import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np app = pg.mkQApp() def test_ErrorBarItem_defer_data(): plot = pg.PlotWidget() # plot some data away from the origin to set the view rect x = np.arange(5) + 10 curve = pg.PlotCurveItem(x=x, y=x) plot.addItem(curve) app.processEvents() app.processEvents() r_no_ebi = plot.viewRect() # ErrorBarItem with no data shouldn't affect the view rect err = pg.ErrorBarItem() plot.addItem(err) app.processEvents() app.processEvents() r_empty_ebi = plot.viewRect() assert r_no_ebi.height() == r_empty_ebi.height() err.setData(x=x, y=x, bottom=x, top=x) app.processEvents() app.processEvents() r_ebi = plot.viewRect() assert r_ebi.height() > r_empty_ebi.height() # unset data, ErrorBarItem disappears and view rect goes back to original err.setData(x=None, y=None) app.processEvents() app.processEvents() r_clear_ebi = plot.viewRect() assert r_clear_ebi.height() == r_empty_ebi.height() plot.close()