from ..Qt import QtGui, mkQApp from ..graphicsItems.GraphicsLayout import GraphicsLayout from .GraphicsView import GraphicsView __all__ = ['GraphicsLayoutWidget'] class GraphicsLayoutWidget(GraphicsView): """ Convenience class consisting of a :class:`GraphicsView ` with a single :class:`GraphicsLayout ` as its central item. This widget is an easy starting point for generating multi-panel figures. Example:: w = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() p1 = w.addPlot(row=0, col=0) p2 = w.addPlot(row=0, col=1) v = w.addViewBox(row=1, col=0, colspan=2) Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget or None The parent widget (see QWidget.__init__) show : bool If True, then immediately show the widget after it is created. If the widget has no parent, then it will be shown inside a new window. size : (width, height) tuple Optionally resize the widget. Note: if this widget is placed inside a layout, then this argument has no effect. title : str or None If specified, then set the window title for this widget. kargs : All extra arguments are passed to :func:`GraphicsLayout.__init__() ` This class wraps several methods from its internal GraphicsLayout: :func:`nextRow ` :func:`nextColumn ` :func:`addPlot ` :func:`addViewBox ` :func:`addItem ` :func:`getItem ` :func:`addLabel ` :func:`addLayout ` :func:`removeItem ` :func:`itemIndex ` :func:`clear ` """ def __init__(self, parent=None, show=False, size=None, title=None, **kargs): mkQApp() GraphicsView.__init__(self, parent) = GraphicsLayout(**kargs) for n in ['nextRow', 'nextCol', 'nextColumn', 'addPlot', 'addViewBox', 'addItem', 'getItem', 'addLayout', 'addLabel', 'removeItem', 'itemIndex', 'clear']: setattr(self, n, getattr(, n)) self.setCentralItem( if size is not None: self.resize(*size) if title is not None: self.setWindowTitle(title) if show is True: