
303 lines
9.9 KiB

//! Provides stream messages that come from a running stream
use crate::config::*;
use crate::daq::Qty;
use crate::siggen::Siggen;
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use cpal::Sample;
use crossbeam::channel::Sender;
use reinterpret::{reinterpret_slice, reinterpret_vec};
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::u128::MAX;
use strum_macros::Display;
use super::*;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "python-bindings")] {
use pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::{pymodule, pyclass, types::PyModule, PyResult};
} else {} }
/// Raw stream data coming from a stream.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum RawStreamData {
/// 8-bits integer
/// 16-bits integer
/// 32-bits integer
/// 32-bits float
/// 64-bits float
/// A stream error occured
impl RawStreamData {
pub fn toFloat(&self, _nchannels: usize) -> Dmat {
// match &self {
// RawStreamData::Datai8(c) => {
// Dmat::zeros((2, 2));
// }
// RawStreamData::Datai16(c) => {
// Dmat::zeros((2, 2));
// }
// }
impl RawStreamData {
/// Get reference to raw data buffer
pub fn getRef<T>(&self) -> &[T]
T: Sample + 'static,
let thetype: TypeId = TypeId::of::<T>();
match &self {
RawStreamData::Datai8(t) => {
let i8type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i8>();
assert!(thetype == i8type);
let v: &[T] = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(t) };
RawStreamData::Datai16(t) => {
let i16type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i16>();
assert!(thetype == i16type);
let v: &[T] = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(t) };
RawStreamData::Datai32(t) => {
let i32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i32>();
assert!(thetype == i32type);
let v: &[T] = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(t) };
RawStreamData::Dataf32(t) => {
let f32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f32>();
assert!(thetype == f32type);
let v: &[T] = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(t) };
RawStreamData::Dataf64(t) => {
let f64type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f64>();
assert!(thetype == f64type);
let v: &[T] = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(t) };
_ => panic!("Cannot getRef from "),
// Create InStreamData object from
impl<T> From<&[T]> for RawStreamData
T: num::ToPrimitive + Clone + 'static,
fn from(input: &[T]) -> RawStreamData {
// Apparently, this code does not work with a match. I have searched around and have not found the
// reason for this. So this is a bit of stupid boilerplate.
let i8type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i8>();
let i16type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i16>();
let i32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i32>();
let f32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f32>();
let f64type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f64>();
let thetype: TypeId = TypeId::of::<T>();
if i8type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i8> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else if i16type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i16> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else if i16type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i16> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else if i32type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i32> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else if f32type == thetype {
let v: Vec<f32> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else if f64type == thetype {
let v: Vec<f64> = unsafe { reinterpret_slice(input).to_vec() };
} else {
panic!("Not implemented sample type!")
// Create InStreamData object from
impl<T> From<Vec<T>> for RawStreamData
T: num::ToPrimitive + Clone + 'static,
fn from(input: Vec<T>) -> RawStreamData {
// Apparently, this code does not work with a match. I have searched around and have not found the
// reason for this. So this is a bit of stupid boilerplate.
let i8type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i8>();
let i16type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i16>();
let i32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<i32>();
let f32type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f32>();
let f64type: TypeId = TypeId::of::<f64>();
let thetype: TypeId = TypeId::of::<T>();
if i8type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i8> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else if i16type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i16> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else if i16type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i16> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else if i32type == thetype {
let v: Vec<i32> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else if f32type == thetype {
let v: Vec<f32> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else if f64type == thetype {
let v: Vec<f64> = unsafe { reinterpret_vec(input) };
} else {
panic!("Not implemented sample type!")
/// Stream metadata. All information required for properly interpreting the raw
/// data that is coming from the stream.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StreamMetaData {
/// Information for each channel in the stream
pub channelInfo: Vec<DaqChannel>,
/// The data type of the device [Number / voltage / Acoustic pressure / ...]
pub rawDatatype: DataType,
/// Sample rate in [Hz]
pub samplerate: Flt,
/// The number of frames per block of data that comes in. Multiplied by
/// channelInfo.len() we get the total number of samples that come in at
/// each callback.
pub framesPerBlock: usize,
impl StreamMetaData {
/// Create new metadata object.
/// ///
/// # Args
pub fn new(
channelInfo: &[DaqChannel],
rawdtype: DataType,
sr: Flt,
framesPerBlock: usize,
) -> Result<StreamMetaData> {
Ok(StreamMetaData {
channelInfo: channelInfo.to_vec(),
rawDatatype: rawdtype,
samplerate: sr,
/// Returns the number of channels in the stream metadata.
pub fn nchannels(&self) -> usize {
/// Stream data (audio / other) coming from a stream or to be send to a stream
pub struct StreamData {
/// Package counter. Should always increase monotonically.
pub ctr: usize,
/// Stream metadata. All info required for properly interpreting the raw data.
pub meta: Arc<StreamMetaData>,
/// This is typically what is stored when recording
pub raw: RawStreamData,
// Converted to floating point format. Used for further real time
// processing. Stored in an rw-lock. The first thread that acesses this data
// will perform the conversion. All threads after that will get the data.
converted: RwLock<Option<Arc<Dmat>>>,
impl StreamData {
/// Create new stream data object.
pub fn new(ctr: usize, meta: Arc<StreamMetaData>, raw: RawStreamData) -> StreamData {
StreamData {
converted: RwLock::new(None),
/// Get the data in floating point format. If already converted, uses the
/// cached float data.
pub fn getFloatData(&self) -> Arc<Dmat> {
if let Some(dat) = {
return dat.clone();
// In case we reach here, the data has not yet be converted to floating
// point, so we do this.
let mut o = self.converted.write().unwrap();
// It might be that another thread was 'first', and already performed
// the conversion. In that case, we still do an early return, and we
// just openend the lock twice for writing. Not a problem.
if let Some(dat) = o.as_ref() {
return dat.clone();
// Perform the actual conversion
let converted_data = Arc::new(self.raw.toFloat(self.meta.nchannels()));
// Replace the option with the Some
mod test {
use num::traits::sign;
use cpal::Sample;
use super::*;
fn test() {
const fs: Flt = 20.;
// Number of samples per channel
const Nframes: usize = 20;
const Nch: usize = 2;
let mut signal = [0.; Nch*Nframes];
let mut siggen = Siggen::newSineWave(Nch, 1.);
siggen.setMute(&[false, true]);
siggen.genSignal(&mut signal);
let raw: Vec<i16> = Vec::from_iter(signal.iter().map(
|o| o.to_sample::<i16>()));
let ms1 = raw.iter().step_by(2).map(|s1| {*s1 as f64 * *s1 as f64}).sum::<f64>() / Nframes as f64;
let i16maxsq = (i16::MAX as f64).powf(2.);
// println!("ms1: {} {}", ms1, i16maxsq/2.);
// println!("{:?}", raw.iter().cloned().step_by(2).collect::<Vec<i16>>());
// println!("{:?}", i16::EQUILIBRIUM);
assert!(f64::abs(ms1 - i16maxsq/2.)/i16maxsq < 1e-3);