# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ WidgetGroup.py - WidgetGroup class for easily managing lots of Qt widgets Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation. This class addresses the problem of having to save and restore the state of a large group of widgets. """ from .Qt import QtCore, QtGui import weakref, inspect from .python2_3 import asUnicode __all__ = ['WidgetGroup'] def splitterState(w): s = str(w.saveState().toPercentEncoding()) return s def restoreSplitter(w, s): if type(s) is list: w.setSizes(s) elif type(s) is str: w.restoreState(QtCore.QByteArray.fromPercentEncoding(s)) else: print("Can't configure QSplitter using object of type", type(s)) if w.count() > 0: ## make sure at least one item is not collapsed for i in w.sizes(): if i > 0: return w.setSizes([50] * w.count()) def comboState(w): ind = w.currentIndex() data = w.itemData(ind) #if not data.isValid(): if data is not None: try: if not data.isValid(): data = None else: data = data.toInt()[0] except AttributeError: pass if data is None: return asUnicode(w.itemText(ind)) else: return data def setComboState(w, v): if type(v) is int: #ind = w.findData(QtCore.QVariant(v)) ind = w.findData(v) if ind > -1: w.setCurrentIndex(ind) return w.setCurrentIndex(w.findText(str(v))) class WidgetGroup(QtCore.QObject): """This class takes a list of widgets and keeps an internal record of their state which is always up to date. Allows reading and writing from groups of widgets simultaneously.""" ## List of widget types which can be handled by WidgetGroup. ## The value for each type is a tuple (change signal function, get function, set function, [auto-add children]) ## The change signal function that takes an object and returns a signal that is emitted any time the state of the widget changes, not just ## when it is changed by user interaction. (for example, 'clicked' is not a valid signal here) ## If the change signal is None, the value of the widget is not cached. ## Custom widgets not in this list can be made to work with WidgetGroup by giving them a 'widgetGroupInterface' method ## which returns the tuple. classes = { QtGui.QSpinBox: (lambda w: w.valueChanged, QtGui.QSpinBox.value, QtGui.QSpinBox.setValue), QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox: (lambda w: w.valueChanged, QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox.value, QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox.setValue), QtGui.QSplitter: (None, splitterState, restoreSplitter, True), QtGui.QCheckBox: (lambda w: w.stateChanged, QtGui.QCheckBox.isChecked, QtGui.QCheckBox.setChecked), QtGui.QComboBox: (lambda w: w.currentIndexChanged, comboState, setComboState), QtGui.QGroupBox: (lambda w: w.toggled, QtGui.QGroupBox.isChecked, QtGui.QGroupBox.setChecked, True), QtGui.QLineEdit: (lambda w: w.editingFinished, lambda w: str(w.text()), QtGui.QLineEdit.setText), QtGui.QRadioButton: (lambda w: w.toggled, QtGui.QRadioButton.isChecked, QtGui.QRadioButton.setChecked), QtGui.QSlider: (lambda w: w.valueChanged, QtGui.QSlider.value, QtGui.QSlider.setValue), } sigChanged = QtCore.Signal(str, object) def __init__(self, widgetList=None): """Initialize WidgetGroup, adding specified widgets into this group. widgetList can be: - a list of widget specifications (widget, [name], [scale]) - a dict of name: widget pairs - any QObject, and all compatible child widgets will be added recursively. The 'scale' parameter for each widget allows QSpinBox to display a different value than the value recorded in the group state (for example, the program may set a spin box value to 100e-6 and have it displayed as 100 to the user) """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.widgetList = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # Make sure widgets don't stick around just because they are listed here self.scales = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self.cache = {} ## name:value pairs self.uncachedWidgets = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() if isinstance(widgetList, QtCore.QObject): self.autoAdd(widgetList) elif isinstance(widgetList, list): for w in widgetList: self.addWidget(*w) elif isinstance(widgetList, dict): for name, w in widgetList.items(): self.addWidget(w, name) elif widgetList is None: return else: raise Exception("Wrong argument type %s" % type(widgetList)) def addWidget(self, w, name=None, scale=None): if not self.acceptsType(w): raise Exception("Widget type %s not supported by WidgetGroup" % type(w)) if name is None: name = str(w.objectName()) if name == '': raise Exception("Cannot add widget '%s' without a name." % str(w)) self.widgetList[w] = name self.scales[w] = scale self.readWidget(w) if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes: signal = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][0] else: signal = w.widgetGroupInterface()[0] if signal is not None: if inspect.isfunction(signal) or inspect.ismethod(signal): signal = signal(w) signal.connect(self.mkChangeCallback(w)) else: self.uncachedWidgets[w] = None def findWidget(self, name): for w in self.widgetList: if self.widgetList[w] == name: return w return None def interface(self, obj): t = type(obj) if t in WidgetGroup.classes: return WidgetGroup.classes[t] else: return obj.widgetGroupInterface() def checkForChildren(self, obj): """Return true if we should automatically search the children of this object for more.""" iface = self.interface(obj) return (len(iface) > 3 and iface[3]) def autoAdd(self, obj): ## Find all children of this object and add them if possible. accepted = self.acceptsType(obj) if accepted: #print "%s auto add %s" % (self.objectName(), obj.objectName()) self.addWidget(obj) if not accepted or self.checkForChildren(obj): for c in obj.children(): self.autoAdd(c) def acceptsType(self, obj): for c in WidgetGroup.classes: if isinstance(obj, c): return True if hasattr(obj, 'widgetGroupInterface'): return True return False #return (type(obj) in WidgetGroup.classes) def setScale(self, widget, scale): val = self.readWidget(widget) self.scales[widget] = scale self.setWidget(widget, val) #print "scaling %f to %f" % (val, self.readWidget(widget)) def mkChangeCallback(self, w): return lambda *args: self.widgetChanged(w, *args) def widgetChanged(self, w, *args): #print "widget changed" n = self.widgetList[w] v1 = self.cache[n] v2 = self.readWidget(w) if v1 != v2: #print "widget", n, " = ", v2 self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('changed'), self.widgetList[w], v2) self.sigChanged.emit(self.widgetList[w], v2) def state(self): for w in self.uncachedWidgets: self.readWidget(w) #cc = self.cache.copy() #if 'averageGroup' in cc: #val = cc['averageGroup'] #w = self.findWidget('averageGroup') #self.readWidget(w) #if val != self.cache['averageGroup']: #print " AverageGroup did not match cached value!" #else: #print " AverageGroup OK" return self.cache.copy() def setState(self, s): #print "SET STATE", self, s for w in self.widgetList: n = self.widgetList[w] #print " restore %s?" % n if n not in s: continue #print " restore state", w, n, s[n] self.setWidget(w, s[n]) def readWidget(self, w): if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes: getFunc = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][1] else: getFunc = w.widgetGroupInterface()[1] if getFunc is None: return None ## if the getter function provided in the interface is a bound method, ## then just call the method directly. Otherwise, pass in the widget as the first arg ## to the function. if inspect.ismethod(getFunc) and getFunc.__self__ is not None: val = getFunc() else: val = getFunc(w) if self.scales[w] is not None: val /= self.scales[w] #if isinstance(val, QtCore.QString): #val = str(val) n = self.widgetList[w] self.cache[n] = val return val def setWidget(self, w, v): v1 = v if self.scales[w] is not None: v *= self.scales[w] if type(w) in WidgetGroup.classes: setFunc = WidgetGroup.classes[type(w)][2] else: setFunc = w.widgetGroupInterface()[2] ## if the setter function provided in the interface is a bound method, ## then just call the method directly. Otherwise, pass in the widget as the first arg ## to the function. if inspect.ismethod(setFunc) and setFunc.__self__ is not None: setFunc(v) else: setFunc(w, v) #name = self.widgetList[w] #if name in self.cache and (self.cache[name] != v1): #print "%s: Cached value %s != set value %s" % (name, str(self.cache[name]), str(v1))