# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Demonstrates basic use of LegendItem """ import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np win = pg.plot() win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: BarGraphItem') # # option1: only for .plot(), following c1,c2 for example----------------------- # win.addLegend(frame=False, colCount=2) # bar graph x = np.arange(10) y = np.sin(x+2) * 3 bg1 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=x, height=y, width=0.3, brush='b', pen='w', name='bar') win.addItem(bg1) # curve c1 = win.plot([np.random.randint(0,8) for i in range(10)], pen='r', symbol='t', symbolPen='r', symbolBrush='g', name='curve1') c2 = win.plot([2,1,4,3,1,3,2,4,3,2], pen='g', fillLevel=0, fillBrush=(255,255,255,30), name='curve2') # scatter plot s1 = pg.ScatterPlotItem(size=10, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(255, 255, 255, 120), name='scatter') spots = [{'pos': [i, np.random.randint(-3, 3)], 'data': 1} for i in range(10)] s1.addPoints(spots) win.addItem(s1) # # option2: generic method------------------------------------------------ legend = pg.LegendItem((80,60), offset=(70,20)) legend.setParentItem(win.graphicsItem()) legend.addItem(bg1, 'bar') legend.addItem(c1, 'curve1') legend.addItem(c2, 'curve2') legend.addItem(s1, 'scatter') if __name__ == '__main__': pg.mkQApp().exec_()