""" Demonstrate using QPainter on a subclass of GLGraphicsItem. """ ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import initExample import pyqtgraph as pg import pyqtgraph.opengl from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import OpenGL.GL as GL SIZE = 32 class GLPainterItem(pg.opengl.GLGraphicsItem.GLGraphicsItem): def __init__(self, **kwds): super().__init__() glopts = kwds.pop('glOptions', 'additive') self.setGLOptions(glopts) def compute_projection(self): modelview = GL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) projection = GL.glGetDoublev(GL.GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX) mvp = projection.T @ modelview.T mvp = QtGui.QMatrix4x4(mvp.ravel().tolist()) # note that QRectF.bottom() != QRect.bottom() rect = QtCore.QRectF(self.view().rect()) ndc_to_viewport = QtGui.QMatrix4x4() ndc_to_viewport.viewport(rect.left(), rect.bottom(), rect.width(), -rect.height()) return ndc_to_viewport * mvp def paint(self): self.setupGLState() painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.view()) self.draw(painter) painter.end() def draw(self, painter): painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.GlobalColor.white) painter.setRenderHints(QtGui.QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing | QtGui.QPainter.RenderHint.TextAntialiasing) rect = self.view().rect() af = QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag painter.drawText(rect, af.AlignTop | af.AlignRight, 'TR') painter.drawText(rect, af.AlignBottom | af.AlignLeft, 'BL') painter.drawText(rect, af.AlignBottom | af.AlignRight, 'BR') opts = self.view().getCameraPosition() opts['fov'] = self.view().fov() lines = [] center = opts['pos'] lines.append(f"center : ({center.x():.1f}, {center.y():.1f}, {center.z():.1f})") for key in ['distance', 'fov', 'elevation', 'azimuth']: lines.append(f"{key} : {opts[key]:.1f}") xyz = self.view().cameraPosition() lines.append(f"xyz : ({xyz.x():.1f}, {xyz.y():.1f}, {xyz.z():.1f})") info = "\n".join(lines) painter.drawText(rect, af.AlignTop | af.AlignLeft, info) project = self.compute_projection() hsize = SIZE // 2 for xi in range(-hsize, hsize+1): for yi in range(-hsize, hsize+1): if xi == -hsize and yi == -hsize: # skip one corner for visual orientation continue vec3 = QtGui.QVector3D(xi, yi, 0) pos = project.map(vec3).toPointF() painter.drawEllipse(pos, 1, 1) pg.mkQApp("GLPainterItem Example") glv = pg.opengl.GLViewWidget() glv.show() glv.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: GLPainterItem') glv.setCameraPosition(distance=50, elevation=90, azimuth=0) griditem = pg.opengl.GLGridItem() griditem.setSize(SIZE, SIZE) griditem.setSpacing(1, 1) glv.addItem(griditem) axisitem = pg.opengl.GLAxisItem() axisitem.setSize(SIZE/2, SIZE/2, 1) glv.addItem(axisitem) paintitem = GLPainterItem() glv.addItem(paintitem) if __name__ == '__main__': pg.exec()