#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, argparse, random from common import shell, ssh description="Build release packages for pyqtgraph." epilog = """ Package build is done in several steps: * Attempt to clone branch release-x.y.z from %s * Merge release branch into master * Write new version numbers into the source * Roll over unreleased CHANGELOG entries * Commit and tag new release * Build HTML documentation * Build source package * Build deb packages (if running on Linux) * Build exe packages (if running on Windows, or if a Windows server is configured) Building source packages requires: * * * python-sphinx Building deb packages requires several dependencies: * build-essential * python-all, python3-all * python-stdeb, python3-stdeb """ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) build_dir = os.path.join(path, 'release-build') pkg_dir = os.path.join(path, 'release-packages') ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) ap.add_argument('version', help='The x.y.z version to generate release packages for. ' 'There must be a corresponding pyqtgraph-x.y.z branch in the source repository.') ap.add_argument('--source-repo', metavar='', help='Repository from which release and master branches will be cloned. Default is the repo containing this script.', default=path) ap.add_argument('--build-dir', metavar='', help='Directory where packages will be staged and built. Default is source_root/release-build.', default=build_dir) ap.add_argument('--pkg-dir', metavar='', help='Directory where packages will be stored. Default is source_root/release-packages.', default=pkg_dir) ap.add_argument('--skip-pip-test', metavar='', help='Skip testing pip install.', action='store_const', const=True, default=False) ap.add_argument('--no-deb', metavar='', help='Skip building Debian packages.', action='store_const', const=True, default=False) ap.add_argument('--no-exe', metavar='', help='Skip building Windows exe installers.', action='store_const', const=True, default=False) ap.add_argument('--win-host', metavar='', help='user@hostname to build .exe installers via Windows SSH server.', default=None) ap.add_argument('--self-host', metavar='', help='user@hostname for Windows server to access localhost (for git clone).', default=None) args = ap.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.build_dir): sys.stderr.write("Please remove the build directory %s before proceeding, or specify a different path with --build-dir.\n" % args.build_dir) sys.exit(-1) #if len(sys.argv) < 2: #print usage #sys.exit(-1) version = args.version #if re.match(r'\d+\.\d+.*', version) is None: #print 'Invalid version number "%s".' % version #sys.exit(-1) vars = { 'ver': args.version, 'bld': args.build_dir, 'src': args.source_repo, 'pkgdir': args.pkg_dir, 'win': args.win_host, 'self': args.self_host, } # Clone source repository and tag the release branch shell(''' # Clone and merge release branch into previous master mkdir -p {bld} cd {bld} rm -rf pyqtgraph git clone --depth 1 -b master {src} pyqtgraph cd pyqtgraph git checkout -b release-{ver} git pull {src} release-{ver} git checkout master git merge --no-ff --no-commit release-{ver} # Write new version number into the source sed -i "s/__version__ = .*/__version__ = '{ver}'/" pyqtgraph/__init__.py sed -i "s/version = .*/version = '{ver}'/" doc/source/conf.py sed -i "s/release = .*/release = '{ver}'/" doc/source/conf.py # make sure changelog mentions unreleased changes grep "pyqtgraph-{ver}.*unreleased.*" CHANGELOG sed -i "s/pyqtgraph-{ver}.*unreleased.*/pyqtgraph-{ver}/" CHANGELOG # Commit and tag new release git commit -a -m "PyQtGraph release {ver}" git tag pyqtgraph-{ver} # Build HTML documentation cd doc make clean make html cd .. find ./ -name "*.pyc" -delete # package source distribution python setup.py sdist mkdir -p {pkgdir} cp dist/*.tar.gz {pkgdir} # source package build complete. '''.format(**vars)) if args.skip_pip_test: vars['pip_test'] = 'skipped' else: shell(''' # test pip install source distribution rm -rf release-{ver}-virtenv virtualenv --system-site-packages release-{ver}-virtenv . release-{ver}-virtenv/bin/activate echo "PATH: $PATH" echo "ENV: $VIRTUAL_ENV" pip install --no-index --no-deps dist/pyqtgraph-{ver}.tar.gz deactivate # pip install test passed '''.format(**vars)) vars['pip_test'] = 'passed' if 'linux' in sys.platform and not args.no_deb: shell(''' # build deb packages cd {bld} python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command sdist_dsc cd deb_dist/pyqtgraph-{ver} sed -i "s/^Depends:.*/Depends: python (>= 2.6), python-qt4 | python-pyside, python-numpy/" debian/control dpkg-buildpackage cd ../../ mv deb_dist {pkgdir}/pyqtgraph-{ver}-deb # deb package build complete. '''.format(**vars)) vars['deb_status'] = 'built' else: vars['deb_status'] = 'skipped' # build windows installers locally if possible, otherwise try configured windows server vars['winpath'] = None if (sys.platform == 'win32' or winhost is not None) and not args.no_exe: shell("# Build windows executables") if sys.platform == 'win32': shell(""" cd {bld} python setup.py build --plat-name=win32 bdist_wininst python setup.py build --plat-name=win-amd64 bdist_wininst cp dist/*.exe {pkgdir} """.format(**vars)) vars['exe_status'] = 'built' else: vars['winpath'] = 'pyqtgraph-build_%x' % random.randint(0, 1e12) ssh(winhost, ''' git clone {self}:{bld}/pyqtgraph {winpath} cd {winpath} python setup.py build --plat-name=win32 bdist_wininst python setup.py build --plat-name=win-amd64 bdist_wininst exit '''.format(**vars)) shell(''' scp {win}:{winpath}/dist/*.exe {pkgdir} '''.format(**vars)) vars['exe_status'] = 'built' else: vars['exe_status'] = 'skipped' print(""" ======== Build complete. ========= * Source package: built * Pip install test: {pip_test} * Debian packages: {deb_status} * Windows installers: {exe_status} * Package files in {pkgdir} """.format(**vars)) if vars['winpath'] is not None: print(""" * Dist files on windows host at {win}:{winpath}""".format(**vars))