import os, sys, re from subprocess import check_output def listAllPackages(pkgroot): path = os.getcwd() n = len(path.split(os.path.sep)) subdirs = [i[0].split(os.path.sep)[n:] for i in os.walk(os.path.join(path, pkgroot)) if '' in i[2]] return ['.'.join(p) for p in subdirs] def getInitVersion(pkgroot): """Return the version string defined in""" path = os.getcwd() initfile = os.path.join(path, pkgroot, '') init = open(initfile).read() m ='__version__ = (\S+)\n', init) if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 1: raise Exception("Cannot determine __version__ from init file: '%s'!" % initfile) version ='\'\"') return version def gitCommit(name): """Return the commit ID for the given name.""" commit = check_output(['git', 'show', name], universal_newlines=True).split('\n')[0] assert commit[:7] == 'commit ' return commit[7:] def getGitVersion(tagPrefix): """Return a version string with information about this git checkout. If the checkout is an unmodified, tagged commit, then return the tag version. If this is not a tagged commit, return version-branch_name-commit_id. If this checkout has been modified, append "+" to the version. """ path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, '.git')): return None # Find last tag matching "tagPrefix.*" tagNames = check_output(['git', 'tag'], universal_newlines=True).strip().split('\n') while True: if len(tagNames) == 0: raise Exception("Could not determine last tagged version.") lastTagName = tagNames.pop() if re.match(tagPrefix+r'\d+\.\d+.*', lastTagName): break gitVersion = lastTagName.replace(tagPrefix, '') # is this commit an unchanged checkout of the last tagged version? lastTag = gitCommit(lastTagName) head = gitCommit('HEAD') if head != lastTag: branch ='\* (.*)', check_output(['git', 'branch'], universal_newlines=True)).group(1) gitVersion = gitVersion + "-%s-%s" % (branch, head[:10]) # any uncommitted modifications? modified = False status = check_output(['git', 'status', '-s'], universal_newlines=True).strip().split('\n') for line in status: if line[:2] != '??': modified = True break if modified: gitVersion = gitVersion + '+' return gitVersion def getVersionStrings(pkg): """ Returns 4 version strings: * the version string to use for this build, * version string requested with --force-version (or None) * version string that describes the current git checkout (or None). * version string in the pkg/, The first return value is (forceVersion or gitVersion or initVersion). """ ## Determine current version string from initVersion = getInitVersion(pkgroot='pyqtgraph') ## If this is a git checkout, try to generate a more descriptive version string try: gitVersion = getGitVersion(tagPrefix='pyqtgraph-') except: gitVersion = None sys.stderr.write("This appears to be a git checkout, but an error occurred " "while attempting to determine a version string for the " "current commit.\n") sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) # See whether a --force-version flag was given forcedVersion = None for i,arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if arg.startswith('--force-version'): if arg == '--force-version': forcedVersion = sys.argv[i+1] sys.argv.pop(i) sys.argv.pop(i) elif arg.startswith('--force-version='): forcedVersion = sys.argv[i].replace('--force-version=', '') sys.argv.pop(i) ## Finally decide on a version string to use: if forcedVersion is not None: version = forcedVersion elif gitVersion is not None: version = gitVersion sys.stderr.write("Detected git commit; will use version string: '%s'\n" % version) else: version = initVersion return version, forcedVersion, gitVersion, initVersion