# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- REVISION = '621' ### import all the goodies and add some helper functions for easy CLI use ## 'Qt' is a local module; it is intended mainly to cover up the differences ## between PyQt4 and PySide. from .Qt import QtGui ## not really safe--If we accidentally create another QApplication, the process hangs (and it is very difficult to trace the cause) #if QtGui.QApplication.instance() is None: #app = QtGui.QApplication([]) import sys ## check python version if sys.version_info[0] < 2 or (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] != 7): raise Exception("Pyqtgraph requires Python version 2.7 (this is %d.%d)" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])) ## helpers for 2/3 compatibility from . import python2_3 ## in general openGL is poorly supported with Qt+GraphicsView. ## we only enable it where the performance benefit is critical. ## Note this only applies to 2D graphics; 3D graphics always use OpenGL. if 'linux' in sys.platform: ## linux has numerous bugs in opengl implementation useOpenGL = False elif 'darwin' in sys.platform: ## openGL can have a major impact on mac, but also has serious bugs useOpenGL = True else: useOpenGL = False ## on windows there's a more even performance / bugginess tradeoff. CONFIG_OPTIONS = { 'useOpenGL': useOpenGL, ## by default, this is platform-dependent (see widgets/GraphicsView). Set to True or False to explicitly enable/disable opengl. 'leftButtonPan': True, ## if false, left button drags a rubber band for zooming in viewbox 'foreground': (150, 150, 150), ## default foreground color for axes, labels, etc. 'background': (0, 0, 0), ## default background for GraphicsWidget 'antialias': False, 'editorCommand': None, ## command used to invoke code editor from ConsoleWidgets } def setConfigOption(opt, value): CONFIG_OPTIONS[opt] = value def getConfigOption(opt): return CONFIG_OPTIONS[opt] def systemInfo(): print "sys.platform:", sys.platform print "sys.version:", sys.version from .Qt import VERSION_INFO print "qt bindings:", VERSION_INFO print "pyqtgraph:", REVISION print "config:" import pprint pprint.pprint(CONFIG_OPTIONS) ## Rename orphaned .pyc files. This is *probably* safe :) def renamePyc(startDir): ### Used to rename orphaned .pyc files ### When a python file changes its location in the repository, usually the .pyc file ### is left behind, possibly causing mysterious and difficult to track bugs. printed = False startDir = os.path.abspath(startDir) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(startDir): if '__pycache__' in path: continue for f in files: fileName = os.path.join(path, f) base, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName) py = base + ".py" if ext == '.pyc' and not os.path.isfile(py): if not printed: print("NOTE: Renaming orphaned .pyc files:") printed = True n = 1 while True: name2 = fileName + ".renamed%d" % n if not os.path.exists(name2): break n += 1 print(" " + fileName + " ==>") print(" " + name2) os.rename(fileName, name2) import os path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] renamePyc(path) ## Import almost everything to make it available from a single namespace ## don't import the more complex systems--canvas, parametertree, flowchart, dockarea ## these must be imported separately. def importAll(path, excludes=()): d = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], path) files = [] for f in os.listdir(d): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, f)) and f != '__pycache__': files.append(f) elif f[-3:] == '.py' and f != '__init__.py': files.append(f[:-3]) for modName in files: if modName in excludes: continue mod = __import__(path+"."+modName, globals(), locals(), fromlist=['*']) if hasattr(mod, '__all__'): names = mod.__all__ else: names = [n for n in dir(mod) if n[0] != '_'] for k in names: if hasattr(mod, k): globals()[k] = getattr(mod, k) importAll('graphicsItems') importAll('widgets', excludes=['MatplotlibWidget']) from .imageview import * from .WidgetGroup import * from .Point import Point from .Vector import Vector from .SRTTransform import SRTTransform from .SRTTransform3D import SRTTransform3D from .functions import * from .graphicsWindows import * from .SignalProxy import * from .ptime import time ## Workaround for Qt exit crash: ## ALL QGraphicsItems must have a scene before they are deleted. ## This is potentially very expensive, but preferred over crashing. import atexit def cleanup(): if QtGui.QApplication.instance() is None: return import gc s = QtGui.QGraphicsScene() for o in gc.get_objects(): try: if isinstance(o, QtGui.QGraphicsItem) and o.scene() is None: s.addItem(o) except RuntimeError: ## occurs if a python wrapper no longer has its underlying C++ object continue atexit.register(cleanup) ## Convenience functions for command-line use plots = [] images = [] QAPP = None def plot(*args, **kargs): """ Create and return a :class:`PlotWindow ` (this is just a window with :class:`PlotWidget ` inside), plot data in it. Accepts a *title* argument to set the title of the window. All other arguments are used to plot data. (see :func:`PlotItem.plot() `) """ mkQApp() #if 'title' in kargs: #w = PlotWindow(title=kargs['title']) #del kargs['title'] #else: #w = PlotWindow() #if len(args)+len(kargs) > 0: #w.plot(*args, **kargs) pwArgList = ['title', 'label', 'name', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] pwArgs = {} dataArgs = {} for k in kargs: if k in pwArgList: pwArgs[k] = kargs[k] else: dataArgs[k] = kargs[k] w = PlotWindow(**pwArgs) w.plot(*args, **dataArgs) plots.append(w) w.show() return w def image(*args, **kargs): """ Create and return an :class:`ImageWindow ` (this is just a window with :class:`ImageView ` widget inside), show image data inside. Will show 2D or 3D image data. Accepts a *title* argument to set the title of the window. All other arguments are used to show data. (see :func:`ImageView.setImage() `) """ mkQApp() w = ImageWindow(*args, **kargs) images.append(w) w.show() return w show = image ## for backward compatibility def mkQApp(): global QAPP inst = QtGui.QApplication.instance() if inst is None: QAPP = QtGui.QApplication([]) else: QAPP = inst return QAPP