from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import collections try: import scipy.weave as weave from scipy.weave import converters except: pass import pyqtgraph.functions as fn import pyqtgraph.debug as debug from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject __all__ = ['ImageItem'] class ImageItem(GraphicsObject): """ **Bases:** :class:`GraphicsObject ` GraphicsObject displaying an image. Optimized for rapid update (ie video display). This item displays either a 2D numpy array (height, width) or a 3D array (height, width, RGBa). This array is optionally scaled (see :func:`setLevels `) and/or colored with a lookup table (see :func:`setLookupTable `) before being displayed. ImageItem is frequently used in conjunction with :class:`HistogramLUTItem ` or :class:`HistogramLUTWidget ` to provide a GUI for controlling the levels and lookup table used to display the image. """ sigImageChanged = QtCore.Signal() sigRemoveRequested = QtCore.Signal(object) # self; emitted when 'remove' is selected from context menu def __init__(self, image=None, **kargs): """ See :func:`setImage ` for all allowed initialization arguments. """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) #self.pixmapItem = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(self) #self.qimage = QtGui.QImage() #self._pixmap = None self.image = None ## original image data self.qimage = None ## rendered image for display #self.clipMask = None self.paintMode = None self.levels = None ## [min, max] or [[redMin, redMax], ...] self.lut = None #self.clipLevel = None self.drawKernel = None self.border = None self.removable = False if image is not None: self.setImage(image, **kargs) else: self.setOpts(**kargs) def setCompositionMode(self, mode): """Change the composition mode of the item (see QPainter::CompositionMode in the Qt documentation). This is useful when overlaying multiple ImageItems. ============================================ ============================================================ **Most common arguments:** QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver Default; image replaces the background if it is opaque. Otherwise, it uses the alpha channel to blend the image with the background. QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Overlay The image color is mixed with the background color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the background. QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Plus Both the alpha and color of the image and background pixels are added together. QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Multiply The output is the image color multiplied by the background. ============================================ ============================================================ """ self.paintMode = mode self.update() ## use setOpacity instead. #def setAlpha(self, alpha): #self.setOpacity(alpha) #self.updateImage() def setBorder(self, b): self.border = fn.mkPen(b) self.update() def width(self): if self.image is None: return None return self.image.shape[0] def height(self): if self.image is None: return None return self.image.shape[1] def boundingRect(self): if self.image is None: return QtCore.QRectF(0., 0., 0., 0.) return QtCore.QRectF(0., 0., float(self.width()), float(self.height())) #def setClipLevel(self, level=None): #self.clipLevel = level #self.updateImage() #def paint(self, p, opt, widget): #pass #if self.pixmap is not None: #p.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap) #print "paint" def setLevels(self, levels, update=True): """ Set image scaling levels. Can be one of: * [blackLevel, whiteLevel] * [[minRed, maxRed], [minGreen, maxGreen], [minBlue, maxBlue]] Only the first format is compatible with lookup tables. See :func:`makeARGB ` for more details on how levels are applied. """ self.levels = levels if update: self.updateImage() def getLevels(self): return self.levels #return self.whiteLevel, self.blackLevel def setLookupTable(self, lut, update=True): """ Set the lookup table (numpy array) to use for this image. (see :func:`makeARGB ` for more information on how this is used). Optionally, lut can be a callable that accepts the current image as an argument and returns the lookup table to use. Ordinarily, this table is supplied by a :class:`HistogramLUTItem ` or :class:`GradientEditorItem `. """ self.lut = lut if update: self.updateImage() def setOpts(self, update=True, **kargs): if 'lut' in kargs: self.setLookupTable(kargs['lut'], update=update) if 'levels' in kargs: self.setLevels(kargs['levels'], update=update) #if 'clipLevel' in kargs: #self.setClipLevel(kargs['clipLevel']) if 'opacity' in kargs: self.setOpacity(kargs['opacity']) if 'compositionMode' in kargs: self.setCompositionMode(kargs['compositionMode']) if 'border' in kargs: self.setBorder(kargs['border']) if 'removable' in kargs: self.removable = kargs['removable'] = None def setRect(self, rect): """Scale and translate the image to fit within rect (must be a QRect or QRectF).""" self.resetTransform() self.translate(rect.left(), self.scale(rect.width() / self.width(), rect.height() / self.height()) def setImage(self, image=None, autoLevels=None, **kargs): """ Update the image displayed by this item. For more information on how the image is processed before displaying, see :func:`makeARGB ` ================= ========================================================================= **Arguments:** image (numpy array) Specifies the image data. May be 2D (width, height) or 3D (width, height, RGBa). The array dtype must be integer or floating point of any bit depth. For 3D arrays, the third dimension must be of length 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA). autoLevels (bool) If True, this forces the image to automatically select levels based on the maximum and minimum values in the data. By default, this argument is true unless the levels argument is given. lut (numpy array) The color lookup table to use when displaying the image. See :func:`setLookupTable `. levels (min, max) The minimum and maximum values to use when rescaling the image data. By default, this will be set to the minimum and maximum values in the image. If the image array has dtype uint8, no rescaling is necessary. opacity (float 0.0-1.0) compositionMode see :func:`setCompositionMode ` border Sets the pen used when drawing the image border. Default is None. ================= ========================================================================= """ prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.setImage', disabled=True) gotNewData = False if image is None: if self.image is None: return else: gotNewData = True if self.image is None or image.shape != self.image.shape: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.image = image.view(np.ndarray) prof.mark('1') if autoLevels is None: if 'levels' in kargs: autoLevels = False else: autoLevels = True if autoLevels: img = self.image while img.size > 2**16: img = img[::2, ::2] mn, mx = img.min(), img.max() if mn == mx: mn = 0 mx = 255 kargs['levels'] = [mn,mx] prof.mark('2') self.setOpts(update=False, **kargs) prof.mark('3') self.qimage = None self.update() prof.mark('4') if gotNewData: self.sigImageChanged.emit() prof.finish() def updateImage(self, *args, **kargs): ## used for re-rendering qimage from self.image. ## can we make any assumptions here that speed things up? ## dtype, range, size are all the same? defaults = { 'autoLevels': False, } defaults.update(kargs) return self.setImage(*args, **defaults) def render(self): prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.render', disabled=True) if self.image is None: return if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable): lut = self.lut(self.image) else: lut = self.lut #print lut.shape #print self.lut argb, alpha = fn.makeARGB(self.image, lut=lut, levels=self.levels) self.qimage = fn.makeQImage(argb, alpha) prof.finish() def paint(self, p, *args): prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.paint', disabled=True) if self.image is None: return if self.qimage is None: self.render() prof.mark('render QImage') if self.paintMode is not None: p.setCompositionMode(self.paintMode) prof.mark('set comp mode') p.drawImage(QtCore.QPointF(0,0), self.qimage) prof.mark('p.drawImage') if self.border is not None: p.setPen(self.border) p.drawRect(self.boundingRect()) prof.finish() def getHistogram(self, bins=500, step=3): """Returns x and y arrays containing the histogram values for the current image. The step argument causes pixels to be skipped when computing the histogram to save time. This method is also used when automatically computing levels. """ if self.image is None: return None,None stepData = self.image[::step, ::step] hist = np.histogram(stepData, bins=bins) return hist[1][:-1], hist[0] def setPxMode(self, b): """ Set whether the item ignores transformations and draws directly to screen pixels. If True, the item will not inherit any scale or rotation transformations from its parent items, but its position will be transformed as usual. (see GraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations in the Qt documentation) """ self.setFlag(self.ItemIgnoresTransformations, b) def setScaledMode(self): self.setPxMode(False) def getPixmap(self): if self.qimage is None: self.render() if self.qimage is None: return None return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(self.qimage) def pixelSize(self): """return scene-size of a single pixel in the image""" br = self.sceneBoundingRect() if self.image is None: return 1,1 return br.width()/self.width(), br.height()/self.height() #def mousePressEvent(self, ev): #if self.drawKernel is not None and ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: #self.drawAt(ev.pos(), ev) #ev.accept() #else: #ev.ignore() #def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): ##print "mouse move", ev.pos() #if self.drawKernel is not None: #self.drawAt(ev.pos(), ev) #def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev): #pass def mouseDragEvent(self, ev): if ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: ev.ignore() return elif self.drawKernel is not None: ev.accept() self.drawAt(ev.pos(), ev) def mouseClickEvent(self, ev): if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: if self.raiseContextMenu(ev): ev.accept() if self.drawKernel is not None and ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.drawAt(ev.pos(), ev) def raiseContextMenu(self, ev): ## only raise menu if this terminal is removable menu = self.getMenu() if menu is None: return False menu = self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev) pos = ev.screenPos() menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y())) return True def getMenu(self): if is None: if not self.removable: return None = QtGui.QMenu()"Image") remAct = QtGui.QAction("Remove image", remAct.triggered.connect(self.removeClicked) = remAct return def hoverEvent(self, ev): if not ev.isExit() and self.drawKernel is not None and ev.acceptDrags(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton): ev.acceptClicks(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) ## we don't use the click, but we also don't want anyone else to use it. ev.acceptClicks(QtCore.Qt.RightButton)'w')) elif not ev.isExit() and self.removable: ev.acceptClicks(QtCore.Qt.RightButton) ## accept context menu clicks #else: #self.update() def tabletEvent(self, ev): print(ev.device()) print(ev.pointerType()) print(ev.pressure()) def drawAt(self, pos, ev=None): pos = [int(pos.x()), int(pos.y())] dk = self.drawKernel kc = self.drawKernelCenter sx = [0,dk.shape[0]] sy = [0,dk.shape[1]] tx = [pos[0] - kc[0], pos[0] - kc[0]+ dk.shape[0]] ty = [pos[1] - kc[1], pos[1] - kc[1]+ dk.shape[1]] for i in [0,1]: dx1 = -min(0, tx[i]) dx2 = min(0, self.image.shape[0]-tx[i]) tx[i] += dx1+dx2 sx[i] += dx1+dx2 dy1 = -min(0, ty[i]) dy2 = min(0, self.image.shape[1]-ty[i]) ty[i] += dy1+dy2 sy[i] += dy1+dy2 ts = (slice(tx[0],tx[1]), slice(ty[0],ty[1])) ss = (slice(sx[0],sx[1]), slice(sy[0],sy[1])) mask = self.drawMask src = dk if isinstance(self.drawMode, collections.Callable): self.drawMode(dk, self.image, mask, ss, ts, ev) else: src = src[ss] if self.drawMode == 'set': if mask is not None: mask = mask[ss] self.image[ts] = self.image[ts] * (1-mask) + src * mask else: self.image[ts] = src elif self.drawMode == 'add': self.image[ts] += src else: raise Exception("Unknown draw mode '%s'" % self.drawMode) self.updateImage() def setDrawKernel(self, kernel=None, mask=None, center=(0,0), mode='set'): self.drawKernel = kernel self.drawKernelCenter = center self.drawMode = mode self.drawMask = mask def removeClicked(self): self.sigRemoveRequested.emit(self)