# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ configfile.py - Human-readable text configuration file library Copyright 2010 Luke Campagnola Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation. Used for reading and writing dictionary objects to a python-like configuration file format. Data structures may be nested and contain any data type as long as it can be converted to/from a string using repr and eval. """ import re, os, sys from pgcollections import OrderedDict GLOBAL_PATH = None # so not thread safe. from . import units from .python2_3 import asUnicode class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, lineNum, line, fileName=None): self.lineNum = lineNum self.line = line #self.message = message self.fileName = fileName Exception.__init__(self, message) def __str__(self): if self.fileName is None: msg = "Error parsing string at line %d:\n" % self.lineNum else: msg = "Error parsing config file '%s' at line %d:\n" % (self.fileName, self.lineNum) msg += "%s\n%s" % (self.line, self.message) return msg #raise Exception() def writeConfigFile(data, fname): s = genString(data) fd = open(fname, 'w') fd.write(s) fd.close() def readConfigFile(fname): #cwd = os.getcwd() global GLOBAL_PATH if GLOBAL_PATH is not None: fname2 = os.path.join(GLOBAL_PATH, fname) if os.path.exists(fname2): fname = fname2 GLOBAL_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) try: #os.chdir(newDir) ## bad. fd = open(fname) s = asUnicode(fd.read()) fd.close() s = s.replace("\r\n", "\n") s = s.replace("\r", "\n") data = parseString(s)[1] except ParseError: sys.exc_info()[1].fileName = fname raise except: print("Error while reading config file %s:"% fname) raise #finally: #os.chdir(cwd) return data def appendConfigFile(data, fname): s = genString(data) fd = open(fname, 'a') fd.write(s) fd.close() def genString(data, indent=''): s = '' for k in data: sk = str(k) if len(sk) == 0: print(data) raise Exception('blank dict keys not allowed (see data above)') if sk[0] == ' ' or ':' in sk: print(data) raise Exception('dict keys must not contain ":" or start with spaces [offending key is "%s"]' % sk) if isinstance(data[k], dict): s += indent + sk + ':\n' s += genString(data[k], indent + ' ') else: s += indent + sk + ': ' + repr(data[k]) + '\n' return s def parseString(lines, start=0): data = OrderedDict() if isinstance(lines, basestring): lines = lines.split('\n') lines = [l for l in lines if re.search(r'\S', l) and not re.match(r'\s*#', l)] ## remove empty lines indent = measureIndent(lines[start]) ln = start - 1 try: while True: ln += 1 #print ln if ln >= len(lines): break l = lines[ln] ## Skip blank lines or lines starting with # if re.match(r'\s*#', l) or not re.search(r'\S', l): continue ## Measure line indentation, make sure it is correct for this level lineInd = measureIndent(l) if lineInd < indent: ln -= 1 break if lineInd > indent: #print lineInd, indent raise ParseError('Indentation is incorrect. Expected %d, got %d' % (indent, lineInd), ln+1, l) if ':' not in l: raise ParseError('Missing colon', ln+1, l) (k, p, v) = l.partition(':') k = k.strip() v = v.strip() ## set up local variables to use for eval local = units.allUnits.copy() local['OrderedDict'] = OrderedDict local['readConfigFile'] = readConfigFile if len(k) < 1: raise ParseError('Missing name preceding colon', ln+1, l) if k[0] == '(' and k[-1] == ')': ## If the key looks like a tuple, try evaluating it. try: k1 = eval(k, local) if type(k1) is tuple: k = k1 except: pass if re.search(r'\S', v) and v[0] != '#': ## eval the value try: val = eval(v, local) except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] raise ParseError("Error evaluating expression '%s': [%s: %s]" % (v, ex.__class__.__name__, str(ex)), (ln+1), l) else: if ln+1 >= len(lines) or measureIndent(lines[ln+1]) <= indent: #print "blank dict" val = {} else: #print "Going deeper..", ln+1 (ln, val) = parseString(lines, start=ln+1) data[k] = val #print k, repr(val) except ParseError: raise except: ex = sys.exc_info()[1] raise ParseError("%s: %s" % (ex.__class__.__name__, str(ex)), ln+1, l) #print "Returning shallower..", ln+1 return (ln, data) def measureIndent(s): n = 0 while n < len(s) and s[n] == ' ': n += 1 return n if __name__ == '__main__': import tempfile fn = tempfile.mktemp() tf = open(fn, 'w') cf = """ key: 'value' key2: ##comment ##comment key21: 'value' ## comment ##comment key22: [1,2,3] key23: 234 #comment """ tf.write(cf) tf.close() print("=== Test:===") num = 1 for line in cf.split('\n'): print("%02d %s" % (num, line)) num += 1 print(cf) print("============") data = readConfigFile(fn) print(data) os.remove(fn)