# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This example demonstrates plotting with color gradients. It also shows multiple plots with timed rolling updates """ # Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import initExample import numpy as np import time from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, mkQApp import pyqtgraph as pg class DataSource(object): """ source of buffered demonstration data """ def __init__(self, sample_rate=200., signal_period=0.55, negative_period=None, max_length=300): """ prepare, but don't start yet """ self.rate = sample_rate self.period = signal_period self.neg_period = negative_period self.start_time = 0. self.sample_idx = 0 # number of next sample to be taken def start(self, timestamp): """ start acquiring simulated data """ self.start_time = timestamp self.sample_idx = 0 def get_data(self, timestamp, max_length=6000): """ return all data acquired since last get_data call """ next_idx = int( (timestamp - self.start_time) * self.rate ) if next_idx - self.sample_idx > max_length: self.sample_idx = next_idx - max_length # catch up if needed # create some mildly intersting data: sample_phases = np.arange( self.sample_idx, next_idx, dtype=np.float64 ) self.sample_idx = next_idx sample_phase_pos = sample_phases / (self.period*self.rate) sample_phase_pos %= 1.0 if self.neg_period is None: return sample_phase_pos**4 sample_phase_neg = sample_phases / (self.neg_period*self.rate) sample_phase_neg %= 1.0 return sample_phase_pos**4 - sample_phase_neg**4 class MainWindow(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget): """ example application main window """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: gradient plots') self.resize(800,800) self.show() layout = self # we are using a GraphicsLayoutWidget as main window for convenience cm = pg.colormap.get('CET-L17') cm.reverse() pen0 = cm.getPen( span=(0.0,1.0), width=5 ) curve0 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pen0 ) comment0 = 'Clipped color map applied to vertical axis' cm = pg.colormap.get('CET-D1') cm.setMappingMode('diverging') brush = cm.getBrush( span=(-1., 1.), orientation='vertical' ) curve1 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen='w', brush=brush, fillLevel=0.0 ) comment1 = 'Diverging vertical color map used as brush' cm = pg.colormap.get('CET-L17') cm.setMappingMode('mirror') pen2 = cm.getPen( span=(400.0,600.0), width=5, orientation='horizontal' ) curve2 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pen2 ) comment2 = 'Mirrored color map applied to horizontal axis' cm = pg.colormap.get('CET-C2') cm.setMappingMode('repeat') pen3 = cm.getPen( span=(100, 200), width=5, orientation='horizontal' ) curve3 = pg.PlotDataItem(pen=pen3 ) # vertical diverging fill comment3 = 'Repeated color map applied to horizontal axis' curves = (curve0, curve1, curve2, curve3) comments = (comment0, comment1, comment2, comment3) length = int( 3.0 * 200. ) # length of display in samples self.top_plot = None for idx, (curve, comment) in enumerate( zip(curves,comments) ): plot = layout.addPlot(row=idx+1, col=0) text = pg.TextItem( comment, anchor=(0,1) ) text.setPos(0.,1.) if self.top_plot is None: self.top_plot = plot else: plot.setXLink( self.top_plot ) plot.addItem( curve ) plot.addItem( text ) plot.setXRange( 0, length ) if idx != 1: plot.setYRange( 0. , 1.1 ) else : plot.setYRange( -1. , 1.2 ) # last plot include positive/negative data self.traces = ( {'crv': curve0, 'buf': np.zeros( length ), 'ptr':0, 'ds': DataSource( signal_period=0.55 ) }, {'crv': curve1, 'buf': np.zeros( length ), 'ptr':0, 'ds': DataSource( signal_period=0.61, negative_period=0.55 ) }, {'crv': curve2, 'buf': np.zeros( length ), 'ptr':0, 'ds': DataSource( signal_period=0.65 ) }, {'crv': curve3, 'buf': np.zeros( length ), 'ptr':0, 'ds': DataSource( signal_period=0.52 ) }, ) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(timerType=QtCore.Qt.PreciseTimer) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update) timestamp = time.perf_counter() for dic in self.traces: dic['ds'].start( timestamp ) self.last_update = time.perf_counter() self.mean_dt = None self.timer.start(33) def update(self): """ called by timer at 30 Hz """ timestamp = time.perf_counter() # measure actual update rate: dt = timestamp - self.last_update if self.mean_dt is None: self.mean_dt = dt else: self.mean_dt = 0.95 * self.mean_dt + 0.05 * dt # average over fluctuating measurements self.top_plot.setTitle( 'refresh: {:0.1f}ms -> {:0.1f} fps'.format( 1000*self.mean_dt, 1/self.mean_dt ) ) # handle rolling buffer: self.last_update = timestamp for dic in self.traces: new_data = dic['ds'].get_data( timestamp ) idx_a = dic['ptr'] idx_b = idx_a + len( new_data ) len_buffer = dic['buf'].shape[0] if idx_b < len_buffer: # data does not cross buffer boundary dic['buf'][idx_a:idx_b] = new_data else: # part of the new data needs to roll over to beginning of buffer len_1 = len_buffer - idx_a # this many elements still fit dic['buf'][idx_a:idx_a+len_1] = new_data[:len_1] # first part of data at end idx_b = len(new_data) - len_1 dic['buf'][0:idx_b] = new_data[len_1:] # second part of data at re-start dic['ptr'] = idx_b dic['crv'].setData( dic['buf'] ) mkQApp("Gradient plotting example") main_window = MainWindow() ## Start Qt event loop if __name__ == '__main__': pg.exec()