# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np app = pg.mkQApp() plt = pg.PlotWidget() app.processEvents() ## Putting this at the beginning or end does not have much effect plt.show() ## The auto-range is recomputed after each item is added, ## so disabling it before plotting helps plt.enableAutoRange(False, False) def plot(): start = pg.ptime.time() n = 15 pts = 100 x = np.linspace(0, 0.8, pts) y = np.random.random(size=pts)*0.8 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): ## calling PlotWidget.plot() generates a PlotDataItem, which ## has a bit more overhead than PlotCurveItem, which is all ## we need here. This overhead adds up quickly and makes a big ## difference in speed. #plt.plot(x=x+i, y=y+j) plt.addItem(pg.PlotCurveItem(x=x+i, y=y+j)) #path = pg.arrayToQPath(x+i, y+j) #item = QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem(path) #item.setPen(pg.mkPen('w')) #plt.addItem(item) dt = pg.ptime.time() - start print("Create plots took: %0.3fms" % (dt*1000)) ## Plot and clear 5 times, printing the time it took for i in range(5): plt.clear() plot() app.processEvents() plt.autoRange() def fastPlot(): ## Different approach: generate a single item with all data points. ## This runs about 20x faster. start = pg.ptime.time() n = 15 pts = 100 x = np.linspace(0, 0.8, pts) y = np.random.random(size=pts)*0.8 xdata = np.empty((n, n, pts)) xdata[:] = x.reshape(1,1,pts) + np.arange(n).reshape(n,1,1) ydata = np.empty((n, n, pts)) ydata[:] = y.reshape(1,1,pts) + np.arange(n).reshape(1,n,1) conn = np.ones((n*n,pts)) conn[:,-1] = False # make sure plots are disconnected path = pg.arrayToQPath(xdata.flatten(), ydata.flatten(), conn.flatten()) item = QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem(path) item.setPen(pg.mkPen('w')) plt.addItem(item) dt = pg.ptime.time() - start print("Create plots took: %0.3fms" % (dt*1000)) ## Plot and clear 5 times, printing the time it took if hasattr(pg, 'arrayToQPath'): for i in range(5): plt.clear() fastPlot() app.processEvents() else: print("Skipping fast tests--arrayToQPath function is missing.") plt.autoRange() if __name__ == '__main__': pg.mkQApp().exec_()