 329.773 c 312.801 329.852 312.68 329.863 + 312.113 329.875 c 311.621 329.883 311.402 329.871 311.242 329.828 c h +317.082 329.832 m 316.418 329.645 315.887 329.086 315.77 328.445 c 315.742 + 328.301 315.73 327.441 315.738 326.004 c 315.75 323.809 315.75 323.781 +315.84 323.566 c 316.02 323.117 316.43 322.719 316.914 322.527 c 317.121 + 322.441 317.199 322.434 317.855 322.434 c 318.574 322.434 l 318.879 322.582 + l 319.383 322.82 319.688 323.156 319.863 323.664 c 319.941 323.887 319.945 + 324 319.945 326.152 c 319.945 328.301 319.941 328.414 319.863 328.637 c + 319.754 328.961 319.625 329.164 319.398 329.375 c 318.961 329.785 318.637 + 329.891 317.82 329.883 c 317.504 329.883 317.184 329.859 317.082 329.832 + c h +318.469 329.184 m 318.73 329.102 319 328.863 319.141 328.602 c 319.25 328.398 + l 319.25 323.906 l 319.141 323.699 l 319.004 323.445 318.762 323.234 318.477 + 323.125 c 318.285 323.055 318.188 323.043 317.777 323.059 c 317.379 323.07 + 317.27 323.09 317.113 323.164 c 316.863 323.285 316.617 323.531 316.512 + 323.758 c 316.426 323.941 316.426 323.992 316.414 326 c 316.406 327.336 + 316.418 328.141 316.445 328.289 c 316.523 328.707 316.805 329.035 317.207 + 329.176 c 317.492 329.273 318.18 329.277 318.469 329.184 c h +321.773 326.152 m 321.773 322.492 l 325.988 322.492 l 325.988 323.129 l + 322.449 323.129 l 322.449 325.832 l 325.312 325.832 l 325.312 326.469 l + 322.449 326.469 l 322.449 329.809 l 321.773 329.809 l h +328.402 326.48 m 328.391 323.148 l 327.508 323.137 l 326.621 323.129 l +326.621 322.492 l 328.738 322.504 l 330.855 322.512 l 330.879 323.129 l +329.086 323.129 l 329.078 326.457 l 329.066 329.789 l 328.41 329.812 l h +333.461 329.719 m 333.418 329.625 331.566 322.816 331.527 322.609 c 331.504 + 322.492 l 332.176 322.492 l 332.906 325.234 l 333.309 326.742 333.648 327.965 + 333.664 327.949 c 333.68 327.934 334.008 326.699 334.398 325.207 c 335.105 + 322.492 l 335.297 322.492 l 335.434 322.492 335.496 322.512 335.512 322.555 + c 335.527 322.586 335.855 323.844 336.242 325.348 c 336.633 326.848 336.961 + 328.051 336.973 328.02 c 336.984 327.984 337.293 326.832 337.656 325.453 + c 338.016 324.078 338.34 322.848 338.375 322.723 c 338.441 322.492 l 338.773 + 322.492 l 338.961 322.492 339.105 322.512 339.105 322.531 c 339.105 322.586 + 337.164 329.727 337.137 329.77 c 337.121 329.793 337.043 329.809 336.957 + 329.809 c 336.828 329.809 336.789 329.789 336.758 329.719 c 336.727 329.641 + 335.488 324.973 335.348 324.406 c 335.32 324.281 335.293 324.215 335.293 + 324.25 c 335.289 324.336 333.867 329.723 333.836 329.773 c 333.824 329.793 + 333.742 329.809 333.656 329.809 c 333.531 329.809 333.488 329.789 333.461 + 329.719 c h +339.422 329.785 m 339.422 329.77 339.906 328.152 340.5 326.195 c 341.09 + 324.234 341.582 322.602 341.594 322.562 c 341.609 322.512 341.656 322.492 + 341.793 322.492 c 341.938 322.492 341.977 322.508 342.008 322.582 c 342.047 + 322.676 344.16 329.68 344.168 329.75 c 344.172 329.77 344.031 329.793 343.828 + 329.801 c 343.484 329.812 l 343.383 329.48 l 343.328 329.301 343.215 328.914 + 343.137 328.625 c 342.984 328.098 l 340.633 328.098 l 340.391 328.941 l + 340.152 329.789 l 339.789 329.801 l 339.586 329.805 339.422 329.797 339.422 + 329.785 c h +342.309 325.812 m 342.047 324.906 341.82 324.164 341.809 324.164 c 341.797 + 324.164 341.578 324.879 341.316 325.758 c 341.059 326.633 340.84 327.375 + 340.828 327.406 c 340.809 327.453 340.965 327.461 341.797 327.461 c 342.789 + 327.461 l h +345.254 329.781 m 345.238 329.766 345.227 328.121 345.227 326.125 c 345.227 + 322.492 l 346.473 322.492 l 347.16 322.492 347.816 322.512 347.934 322.535 + c 348.195 322.582 348.598 322.77 348.805 322.934 c 349.023 323.105 349.242 + 323.414 349.348 323.711 c 349.43 323.938 349.441 324.039 349.441 324.578 + c 349.441 325.066 349.426 325.238 349.367 325.43 c 349.164 326.074 348.672 + 326.508 347.969 326.66 c 347.66 326.727 l 348.648 328.238 l 349.191 329.07 + 349.637 329.762 349.641 329.781 c 349.641 329.797 349.465 329.805 349.254 + 329.801 c 348.867 329.789 l 347.852 328.246 l 346.84 326.707 l 345.945 +326.707 l 345.934 328.246 l 345.922 329.789 l 345.602 329.801 l 345.426 +329.805 345.27 329.797 345.254 329.781 c h +348.027 325.949 m 348.316 325.84 348.574 325.582 348.684 325.293 c 348.801 + 324.98 348.801 324.223 348.684 323.91 c 348.582 323.637 348.34 323.391 +348.051 323.254 c 347.84 323.156 347.797 323.152 346.887 323.137 c 345.941 + 323.121 l 345.941 326.031 l 346.875 326.031 l 347.723 326.031 347.828 326.023 + 348.027 325.949 c h +351.129 329.758 m 351.117 329.73 351.113 328.09 351.121 326.109 c 351.129 + 322.512 l 353.246 322.504 l 355.363 322.492 l 355.363 323.129 l 351.824 + 323.129 l 351.824 325.832 l 354.688 325.832 l 354.688 326.469 l 351.824 + 326.469 l 351.824 329.133 l 355.363 329.133 l 355.363 329.809 l 353.258 + 329.809 l 351.605 329.809 351.145 329.797 351.129 329.758 c h +351.129 329.758 m f +323.133 369.422 m 322.594 369.305 322.121 368.926 321.879 368.418 c 321.754 + 368.148 l 321.742 365.141 l 321.73 362.129 l 322.367 362.129 l 322.367 +364.984 l 322.367 368.254 322.355 368.113 322.691 368.469 c 323.004 368.797 + 323.195 368.863 323.82 368.863 c 324.273 368.863 324.359 368.855 324.539 + 368.773 c 324.793 368.66 325.039 368.41 325.16 368.148 c 325.25 367.953 + l 325.262 365.039 l 325.273 362.129 l 325.906 362.129 l 325.906 365 l 325.906 + 368.164 325.91 368.105 325.66 368.578 c 325.438 368.992 324.988 369.316 + 324.488 369.422 c 324.152 369.496 323.465 369.492 323.133 369.422 c h +329.062 369.422 m 328.426 369.285 327.887 368.797 327.719 368.207 c 327.66 + 368.008 327.656 367.699 327.664 365.66 c 327.676 363.34 l 327.801 363.082 + l 328.121 362.41 328.684 362.066 329.539 362.02 c 330.316 361.977 330.844 + 362.141 331.277 362.551 c 331.633 362.891 331.832 363.367 331.832 363.879 + c 331.832 363.988 331.824 364.078 331.82 364.078 c 331.816 364.078 331.676 + 364.102 331.508 364.129 c 331.203 364.18 l 331.184 363.863 l 331.145 363.305 + 330.895 362.934 330.414 362.715 c 330.25 362.641 330.148 362.625 329.742 + 362.625 c 329.301 362.625 329.246 362.633 329.016 362.742 c 328.852 362.816 + 328.703 362.922 328.59 363.051 c 328.281 363.395 328.289 363.336 328.301 + 365.828 c 328.312 367.898 328.316 368.039 328.387 368.172 c 328.539 368.453 + 328.695 368.605 328.961 368.734 c 329.219 368.863 329.238 368.867 329.742 + 368.867 c 330.188 368.867 330.285 368.855 330.445 368.781 c 330.895 368.574 + 331.141 368.195 331.184 367.648 c 331.207 367.324 l 331.426 367.352 l 331.828 + 367.398 331.832 367.398 331.832 367.613 c 331.832 368.508 331.254 369.246 + 330.41 369.422 c 330.078 369.492 329.387 369.492 329.062 369.422 c h +347.191 369.422 m 346.539 369.281 346.008 368.781 345.844 368.152 c 345.754 + 367.797 345.754 363.691 345.844 363.34 c 346.062 362.512 346.824 362.008 + 347.871 362.008 c 348.938 362.008 349.668 362.504 349.902 363.379 c 349.969 + 363.621 349.98 367.805 349.918 368.078 c 349.809 368.555 349.426 369.051 + 349.008 369.262 c 348.891 369.32 348.676 369.395 348.531 369.426 c 348.203 + 369.492 347.516 369.492 347.191 369.422 c h +348.586 368.77 m 348.836 368.66 349.059 368.449 349.195 368.191 c 349.301 + 367.992 l 349.301 363.539 l 349.191 363.312 l 349.059 363.047 348.871 362.871 + 348.566 362.727 c 348.367 362.633 348.301 362.625 347.871 362.625 c 347.445 + 362.625 347.371 362.637 347.172 362.73 c 346.883 362.863 346.676 363.051 + 346.547 363.297 c 346.441 363.5 l 346.43 365.66 l 346.414 368.137 346.41 + 368.098 346.723 368.445 c 347.039 368.801 347.297 368.887 347.949 368.871 + c 348.301 368.863 348.426 368.844 348.586 368.77 c h +310.086 365.746 m 310.086 362.129 l 314.297 362.129 l 314.297 362.723 l + 310.762 362.723 l 310.762 365.465 l 313.621 365.465 l 313.621 366.062 l + 310.762 366.062 l 310.762 368.766 l 314.297 368.766 l 314.297 369.363 l + 310.086 369.363 l h +315.809 365.746 m 315.809 362.129 l 317.094 362.129 l 318.48 362.129 318.633 + 362.145 319.039 362.352 c 319.336 362.5 319.684 362.863 319.836 363.188 + c 319.965 363.461 l 319.965 368.035 l 319.816 368.336 l 319.648 368.676 + 319.367 368.977 319.078 369.137 c 318.695 369.344 318.531 369.363 317.113 + 369.363 c 315.809 369.363 l h +318.648 368.648 m 318.898 368.527 319.105 368.32 319.23 368.07 c 319.328 + 367.871 l 319.328 363.656 l 319.234 363.449 l 319.125 363.207 318.863 362.949 + 318.598 362.828 c 318.426 362.75 318.355 362.742 317.438 362.742 c 316.465 + 362.742 l 316.457 365.707 l 316.449 367.336 316.453 368.691 316.465 368.719 + c 316.48 368.758 316.691 368.77 317.469 368.758 c 318.418 368.746 318.461 + 368.742 318.648 368.648 c h +332.824 369.332 m 332.824 369.316 333.312 367.691 333.91 365.727 c 334.992 + 362.148 l 335.344 362.148 l 336.43 365.727 l 337.023 367.691 337.512 369.316 + 337.512 369.332 c 337.516 369.348 337.367 369.363 337.184 369.363 c 336.852 + 369.363 l 336.613 368.539 l 336.379 367.711 l 335.18 367.703 l 333.98 367.691 + l 333.902 367.961 l 333.859 368.109 333.789 368.355 333.746 368.508 c 333.699 + 368.66 333.625 368.918 333.582 369.074 c 333.496 369.363 l 333.16 369.363 + l 332.977 369.363 332.824 369.348 332.824 369.332 c h +336.164 367.031 m 336.164 367.02 335.949 366.273 335.688 365.375 c 335.43 + 364.473 335.207 363.691 335.199 363.637 c 335.184 363.543 335.184 363.543 + 335.152 363.656 c 335.137 363.723 334.91 364.504 334.648 365.391 c 334.387 + 366.277 334.176 367.016 334.176 367.031 c 334.176 367.047 334.621 367.059 + 335.168 367.059 c 335.715 367.059 336.164 367.047 336.164 367.031 c h +339.543 366.043 m 339.543 362.723 l 337.793 362.723 l 337.793 362.129 l + 341.969 362.129 l 341.969 362.723 l 340.219 362.723 l 340.219 369.363 l + 339.543 369.363 l h +343.277 365.746 m 343.277 362.129 l 343.953 362.129 l 343.953 369.363 l + 343.277 369.363 l h +351.785 365.742 m 351.785 362.125 l 351.973 362.137 l 352.156 362.148 l + 353.668 364.711 l 354.5 366.121 355.211 367.363 355.25 367.473 c 355.32 + 367.668 355.32 367.625 355.324 364.898 c 355.324 362.129 l 356 362.129 +l 356 369.363 l 355.652 369.363 l 354.109 366.75 l 353.262 365.312 352.547 + 364.066 352.52 363.977 c 352.477 363.844 352.469 364.293 352.465 366.59 + c 352.461 369.363 l 351.785 369.363 l h +323.262 356.223 m 322.68 356.094 322.262 355.77 322 355.25 c 321.871 354.992 + l 321.871 350.102 l 321.988 349.863 l 322.137 349.562 322.516 349.176 322.809 + 349.035 c 323.406 348.742 324.367 348.73 324.98 349.008 c 325.246 349.129 + 325.582 349.418 325.727 349.645 c 325.875 349.879 325.984 350.223 326.012 + 350.551 c 326.035 350.867 l 325.934 350.891 l 325.875 350.906 325.723 350.93 + 325.59 350.941 c 325.352 350.969 l 325.352 350.652 l 325.352 350.406 325.328 + 350.297 325.254 350.137 c 325.137 349.879 324.91 349.66 324.637 349.531 + c 324.441 349.441 324.367 349.43 323.961 349.426 c 323.617 349.426 323.449 + 349.445 323.293 349.5 c 323.023 349.594 322.703 349.883 322.582 350.141 + c 322.488 350.34 l 322.488 352.523 l 322.488 354.031 322.5 354.75 322.531 + 354.855 c 322.613 355.121 322.844 355.375 323.141 355.527 c 323.414 355.668 + 323.418 355.668 323.934 355.668 c 324.422 355.664 324.469 355.656 324.684 + 355.555 c 324.941 355.43 325.121 355.238 325.254 354.953 c 325.344 354.762 + 325.348 354.715 325.352 353.871 c 325.352 352.984 l 324.766 352.977 l 324.176 + 352.965 l 324.152 352.387 l 326.027 352.387 l 326.027 356.164 l 325.918 + 356.164 l 325.828 356.164 325.777 356.121 325.648 355.918 c 325.562 355.785 + 325.477 355.656 325.461 355.633 c 325.445 355.609 325.344 355.676 325.215 + 355.801 c 324.848 356.148 324.438 356.285 323.801 356.281 c 323.637 356.277 + 323.395 356.254 323.262 356.223 c h +363.801 356.223 m 363.16 356.082 362.625 355.578 362.461 354.953 c 362.371 + 354.602 362.371 350.492 362.461 350.141 c 362.629 349.508 363.168 349.016 + 363.867 348.867 c 364.172 348.801 364.707 348.793 365.043 348.848 c 365.762 + 348.969 366.375 349.527 366.535 350.211 c 366.566 350.359 366.59 350.875 + 366.566 350.879 c 366.559 350.879 366.418 350.902 366.25 350.93 c 365.949 + 350.98 l 365.93 350.656 l 365.902 350.105 365.672 349.758 365.184 349.531 + c 364.984 349.438 364.918 349.426 364.488 349.426 c 364.059 349.426 363.988 + 349.438 363.789 349.531 c 363.5 349.664 363.316 349.832 363.172 350.09 +c 363.055 350.301 l 363.055 352.527 l 363.055 354.277 363.066 354.785 363.109 + 354.902 c 363.188 355.125 363.516 355.461 363.762 355.57 c 363.945 355.656 + 364.031 355.664 364.488 355.664 c 364.941 355.668 365.027 355.656 365.203 + 355.574 c 365.453 355.461 365.676 355.246 365.812 354.992 c 365.918 354.797 + 365.918 354.781 365.93 353.887 c 365.945 352.984 l 364.746 352.984 l 364.746 + 352.387 l 366.574 352.387 l 366.574 356.164 l 366.48 356.164 l 366.406 +356.164 366.34 356.102 366.195 355.887 c 366.09 355.734 366 355.609 365.992 + 355.609 c 365.984 355.609 365.902 355.688 365.809 355.781 c 365.566 356.02 + 365.32 356.156 365 356.223 c 364.664 356.297 364.133 356.297 363.801 356.223 + c h +310.086 352.547 m 310.086 348.93 l 314.297 348.93 l 314.297 349.527 l 310.762 + 349.527 l 310.762 352.27 l 313.621 352.27 l 313.621 352.863 l 310.762 352.863 + l 310.762 355.566 l 314.297 355.566 l 314.297 356.164 l 310.086 356.164 + l h +315.809 352.547 m 315.809 348.93 l 316.148 348.93 l 317.691 351.559 l 318.543 + 353.004 319.258 354.25 319.281 354.332 c 319.316 354.441 319.328 353.848 + 319.336 351.703 c 319.348 348.93 l 319.984 348.93 l 319.984 356.164 l 319.816 + 356.164 l 319.645 356.16 l 318.098 353.531 l 317.246 352.086 316.543 350.852 + 316.531 350.789 c 316.523 350.727 316.5 350.668 316.48 350.656 c 316.461 + 350.645 316.445 351.805 316.445 353.398 c 316.445 356.164 l 315.809 356.164 + l h +327.855 352.547 m 327.855 348.93 l 328.531 348.93 l 328.531 356.164 l 327.855 + 356.164 l h +330.438 352.543 m 330.438 348.926 l 330.805 348.949 l 332.336 351.555 l + 333.18 352.984 333.891 354.227 333.922 354.316 c 333.965 354.449 333.973 + 354.031 333.973 351.703 c 333.977 348.93 l 334.652 348.93 l 334.652 356.168 + l 334.473 356.156 l 334.289 356.145 l 332.797 353.621 l 331.152 350.836 + 331.191 350.906 331.152 350.738 c 331.137 350.672 331.121 351.867 331.117 + 353.391 c 331.113 356.164 l 330.438 356.164 l h +336.602 352.547 m 336.602 348.93 l 340.773 348.93 l 340.773 349.527 l 337.238 + 349.527 l 337.238 352.27 l 340.098 352.27 l 340.098 352.863 l 337.238 352.863 + l 337.238 355.566 l 340.773 355.566 l 340.773 356.164 l 336.602 356.164 + l h +342.285 352.547 m 342.285 348.93 l 346.461 348.93 l 346.461 349.527 l 342.961 + 349.527 l 342.961 352.27 l 345.785 352.27 l 345.785 352.863 l 342.961 352.863 + l 342.961 355.566 l 346.461 355.566 l 346.461 356.164 l 342.285 356.164 + l h +347.891 352.547 m 347.891 348.93 l 349.176 348.93 l 350.562 348.93 350.715 + 348.945 351.121 349.152 c 351.23 349.211 351.426 349.355 351.547 349.48 + c 351.938 349.871 352.062 350.242 352.062 350.996 c 352.066 351.754 351.914 + 352.188 351.52 352.574 c 351.277 352.809 350.84 353.016 350.504 353.055 + c 350.238 353.082 l 351.23 354.605 l 351.777 355.445 352.223 356.137 352.223 + 356.148 c 352.223 356.156 352.059 356.164 351.855 356.164 c 351.488 356.16 + l 350.477 354.613 l 349.465 353.062 l 348.527 353.062 l 348.527 356.164 + l 347.891 356.164 l h +350.734 352.34 m 350.984 352.207 351.168 352.027 351.305 351.773 c 351.402 + 351.582 351.41 351.543 351.41 351.016 c 351.41 350.516 351.398 350.438 +351.312 350.25 c 351.195 349.984 350.898 349.715 350.609 349.605 c 350.414 + 349.535 350.305 349.527 349.461 349.527 c 348.527 349.527 l 348.527 352.473 + l 349.531 352.461 l 350.531 352.449 350.535 352.445 350.734 352.34 c h +353.773 352.547 m 353.773 348.93 l 354.449 348.93 l 354.449 356.164 l 353.773 + 356.164 l h +356.359 352.543 m 356.359 348.926 l 356.727 348.949 l 358.238 351.512 l + 359.07 352.922 359.781 354.168 359.82 354.277 c 359.891 354.473 359.895 + 354.426 359.895 351.703 c 359.895 348.93 l 360.57 348.93 l 360.57 356.164 + l 360.223 356.164 l 358.684 353.551 l 357.832 352.113 357.117 350.867 357.09 + 350.777 c 357.047 350.645 357.039 351.098 357.035 353.391 c 357.035 356.164 + l 356.359 356.164 l h +311.477 343.039 m 310.934 342.949 310.426 342.57 310.176 342.059 c 310.023 + 341.758 l 310.023 336.945 l 310.152 336.672 l 310.48 335.984 311.152 335.613 + 312.074 335.613 c 312.547 335.613 312.84 335.668 313.164 335.824 c 313.789 + 336.121 314.18 336.742 314.18 337.445 c 314.18 337.699 314.188 337.695 +313.777 337.742 c 313.555 337.77 l 313.535 337.457 l 313.504 336.906 313.273 + 336.559 312.789 336.332 c 312.59 336.238 312.523 336.227 312.094 336.227 + c 311.648 336.227 311.598 336.234 311.363 336.344 c 311.047 336.488 310.785 + 336.77 310.703 337.055 c 310.652 337.223 310.641 337.598 310.641 339.348 + c 310.641 341.754 310.637 341.711 310.961 342.062 c 311.266 342.398 311.457 + 342.469 312.094 342.469 c 312.535 342.469 312.637 342.457 312.793 342.383 + c 313.25 342.172 313.508 341.777 313.535 341.238 c 313.551 340.914 l 313.855 + 340.965 l 314.023 340.992 314.164 341.016 314.168 341.016 c 314.176 341.016 + 314.18 341.121 314.18 341.25 c 314.18 342.145 313.535 342.906 312.668 343.043 + c 312.363 343.094 311.781 343.09 311.477 343.039 c h +317.281 343.039 m 316.629 342.934 316.035 342.395 315.871 341.754 c 315.777 + 341.402 315.781 337.293 315.871 336.941 c 316.043 336.277 316.629 335.773 + 317.371 335.648 c 317.789 335.578 318.473 335.621 318.77 335.73 c 319.285 + 335.926 319.641 336.258 319.859 336.746 c 319.965 336.984 l 319.977 339.227 + l 319.984 340.633 319.973 341.543 319.945 341.66 c 319.797 342.363 319.191 + 342.934 318.473 343.043 c 318.168 343.094 317.586 343.09 317.281 343.039 + c h +318.617 342.371 m 318.859 342.266 319.086 342.051 319.223 341.793 c 319.328 + 341.594 l 319.328 339.387 l 319.328 337.312 319.324 337.172 319.25 336.984 + c 319.148 336.715 318.918 336.48 318.621 336.344 c 318.391 336.238 318.34 + 336.227 317.898 336.227 c 317.465 336.227 317.398 336.238 317.199 336.332 + c 316.906 336.469 316.703 336.652 316.57 336.898 c 316.465 337.102 l 316.465 + 339.348 l 316.465 341.871 316.449 341.727 316.77 342.074 c 317.074 342.406 + 317.355 342.492 318.02 342.473 c 318.324 342.461 318.469 342.438 318.617 + 342.371 c h +329.305 343.043 m 328.438 342.898 327.875 342.301 327.77 341.418 c 327.746 + 341.219 327.734 341.047 327.746 341.035 c 327.758 341.023 327.91 340.992 + 328.09 340.965 c 328.41 340.914 l 328.41 341.234 l 328.41 341.637 328.52 + 341.887 328.812 342.148 c 329.102 342.406 329.32 342.469 329.922 342.469 + c 330.352 342.469 330.445 342.457 330.613 342.379 c 330.898 342.25 331.121 + 342.051 331.254 341.809 c 331.363 341.609 331.375 341.566 331.375 341.176 + c 331.375 340.801 331.363 340.738 331.262 340.535 c 331.059 340.125 330.773 + 339.93 329.871 339.59 c 329.047 339.277 328.676 339.09 328.406 338.84 c + 328.121 338.578 327.984 338.348 327.914 338.008 c 327.758 337.266 327.91 + 336.629 328.355 336.184 c 328.742 335.801 329.254 335.613 329.922 335.613 + c 330.586 335.613 331.039 335.773 331.434 336.152 c 331.789 336.492 331.988 + 336.934 331.988 337.387 c 331.988 337.59 l 331.762 337.617 l 331.637 337.633 + 331.496 337.652 331.449 337.664 c 331.371 337.684 331.363 337.664 331.336 + 337.406 c 331.285 336.887 331.035 336.531 330.57 336.316 c 330.41 336.242 + 330.309 336.23 329.922 336.227 c 329.512 336.227 329.441 336.238 329.246 + 336.332 c 328.941 336.473 328.754 336.652 328.621 336.918 c 328.527 337.109 + 328.512 337.188 328.512 337.48 c 328.516 337.887 328.594 338.094 328.852 + 338.348 c 329.098 338.59 329.266 338.68 330.07 339.008 c 330.461 339.164 + 330.902 339.363 331.055 339.445 c 331.555 339.727 331.848 340.078 331.973 + 340.555 c 332.055 340.859 332.043 341.477 331.953 341.77 c 331.75 342.426 + 331.156 342.938 330.48 343.043 c 330.18 343.09 329.59 343.09 329.305 343.043 + c h +335.09 343.039 m 334.602 342.961 334.035 342.559 333.824 342.141 c 333.621 + 341.742 333.617 341.727 333.617 338.625 c 333.617 335.73 l 334.254 335.73 + l 334.254 338.586 l 334.254 341.844 334.242 341.703 334.574 342.062 c 334.879 + 342.398 335.07 342.469 335.707 342.469 c 336.16 342.469 336.25 342.457 +336.426 342.375 c 336.68 342.266 336.926 342.016 337.047 341.754 c 337.137 + 341.555 l 337.148 338.645 l 337.16 335.73 l 337.793 335.73 l 337.793 338.605 + l 337.793 341.766 337.797 341.711 337.547 342.18 c 337.316 342.613 336.809 + 342.961 336.281 343.043 c 335.977 343.094 335.395 343.09 335.09 343.039 + c h +361.262 343.027 m 360.531 342.867 359.973 342.297 359.855 341.594 c 359.836 + 341.461 359.816 340.473 359.816 339.348 c 359.816 338.223 359.836 337.234 + 359.855 337.102 c 359.973 336.391 360.586 335.797 361.344 335.656 c 361.645 + 335.602 362.199 335.602 362.504 335.656 c 363.07 335.758 363.57 336.129 + 363.82 336.633 c 363.953 336.902 363.969 336.973 363.984 337.305 c 363.992 + 337.512 363.992 337.68 363.984 337.68 c 363.977 337.684 363.832 337.707 + 363.664 337.734 c 363.355 337.785 l 363.355 337.5 l 363.355 337.344 363.328 + 337.133 363.293 337.031 c 363.207 336.777 362.922 336.477 362.648 336.34 + c 362.438 336.234 362.387 336.227 361.922 336.227 c 361.469 336.227 361.406 + 336.238 361.203 336.332 c 360.934 336.457 360.672 336.707 360.57 336.938 + c 360.5 337.094 360.496 337.234 360.492 339.352 c 360.492 341.598 l 360.594 + 341.805 l 360.652 341.918 360.777 342.082 360.875 342.168 c 361.145 342.406 + 361.375 342.469 361.945 342.469 c 362.406 342.469 362.434 342.465 362.688 + 342.34 c 363.137 342.117 363.355 341.746 363.355 341.203 c 363.355 340.91 + l 363.582 340.945 l 364.039 341.012 364.004 340.973 363.984 341.387 c 363.973 + 341.695 363.949 341.797 363.844 342.023 c 363.602 342.535 363.133 342.91 + 362.57 343.027 c 362.238 343.098 361.59 343.098 361.262 343.027 c h +321.812 339.348 m 321.812 335.727 l 322 335.738 l 322.184 335.75 l 323.727 + 338.375 l 324.574 339.816 325.285 341.059 325.305 341.137 c 325.328 341.227 + 325.344 340.324 325.348 338.504 c 325.352 335.73 l 326.027 335.73 l 326.027 + 342.965 l 325.684 342.965 l 324.129 340.332 l 323.273 338.883 322.555 337.637 + 322.535 337.559 c 322.508 337.465 322.492 338.301 322.492 340.191 c 322.488 + 342.965 l 321.812 342.965 l h +339.543 339.348 m 339.543 335.73 l 340.18 335.73 l 340.18 342.371 l 343.039 + 342.371 l 343.039 342.965 l 339.543 342.965 l h +345.227 339.648 m 345.227 336.328 l 343.438 336.328 l 343.438 335.73 l +347.652 335.73 l 347.652 336.328 l 345.863 336.328 l 345.863 342.965 l 345.227 + 342.965 l h +347.891 342.957 m 347.891 342.949 348.379 341.324 348.977 339.348 c 350.062 + 335.75 l 350.414 335.727 l 351.48 339.258 l 352.066 341.199 352.555 342.828 + 352.566 342.875 c 352.59 342.965 352.582 342.965 352.258 342.965 c 351.926 + 342.965 l 351.684 342.121 l 351.445 341.277 l 350.277 341.266 l 349.633 + 341.262 349.094 341.27 349.074 341.289 c 349.055 341.309 348.938 341.688 + 348.809 342.133 c 348.578 342.945 l 348.234 342.957 l 348.047 342.965 347.891 + 342.965 347.891 342.957 c h +351.23 340.625 m 351.23 340.602 351.016 339.848 350.754 338.945 c 350.492 + 338.043 350.273 337.258 350.273 337.203 c 350.27 337.125 350.262 337.133 + 350.234 337.246 c 350.215 337.324 349.984 338.117 349.723 339.008 c 349.457 + 339.895 349.242 340.633 349.242 340.641 c 349.242 340.652 349.691 340.66 + 350.234 340.66 c 350.832 340.66 351.23 340.645 351.23 340.625 c h +353.812 339.348 m 353.812 335.73 l 353.984 335.73 l 354.152 335.734 l 355.684 + 338.34 l 356.523 339.773 357.23 341.008 357.254 341.078 c 357.273 341.152 + 357.305 341.223 357.32 341.242 c 357.34 341.258 357.352 340.023 357.352 + 338.5 c 357.352 335.73 l 357.988 335.73 l 357.988 342.965 l 357.648 342.965 + l 356.102 340.336 l 355.246 338.891 354.527 337.645 354.504 337.566 c 354.469 + 337.453 354.457 338.047 354.453 340.195 c 354.449 342.965 l 353.812 342.965 + l h +366.934 341.238 m 366.934 339.512 l 365.98 337.637 l 365.453 336.602 365.023 + 335.754 365.023 335.746 c 365.023 335.738 365.18 335.73 365.371 335.73 +c 365.719 335.734 l 366.473 337.223 l 366.887 338.043 367.234 338.711 367.25 + 338.711 c 367.262 338.711 367.613 338.047 368.027 337.23 c 368.789 335.75 + l 369.133 335.738 l 369.32 335.734 369.477 335.742 369.477 335.754 c 369.477 + 335.77 369.055 336.613 368.543 337.625 c 367.609 339.465 l 367.609 342.965 + l 366.934 342.965 l h +311.477 329.852 m 311.125 329.785 310.969 329.727 310.738 329.578 c 310.312 + 329.305 310.031 328.898 309.93 328.426 c 309.891 328.242 309.867 327.824 + 309.895 327.816 c 309.902 327.816 310.043 327.793 310.207 327.766 c 310.512 + 327.715 l 310.535 328.031 l 310.574 328.547 310.809 328.934 311.195 329.129 + c 311.535 329.305 312.301 329.332 312.723 329.188 c 312.961 329.105 313.312 + 328.789 313.43 328.543 c 313.508 328.387 313.523 328.293 313.523 327.961 + c 313.523 327.484 313.441 327.273 313.145 326.984 c 312.914 326.758 312.676 + 326.633 312.129 326.434 c 311.555 326.227 310.988 325.977 310.785 325.836 + c 310.191 325.43 309.973 324.945 310.016 324.129 c 310.031 323.797 310.051 + 323.695 310.156 323.469 c 310.391 322.969 310.852 322.613 311.445 322.473 + c 311.742 322.402 312.34 322.395 312.637 322.457 c 313.504 322.637 314.141 + 323.391 314.141 324.242 c 314.141 324.391 l 313.891 324.418 l 313.754 324.434 + 313.602 324.457 313.555 324.469 c 313.469 324.488 313.465 324.477 313.465 + 324.25 c 313.465 323.898 313.348 323.617 313.105 323.391 c 312.789 323.094 + 312.609 323.031 312.094 323.031 c 311.52 323.031 311.305 323.105 310.992 + 323.41 c 310.738 323.664 310.641 323.902 310.641 324.281 c 310.641 324.652 + 310.734 324.891 310.973 325.129 c 311.219 325.375 311.488 325.523 312.133 + 325.773 c 313.504 326.301 313.949 326.664 314.121 327.391 c 314.191 327.703 + 314.195 328.215 314.125 328.477 c 313.961 329.094 313.496 329.586 312.891 + 329.777 c 312.617 329.863 311.781 329.906 311.477 329.852 c h +317.262 329.844 m 316.707 329.762 316.168 329.355 315.918 328.824 c 315.789 + 328.555 l 315.777 326.234 l 315.77 324.195 315.773 323.887 315.832 323.691 + c 316.008 323.078 316.582 322.582 317.258 322.457 c 317.551 322.402 318.156 + 322.402 318.438 322.453 c 318.758 322.512 319.184 322.738 319.422 322.977 + c 319.648 323.203 319.832 323.547 319.898 323.875 c 319.961 324.168 319.961 + 328.137 319.898 328.426 c 319.746 329.172 319.148 329.738 318.41 329.848 + c 318.086 329.895 317.598 329.891 317.262 329.844 c h +318.531 329.188 m 318.809 329.09 319.113 328.781 319.211 328.496 c 319.281 + 328.293 319.289 328.137 319.289 326.129 c 319.289 323.98 l 319.156 323.719 + l 318.926 323.25 318.578 323.047 317.953 323.02 c 317.43 322.992 317.098 + 323.09 316.805 323.352 c 316.691 323.453 316.562 323.609 316.512 323.699 + c 316.426 323.863 316.426 323.871 316.426 326.152 c 316.426 328.438 l 316.516 + 328.605 l 316.695 328.941 317.027 329.188 317.395 329.254 c 317.672 329.305 + 318.305 329.266 318.531 329.188 c h +321.773 326.152 m 321.773 322.531 l 325.988 322.531 l 325.988 323.129 l + 322.449 323.129 l 322.449 325.871 l 325.312 325.871 l 325.289 326.449 l + 323.871 326.461 l 322.449 326.469 l 322.449 329.77 l 321.773 329.77 l h +328.41 326.449 m 328.41 323.129 l 326.621 323.129 l 326.621 322.531 l 330.836 + 322.531 l 330.836 323.129 l 329.047 323.129 l 329.047 329.77 l 328.41 329.77 + l h +333.48 329.719 m 333.469 329.691 333.023 328.066 332.492 326.109 c 331.523 + 322.555 l 331.824 322.539 l 331.988 322.535 332.133 322.543 332.148 322.562 + c 332.184 322.598 333.57 327.789 333.613 328.035 c 333.637 328.172 333.738 + 327.812 334.379 325.375 c 335.113 322.551 l 335.301 322.539 l 335.484 322.527 + l 335.543 322.738 l 335.691 323.27 336.914 328.051 336.93 328.156 c 336.941 + 328.277 l 336.973 328.156 l 336.988 328.094 337.328 326.801 337.727 325.285 + c 338.449 322.531 l 339.094 322.531 l 338.441 324.93 l 338.082 326.246 +337.641 327.867 337.461 328.535 c 337.133 329.75 l 336.781 329.75 l 336.059 + 327.023 l 335.66 325.527 335.332 324.25 335.332 324.184 c 335.328 324.117 + 335.23 324.438 335.109 324.898 c 334.992 325.355 334.656 326.637 334.363 + 327.742 c 333.832 329.75 l 333.664 329.762 l 333.555 329.77 333.492 329.754 + 333.48 329.719 c h +339.461 329.738 m 339.461 329.723 339.949 328.094 340.547 326.117 c 341.629 + 322.531 l 341.805 322.543 l 341.98 322.551 l 343.043 326.07 l 343.629 328.004 + 344.117 329.629 344.133 329.68 c 344.156 329.766 344.148 329.77 343.824 + 329.77 c 343.492 329.77 l 343.281 329.047 l 343.164 328.652 343.055 328.266 + 343.035 328.191 c 342.996 328.059 l 341.809 328.059 l 340.711 328.059 340.621 + 328.062 340.602 328.129 c 340.59 328.168 340.488 328.52 340.379 328.914 + c 340.266 329.309 340.164 329.66 340.152 329.699 c 340.137 329.758 340.082 + 329.77 339.797 329.77 c 339.613 329.77 339.461 329.754 339.461 329.738 +c h +342.793 327.395 m 342.781 327.355 342.566 326.609 342.312 325.734 c 342.062 + 324.859 341.84 324.09 341.824 324.023 c 341.797 323.906 341.793 323.91 +341.766 324.082 c 341.75 324.184 341.531 324.965 341.277 325.82 c 341.023 + 326.68 340.816 327.398 340.816 327.422 c 340.816 327.449 341.16 327.461 + 341.812 327.461 c 342.746 327.461 342.809 327.457 342.793 327.395 c h +345.266 326.152 m 345.266 322.531 l 346.57 322.531 l 347.656 322.531 347.914 + 322.543 348.094 322.598 c 348.777 322.801 349.254 323.297 349.395 323.957 + c 349.453 324.227 349.453 324.973 349.398 325.242 c 349.234 326.008 348.621 + 326.566 347.84 326.66 c 347.613 326.688 l 348.605 328.211 l 349.152 329.047 + 349.602 329.742 349.602 329.75 c 349.602 329.762 349.434 329.766 349.23 + 329.766 c 348.863 329.766 l 347.852 328.215 l 346.836 326.668 l 345.902 + 326.668 l 345.902 329.77 l 345.266 329.77 l h +348.078 325.957 m 348.336 325.84 348.609 325.555 348.707 325.293 c 348.77 + 325.137 348.785 324.996 348.785 324.582 c 348.785 324.121 348.773 324.039 + 348.691 323.855 c 348.57 323.586 348.285 323.324 347.996 323.215 c 347.785 + 323.137 347.691 323.129 346.836 323.129 c 345.902 323.129 l 345.902 326.078 + l 346.887 326.062 l 347.82 326.051 347.883 326.047 348.078 325.957 c h +351.152 326.152 m 351.152 322.531 l 355.324 322.531 l 355.324 323.129 l + 351.828 323.129 l 351.828 325.871 l 354.648 325.871 l 354.648 326.469 l + 351.828 326.469 l 351.828 329.172 l 355.324 329.172 l 355.324 329.77 l +351.152 329.77 l h +351.152 326.152 m f +Q Q +showpage +%%Trailer +end restore +%%EOF diff --git a/lasp.bib b/lasp.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f47c9c --- /dev/null +++ b/lasp.bib @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + +@article{rimell_design_2015, + title = {Design of digital filters for frequency weightings (A and C) required for risk assessments of workers exposed to noise}, + volume = {53}, + issn = {0019-8366, 1880-8026}, + url = {}, + doi = {10.2486/indhealth.2013-0003}, + abstract = {Many workers are exposed to noise in their industrial environment. Excessive noise exposure can cause health problems and therefore it is important that the worker’s noise exposure is assessed. This may require measurement by an equipment manufacturer or the employer. Human exposure to noise may be measured using microphones; however, weighting filters are required to correlate the physical noise sound pressure level measurements to the human’s response to an auditory stimulus. {IEC} 61672-1 and {ANSI} S1.43 describe suitable weighting filters, but do not explain how to implement them for digitally recorded sound pressure level data. By using the bilinear transform, it is possible to transform the analogue equations given in the standards into digital filters. This paper describes the implementation of the weighting filters as digital {IIR} (Infinite Impulse Response) filters and provides all the necessary formulae to directly calculate the filter coefficients for any sampling frequency. Thus, the filters in the standards can be implemented in any numerical processing software (such as a spreadsheet or programming language running on a {PC}, mobile device or embedded system).}, + pages = {21--27}, + number = {1}, + journaltitle = {{INDUSTRIAL} {HEALTH}}, + shortjournal = {{INDUSTRIAL} {HEALTH}}, + author = {Rimell, Andrew N. and Mansfield, Neil J. and Paddan, Gurmail S.}, + urldate = {2020-01-18}, + date = {2015}, + langid = {english}, + file = {Rimell et al. - 2015 - Design of digital filters for frequency weightings.pdf:/home/anne/.literature/storage/XKC3AE4F/Rimell et al. - 2015 - Design of digital filters for frequency weightings.pdf:application/pdf} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tex/preamble.tex b/tex/preamble.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1ffa91 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/preamble.tex @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + +% The format should be: +% height: 240mm +% width: 170 mm +% \showtrimsoff + + + +% This code is for stock size a4 and small crop signs +% a4 stock size +% \stockaiv +% a4 is 297 hoog bij 210 breed. 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In the bibtex item the author is provided as: +% author = {{\noopsort{Rayleigh}}{Lord Rayleigh}}, + +% To get nice copyright symbol +\usepackage{textcomp} + +% To get the 'draft' watermark +\usepackage{watermark} + +% New definition of square root: +% it renames \sqrt as \oldsqrt +% \let\oldsqrt\sqrt +% it defines the new \sqrt in terms of the old one +% \def\sqrt{\mathpalette\DHLhksqrt} +% \def\DHLhksqrt#1#2{% +% \setbox0=\hbox{$#1\oldsqrt{#2\,}$}\dimen0=\ht0 +% \advance\dimen0-0.2\ht0 +% \setbox2=\hbox{\vrule height\ht0 depth -\dimen0}% +% {\box0\lower0.4pt\box2}} +% End code to redefine sqrt + +% \let\originalleft\left +% \let\originalright\right +% \def\left#1{\mathopen{}\originalleft#1} +% \def\right#1{\originalright#1\mathclose{}} + + + +%Nice tables +\usepackage{booktabs} +%More space between rows: +\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %(or 1.3) + +% The fixmath package is to make uppercase greek letters appear in italic, not straight up +\usepackage{fixmath} + +% For psfrag +%\usepackage{psfrag} + +% Define color yellow +\definecolor{yellow}{RGB}{211,211,0} +\newcommand{\hl}[1]{\colorbox{yellow}{#1}} + +% Nomenclature +% \usepackage{nomencl} +% \usepackage{ifthen} +% \renewcommand{\nomgroup}[1]{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{G}}{\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{O}}{\item[\textbf{Often used Abbreviations/Acronyms}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Calligraphic Symbols}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{B}}{\item[\textbf{Abbreviations}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{S}}{\item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{D}}{\item[\textbf{Decorators}]}{% +% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{M}}{\item[\textbf{Miscellaneous Operators}]} +% {} +% }%Decorators +% }% matches mathematical symbols +% } +% } +% }% matches Subscripts +% }% matches Abbreviations +% }% matches Greek Symbols +% }% matches Roman Symbols + + +% %\newcommand{\nomunit}[1]{% +% %\renewcommand{\nomentryend}{\hspace*{\fill}#1}} +% % This one is with fill dots +% \newcommand{\nomunit}[1]{% +% \renewcommand{\nomentryend}{\dotfill[#1]}} +% \newcommand{\nonomunit}{% +% \renewcommand{\nomentryend}{\dotfill}} + +% \renewcommand\nomname{List of symbols} + + +% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%Item separation in itemize and enumerate + +\let\oldenumerate=\enumerate +\def\enumerate{ +\oldenumerate +\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} +} +%% Itemize spacing +\let\olditemize=\itemize +\def\itemize{ +\olditemize +\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} +} + + +%% For the caption of graphics + +% Define lines for use in captions \lXYZ +% X = black(b), dark(d), light(l) +% Y = solid(s), dashed(da), dash-dot (dd) +% Z = normal(), thick(t) + +% \input{tex/hyphenation.tex} +%% This package does not work together with hyphenation advice? +%% \usepackage[english=usenglishmax]{hyphsubst} +