# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Using ProgressDialog to show progress updates in a nested process. """ import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import time import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui app = QtGui.QApplication([]) def runStage(i): """Waste time for 2 seconds while incrementing a progress bar. """ with pg.ProgressDialog("Running stage %s.." % i, maximum=100, nested=True) as dlg: for j in range(100): time.sleep(0.02) dlg += 1 if dlg.wasCanceled(): print("Canceled stage %s" % i) break def runManyStages(i): """Iterate over runStage() 3 times while incrementing a progress bar. """ with pg.ProgressDialog("Running stage %s.." % i, maximum=3, nested=True, wait=0) as dlg: for j in range(1,4): runStage('%d.%d' % (i, j)) dlg += 1 if dlg.wasCanceled(): print("Canceled stage %s" % i) break with pg.ProgressDialog("Doing a multi-stage process..", maximum=5, nested=True, wait=0) as dlg1: for i in range(1,6): if i == 3: # this stage will have 3 nested progress bars runManyStages(i) else: # this stage will have 2 nested progress bars runStage(i) dlg1 += 1 if dlg1.wasCanceled(): print("Canceled process") break