# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui __all__ = ['FeedbackButton'] class FeedbackButton(QtGui.QPushButton): """ QPushButton which flashes success/failure indication for slow or asynchronous procedures. """ ### For thread-safetyness sigCallSuccess = QtCore.Signal(object, object, object) sigCallFailure = QtCore.Signal(object, object, object) sigCallProcess = QtCore.Signal(object, object, object) sigReset = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, *args): QtGui.QPushButton.__init__(self, *args) self.origStyle = None self.origText = self.text() self.origStyle = self.styleSheet() self.origTip = self.toolTip() self.limitedTime = True #self.textTimer = QtCore.QTimer() #self.tipTimer = QtCore.QTimer() #self.textTimer.timeout.connect(self.setText) #self.tipTimer.timeout.connect(self.setToolTip) self.sigCallSuccess.connect(self.success) self.sigCallFailure.connect(self.failure) self.sigCallProcess.connect(self.processing) self.sigReset.connect(self.reset) def feedback(self, success, message=None, tip="", limitedTime=True): """Calls success() or failure(). If you want the message to be displayed until the user takes an action, set limitedTime to False. Then call self.reset() after the desired action.Threadsafe.""" if success: self.success(message, tip, limitedTime=limitedTime) else: self.failure(message, tip, limitedTime=limitedTime) def success(self, message=None, tip="", limitedTime=True): """Displays specified message on button and flashes button green to let user know action was successful. If you want the success to be displayed until the user takes an action, set limitedTime to False. Then call self.reset() after the desired action. Threadsafe.""" isGuiThread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread() == QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().thread() if isGuiThread: self.setEnabled(True) #print "success" self.startBlink("#0F0", message, tip, limitedTime=limitedTime) else: self.sigCallSuccess.emit(message, tip, limitedTime) def failure(self, message=None, tip="", limitedTime=True): """Displays specified message on button and flashes button red to let user know there was an error. If you want the error to be displayed until the user takes an action, set limitedTime to False. Then call self.reset() after the desired action. Threadsafe. """ isGuiThread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread() == QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().thread() if isGuiThread: self.setEnabled(True) #print "fail" self.startBlink("#F00", message, tip, limitedTime=limitedTime) else: self.sigCallFailure.emit(message, tip, limitedTime) def processing(self, message="Processing..", tip="", processEvents=True): """Displays specified message on button to let user know the action is in progress. Threadsafe. """ isGuiThread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread() == QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().thread() if isGuiThread: self.setEnabled(False) self.setText(message, temporary=True) self.setToolTip(tip, temporary=True) if processEvents: QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() else: self.sigCallProcess.emit(message, tip, processEvents) def reset(self): """Resets the button to its original text and style. Threadsafe.""" isGuiThread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread() == QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().thread() if isGuiThread: self.limitedTime = True self.setText() self.setToolTip() self.setStyleSheet() else: self.sigReset.emit() def startBlink(self, color, message=None, tip="", limitedTime=True): #if self.origStyle is None: #self.origStyle = self.styleSheet() #self.origText = self.text() self.setFixedHeight(self.height()) if message is not None: self.setText(message, temporary=True) self.setToolTip(tip, temporary=True) self.count = 0 #self.indStyle = "QPushButton {border: 2px solid %s; border-radius: 5px}" % color self.indStyle = "QPushButton {background-color: %s}" % color self.limitedTime = limitedTime self.borderOn() if limitedTime: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(2000, self.setText) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(10000, self.setToolTip) def borderOn(self): self.setStyleSheet(self.indStyle, temporary=True) if self.limitedTime or self.count <=2: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(100, self.borderOff) def borderOff(self): self.setStyleSheet() self.count += 1 if self.count >= 2: if self.limitedTime: return QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(30, self.borderOn) def setText(self, text=None, temporary=False): if text is None: text = self.origText #print text QtGui.QPushButton.setText(self, text) if not temporary: self.origText = text def setToolTip(self, text=None, temporary=False): if text is None: text = self.origTip QtGui.QPushButton.setToolTip(self, text) if not temporary: self.origTip = text def setStyleSheet(self, style=None, temporary=False): if style is None: style = self.origStyle QtGui.QPushButton.setStyleSheet(self, style) if not temporary: self.origStyle = style if __name__ == '__main__': import time app = QtGui.QApplication([]) win = QtGui.QMainWindow() btn = FeedbackButton("Button") fail = True def click(): btn.processing("Hold on..") time.sleep(2.0) global fail fail = not fail if fail: btn.failure(message="FAIL.", tip="There was a failure. Get over it.") else: btn.success(message="Bueno!") btn.clicked.connect(click) win.setCentralWidget(btn) win.show()