""" Allows easy loading of pixmaps used in UI elements. Provides support for frozen environments as well. """ import os, sys, pickle from ..functions import makeQImage from ..Qt import QtGui if sys.version_info[0] == 2: from . import pixmapData_2 as pixmapData else: from . import pixmapData_3 as pixmapData def getPixmap(name): """ Return a QPixmap corresponding to the image file with the given name. (eg. getPixmap('auto') loads pyqtgraph/pixmaps/auto.png) """ key = name+'.png' data = pixmapData.pixmapData[key] if isinstance(data, basestring) or isinstance(data, bytes): pixmapData.pixmapData[key] = pickle.loads(data) arr = pixmapData.pixmapData[key] return QtGui.QPixmap(makeQImage(arr, alpha=True))