from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import sys, re, os, time, traceback, subprocess import pyqtgraph as pg from . import template import pyqtgraph.exceptionHandling as exceptionHandling import pickle class ConsoleWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ Widget displaying console output and accepting command input. Implements: - eval python expressions / exec python statements - storable history of commands - exception handling allowing commands to be interpreted in the context of any level in the exception stack frame Why not just use python in an interactive shell (or ipython) ? There are a few reasons: - pyside does not yet allow Qt event processing and interactive shell at the same time - on some systems, typing in the console _blocks_ the qt event loop until the user presses enter. This can be baffling and frustrating to users since it would appear the program has frozen. - some terminals (eg windows cmd.exe) have notoriously unfriendly interfaces - ability to add extra features like exception stack introspection - ability to have multiple interactive prompts, including for spawned sub-processes """ def __init__(self, parent=None, namespace=None, historyFile=None, text=None, editor=None): """ ============ ============================================================================ Arguments: namespace dictionary containing the initial variables present in the default namespace historyFile optional file for storing command history text initial text to display in the console window editor optional string for invoking code editor (called when stack trace entries are double-clicked). May contain {fileName} and {lineNum} format keys. Example:: editorCommand --loadfile {fileName} --gotoline {lineNum} ============ ============================================================================= """ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) if namespace is None: namespace = {} self.localNamespace = namespace self.editor = editor self.multiline = None self.inCmd = False self.ui = template.Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.output = self.ui.output self.input = self.ui.input self.input.setFocus() if text is not None: self.output.setPlainText(text) self.historyFile = historyFile history = self.loadHistory() if history is not None: self.input.history = [""] + history self.ui.historyList.addItems(history[::-1]) self.ui.historyList.hide() self.ui.exceptionGroup.hide() self.input.sigExecuteCmd.connect(self.runCmd) self.ui.historyBtn.toggled.connect(self.ui.historyList.setVisible) self.ui.historyList.itemClicked.connect(self.cmdSelected) self.ui.historyList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.cmdDblClicked) self.ui.exceptionBtn.toggled.connect(self.ui.exceptionGroup.setVisible) self.ui.catchAllExceptionsBtn.toggled.connect(self.catchAllExceptions) self.ui.catchNextExceptionBtn.toggled.connect(self.catchNextException) self.ui.clearExceptionBtn.clicked.connect(self.clearExceptionClicked) self.ui.exceptionStackList.itemClicked.connect(self.stackItemClicked) self.ui.exceptionStackList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.stackItemDblClicked) self.exceptionHandlerRunning = False self.currentTraceback = None def loadHistory(self): """Return the list of previously-invoked command strings (or None).""" if self.historyFile is not None: return pickle.load(open(self.historyFile, 'rb')) def saveHistory(self, history): """Store the list of previously-invoked command strings.""" if self.historyFile is not None: pickle.dump(open(self.historyFile, 'wb'), history) def runCmd(self, cmd): #cmd = str(self.input.lastCmd) self.stdout = sys.stdout self.stderr = sys.stderr encCmd = re.sub(r'>', '>', re.sub(r'<', '<', cmd)) encCmd = re.sub(r' ', ' ', encCmd) self.ui.historyList.addItem(cmd) self.saveHistory(self.input.history[1:100]) try: sys.stdout = self sys.stderr = self if self.multiline is not None: self.write("
%s\n"%encCmd, html=True) self.execMulti(cmd) else: self.write("
%s\n"%encCmd, html=True) self.inCmd = True self.execSingle(cmd) if not self.inCmd: self.write("
\n", html=True) finally: sys.stdout = self.stdout sys.stderr = self.stderr sb = self.output.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) sb = self.ui.historyList.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def globals(self): frame = self.currentFrame() if frame is not None and self.ui.runSelectedFrameCheck.isChecked(): return self.currentFrame().tb_frame.f_globals else: return globals() def locals(self): frame = self.currentFrame() if frame is not None and self.ui.runSelectedFrameCheck.isChecked(): return self.currentFrame().tb_frame.f_locals else: return self.localNamespace def currentFrame(self): ## Return the currently selected exception stack frame (or None if there is no exception) if self.currentTraceback is None: return None index = self.ui.exceptionStackList.currentRow() tb = self.currentTraceback for i in range(index): tb = tb.tb_next return tb def execSingle(self, cmd): try: output = eval(cmd, self.globals(), self.locals()) self.write(repr(output) + '\n') except SyntaxError: try: exec(cmd, self.globals(), self.locals()) except SyntaxError as exc: if 'unexpected EOF' in exc.msg: self.multiline = cmd else: self.displayException() except: self.displayException() except: self.displayException() def execMulti(self, nextLine): self.stdout.write(nextLine+"\n") if nextLine.strip() != '': self.multiline += "\n" + nextLine return else: cmd = self.multiline try: output = eval(cmd, self.globals(), self.locals()) self.write(str(output) + '\n') self.multiline = None except SyntaxError: try: exec(cmd, self.globals(), self.locals()) self.multiline = None except SyntaxError as exc: if 'unexpected EOF' in exc.msg: self.multiline = cmd else: self.displayException() self.multiline = None except: self.displayException() self.multiline = None except: self.displayException() self.multiline = None def write(self, strn, html=False): self.output.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) if html: self.output.textCursor().insertHtml(strn) else: if self.inCmd: self.inCmd = False self.output.textCursor().insertHtml("
") #self.stdout.write("

") self.output.insertPlainText(strn) #self.stdout.write(strn) def displayException(self): tb = traceback.format_exc() lines = [] indent = 4 prefix = '' for l in tb.split('\n'): lines.append(" "*indent + prefix + l) self.write('\n'.join(lines)) def cmdSelected(self, item): index = -(self.ui.historyList.row(item)+1) self.input.setHistory(index) self.input.setFocus() def cmdDblClicked(self, item): index = -(self.ui.historyList.row(item)+1) self.input.setHistory(index) self.input.execCmd() def flush(self): pass def catchAllExceptions(self, catch=True): """ If True, the console will catch all unhandled exceptions and display the stack trace. Each exception caught clears the last. """ self.ui.catchAllExceptionsBtn.setChecked(catch) if catch: self.ui.catchNextExceptionBtn.setChecked(False) exceptionHandling.register(self.allExceptionsHandler) self.ui.exceptionBtn.setChecked(True) else: exceptionHandling.unregister(self.allExceptionsHandler) def catchNextException(self, catch=True): """ If True, the console will catch the next unhandled exception and display the stack trace. """ self.ui.catchNextExceptionBtn.setChecked(catch) if catch: self.ui.catchAllExceptionsBtn.setChecked(False) exceptionHandling.register(self.nextExceptionHandler) self.ui.exceptionBtn.setChecked(True) else: exceptionHandling.unregister(self.nextExceptionHandler) def clearExceptionClicked(self): self.currentTraceback = None self.ui.exceptionInfoLabel.setText("[No current exception]") self.ui.exceptionStackList.clear() self.ui.clearExceptionBtn.setEnabled(False) def stackItemClicked(self, item): pass def stackItemDblClicked(self, item): editor = self.editor if editor is None: editor = pg.getConfigOption('editorCommand') if editor is None: return tb = self.currentFrame() lineNum = tb.tb_lineno fileName = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename subprocess.Popen(self.editor.format(fileName=fileName, lineNum=lineNum), shell=True) def allExceptionsHandler(self, *args): self.exceptionHandler(*args) def nextExceptionHandler(self, *args): self.ui.catchNextExceptionBtn.setChecked(False) self.exceptionHandler(*args) def exceptionHandler(self, excType, exc, tb): self.ui.clearExceptionBtn.setEnabled(True) self.currentTraceback = tb excMessage = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(excType, exc)) self.ui.exceptionInfoLabel.setText(excMessage) self.ui.exceptionStackList.clear() for index, line in enumerate(traceback.extract_tb(tb)): self.ui.exceptionStackList.addItem('File "%s", line %s, in %s()\n %s' % line) def quit(self): if self.exceptionHandlerRunning: self.exitHandler = True try: exceptionHandling.unregister(self.exceptionHandler) except: pass