
228 lines
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//! Data acquisition model. Provides abstract layers around DAQ devices.
mod api;
mod daqconfig;
mod datatype;
mod deviceinfo;
mod qty;
mod streammsg;
pub use datatype::*;
pub use deviceinfo::*;
pub use qty::*;
pub use streammsg::*;
#[cfg(feature = "cpal_api")]
use api::api_cpal::CpalApi;
use crate::config::*;
use anyhow::{bail, Error, Result};
use api::Stream;
use core::time;
use crossbeam::{
channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender},
use deviceinfo::DeviceInfo;
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{JoinHandle, Thread};
use streammsg::*;
/// Keep track of whether the stream has been created. To ensure singleton behaviour.
static smgr_created: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
struct InputStream {
streamtype: StreamType,
stream: Box<dyn Stream>,
threadhandle: JoinHandle<InQueues>,
comm: Sender<StreamCommand>,
/// Configure and manage input / output streams.
pub struct StreamMgr {
// Input stream can be both input and duplex
input_stream: Option<InputStream>,
// Output only stream
output_stream: Option<Box<dyn Stream>>,
// Signal generator
siggen: Option<crate::siggen::Siggen>,
#[cfg(feature = "cpal_api")]
cpal_api: CpalApi,
/// The storage of queues. When no streams are running, they
/// are here. When stream is running, they will become available
/// in the JoinHandle of the thread.
instreamqueues: Option<InQueues>,
impl StreamMgr {
/// Create new stream manager. A stream manager is supposed to be a singleton.
/// # Panics
/// When a StreamMgr object is already alive.
pub fn new() -> StreamMgr {
if smgr_created.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("BUG: Only one stream manager is supposed to be a singleton");
}, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
StreamMgr {
input_stream: None,
output_stream: None,
siggen: None,
#[cfg(feature = "cpal_api")]
cpal_api: CpalApi::new(),
instreamqueues: Some(vec![]),
/// Obtain a list of devices that are available for each available API
fn getDeviceInfo(&mut self) -> Vec<DeviceInfo> {
let mut devinfo = vec![];
/// Start a default input stream, using default settings on everything. This is only possible
/// when
pub fn startDefaultInputStream(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if !self.input_stream.is_none() {
bail!("Input stream is already running. Please first stop existing input stream.")
let (tx, rx): (Sender<RawStreamData>, Receiver<RawStreamData>) = unbounded();
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="cpal_api")] {
let stream = self.cpal_api.startDefaultInputStream(tx)?;
else {
bail!("Unable to start default input stream: no CPAL api available")
// Unwrap here, as the queues should be free to grab
let mut iqueues = self.instreamqueues.take().unwrap();
let (commtx, commrx) = unbounded();
// let metadata = StreamMetaData::new(
// nchannels:
// ).unwrap();
let threadhandle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut ctr: usize = 0;
'infy: loop {
if let Ok(comm_msg) = commrx.try_recv() {
match comm_msg {
// New queue added
StreamCommand::AddInQueue(queue) => {
// queue.send(streammsg::StreamMetaData(md))
// Remove queue from list
StreamCommand::RemoveInQueue(queue) => {
iqueues.retain(|q| !Arc::ptr_eq(q, &queue))
// Stop this thread. Returns the queue
StreamCommand::StopThread => {
for q in iqueues.iter() {
break 'infy;
if let Ok(msg) = rx.recv_timeout(time::Duration::from_millis(10)) {
// println!("Obtained raw stream data!");
let msg = Arc::new(msg);
for q in iqueues.iter() {
q.send(InStreamMsg::RawStreamData(ctr, msg.clone()))
ctr += 1;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="cpal_api")] {
self.input_stream = Some(InputStream {
streamtype: StreamType::Input,
comm: commtx,
} else {}
/// Stop existing input stream.
pub fn stopInputStream(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(InputStream {
streamtype: _, // Ignored here
stream: _,
}) = self.input_stream.take()
// println!("Stopping existing stream..");
// Send thread to stop
// Store stream queues back into StreamMgr
self.instreamqueues = Some(threadhandle.join().expect("Stream thread panicked!"));
} else {
bail!("Stream is not running.")
/// Stop existing running stream.
/// Args
/// * st: The stream type.
pub fn stopStream(&mut self, st: StreamType) -> Result<()> {
match st {
StreamType::Input | StreamType::Duplex => self.stopInputStream(),
_ => bail!("Not implemented output stream"),
} // impl StreamMgr
impl Drop for StreamMgr {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Kill input stream if there is one
if self.input_stream.is_some() {
if self.output_stream.is_some() {
// Decref the singleton, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Daq devices
trait Daq {}
mod tests {
// #[test]