import os, sys, shutil, time import pyqtgraph as pg import pytest pgpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pg.__file__), '..') pgpath_repr = repr(pgpath) code = """ import sys sys.path.append({path_repr}) import pyqtgraph as pg class C(pg.QtCore.QObject): sig = pg.QtCore.Signal() def fn(self): print("{msg}") """ def remove_cache(mod): if os.path.isfile(mod+'c'): os.remove(mod+'c') cachedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod), '__pycache__') if os.path.isdir(cachedir): shutil.rmtree(cachedir) @pytest.mark.skipif( ( (pg.Qt.QT_LIB == "PySide2" and pg.Qt.QtVersion.startswith("5.15")) or (pg.Qt.QT_LIB == "PySide6") ) and (sys.version_info > (3, 9)) or (sys.version_info >= (3, 10)), reason="Unknown Issue" ) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("tmp_module") def test_reload(tmp_module): # write a module mod = os.path.join(tmp_module, '') print("\nRELOAD FILE:", mod) with open(mod, "w") as file_: file_.write(code.format(path_repr=pgpath_repr, msg="C.fn() Version1")) # import the new module import reload_test_mod print("RELOAD MOD:", reload_test_mod.__file__) c = reload_test_mod.C() c.sig.connect(c.fn) v1 = (reload_test_mod.C, reload_test_mod.C.sig, reload_test_mod.C.fn, c.sig, c.fn, c.fn.__func__) # write again and reload with open(mod, "w") as file_: file_.write(code.format(path_repr=pgpath_repr, msg="C.fn() Version 2")) time.sleep(1.1) #remove_cache(mod) _ = pg.reload.reloadAll(tmp_module, debug=True) v2 = (reload_test_mod.C, reload_test_mod.C.sig, reload_test_mod.C.fn, c.sig, c.fn, c.fn.__func__) oldcfn = pg.reload.getPreviousVersion(c.fn) if oldcfn is None: # Function did not reload; are we using pytest's assertion rewriting? raise Exception("Function did not reload. (This can happen when using py.test" " with assertion rewriting; use --assert=plain for this test.)") assert oldcfn.__func__ is v1[2] assert oldcfn.__self__ is c # write again and reload with open(mod, "w") as file_: file_.write(code.format(path_repr=pgpath_repr, msg="C.fn() Version2")) time.sleep(1.1) # remove_cache(mod) _ = pg.reload.reloadAll(tmp_module, debug=True) _ = (reload_test_mod.C, reload_test_mod.C.sig, reload_test_mod.C.fn, c.sig, c.fn, c.fn.__func__) cfn1 = pg.reload.getPreviousVersion(c.fn) cfn2 = pg.reload.getPreviousVersion(cfn1) assert cfn1.__func__ is v2[2] assert cfn2.__func__ is v1[2] assert cfn1.__self__ is c assert cfn2.__self__ is c pg.functions.disconnect(c.sig, c.fn)