import ctypes import os so = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') try: lib = ctypes.CDLL(so) COMPILED = True except OSError: COMPILED = False if COMPILED: lib.relax.argtypes = [ ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ] def relax(pos, links, mrel1, mrel2, lengths, push, pull, iters): nlinks = links.shape[0] lib.relax(pos.ctypes, links.ctypes, mrel1.ctypes, mrel2.ctypes, lengths.ctypes, push.ctypes, pull.ctypes, nlinks, iters) else: def relax(pos, links, mrel1, mrel2, lengths, push, pull, iters): lengths2 = lengths**2 for i in range(iters): #p1 = links[:, 0] #p2 = links[:, 1] #x1 = pos[p1] #x2 = pos[p2] #dx = x2 - x1 #dist = (dx**2).sum(axis=1)**0.5 #mask = (npush & (dist < lengths)) | (npull & (dist > lengths)) ##dist[mask] = lengths[mask] #change = (lengths-dist) / dist #change[mask] = 0 #dx *= change[:, np.newaxis] #print dx ##pos[p1] -= mrel2 * dx ##pos[p2] += mrel1 * dx #for j in range(links.shape[0]): #pos[links[j,0]] -= mrel2[j] * dx[j] #pos[links[j,1]] += mrel1[j] * dx[j] for l in range(links.shape[0]): p1, p2 = links[l]; x1 = pos[p1] x2 = pos[p2] dx = x2 - x1 dist2 = (dx**2).sum() if (push[l] and dist2 < lengths2[l]) or (pull[l] and dist2 > lengths2[l]): dist = dist2 ** 0.5 change = (lengths[l]-dist) / dist dx *= change pos[p1] -= mrel2[l] * dx pos[p2] += mrel1[l] * dx