PyQtGraph's Helper Functions ============================ Simple Data Display Functions ----------------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.plot .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.image .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.dbg Color, Pen, and Brush Functions ------------------------------- Qt uses the classes QColor, QPen, and QBrush to determine how to draw lines and fill shapes. These classes are highly capable but somewhat awkward to use. PyQtGraph offers the functions :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkColor`, :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkPen`, and :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkBrush` to simplify the process of creating these classes. In most cases, however, it will be unnecessary to call these functions directly--any function or method that accepts *pen* or *brush* arguments will make use of these functions for you. For example, the following three lines all have the same effect:: pg.plot(xdata, ydata, pen='r') pg.plot(xdata, ydata, pen=pg.mkPen('r')) pg.plot(xdata, ydata, pen=QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0))) .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.mkColor .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.mkPen .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.mkBrush .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.hsvColor .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.intColor .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.colorTuple .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.colorStr .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.glColor Data Slicing ------------ .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.affineSlice Coordinate Transformation ------------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.transformToArray .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.transformCoordinates .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.solve3DTransform .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.solveBilinearTransform SI Unit Conversion Functions ---------------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.siFormat .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.siScale .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.siEval Image Preparation Functions --------------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.makeARGB .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.makeQImage .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.applyLookupTable .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.rescaleData .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.imageToArray Mesh Generation Functions ------------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.isocurve .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.isosurface Miscellaneous Functions ----------------------- .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.eq .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.arrayToQPath .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.pseudoScatter .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.systemInfo .. autofunction:: pyqtgraph.exit