import os from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui from ..python2_3 import asUnicode from .Parameter import Parameter, registerParameterType from .ParameterItem import ParameterItem from ..widgets.SpinBox import SpinBox from ..widgets.ColorButton import ColorButton from ..colormap import ColorMap from .. import pixmaps as pixmaps from .. import functions as fn from ..pgcollections import OrderedDict class WidgetParameterItem(ParameterItem): """ ParameterTree item with: * label in second column for displaying value * simple widget for editing value (displayed instead of label when item is selected) * button that resets value to default ========================== ============================================================= **Registered Types:** int Displays a :class:`SpinBox ` in integer mode. float Displays a :class:`SpinBox `. bool Displays a QCheckBox str Displays a QLineEdit color Displays a :class:`ColorButton ` colormap Displays a :class:`GradientWidget ` ========================== ============================================================= This class can be subclassed by overriding makeWidget() to provide a custom widget. """ def __init__(self, param, depth): ParameterItem.__init__(self, param, depth) self.asSubItem = False # place in a child item's column 0 instead of column 1 self.hideWidget = True ## hide edit widget, replace with label when not selected ## set this to False to keep the editor widget always visible # build widget with a display label and default button w = self.makeWidget() self.widget = w self.eventProxy = EventProxy(w, self.widgetEventFilter) if self.asSubItem: self.subItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem() self.subItem.depth = self.depth + 1 self.subItem.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags) self.addChild(self.subItem) self.defaultBtn = QtGui.QPushButton() self.defaultBtn.setAutoDefault(False) self.defaultBtn.setFixedWidth(20) self.defaultBtn.setFixedHeight(20) modDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.defaultBtn.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(pixmaps.getPixmap('default'))) self.defaultBtn.clicked.connect(self.defaultClicked) self.displayLabel = QtGui.QLabel() layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(2) if not self.asSubItem: layout.addWidget(w, 1) layout.addWidget(self.displayLabel, 1) layout.addStretch(0) layout.addWidget(self.defaultBtn) self.layoutWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.layoutWidget.setLayout(layout) if w.sigChanged is not None: w.sigChanged.connect(self.widgetValueChanged) if hasattr(w, 'sigChanging'): w.sigChanging.connect(self.widgetValueChanging) ## update value shown in widget. opts = self.param.opts if opts.get('value', None) is not None: self.valueChanged(self, opts['value'], force=True) else: ## no starting value was given; use whatever the widget has self.widgetValueChanged() self.updateDefaultBtn() self.optsChanged(self.param, self.param.opts) # set size hints sw = self.widget.sizeHint() sb = self.defaultBtn.sizeHint() # shrink row heights a bit for more compact look sw.setHeight(int(sw.height() * 0.9)) sb.setHeight(int(sb.height() * 0.9)) if self.asSubItem: self.setSizeHint(1, sb) self.subItem.setSizeHint(0, sw) else: w = sw.width() + sb.width() h = max(sw.height(), sb.height()) self.setSizeHint(1, QtCore.QSize(w, h)) def makeWidget(self): """ Return a single widget whose position in the tree is determined by the value of self.asSubItem. If True, it will be placed in the second tree column, and if False, the first tree column of a child item. The widget must be given three attributes: ========== ============================================================ sigChanged a signal that is emitted when the widget's value is changed value a function that returns the value setValue a function that sets the value ========== ============================================================ This is a good function to override in subclasses. """ opts = self.param.opts t = opts['type'] if t in ('int', 'float'): defs = { 'value': 0, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'step': 1.0, 'dec': False, 'siPrefix': False, 'suffix': '', 'decimals': 3, } if t == 'int': defs['int'] = True defs['minStep'] = 1.0 defs['format'] = '{value:d}' for k in defs: if k in opts: defs[k] = opts[k] if 'limits' in opts: defs['min'], defs['max'] = opts['limits'] w = SpinBox() w.setOpts(**defs) w.sigChanged = w.sigValueChanged w.sigChanging = w.sigValueChanging elif t == 'bool': w = QtGui.QCheckBox() w.sigChanged = w.toggled w.value = w.isChecked w.setValue = w.setChecked self.hideWidget = False elif t == 'str': w = QtGui.QLineEdit() w.setStyleSheet('border: 0px') w.sigChanged = w.editingFinished w.value = lambda: asUnicode(w.text()) w.setValue = lambda v: w.setText(asUnicode(v)) w.sigChanging = w.textChanged elif t == 'color': w = ColorButton() w.sigChanged = w.sigColorChanged w.sigChanging = w.sigColorChanging w.value = w.color w.setValue = w.setColor self.hideWidget = False w.setFlat(True) elif t == 'colormap': from ..widgets.GradientWidget import GradientWidget ## need this here to avoid import loop w = GradientWidget(orientation='bottom') w.sizeHint = lambda: QtCore.QSize(300, 35) w.sigChanged = w.sigGradientChangeFinished w.sigChanging = w.sigGradientChanged w.value = w.colorMap w.setValue = w.setColorMap self.hideWidget = False self.asSubItem = True else: raise Exception("Unknown type '%s'" % asUnicode(t)) return w def widgetEventFilter(self, obj, ev): ## filter widget's events ## catch TAB to change focus ## catch focusOut to hide editor if ev.type() == ev.KeyPress: if ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab: self.focusNext(forward=True) return True ## don't let anyone else see this event elif ev.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backtab: self.focusNext(forward=False) return True ## don't let anyone else see this event return False def setFocus(self): self.showEditor() def isFocusable(self): return self.param.opts['visible'] and self.param.opts['enabled'] and self.param.writable() def valueChanged(self, param, val, force=False): ## called when the parameter's value has changed ParameterItem.valueChanged(self, param, val) if force or not fn.eq(val, self.widget.value()): try: self.widget.sigChanged.disconnect(self.widgetValueChanged) self.param.sigValueChanged.disconnect(self.valueChanged) self.widget.setValue(val) self.param.setValue(self.widget.value()) finally: self.widget.sigChanged.connect(self.widgetValueChanged) self.param.sigValueChanged.connect(self.valueChanged) self.updateDisplayLabel() ## always make sure label is updated, even if values match! self.updateDefaultBtn() def updateDefaultBtn(self): ## enable/disable default btn self.defaultBtn.setEnabled( not self.param.valueIsDefault() and self.param.opts['enabled'] and self.param.writable()) # hide / show self.defaultBtn.setVisible(self.param.hasDefault() and not self.param.readonly()) def updateDisplayLabel(self, value=None): """Update the display label to reflect the value of the parameter.""" if value is None: value = self.param.value() opts = self.param.opts if isinstance(self.widget, QtGui.QAbstractSpinBox): text = asUnicode(self.widget.lineEdit().text()) elif isinstance(self.widget, QtGui.QComboBox): text = self.widget.currentText() else: text = asUnicode(value) self.displayLabel.setText(text) def widgetValueChanged(self): ## called when the widget's value has been changed by the user val = self.widget.value() newVal = self.param.setValue(val) def widgetValueChanging(self, *args): """ Called when the widget's value is changing, but not finalized. For example: editing text before pressing enter or changing focus. """ self.param.sigValueChanging.emit(self.param, self.widget.value()) def selected(self, sel): """Called when this item has been selected (sel=True) OR deselected (sel=False)""" ParameterItem.selected(self, sel) if self.widget is None: return if sel and self.param.writable(): self.showEditor() elif self.hideWidget: self.hideEditor() def showEditor(self): self.displayLabel.hide() self.widget.setFocus(QtCore.Qt.OtherFocusReason) if isinstance(self.widget, SpinBox): self.widget.selectNumber() # select the numerical portion of the text for quick editing def hideEditor(self): self.widget.hide() def limitsChanged(self, param, limits): """Called when the parameter's limits have changed""" ParameterItem.limitsChanged(self, param, limits) t = self.param.opts['type'] if t == 'int' or t == 'float': self.widget.setOpts(bounds=limits) else: return ## don't know what to do with any other types.. def defaultChanged(self, param, value): self.updateDefaultBtn() def treeWidgetChanged(self): """Called when this item is added or removed from a tree.""" ParameterItem.treeWidgetChanged(self) ## add all widgets for this item into the tree if self.widget is not None: tree = self.treeWidget() if tree is None: return if self.asSubItem: tree.setFirstItemColumnSpanned(self.subItem, True) tree.setItemWidget(self.subItem, 0, self.widget) tree.setItemWidget(self, 1, self.layoutWidget) self.displayLabel.hide() self.selected(False) def defaultClicked(self): self.param.setToDefault() def optsChanged(self, param, opts): """Called when any options are changed that are not name, value, default, or limits""" ParameterItem.optsChanged(self, param, opts) if 'enabled' in opts: self.updateDefaultBtn() self.widget.setEnabled(opts['enabled']) if 'readonly' in opts: self.updateDefaultBtn() if hasattr(self.widget, 'setReadOnly'): self.widget.setReadOnly(opts['readonly']) else: self.widget.setEnabled(self.param.opts['enabled'] and not opts['readonly']) if 'tip' in opts: self.widget.setToolTip(opts['tip']) ## If widget is a SpinBox, pass options straight through if isinstance(self.widget, SpinBox): # send only options supported by spinbox sbOpts = {} if 'units' in opts and 'suffix' not in opts: sbOpts['suffix'] = opts['units'] for k,v in opts.items(): if k in self.widget.opts: sbOpts[k] = v self.widget.setOpts(**sbOpts) self.updateDisplayLabel() class EventProxy(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, qobj, callback): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.callback = callback qobj.installEventFilter(self) def eventFilter(self, obj, ev): return self.callback(obj, ev) class SimpleParameter(Parameter): """Parameter representing a single value. This parameter is backed by :class:`WidgetParameterItem` to represent the following parameter names: - 'int' - 'float' - 'bool' - 'str' - 'color' - 'colormap' """ itemClass = WidgetParameterItem def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialize the parameter. This is normally called implicitly through :meth:`Parameter.create`. The keyword arguments avaialble to :meth:`Parameter.__init__` are applicable. """ Parameter.__init__(self, *args, **kargs) ## override a few methods for color parameters if self.opts['type'] == 'color': self.value = self.colorValue self.saveState = self.saveColorState def colorValue(self): return fn.mkColor(Parameter.value(self)) def saveColorState(self, *args, **kwds): state = Parameter.saveState(self, *args, **kwds) state['value'] = fn.colorTuple(self.value()) return state def _interpretValue(self, v): fn = { 'int': int, 'float': float, 'bool': bool, 'str': asUnicode, 'color': self._interpColor, 'colormap': self._interpColormap, }[self.opts['type']] return fn(v) def _interpColor(self, v): return fn.mkColor(v) def _interpColormap(self, v): if not isinstance(v, ColorMap): raise TypeError("Cannot set colormap parameter from object %r" % v) return v registerParameterType('int', SimpleParameter, override=True) registerParameterType('float', SimpleParameter, override=True) registerParameterType('bool', SimpleParameter, override=True) registerParameterType('str', SimpleParameter, override=True) registerParameterType('color', SimpleParameter, override=True) registerParameterType('colormap', SimpleParameter, override=True) class GroupParameterItem(ParameterItem): """ Group parameters are used mainly as a generic parent item that holds (and groups!) a set of child parameters. It also provides a simple mechanism for displaying a button or combo that can be used to add new parameters to the group. """ def __init__(self, param, depth): ParameterItem.__init__(self, param, depth) self.updateDepth(depth) self.addItem = None if 'addText' in param.opts: addText = param.opts['addText'] if 'addList' in param.opts: self.addWidget = QtGui.QComboBox() self.addWidget.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QtGui.QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.updateAddList() self.addWidget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.addChanged) else: self.addWidget = QtGui.QPushButton(addText) self.addWidget.clicked.connect(self.addClicked) w = QtGui.QWidget() l = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() l.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) w.setLayout(l) l.addWidget(self.addWidget) l.addStretch() self.addWidgetBox = w self.addItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([]) self.addItem.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.addItem.depth = self.depth + 1 ParameterItem.addChild(self, self.addItem) self.addItem.setSizeHint(0, self.addWidgetBox.sizeHint()) self.optsChanged(self.param, self.param.opts) def updateDepth(self, depth): ## Change item's appearance based on its depth in the tree ## This allows highest-level groups to be displayed more prominently. if depth == 0: for c in [0,1]: self.setBackground(c, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(100,100,100))) self.setForeground(c, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(220,220,255))) font = self.font(c) font.setBold(True) font.setPointSize(font.pointSize()+1) self.setFont(c, font) else: for c in [0,1]: self.setBackground(c, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(220,220,220))) self.setForeground(c, QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(50,50,50))) font = self.font(c) font.setBold(True) #font.setPointSize(font.pointSize()+1) self.setFont(c, font) self.titleChanged() # sets the size hint for column 0 which is based on the new font def addClicked(self): """Called when "add new" button is clicked The parameter MUST have an 'addNew' method defined. """ self.param.addNew() def addChanged(self): """Called when "add new" combo is changed The parameter MUST have an 'addNew' method defined. """ if self.addWidget.currentIndex() == 0: return typ = asUnicode(self.addWidget.currentText()) self.param.addNew(typ) self.addWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) def treeWidgetChanged(self): ParameterItem.treeWidgetChanged(self) tw = self.treeWidget() if tw is None: return self.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) if self.addItem is not None: tw.setItemWidget(self.addItem, 0, self.addWidgetBox) self.addItem.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) def addChild(self, child): ## make sure added childs are actually inserted before add btn if self.addItem is not None: ParameterItem.insertChild(self, self.childCount()-1, child) else: ParameterItem.addChild(self, child) def optsChanged(self, param, opts): ParameterItem.optsChanged(self, param, opts) if 'addList' in opts: self.updateAddList() if hasattr(self, 'addWidget'): if 'enabled' in opts: self.addWidget.setEnabled(opts['enabled']) if 'tip' in opts: self.addWidget.setToolTip(opts['tip']) def updateAddList(self): self.addWidget.blockSignals(True) try: self.addWidget.clear() self.addWidget.addItem(self.param.opts['addText']) for t in self.param.opts['addList']: self.addWidget.addItem(t) finally: self.addWidget.blockSignals(False) class GroupParameter(Parameter): """ Group parameters are used mainly as a generic parent item that holds (and groups!) a set of child parameters. It also provides a simple mechanism for displaying a button or combo that can be used to add new parameters to the group. To enable this, the group must be initialized with the 'addText' option (the text will be displayed on a button which, when clicked, will cause addNew() to be called). If the 'addList' option is specified as well, then a dropdown-list of addable items will be displayed instead of a button. """ itemClass = GroupParameterItem sigAddNew = QtCore.Signal(object, object) # self, type def addNew(self, typ=None): """ This method is called when the user has requested to add a new item to the group. By default, it emits ``sigAddNew(self, typ)``. """ self.sigAddNew.emit(self, typ) def setAddList(self, vals): """Change the list of options available for the user to add to the group.""" self.setOpts(addList=vals) registerParameterType('group', GroupParameter, override=True) class ListParameterItem(WidgetParameterItem): """ WidgetParameterItem subclass providing comboBox that lets the user select from a list of options. """ def __init__(self, param, depth): self.targetValue = None WidgetParameterItem.__init__(self, param, depth) def makeWidget(self): opts = self.param.opts t = opts['type'] w = QtGui.QComboBox() w.setMaximumHeight(20) ## set to match height of spin box and line edit w.sigChanged = w.currentIndexChanged w.value = self.value w.setValue = self.setValue self.widget = w ## needs to be set before limits are changed self.limitsChanged(self.param, self.param.opts['limits']) if len(self.forward) > 0: self.setValue(self.param.value()) return w def value(self): key = asUnicode(self.widget.currentText()) return self.forward.get(key, None) def setValue(self, val): self.targetValue = val if val not in self.reverse[0]: self.widget.setCurrentIndex(0) else: key = self.reverse[1][self.reverse[0].index(val)] ind = self.widget.findText(key) self.widget.setCurrentIndex(ind) def limitsChanged(self, param, limits): # set up forward / reverse mappings for name:value if len(limits) == 0: limits = [''] ## Can never have an empty list--there is always at least a singhe blank item. self.forward, self.reverse = ListParameter.mapping(limits) try: self.widget.blockSignals(True) val = self.targetValue #asUnicode(self.widget.currentText()) self.widget.clear() for k in self.forward: self.widget.addItem(k) if k == val: self.widget.setCurrentIndex(self.widget.count()-1) self.updateDisplayLabel() finally: self.widget.blockSignals(False) class ListParameter(Parameter): """Parameter with a list of acceptable values. By default, this parameter is represtented by a :class:`ListParameterItem`, displaying a combo box to select a value from the list. In addition to the generic :class:`~pyqtgraph.parametertree.Parameter` options, this parameter type accepts a ``limits`` argument specifying the list of allowed values. ``values`` is an alias and may be used instead. The values may generally be of any data type, as long as they can be represented as a string. If the string representation provided is undesirable, the values may be given as a dictionary mapping the desired string representation to the value. """ itemClass = ListParameterItem def __init__(self, **opts): self.forward = OrderedDict() ## {name: value, ...} self.reverse = ([], []) ## ([value, ...], [name, ...]) # Parameter uses 'limits' option to define the set of allowed values if 'values' in opts: opts['limits'] = opts['values'] if opts.get('limits', None) is None: opts['limits'] = [] Parameter.__init__(self, **opts) self.setLimits(opts['limits']) def setLimits(self, limits): """Change the list of allowed values.""" self.forward, self.reverse = self.mapping(limits) Parameter.setLimits(self, limits) if len(self.reverse[0]) > 0 and self.value() not in self.reverse[0]: self.setValue(self.reverse[0][0]) @staticmethod def mapping(limits): # Return forward and reverse mapping objects given a limit specification forward = OrderedDict() ## {name: value, ...} reverse = ([], []) ## ([value, ...], [name, ...]) if isinstance(limits, dict): for k, v in limits.items(): forward[k] = v reverse[0].append(v) reverse[1].append(k) else: for v in limits: n = asUnicode(v) forward[n] = v reverse[0].append(v) reverse[1].append(n) return forward, reverse registerParameterType('list', ListParameter, override=True) class ActionParameterItem(ParameterItem): """ParameterItem displaying a clickable button.""" def __init__(self, param, depth): ParameterItem.__init__(self, param, depth) self.layoutWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layoutWidget.setLayout(self.layout) self.button = QtGui.QPushButton() #self.layout.addSpacing(100) self.layout.addWidget(self.button) self.layout.addStretch() self.button.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.titleChanged() self.optsChanged(self.param, self.param.opts) def treeWidgetChanged(self): ParameterItem.treeWidgetChanged(self) tree = self.treeWidget() if tree is None: return self.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) tree.setItemWidget(self, 0, self.layoutWidget) def titleChanged(self): self.button.setText(self.param.title()) self.setSizeHint(0, self.button.sizeHint()) def optsChanged(self, param, opts): ParameterItem.optsChanged(self, param, opts) if 'enabled' in opts: self.button.setEnabled(opts['enabled']) if 'tip' in opts: self.button.setToolTip(opts['tip']) def buttonClicked(self): self.param.activate() class ActionParameter(Parameter): """Used for displaying a button within the tree. ``sigActivated(self)`` is emitted when the button is clicked. """ itemClass = ActionParameterItem sigActivated = QtCore.Signal(object) def activate(self): self.sigActivated.emit(self) self.emitStateChanged('activated', None) registerParameterType('action', ActionParameter, override=True) class TextParameterItem(WidgetParameterItem): """ParameterItem displaying a QTextEdit widget.""" def makeWidget(self): self.hideWidget = False self.asSubItem = True self.textBox = w = QtGui.QTextEdit() w.sizeHint = lambda: QtCore.QSize(300, 100) w.value = lambda: str(w.toPlainText()) w.setValue = w.setPlainText w.sigChanged = w.textChanged return w class TextParameter(Parameter): """Editable string, displayed as large text box in the tree.""" itemClass = TextParameterItem registerParameterType('text', TextParameter, override=True)