# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This example demonstrates generating ColorMap objects from external data. It displays the full list of color maps available as local files or by import from Matplotlib or ColorCET. """ ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import initExample from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import pyqtgraph as pg app = pg.mkQApp() win = QtGui.QMainWindow() win.resize(1000,800) lw = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() lw.setFixedWidth(1000) lw.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) scr = QtGui.QScrollArea() scr.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) scr.setWidget(lw) win.setCentralWidget(scr) win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Color maps') win.show() bar_width = 32 bar_data = pg.colormap.modulatedBarData(width=bar_width) num_bars = 0 def add_heading(lw, name): global num_bars lw.addLabel('=== '+name+' ===') num_bars += 1 lw.nextRow() def add_bar(lw, name, cm): global num_bars lw.addLabel(name) imi = pg.ImageItem( bar_data ) imi.setLookupTable( cm.getLookupTable(alpha=True) ) vb = lw.addViewBox(lockAspect=True, enableMouse=False) vb.addItem( imi ) num_bars += 1 lw.nextRow() add_heading(lw, 'local color maps') list_of_maps = pg.colormap.listMaps() for map_name in list_of_maps: cm = pg.colormap.get(map_name) add_bar(lw, map_name, cm) add_heading(lw, 'Matplotlib import') list_of_maps = pg.colormap.listMaps('matplotlib') for map_name in list_of_maps: cm = pg.colormap.get(map_name, source='matplotlib', skipCache=True) if cm is not None: add_bar(lw, map_name, cm) add_heading(lw, 'ColorCET import') list_of_maps = pg.colormap.listMaps('colorcet') for map_name in list_of_maps: cm = pg.colormap.get(map_name, source='colorcet', skipCache=True) if cm is not None: add_bar(lw, map_name, cm) lw.setFixedHeight(num_bars * (bar_width+5) ) if __name__ == '__main__': pg.exec()