from ..Qt import QtGui, QtCore from ..python2_3 import asUnicode import os, weakref, re class ParameterItem(QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem): """ Abstract ParameterTree item. Used to represent the state of a Parameter from within a ParameterTree. - Sets first column of item to name - generates context menu if item is renamable or removable - handles child added / removed events - provides virtual functions for handling changes from parameter For more ParameterItem types, see ParameterTree.parameterTypes module. """ def __init__(self, param, depth=0): title = param.opts.get('title', None) if title is None: title = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self, [title, '']) self.param = param self.param.registerItem(self) ## let parameter know this item is connected to it (for debugging) self.depth = depth param.sigValueChanged.connect(self.valueChanged) param.sigChildAdded.connect(self.childAdded) param.sigChildRemoved.connect(self.childRemoved) param.sigNameChanged.connect(self.nameChanged) param.sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.limitsChanged) param.sigDefaultChanged.connect(self.defaultChanged) param.sigOptionsChanged.connect(self.optsChanged) param.sigParentChanged.connect(self.parentChanged) self.updateFlags() ## flag used internally during name editing self.ignoreNameColumnChange = False def updateFlags(self): ## called when Parameter opts changed opts = self.param.opts flags = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled if opts.get('renamable', False): if opts.get('title', None) is not None: raise Exception("Cannot make parameter with both title != None and renamable == True.") flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable ## handle movable / dropEnabled options if opts.get('movable', False): flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled if opts.get('dropEnabled', False): flags |= QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled self.setFlags(flags) def valueChanged(self, param, val): ## called when the parameter's value has changed pass def isFocusable(self): """Return True if this item should be included in the tab-focus order""" return False def setFocus(self): """Give input focus to this item. Can be reimplemented to display editor widgets, etc. """ pass def focusNext(self, forward=True): """Give focus to the next (or previous) focusable item in the parameter tree""" self.treeWidget().focusNext(self, forward=forward) def treeWidgetChanged(self): """Called when this item is added or removed from a tree. Expansion, visibility, and column widgets must all be configured AFTER the item is added to a tree, not during __init__. """ self.setHidden(not self.param.opts.get('visible', True)) self.setExpanded(self.param.opts.get('expanded', True)) def childAdded(self, param, child, pos): item = child.makeTreeItem(depth=self.depth+1) self.insertChild(pos, item) item.treeWidgetChanged() for i, ch in enumerate(child): item.childAdded(child, ch, i) def childRemoved(self, param, child): for i in range(self.childCount()): item = self.child(i) if item.param is child: self.takeChild(i) break def parentChanged(self, param, parent): ## called when the parameter's parent has changed. pass def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): opts = self.param.opts if not opts.get('removable', False) and not opts.get('renamable', False)\ and "context" not in opts: return ## Generate context menu for renaming/removing parameter self.contextMenu = QtGui.QMenu() # Put in global name space to prevent garbage collection self.contextMenu.addSeparator() if opts.get('renamable', False): self.contextMenu.addAction('Rename').triggered.connect(self.editName) if opts.get('removable', False): self.contextMenu.addAction("Remove").triggered.connect(self.requestRemove) # context menu context = opts.get('context', None) if isinstance(context, list): for name in context: self.contextMenu.addAction(name).triggered.connect( self.contextMenuTriggered(name)) elif isinstance(context, dict): for name, title in context.items(): self.contextMenu.addAction(title).triggered.connect( self.contextMenuTriggered(name)) self.contextMenu.popup(ev.globalPos()) def columnChangedEvent(self, col): """Called when the text in a column has been edited (or otherwise changed). By default, we only use changes to column 0 to rename the parameter. """ if col == 0 and (self.param.opts.get('title', None) is None): if self.ignoreNameColumnChange: return try: newName = self.param.setName(asUnicode(self.text(col))) except Exception: self.setText(0, raise try: self.ignoreNameColumnChange = True self.nameChanged(self, newName) ## If the parameter rejects the name change, we need to set it back. finally: self.ignoreNameColumnChange = False def expandedChangedEvent(self, expanded): if self.param.opts['syncExpanded']: self.param.setOpts(expanded=expanded) def nameChanged(self, param, name): ## called when the parameter's name has changed. if self.param.opts.get('title', None) is None: self.setText(0, name) def limitsChanged(self, param, limits): """Called when the parameter's limits have changed""" pass def defaultChanged(self, param, default): """Called when the parameter's default value has changed""" pass def optsChanged(self, param, opts): """Called when any options are changed that are not name, value, default, or limits""" if 'visible' in opts: self.setHidden(not opts['visible']) if 'expanded' in opts: if self.param.opts['syncExpanded']: if self.isExpanded() != opts['expanded']: self.setExpanded(opts['expanded']) if 'syncExpanded' in opts: if opts['syncExpanded']: if self.isExpanded() != self.param.opts['expanded']: self.setExpanded(self.param.opts['expanded']) self.updateFlags() def contextMenuTriggered(self, name): def trigger(): self.param.contextMenu(name) return trigger def editName(self): self.treeWidget().editItem(self, 0) def selected(self, sel): """Called when this item has been selected (sel=True) OR deselected (sel=False)""" pass def requestRemove(self): ## called when remove is selected from the context menu. ## we need to delay removal until the action is complete ## since destroying the menu in mid-action will cause a crash. QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.param.remove) ## for python 3 support, we need to redefine hash and eq methods. def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, x): return x is self