# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ functions.py - Miscellaneous functions with no other home Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation. """ colorAbbrev = { 'b': (0,0,255,255), 'g': (0,255,0,255), 'r': (255,0,0,255), 'c': (0,255,255,255), 'm': (255,0,255,255), 'y': (255,255,0,255), 'k': (0,0,0,255), 'w': (255,255,255,255), } from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage ## Copied from acq4/lib/util/functions SI_PREFIXES = u'yzafpnµm kMGTPEZY' def siScale(x, minVal=1e-25): """Return the recommended scale factor and SI prefix string for x.""" if abs(x) < minVal: m = 0 x = 0 else: m = int(np.clip(np.floor(np.log(abs(x))/np.log(1000)), -9.0, 9.0)) if m == 0: pref = '' elif m < -8 or m > 8: pref = 'e%d' % (m*3) else: pref = SI_PREFIXES[m+8] p = .001**m return (p, pref) def mkBrush(color): if isinstance(color, QtGui.QBrush): return color return QtGui.QBrush(mkColor(color)) def mkPen(arg='default', color=None, width=1, style=None, cosmetic=True, hsv=None, ): """Convenience function for making pens. Examples: mkPen(color) mkPen(color, width=2) mkPen(cosmetic=False, width=4.5, color='r') mkPen({'color': "FF0", width: 2}) mkPen(None) (no pen) """ if isinstance(arg, dict): return mkPen(**arg) elif arg != 'default': if isinstance(arg, QtGui.QPen): return arg elif arg is None: style = QtCore.Qt.NoPen else: color = arg if color is None: color = mkColor(200, 200, 200) if hsv is not None: color = hsvColor(*hsv) else: color = mkColor(color) pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(color), width) pen.setCosmetic(cosmetic) if style is not None: pen.setStyle(style) return pen def hsvColor(h, s=1.0, v=1.0, a=1.0): c = QtGui.QColor() c.setHsvF(h, s, v, a) return c def mkColor(*args): """make a QColor from a variety of argument types accepted types are: r, g, b, [a] (r, g, b, [a]) float (greyscale, 0.0-1.0) int (uses intColor) (int, hues) (uses intColor) QColor "c" (see colorAbbrev dictionary) "RGB" (strings may optionally begin with "#") "RGBA" "RRGGBB" "RRGGBBAA" """ err = 'Not sure how to make a color from "%s"' % str(args) if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], QtGui.QColor): return QtGui.QColor(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], float): r = g = b = int(args[0] * 255) a = 255 elif isinstance(args[0], basestring): c = args[0] if c[0] == '#': c = c[1:] if len(c) == 1: (r, g, b, a) = colorAbbrev[c] if len(c) == 3: r = int(c[0]*2, 16) g = int(c[1]*2, 16) b = int(c[2]*2, 16) a = 255 elif len(c) == 4: r = int(c[0]*2, 16) g = int(c[1]*2, 16) b = int(c[2]*2, 16) a = int(c[3]*2, 16) elif len(c) == 6: r = int(c[0:2], 16) g = int(c[2:4], 16) b = int(c[4:6], 16) a = 255 elif len(c) == 8: r = int(c[0:2], 16) g = int(c[2:4], 16) b = int(c[4:6], 16) a = int(c[6:8], 16) elif hasattr(args[0], '__len__'): if len(args[0]) == 3: (r, g, b) = args[0] a = 255 elif len(args[0]) == 4: (r, g, b, a) = args[0] elif len(args[0]) == 2: return intColor(*args[0]) else: raise Exception(err) elif type(args[0]) == int: return intColor(args[0]) else: raise Exception(err) elif len(args) == 3: (r, g, b) = args a = 255 elif len(args) == 4: (r, g, b, a) = args else: raise Exception(err) return QtGui.QColor(r, g, b, a) def colorTuple(c): return (c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), c.alpha()) def colorStr(c): """Generate a hex string code from a QColor""" return ('%02x'*4) % colorTuple(c) def intColor(index, hues=9, values=1, maxValue=255, minValue=150, maxHue=360, minHue=0, sat=255, alpha=255, **kargs): """Creates a QColor from a single index. Useful for stepping through a predefined list of colors. - The argument "index" determines which color from the set will be returned - All other arguments determine what the set of predefined colors will be Colors are chosen by cycling across hues while varying the value (brightness). By default, there are 9 hues and 3 values for a total of 27 different colors. """ hues = int(hues) values = int(values) ind = int(index) % (hues * values) indh = ind % hues indv = ind / hues if values > 1: v = minValue + indv * ((maxValue-minValue) / (values-1)) else: v = maxValue h = minHue + (indh * (maxHue-minHue)) / hues c = QtGui.QColor() c.setHsv(h, sat, v) c.setAlpha(alpha) return c def affineSlice(data, shape, origin, vectors, axes, **kargs): """Take an arbitrary slice through an array. Parameters: data: the original dataset shape: the shape of the slice to take (Note the return value may have more dimensions than len(shape)) origin: the location in the original dataset that will become the origin in the sliced data. vectors: list of unit vectors which point in the direction of the slice axes each vector must be the same length as axes If the vectors are not unit length, the result will be scaled. If the vectors are not orthogonal, the result will be sheared. axes: the axes in the original dataset which correspond to the slice vectors Example: start with a 4D data set, take a diagonal-planar slice out of the last 3 axes - data = array with dims (time, x, y, z) = (100, 40, 40, 40) - The plane to pull out is perpendicular to the vector (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) - The origin of the slice will be at (x,y,z) = (40, 0, 0) - The we will slice a 20x20 plane from each timepoint, giving a final shape (100, 20, 20) affineSlice(data, shape=(20,20), origin=(40,0,0), vectors=((-1, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 1)), axes=(1,2,3)) Note the following: len(shape) == len(vectors) len(origin) == len(axes) == len(vectors[0]) """ # sanity check if len(shape) != len(vectors): raise Exception("shape and vectors must have same length.") if len(origin) != len(axes): raise Exception("origin and axes must have same length.") for v in vectors: if len(v) != len(axes): raise Exception("each vector must be same length as axes.") shape = (np.ceil(shape[0]), np.ceil(shape[1])) ## transpose data so slice axes come first trAx = range(data.ndim) for x in axes: trAx.remove(x) tr1 = tuple(axes) + tuple(trAx) data = data.transpose(tr1) #print "tr1:", tr1 ## dims are now [(slice axes), (other axes)] ## make sure vectors are arrays vectors = np.array(vectors) origin = np.array(origin) origin.shape = (len(axes),) + (1,)*len(shape) ## Build array of sample locations. grid = np.mgrid[tuple([slice(0,x) for x in shape])] ## mesh grid of indexes #print shape, grid.shape x = (grid[np.newaxis,...] * vectors.transpose()[(Ellipsis,) + (np.newaxis,)*len(shape)]).sum(axis=1) ## magic x += origin #print "X values:" #print x ## iterate manually over unused axes since map_coordinates won't do it for us extraShape = data.shape[len(axes):] output = np.empty(tuple(shape) + extraShape, dtype=data.dtype) for inds in np.ndindex(*extraShape): ind = (Ellipsis,) + inds #print data[ind].shape, x.shape, output[ind].shape, output.shape output[ind] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data[ind], x, **kargs) tr = range(output.ndim) trb = [] for i in range(min(axes)): ind = tr1.index(i) + (len(shape)-len(axes)) tr.remove(ind) trb.append(ind) tr2 = tuple(trb+tr) ## Untranspose array before returning return output.transpose(tr2)