
438 lines
15 KiB

use super::*;
use crate::config::Flt;
use anyhow::{bail, Error, Result};
use clap::builder::OsStr;
use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
use hdf5::types::{VarLenArray, VarLenUnicode};
use hdf5::{dataset, datatype, Dataset, File, H5Type};
use ndarray::ArrayView2;
use num::traits::ops::mul_add;
use rayon::iter::Empty;
use serde::de::IntoDeserializer;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering::SeqCst};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{spawn, JoinHandle};
use std::time::Duration;
use strum::EnumMessage;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// Status of a recording
pub enum RecordStatus {
/// Nothing to update
/// Not yet started, waiting for first msg
/// Waiting for start delay to be processed.
/// Recording in progress
/// Recording finished
/// An error occurred, in any case when an error occurs, it is tried to remove the file.
/// Settings used to start a recording.
pub struct RecordSettings {
/// File name to record to.
pub filename: PathBuf,
/// The recording time. Set to 0 to perform indefinite recording
pub duration: Duration,
/// The delay to wait before adding data
pub startDelay: Duration,
/// This struct lets a recording run on a stream, waits till the first data arrives and records for a given period of time. Usage:
/// ```
/// use lasprs::{RecordSettings, StreamMgr, Recording};
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let smgr = StreamMgr::new();
/// smgr.startDefaultInputStream()?;
/// let settings = RecordSettings{
/// filename: "test.h5",
/// duration: Duration::from_secs(5),
/// };
/// let rec = Recording::new(settings)?;
/// ```
pub struct Recording {
settings: RecordSettings,
handle: Option<JoinHandle<Result<()>>>,
// Stop the recording. This stops the thread
stopThread: Arc<AtomicBool>,
// Obtain status from thread.
status_from_thread: Arc<AtomicCell<RecordStatus>>,
// Stores latest status from thread, if no update comes from status_from_thread
last_status: RecordStatus,
impl Recording {
fn create_dataset_type<T>(file: &File, meta: &StreamMetaData) -> Result<Dataset>
T: H5Type,
let bs = meta.framesPerBlock as usize;
let nch = meta.nchannels();
match file
.chunk((1, bs, nch))
.shape((1.., bs, nch))
// .deflate(3)
Ok(f) => Ok(f),
Err(e) => bail!("{}", e),
fn create_dataset(file: &File, meta: &StreamMetaData) -> Result<Dataset> {
match meta.rawDatatype {
DataType::I8 => Recording::create_dataset_type::<i8>(file, meta),
DataType::I16 => Recording::create_dataset_type::<i16>(file, meta),
DataType::I32 => Recording::create_dataset_type::<i32>(file, meta),
DataType::F32 => Recording::create_dataset_type::<f32>(file, meta),
DataType::F64 => Recording::create_dataset_type::<f64>(file, meta),
fn write_hdf5_attr_scalar<T>(file: &File, name: &str, val: T) -> Result<()>
T: H5Type,
let attr = file.new_attr::<T>().create(name)?;
fn write_hdf5_attr_list<T>(file: &File, name: &str, val: &[T]) -> Result<()>
T: H5Type,
let attr = file.new_attr::<T>().shape([val.len()]).create(name)?;
fn append_to_dset(
ds: &Dataset,
ctr: usize,
msg: &RawStreamData,
framesPerBlock: usize,
nchannels: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match msg {
RawStreamData::Datai8(dat) => {
let arr = ndarray::ArrayView2::<i8>::from_shape((framesPerBlock, nchannels), dat)?;
ds.write_slice(arr, (ctr, .., ..))?;
RawStreamData::Datai16(dat) => {
let arr = ndarray::ArrayView2::<i16>::from_shape((framesPerBlock, nchannels), dat)?;
ds.write_slice(arr, (ctr, .., ..))?;
RawStreamData::Datai32(dat) => {
let arr = ndarray::ArrayView2::<i32>::from_shape((framesPerBlock, nchannels), dat)?;
ds.write_slice(arr, (ctr, .., ..))?;
RawStreamData::Dataf32(dat) => {
let arr = ndarray::ArrayView2::<f32>::from_shape((framesPerBlock, nchannels), dat)?;
ds.write_slice(arr, (ctr, .., ..))?;
RawStreamData::Dataf64(dat) => {
let arr = ndarray::ArrayView2::<f64>::from_shape((framesPerBlock, nchannels), dat)?;
ds.write_slice(arr, (ctr, .., ..))?;
RawStreamData::StreamError(e) => {
bail!("Stream error: {}", e)
/// Start a new recording
/// # Arguments
/// * setttings: The settings to use for the recording
/// * smgr: Stream manager to use to start the recording
pub fn new(mut settings: RecordSettings, mgr: &mut StreamMgr) -> Result<Recording> {
// Append extension if not yet there
match settings.filename.extension() {
Some(a) if a == OsStr::from("h5") => {}
None | Some(_) => {
settings.filename =
(settings.filename.to_string_lossy().to_string() + ".h5").into();
let stopThread = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let stopThread_clone = stopThread.clone();
// Fail if filename already exists
if settings.filename.exists() {
"Filename '{}' already exists in filesystem",
let settings_clone = settings.clone();
let status = Arc::new(AtomicCell::new(RecordStatus::Idle));
let status_clone = status.clone();
let (tx, rx) = crossbeam::channel::unbounded();
// The thread doing the actual work
let handle = spawn(move || {
let file = File::create(settings.filename)?;
let firstmsg = match rx.recv() {
Ok(msg) => msg,
Err(_) => bail!("Queue handle error"),
let meta = match firstmsg {
InStreamMsg::StreamStarted(meta) => meta,
_ => bail!("Recording failed. Missed stream metadata message."),
// Samplerate, block size, number of channels
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_scalar(&file, "samplerate", meta.samplerate)?;
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_scalar(&file, "nchannels", meta.nchannels())?;
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_scalar(&file, "blocksize", meta.framesPerBlock)?;
// Store sensitivity
let sens: Vec<Flt> = meta.channelInfo.iter().map(|ch| ch.sensitivity).collect();
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_list(&file, "sensitivity", &sens)?;
// Timestamp
use chrono::DateTime;
let now_utc = chrono::Utc::now();
let timestamp = now_utc.timestamp();
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_scalar(&file, "time", timestamp)?;
// Create UUID for measurement
use hdf5::types::VarLenUnicode;
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
let uuid_unicode: VarLenUnicode = VarLenUnicode::from_str(&uuid.to_string()).unwrap();
Recording::write_hdf5_attr_scalar(&file, "UUID", uuid_unicode)?;
// Channel names
let chnames: Vec<VarLenUnicode> = meta
.map(|ch| VarLenUnicode::from_str(&
let chname_attr = file
// Create the dataset
let ds = Recording::create_dataset(&file, &meta)?;
let framesPerBlock = meta.framesPerBlock as usize;
let mut wait_block_ctr = 0;
// Indicate we are ready to rec!
if settings.startDelay > Duration::ZERO {;
let startdelay_s = settings.startDelay.as_micros() as Flt / 1e6;
wait_block_ctr =
(meta.samplerate as Flt * startdelay_s / framesPerBlock as Flt) as u32;
} else {;
// Counter of stored blocks
let mut stored_ctr = 0;
// Offset in stream
let mut ctr_offset = 0;
// Flag indicating that the first RawStreamData package still has to
// be arrived
let mut first = true;
// Indicating the file is still empty (does not contain recorded data)
let mut empty_file = true;
let nchannels = meta.nchannels() as usize;
'recloop: loop {
if stopThread.load(SeqCst) {
break 'recloop;
match rx.recv().unwrap() {
InStreamMsg::StreamError(e) => {
bail!("Recording failed due to stream error: {}.", e)
InStreamMsg::ConvertedStreamData(..) => {}
InStreamMsg::StreamStarted(_) => {
bail!("Stream started again?")
InStreamMsg::StreamStopped => {
// Early stop. User stopped it.
break 'recloop;
InStreamMsg::StreamData(dat) => {
if first {
first = false;
// Initialize counter offset
ctr_offset = dat.ctr;
} else if dat.ctr != stored_ctr + ctr_offset {
println!("********** PACKAGES MISSED ***********");
bail!("Packages missed. Recording is invalid.")
if wait_block_ctr > 0 {
// We are still waiting
wait_block_ctr -= 1;
if wait_block_ctr == 0 {;
// TODO: Is it a good idea to increase the counter
// here, as well as below?
stored_ctr += 1;
continue 'recloop;
ds.resize((stored_ctr + 1, framesPerBlock, nchannels))?;
// Once we have added to the file, this flag is swapped
// and a file should be deleted in case of an error.
empty_file = false;
// Recorded time rounded of to milliseconds.
let recorded_time = Duration::from_millis(
((1000 * (stored_ctr + 1) * framesPerBlock) as Flt / meta.samplerate)
as u64,
if !settings.duration.is_zero() {
// Duration not equal to zero, meaning we record up to a
// certain duration.
if recorded_time >= settings.duration {
break 'recloop;
// println!("\n... {} {} {}", recorded_time.as_millis(), meta.samplerate, framesPerBlock);
stored_ctr += 1;;
} // end of 'recloop
if empty_file {
bail!("Recording stopped before any data is stored.");
// End of thread
Ok(Recording {
settings: settings_clone,
stopThread: stopThread_clone,
handle: Some(handle),
last_status: RecordStatus::NoUpdate,
status_from_thread: status_clone,
// Delete recording file, should be done when something went wrong (an error
// occured), or when cancel() is called, or when recording object is dropped
// while thread is still running.
fn deleteFile(&self) {
if let Some(_) = self.handle {
panic!("Misuse bug: cannot delete file while thread is still running");
// File should not be un use anymore, as thread is joined.
// In case of error, we try to delete the file
if let Err(e) = std::fs::remove_file(&self.settings.filename) {
eprintln!("Recording failed, but file removal failed as well: {}", e);
// Join the thread, store the last status. Please make sure it is joinable,
// otherwise this method will hang forever.
fn cleanupThread(&mut self) {
if let Some(h) = self.handle.take() {
let res = h.join().unwrap();
if let Err(e) = res {
self.last_status = RecordStatus::Error(format!("{}", e));
/// Get current record status
pub fn status(&mut self) -> RecordStatus {
// Update status due to normal messaging
let status_from_thread = self.status_from_thread.swap(RecordStatus::NoUpdate);
match status_from_thread {
RecordStatus::NoUpdate => {}
_ => {
self.last_status = status_from_thread;
if let Some(h) = &self.handle {
// Update the status by taking any error messages
if h.is_finished() {
// Return latest status
/// Stop existing recording early. At the current time, or st
pub fn stop(&mut self) {
// Stop thread , join, update status, SeqCst);
match self.status() {
RecordStatus::Finished => { // Do nothing
_ => {
// an error occured, we try to delete the backing file
/// Cancel recording. Deletes the recording file
pub fn cancel(&mut self) {, SeqCst);
impl Drop for Recording {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(_) = &self.handle {
// If we enter here, stop() or cancel() has not been called. In that
// case, we cleanup here by cancelling the recording