# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ functions.py - Miscellaneous functions with no other home Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation. """ from .python2_3 import asUnicode Colors = { 'b': (0,0,255,255), 'g': (0,255,0,255), 'r': (255,0,0,255), 'c': (0,255,255,255), 'm': (255,0,255,255), 'y': (255,255,0,255), 'k': (0,0,0,255), 'w': (255,255,255,255), } SI_PREFIXES = asUnicode('yzafpnµm kMGTPEZY') SI_PREFIXES_ASCII = 'yzafpnum kMGTPEZY' from .Qt import QtGui, QtCore, USE_PYSIDE import numpy as np import decimal, re import ctypes try: import scipy.ndimage HAVE_SCIPY = True try: import scipy.weave USE_WEAVE = True except: USE_WEAVE = False except ImportError: HAVE_SCIPY = False from . import debug def siScale(x, minVal=1e-25, allowUnicode=True): """ Return the recommended scale factor and SI prefix string for x. Example:: siScale(0.0001) # returns (1e6, 'μ') # This indicates that the number 0.0001 is best represented as 0.0001 * 1e6 = 100 μUnits """ if isinstance(x, decimal.Decimal): x = float(x) try: if np.isnan(x) or np.isinf(x): return(1, '') except: print(x, type(x)) raise if abs(x) < minVal: m = 0 x = 0 else: m = int(np.clip(np.floor(np.log(abs(x))/np.log(1000)), -9.0, 9.0)) if m == 0: pref = '' elif m < -8 or m > 8: pref = 'e%d' % (m*3) else: if allowUnicode: pref = SI_PREFIXES[m+8] else: pref = SI_PREFIXES_ASCII[m+8] p = .001**m return (p, pref) def siFormat(x, precision=3, suffix='', space=True, error=None, minVal=1e-25, allowUnicode=True): """ Return the number x formatted in engineering notation with SI prefix. Example:: siFormat(0.0001, suffix='V') # returns "100 μV" """ if space is True: space = ' ' if space is False: space = '' (p, pref) = siScale(x, minVal, allowUnicode) if not (len(pref) > 0 and pref[0] == 'e'): pref = space + pref if error is None: fmt = "%." + str(precision) + "g%s%s" return fmt % (x*p, pref, suffix) else: if allowUnicode: plusminus = space + asUnicode("±") + space else: plusminus = " +/- " fmt = "%." + str(precision) + "g%s%s%s%s" return fmt % (x*p, pref, suffix, plusminus, siFormat(error, precision=precision, suffix=suffix, space=space, minVal=minVal)) def siEval(s): """ Convert a value written in SI notation to its equivalent prefixless value Example:: siEval("100 μV") # returns 0.0001 """ s = asUnicode(s) m = re.match(r'(-?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|(\.\d+))([eE]-?\d+)?)\s*([u' + SI_PREFIXES + r']?).*$', s) if m is None: raise Exception("Can't convert string '%s' to number." % s) v = float(m.groups()[0]) p = m.groups()[6] #if p not in SI_PREFIXES: #raise Exception("Can't convert string '%s' to number--unknown prefix." % s) if p == '': n = 0 elif p == 'u': n = -2 else: n = SI_PREFIXES.index(p) - 8 return v * 1000**n class Color(QtGui.QColor): def __init__(self, *args): QtGui.QColor.__init__(self, mkColor(*args)) def glColor(self): """Return (r,g,b,a) normalized for use in opengl""" return (self.red()/255., self.green()/255., self.blue()/255., self.alpha()/255.) def __getitem__(self, ind): return (self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.alpha)[ind]() def mkColor(*args): """ Convenience function for constructing QColor from a variety of argument types. Accepted arguments are: ================ ================================================ 'c' one of: r, g, b, c, m, y, k, w R, G, B, [A] integers 0-255 (R, G, B, [A]) tuple of integers 0-255 float greyscale, 0.0-1.0 int see :func:`intColor() ` (int, hues) see :func:`intColor() ` "RGB" hexadecimal strings; may begin with '#' "RGBA" "RRGGBB" "RRGGBBAA" QColor QColor instance; makes a copy. ================ ================================================ """ err = 'Not sure how to make a color from "%s"' % str(args) if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], QtGui.QColor): return QtGui.QColor(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], float): r = g = b = int(args[0] * 255) a = 255 elif isinstance(args[0], basestring): c = args[0] if c[0] == '#': c = c[1:] if len(c) == 1: (r, g, b, a) = Colors[c] if len(c) == 3: r = int(c[0]*2, 16) g = int(c[1]*2, 16) b = int(c[2]*2, 16) a = 255 elif len(c) == 4: r = int(c[0]*2, 16) g = int(c[1]*2, 16) b = int(c[2]*2, 16) a = int(c[3]*2, 16) elif len(c) == 6: r = int(c[0:2], 16) g = int(c[2:4], 16) b = int(c[4:6], 16) a = 255 elif len(c) == 8: r = int(c[0:2], 16) g = int(c[2:4], 16) b = int(c[4:6], 16) a = int(c[6:8], 16) elif hasattr(args[0], '__len__'): if len(args[0]) == 3: (r, g, b) = args[0] a = 255 elif len(args[0]) == 4: (r, g, b, a) = args[0] elif len(args[0]) == 2: return intColor(*args[0]) else: raise Exception(err) elif type(args[0]) == int: return intColor(args[0]) else: raise Exception(err) elif len(args) == 3: (r, g, b) = args a = 255 elif len(args) == 4: (r, g, b, a) = args else: raise Exception(err) args = [r,g,b,a] args = [0 if np.isnan(a) or np.isinf(a) else a for a in args] args = list(map(int, args)) return QtGui.QColor(*args) def mkBrush(*args, **kwds): """ | Convenience function for constructing Brush. | This function always constructs a solid brush and accepts the same arguments as :func:`mkColor() ` | Calling mkBrush(None) returns an invisible brush. """ if 'color' in kwds: color = kwds['color'] elif len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if arg is None: return QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) elif isinstance(arg, QtGui.QBrush): return QtGui.QBrush(arg) else: color = arg elif len(args) > 1: color = args return QtGui.QBrush(mkColor(color)) def mkPen(*args, **kargs): """ Convenience function for constructing QPen. Examples:: mkPen(color) mkPen(color, width=2) mkPen(cosmetic=False, width=4.5, color='r') mkPen({'color': "FF0", width: 2}) mkPen(None) # (no pen) In these examples, *color* may be replaced with any arguments accepted by :func:`mkColor() ` """ color = kargs.get('color', None) width = kargs.get('width', 1) style = kargs.get('style', None) cosmetic = kargs.get('cosmetic', True) hsv = kargs.get('hsv', None) if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, dict): return mkPen(**arg) if isinstance(arg, QtGui.QPen): return QtGui.QPen(arg) ## return a copy of this pen elif arg is None: style = QtCore.Qt.NoPen else: color = arg if len(args) > 1: color = args if color is None: color = mkColor(200, 200, 200) if hsv is not None: color = hsvColor(*hsv) else: color = mkColor(color) pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(color), width) pen.setCosmetic(cosmetic) if style is not None: pen.setStyle(style) return pen def hsvColor(hue, sat=1.0, val=1.0, alpha=1.0): """Generate a QColor from HSVa values. (all arguments are float 0.0-1.0)""" c = QtGui.QColor() c.setHsvF(hue, sat, val, alpha) return c def colorTuple(c): """Return a tuple (R,G,B,A) from a QColor""" return (c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), c.alpha()) def colorStr(c): """Generate a hex string code from a QColor""" return ('%02x'*4) % colorTuple(c) def intColor(index, hues=9, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255, **kargs): """ Creates a QColor from a single index. Useful for stepping through a predefined list of colors. The argument *index* determines which color from the set will be returned. All other arguments determine what the set of predefined colors will be Colors are chosen by cycling across hues while varying the value (brightness). By default, this selects from a list of 9 hues.""" hues = int(hues) values = int(values) ind = int(index) % (hues * values) indh = ind % hues indv = ind / hues if values > 1: v = minValue + indv * ((maxValue-minValue) / (values-1)) else: v = maxValue h = minHue + (indh * (maxHue-minHue)) / hues c = QtGui.QColor() c.setHsv(h, sat, v) c.setAlpha(alpha) return c def glColor(*args, **kargs): """ Convert a color to OpenGL color format (r,g,b,a) floats 0.0-1.0 Accepts same arguments as :func:`mkColor `. """ c = mkColor(*args, **kargs) return (c.red()/255., c.green()/255., c.blue()/255., c.alpha()/255.) def makeArrowPath(headLen=20, tipAngle=20, tailLen=20, tailWidth=3, baseAngle=0): """ Construct a path outlining an arrow with the given dimensions. The arrow points in the -x direction with tip positioned at 0,0. If *tipAngle* is supplied (in degrees), it overrides *headWidth*. If *tailLen* is None, no tail will be drawn. """ headWidth = headLen * np.tan(tipAngle * 0.5 * np.pi/180.) path = QtGui.QPainterPath() path.moveTo(0,0) path.lineTo(headLen, -headWidth) if tailLen is None: innerY = headLen - headWidth * np.tan(baseAngle*np.pi/180.) path.lineTo(innerY, 0) else: tailWidth *= 0.5 innerY = headLen - (headWidth-tailWidth) * np.tan(baseAngle*np.pi/180.) path.lineTo(innerY, -tailWidth) path.lineTo(headLen + tailLen, -tailWidth) path.lineTo(headLen + tailLen, tailWidth) path.lineTo(innerY, tailWidth) path.lineTo(headLen, headWidth) path.lineTo(0,0) return path def affineSlice(data, shape, origin, vectors, axes, order=1, returnCoords=False, **kargs): """ Take a slice of any orientation through an array. This is useful for extracting sections of multi-dimensional arrays such as MRI images for viewing as 1D or 2D data. The slicing axes are aribtrary; they do not need to be orthogonal to the original data or even to each other. It is possible to use this function to extract arbitrary linear, rectangular, or parallelepiped shapes from within larger datasets. The original data is interpolated onto a new array of coordinates using scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates (see the scipy documentation for more information about this). For a graphical interface to this function, see :func:`ROI.getArrayRegion ` ============== ==================================================================================================== Arguments: *data* (ndarray) the original dataset *shape* the shape of the slice to take (Note the return value may have more dimensions than len(shape)) *origin* the location in the original dataset that will become the origin of the sliced data. *vectors* list of unit vectors which point in the direction of the slice axes. Each vector must have the same length as *axes*. If the vectors are not unit length, the result will be scaled relative to the original data. If the vectors are not orthogonal, the result will be sheared relative to the original data. *axes* The axes in the original dataset which correspond to the slice *vectors* *order* The order of spline interpolation. Default is 1 (linear). See scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates for more information. *returnCoords* If True, return a tuple (result, coords) where coords is the array of coordinates used to select values from the original dataset. *All extra keyword arguments are passed to scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates.* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============== ==================================================================================================== Note the following must be true: | len(shape) == len(vectors) | len(origin) == len(axes) == len(vectors[i]) Example: start with a 4D fMRI data set, take a diagonal-planar slice out of the last 3 axes * data = array with dims (time, x, y, z) = (100, 40, 40, 40) * The plane to pull out is perpendicular to the vector (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) * The origin of the slice will be at (x,y,z) = (40, 0, 0) * We will slice a 20x20 plane from each timepoint, giving a final shape (100, 20, 20) The call for this example would look like:: affineSlice(data, shape=(20,20), origin=(40,0,0), vectors=((-1, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 1)), axes=(1,2,3)) """ if not HAVE_SCIPY: raise Exception("This function requires the scipy library, but it does not appear to be importable.") # sanity check if len(shape) != len(vectors): raise Exception("shape and vectors must have same length.") if len(origin) != len(axes): raise Exception("origin and axes must have same length.") for v in vectors: if len(v) != len(axes): raise Exception("each vector must be same length as axes.") shape = list(map(np.ceil, shape)) ## transpose data so slice axes come first trAx = list(range(data.ndim)) for x in axes: trAx.remove(x) tr1 = tuple(axes) + tuple(trAx) data = data.transpose(tr1) #print "tr1:", tr1 ## dims are now [(slice axes), (other axes)] ## make sure vectors are arrays vectors = np.array(vectors) origin = np.array(origin) origin.shape = (len(axes),) + (1,)*len(shape) ## Build array of sample locations. grid = np.mgrid[tuple([slice(0,x) for x in shape])] ## mesh grid of indexes #print shape, grid.shape x = (grid[np.newaxis,...] * vectors.transpose()[(Ellipsis,) + (np.newaxis,)*len(shape)]).sum(axis=1) ## magic x += origin #print "X values:" #print x ## iterate manually over unused axes since map_coordinates won't do it for us extraShape = data.shape[len(axes):] output = np.empty(tuple(shape) + extraShape, dtype=data.dtype) for inds in np.ndindex(*extraShape): ind = (Ellipsis,) + inds #print data[ind].shape, x.shape, output[ind].shape, output.shape output[ind] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data[ind], x, order=order, **kargs) tr = list(range(output.ndim)) trb = [] for i in range(min(axes)): ind = tr1.index(i) + (len(shape)-len(axes)) tr.remove(ind) trb.append(ind) tr2 = tuple(trb+tr) ## Untranspose array before returning output = output.transpose(tr2) if returnCoords: return (output, x) else: return output def transformToArray(tr): """ Given a QTransform, return a 3x3 numpy array. Given a QMatrix4x4, return a 4x4 numpy array. Example: map an array of x,y coordinates through a transform:: ## coordinates to map are (1,5), (2,6), (3,7), and (4,8) coords = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [1,1,1,1]]) # the extra '1' coordinate is needed for translation to work ## Make an example transform tr = QtGui.QTransform() tr.translate(3,4) tr.scale(2, 0.1) ## convert to array m = pg.transformToArray()[:2] # ignore the perspective portion of the transformation ## map coordinates through transform mapped = np.dot(m, coords) """ #return np.array([[tr.m11(), tr.m12(), tr.m13()],[tr.m21(), tr.m22(), tr.m23()],[tr.m31(), tr.m32(), tr.m33()]]) ## The order of elements given by the method names m11..m33 is misleading-- ## It is most common for x,y translation to occupy the positions 1,3 and 2,3 in ## a transformation matrix. However, with QTransform these values appear at m31 and m32. ## So the correct interpretation is transposed: if isinstance(tr, QtGui.QTransform): return np.array([[tr.m11(), tr.m21(), tr.m31()], [tr.m12(), tr.m22(), tr.m32()], [tr.m13(), tr.m23(), tr.m33()]]) elif isinstance(tr, QtGui.QMatrix4x4): return np.array(tr.copyDataTo()).reshape(4,4) else: raise Exception("Transform argument must be either QTransform or QMatrix4x4.") def transformCoordinates(tr, coords): """ Map a set of 2D or 3D coordinates through a QTransform or QMatrix4x4. The shape of coords must be (2,...) or (3,...) The mapping will _ignore_ any perspective transformations. """ nd = coords.shape[0] m = transformToArray(tr) m = m[:m.shape[0]-1] # remove perspective ## If coords are 3D and tr is 2D, assume no change for Z axis if m.shape == (2,3) and nd == 3: m2 = np.zeros((3,4)) m2[:2, :2] = m[:2,:2] m2[:2, 3] = m[:2,2] m2[2,2] = 1 m = m2 ## if coords are 2D and tr is 3D, ignore Z axis if m.shape == (3,4) and nd == 2: m2 = np.empty((2,3)) m2[:,:2] = m[:2,:2] m2[:,2] = m[:2,3] m = m2 ## reshape tr and coords to prepare for multiplication m = m.reshape(m.shape + (1,)*(coords.ndim-1)) coords = coords[np.newaxis, ...] # separate scale/rotate and translation translate = m[:,-1] m = m[:, :-1] ## map coordinates and return mapped = (m*coords).sum(axis=0) ## apply scale/rotate mapped += translate return mapped def solve3DTransform(points1, points2): """ Find a 3D transformation matrix that maps points1 onto points2 points must be specified as a list of 4 Vectors. """ if not HAVE_SCIPY: raise Exception("This function depends on the scipy library, but it does not appear to be importable.") A = np.array([[points1[i].x(), points1[i].y(), points1[i].z(), 1] for i in range(4)]) B = np.array([[points2[i].x(), points2[i].y(), points2[i].z(), 1] for i in range(4)]) ## solve 3 sets of linear equations to determine transformation matrix elements matrix = np.zeros((4,4)) for i in range(3): matrix[i] = scipy.linalg.solve(A, B[:,i]) ## solve Ax = B; x is one row of the desired transformation matrix return matrix def solveBilinearTransform(points1, points2): """ Find a bilinear transformation matrix (2x4) that maps points1 onto points2 points must be specified as a list of 4 Vector, Point, QPointF, etc. To use this matrix to map a point [x,y]:: mapped = np.dot(matrix, [x*y, x, y, 1]) """ if not HAVE_SCIPY: raise Exception("This function depends on the scipy library, but it does not appear to be importable.") ## A is 4 rows (points) x 4 columns (xy, x, y, 1) ## B is 4 rows (points) x 2 columns (x, y) A = np.array([[points1[i].x()*points1[i].y(), points1[i].x(), points1[i].y(), 1] for i in range(4)]) B = np.array([[points2[i].x(), points2[i].y()] for i in range(4)]) ## solve 2 sets of linear equations to determine transformation matrix elements matrix = np.zeros((2,4)) for i in range(2): matrix[i] = scipy.linalg.solve(A, B[:,i]) ## solve Ax = B; x is one row of the desired transformation matrix return matrix def makeRGBA(*args, **kwds): """Equivalent to makeARGB(..., useRGBA=True)""" kwds['useRGBA'] = True return makeARGB(*args, **kwds) def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, useRGBA=False): """ Convert a 2D or 3D array into an ARGB array suitable for building QImages Will optionally do scaling and/or table lookups to determine final colors. Returns the ARGB array (values 0-255) and a boolean indicating whether there is alpha channel data. Arguments: data - 2D or 3D numpy array of int/float types For 2D arrays (x, y): * The color will be determined using a lookup table (see argument 'lut'). * If levels are given, the data is rescaled and converted to int before using the lookup table. For 3D arrays (x, y, rgba): * The third axis must have length 3 or 4 and will be interpreted as RGBA. * The 'lut' argument is not allowed. lut - Lookup table for 2D data. May be 1D or 2D (N,rgba) and must have dtype=ubyte. Values in data will be converted to color by indexing directly from lut. Lookup tables can be built using GradientWidget. levels - List [min, max]; optionally rescale data before converting through the lookup table. rescaled = (data-min) * len(lut) / (max-min) useRGBA - If True, the data is returned in RGBA order (useful for building OpenGL textures). The default is False, which returns in BGRA order for use with QImage. """ prof = debug.Profiler('functions.makeARGB', disabled=True) ## sanity checks if data.ndim == 3: if data.shape[2] not in (3,4): raise Exception("data.shape[2] must be 3 or 4") #if lut is not None: #raise Exception("can not use lookup table with 3D data") elif data.ndim != 2: raise Exception("data must be 2D or 3D") if lut is not None: if lut.ndim == 2: if lut.shape[1] not in (3,4): raise Exception("lut.shape[1] must be 3 or 4") elif lut.ndim != 1: raise Exception("lut must be 1D or 2D") if lut.dtype != np.ubyte: raise Exception('lookup table must have dtype=ubyte (got %s instead)' % str(lut.dtype)) if levels is not None: levels = np.array(levels) if levels.shape == (2,): pass elif levels.shape in [(3,2), (4,2)]: if data.ndim == 3: raise Exception("Can not use 2D levels with 3D data.") if lut is not None: raise Exception('Can not use 2D levels and lookup table together.') else: raise Exception("Levels must have shape (2,) or (3,2) or (4,2)") prof.mark('1') if lut is not None: lutLength = lut.shape[0] else: lutLength = 256 ## weave requires contiguous arrays global USE_WEAVE if (levels is not None or lut is not None) and USE_WEAVE: data = np.ascontiguousarray(data) ## Apply levels if given if levels is not None: try: ## use weave to speed up scaling if not USE_WEAVE: raise Exception('Weave is disabled; falling back to slower version.') if levels.ndim == 1: scale = float(lutLength) / (levels[1]-levels[0]) offset = float(levels[0]) data = rescaleData(data, scale, offset) else: if data.ndim == 2: newData = np.empty(data.shape+(levels.shape[0],), dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(levels.shape[0]): scale = float(lutLength / (levels[i,1]-levels[i,0])) offset = float(levels[i,0]) newData[...,i] = rescaleData(data, scale, offset) elif data.ndim == 3: newData = np.empty(data.shape, dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(data.shape[2]): scale = float(lutLength / (levels[i,1]-levels[i,0])) offset = float(levels[i,0]) #print scale, offset, data.shape, newData.shape, levels.shape newData[...,i] = rescaleData(data[...,i], scale, offset) data = newData except: if USE_WEAVE: debug.printExc("Error; disabling weave.") USE_WEAVE = False if levels.ndim == 1: if data.ndim == 2: levels = levels[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] else: levels = levels[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] else: levels = levels[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] if data.ndim == 2: data = data[..., np.newaxis] data = ((data-levels[...,0]) * lutLength) / (levels[...,1]-levels[...,0]) prof.mark('2') ## apply LUT if given if lut is not None and data.ndim == 2: if data.dtype.kind not in ('i', 'u'): data = data.astype(int) data = np.clip(data, 0, lutLength-1) try: if not USE_WEAVE: raise Exception('Weave is disabled; falling back to slower version.') newData = np.empty((data.size,) + lut.shape[1:], dtype=np.uint8) flat = data.reshape(data.size) size = data.size ncol = lut.shape[1] newStride = newData.strides[0] newColStride = newData.strides[1] lutStride = lut.strides[0] lutColStride = lut.strides[1] flatStride = flat.strides[0] / flat.dtype.itemsize #print "newData:", newData.shape, newData.dtype #print "flat:", flat.shape, flat.dtype, flat.min(), flat.max() #print "lut:", lut.shape, lut.dtype #print "size:", size, "ncols:", ncol #print "strides:", newStride, newColStride, lutStride, lutColStride, flatStride code = """ for( int i=0; i 0: dx = dx[xmask] dy = (s2 - dx)**0.5 limits = np.empty((2,len(dy))) # ranges of y-values to exclude limits[0] = y0[xmask] - dy limits[1] = y0[xmask] + dy while True: # ignore anything below this y-value mask = limits[1] >= y limits = limits[:,mask] # are we inside an excluded region? mask = (limits[0] < y) & (limits[1] > y) if mask.sum() == 0: break y = limits[:,mask].max() yvals[i] = y return yvals[np.argsort(inds)] ## un-shuffle values before returning