Pyqtgraph's Graphics Items ========================== Since pyqtgraph relies on Qt's GraphicsView framework, most of its graphics functionality is implemented as QGraphicsItem subclasses. This has two important consequences: 1) virtually anything you want to draw can be easily accomplished using the functionality provided by Qt. 2) Many of pyqtgraph's GraphicsItem classes can be used in any normal QGraphicsScene. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 plotdataitem plotitem imageitem viewbox linearregionitem infiniteline roi graphicslayout plotcurveitem scatterplotitem isocurveitem axisitem arrowitem curvepoint curvearrow griditem scalebar labelitem vtickgroup gradienteditoritem histogramlutitem gradientlegend buttonitem graphicsobject graphicswidget graphicsitem uigraphicsitem