class PlotData(object): """ Class used for managing plot data - allows data sharing between multiple graphics items (curve, scatter, graph..) - each item may define the columns it needs - column groupings ('pos' or x, y, z) - efficiently appendable - log, fft transformations - color mode conversion (float/byte/qcolor) - pen/brush conversion - per-field cached masking - allows multiple masking fields (different graphics need to mask on different criteria) - removal of nan/inf values - option for single value shared by entire column - cached downsampling """ def __init__(self): self.fields = {} self.maxVals = {} ## cache for max/min self.minVals = {} def addFields(self, fields): for f in fields: if f not in self.fields: self.fields[f] = None def hasField(self, f): return f in self.fields def __getitem__(self, field): return self.fields[field] def __setitem__(self, field, val): self.fields[field] = val def max(self, field): mx = self.maxVals.get(field, None) if mx is None: mx = np.max(self[field]) self.maxVals[field] = mx return mx def min(self, field): mn = self.minVals.get(field, None) if mn is None: mn = np.min(self[field]) self.minVals[field] = mn return mn