
258 lines
6.7 KiB

% The format should be:
% height: 240mm
% width: 170 mm
% \showtrimsoff
% This code is for stock size a4 and small crop signs
% a4 stock size
% \stockaiv
% a4 is 297 hoog bij 210 breed. We zetten de trim op (297-240)/2=28.5mm
% bij (210-170)/2=20
% \setpagecc{240mm}{170mm}%Setting trimmed page centered on stock
%Do this for final to press
% \trimXmarks
% \trimLmarks
% For preview PDF
% \trimFrame
% This code is for the digital version
% End code for digital version
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{ \includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{img_default/ascee_beeldmerk.pdf} }
% \fancyfoot[RO,LE]{\textbf{\footnotesize{Confidential}}}
% Copyright sign \textcopyright, \textregistered
%\date{Vul datum in in preamble}
% Use SI unitx package
\sisetup{sticky-per = true}%
\sisetup{inter-unit-product = \ensuremath{ {} \!\cdot\!{} } }
% We use engineering scientific notation
%\sisetup{scientific-notation=engineering} %
% Margins
% \setlrmarginsandblock{2.25cm}{1.75cm}{*}
% \setulmarginsandblock{3cm}{2.5cm}{*} %Top and bottom margin
% \checkandfixthelayout
% \usepackage[dutch,english]{babel}
% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
% \usepackage[%
% giveninits=true,
% doi=false,
% url=false,
% isbn=false,
% %% natbib=true,
% %% date=year,
% bibencoding=utf8,
% % style=numeric-comp,
% backend=biber,
% % refsection=chapter, % If we want bibliographies per chapter
% ]{biblatex}
% \DeclareFieldFormat*{url}{}
% \DeclareFieldFormat[misc]{url}{\mkbibacro{URL}\addcolon\space\url{#1}}
% \DeclareFieldFormat[report]{url}{\mkbibacro{URL}\addcolon\space\url{#1}}
% \DeclareFieldFormat*{urldate}{}
% \DeclareFieldFormat[misc]{urldate}{\mkbibparens{\bibstring{urlseen}\space#1}}
% \DeclareFieldFormat[report]{urldate}{\mkbibparens{\bibstring{urlseen}\space#1}}
% \renewbibmacro{in:}{}
% Separate the items in the bibliography somewhat
% \setlength{\bibsep}{4pt}
\newcommand{\lrftubess}{\lrftubes\ }
% Customize the caption of the figures and tables
%Chapter style
% Set chapter style demo with sans serif font family
%% \chapterstyle{bianchi}
%% \chapterstyle{madsen}
% \chapterstyle{thatcher}
% ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------
% \setlength\absrightindent{0pt}
% \setlength\absleftindent{0pt}
% \renewcommand{\abstractname}{}
% \addto{\captionsenglish}{\renewcommand{\abstractname}{}}
% \renewcommand{\abstracttextfont}{\normalfont\small\itshape}
% \abstractrunin
% Make table of contents and other lists wrap words for long chapter
% titles
% \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\sloppy}
% \listoffigures
% \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\sloppy}
% \listoftables
% Some fancy header settins
% \nouppercaseheads
% \pagestyle{headings} % customized:
% \makeevenhead{headings}{\thepage}{}{\small\leftmark}
% \makeoddhead{headings}{\small\rightmark}{}{\thepage}
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% \makeoddfoot{plain}{}{\thepage}{}
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% % Blind footnotes at Chapters
% \newcommand\blfootnote[1]{%
% \begingroup
% \renewcommand\thefootnote{}\footnote{#1}%
% \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}%
% \endgroup
% }
% Replace the colored links with just black ones
% \definecolor{green}{cmyk}{1,1,1,1}
% \definecolor{red}{cmyk}{1,1,1,1}
% \definecolor{magenta}{cmyk}{1,1,1,1}
% Roman font for URL in Bibliography
%% References to plot lines
% \newcommand{\plotref}[1]{\protect\ref{#1}}
%% \newcommand{\plotref}[1]{#1}
% Some hacks to get proper names and ordering in the bibliography
% Use in the bibtex file:
% @PREAMBLE{ {\providecommand{\noopsort}[1]{}} }
% To get the "Lord" of Lord Rayleigh as a prefix instead of a abbreviated first
% name. In the bibtex item the author is provided as:
% author = {{\noopsort{Rayleigh}}{Lord Rayleigh}},
% To get nice copyright symbol
% To get the 'draft' watermark
% New definition of square root:
% it renames \sqrt as \oldsqrt
% \let\oldsqrt\sqrt
% it defines the new \sqrt in terms of the old one
% \def\sqrt{\mathpalette\DHLhksqrt}
% \def\DHLhksqrt#1#2{%
% \setbox0=\hbox{$#1\oldsqrt{#2\,}$}\dimen0=\ht0
% \advance\dimen0-0.2\ht0
% \setbox2=\hbox{\vrule height\ht0 depth -\dimen0}%
% {\box0\lower0.4pt\box2}}
% End code to redefine sqrt
% \let\originalleft\left
% \let\originalright\right
% \def\left#1{\mathopen{}\originalleft#1}
% \def\right#1{\originalright#1\mathclose{}}
%Nice tables
%More space between rows:
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} %(or 1.3)
% The fixmath package is to make uppercase greek letters appear in italic, not straight up
% For psfrag
% Define color yellow
% Nomenclature
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\textbf{Roman symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{G}}{\item[\textbf{Greek symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{O}}{\item[\textbf{Abbreviations and acronyms}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{C}}{\item[\textbf{Calligraphic Symbols}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{S}}{\item[\textbf{Sub- and superscripts}]}{%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{M}}{\item[\textbf{Miscellaneous symbols and operators}]}
}% matches mathematical symbols
}% matches Subscripts
}% matches Abbreviations
}% matches Greek Symbols
}% matches Roman Symbols
% This one is with fill dots
\renewcommand\nomname{List of symbols}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Item separation in itemize and enumerate
%% Itemize spacing
%% For the caption of graphics
% Define lines for use in captions \lXYZ
% X = black(b), dark(d), light(l)
% Y = solid(s), dashed(da), dash-dot (dd)
% Z = normal(), thick(t)
% \input{tex/hyphenation.tex}
%% This package does not work together with hyphenation advice?
%% \usepackage[english=usenglishmax]{hyphsubst}