from math import atan2, pi, degrees from ..Qt import QtGui, QtCore from ..Point import Point from .. import functions as fn from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject from .UIGraphicsItem import UIGraphicsItem from .TextItem import TextItem from .ScatterPlotItem import Symbols, makeCrosshair from .ViewBox import ViewBox import string import warnings class TargetItem(UIGraphicsItem): """Draws a draggable target symbol (circle plus crosshair). The size of TargetItem will remain fixed on screen even as the view is zoomed. Includes an optional text label. """ sigPositionChanged = QtCore.Signal(object) sigPositionChangeFinished = QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__( self, pos=None, size=10, radii=None, symbol="crosshair", pen=None, hoverPen=None, brush=None, hoverBrush=None, movable=True, label=None, labelOpts=None, ): r""" Parameters ---------- pos : list, tuple, QPointF, QPoint, Optional Initial position of the symbol. Default is (0, 0) size : int Size of the symbol in pixels. Default is 10. radii : tuple of int Deprecated. Gives size of crosshair in screen pixels. pen : QPen, tuple, list or str Pen to use when drawing line. Can be any arguments that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkPen`. Default pen is transparent yellow. brush : QBrush, tuple, list, or str Defines the brush that fill the symbol. Can be any arguments that is valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkBrush`. Default is transparent blue. movable : bool If True, the symbol can be dragged to a new position by the user. hoverPen : QPen, tuple, list, or str Pen to use when drawing symbol when hovering over it. Can be any arguments that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkPen`. Default pen is red. hoverBrush : QBrush, tuple, list or str Brush to use to fill the symbol when hovering over it. Can be any arguments that is valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkBrush`. Default is transparent blue. symbol : QPainterPath or str QPainterPath to use for drawing the target, should be centered at ``(0, 0)`` with ``max(width, height) == 1.0``. Alternatively a string which can be any symbol accepted by :func:`~pyqtgraph.ScatterPlotItem.setData` label : bool, str or callable, optional Text to be displayed in a label attached to the symbol, or None to show no label (default is None). May optionally include formatting strings to display the symbol value, or a callable that accepts x and y as inputs. If True, the label is ``x = {: >.3n}\ny = {: >.3n}`` False or None will result in no text being displayed labelOpts : dict A dict of keyword arguments to use when constructing the text label. See :class:`TargetLabel` and :class:`~pyqtgraph.TextItem` """ super().__init__(self) self.movable = movable self.moving = False self._label = None self.mouseHovering = False if radii is not None: warnings.warn( "'radii' is now deprecated, and will be removed in 0.13.0. Use 'size' " "parameter instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) symbol = makeCrosshair(*radii) size = 1 if pen is None: pen = (255, 255, 0) self.setPen(pen) if hoverPen is None: hoverPen = (255, 0, 255) self.setHoverPen(hoverPen) if brush is None: brush = (0, 0, 255, 50) self.setBrush(brush) if hoverBrush is None: hoverBrush = (0, 255, 255, 100) self.setHoverBrush(hoverBrush) self.currentPen = self.pen self.currentBrush = self.brush self._shape = None self._pos = Point(0, 0) if pos is None: pos = Point(0, 0) self.setPos(pos) if isinstance(symbol, str): try: self._path = Symbols[symbol] except KeyError: raise KeyError("symbol name found in available Symbols") elif isinstance(symbol, QtGui.QPainterPath): self._path = symbol else: raise TypeError("Unknown type provided as symbol") self.scale = size self.setPath(self._path) self.setLabel(label, labelOpts) @property def sigDragged(self): warnings.warn( "'sigDragged' has been deprecated and will be removed in 0.13.0. Use " "`sigPositionChanged` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.sigPositionChangeFinished def setPos(self, pos): """Method to set the position to ``(x, y)`` within the plot view Parameters ---------- pos : tuple, list, QPointF, QPoint, or pg.Point Container that consists of ``(x, y)`` representation of where the TargetItem should be placed Raises ------ TypeError If the type of ``pos`` does not match the known types to extract coordinate info from, a TypeError is raised """ if isinstance(pos, Point): newPos = pos elif isinstance(pos, (tuple, list)): newPos = Point(pos) elif isinstance(pos, (QtCore.QPointF, QtCore.QPoint)): newPos = Point(pos.x(), pos.y()) else: raise TypeError if self._pos != newPos: self._pos = newPos super().setPos(self._pos) self.sigPositionChanged.emit(self) def setBrush(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the brush that fills the symbol. Allowable arguments are any that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkBrush`. """ self.brush = fn.mkBrush(*args, **kwargs) if not self.mouseHovering: self.currentBrush = self.brush self.update() def setHoverBrush(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the brush that fills the symbol when hovering over it. Allowable arguments are any that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkBrush`. """ self.hoverBrush = fn.mkBrush(*args, **kwargs) if self.mouseHovering: self.currentBrush = self.hoverBrush self.update() def setPen(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the pen for drawing the symbol. Allowable arguments are any that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkPen`.""" self.pen = fn.mkPen(*args, **kwargs) if not self.mouseHovering: self.currentPen = self.pen self.update() def setHoverPen(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the pen for drawing the symbol when hovering over it. Allowable arguments are any that are valid for :func:`~pyqtgraph.mkPen`.""" self.hoverPen = fn.mkPen(*args, **kwargs) if self.mouseHovering: self.currentPen = self.hoverPen self.update() def boundingRect(self): return self.shape().boundingRect() def paint(self, p, *_): p.setPen(self.currentPen) p.setBrush(self.currentBrush) p.drawPath(self.shape()) def setPath(self, path): if path != self._path: self._path = path self._shape = None return None def shape(self): if self._shape is None: s = self.generateShape() if s is None: return self._path self._shape = s # beware--this can cause the view to adjust # which would immediately invalidate the shape. self.prepareGeometryChange() return self._shape def generateShape(self): dt = self.deviceTransform() if dt is None: self._shape = self._path return None v =, 0)) -, 0)) dti = fn.invertQTransform(dt) devPos =, 0)) tr = QtGui.QTransform() tr.translate(devPos.x(), devPos.y()) va = atan2(v.y(), v.x()) tr.rotate(degrees(va)) tr.scale(self.scale, self.scale) return def mouseDragEvent(self, ev): if not self.movable or int(ev.button() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) == 0: return ev.accept() if ev.isStart(): self.symbolOffset = self.pos() - self.mapToView(ev.buttonDownPos()) self.moving = True if not self.moving: return self.setPos(self.symbolOffset + self.mapToView(ev.pos())) if ev.isFinish(): self.moving = False self.sigPositionChangeFinished.emit(self) def mouseClickEvent(self, ev): if self.moving and ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: ev.accept() self.moving = False self.sigPositionChanged.emit(self) self.sigPositionChangeFinished.emit(self) def setMouseHover(self, hover): # Inform the item that the mouse is(not) hovering over it if self.mouseHovering is hover: return self.mouseHovering = hover if hover: self.currentBrush = self.hoverBrush self.currentPen = self.hoverPen else: self.currentBrush = self.brush self.currentPen = self.pen self.update() def hoverEvent(self, ev): if self.movable and (not ev.isExit()) and ev.acceptDrags(QtCore.Qt.LeftButton): self.setMouseHover(True) else: self.setMouseHover(False) def viewTransformChanged(self): GraphicsObject.viewTransformChanged(self) self._shape = None # invalidate shape, recompute later if requested. self.update() def pos(self): """Provides the current position of the TargetItem Returns ------- Point pg.Point of the current position of the TargetItem """ return self._pos def label(self): """Provides the TargetLabel if it exists Returns ------- TargetLabel or None If a TargetLabel exists for this TargetItem, return that, otherwise return None """ return self._label def setLabel(self, text=None, labelOpts=None): """Method to call to enable or disable the TargetLabel for displaying text Parameters ---------- text : Callable or str, optional Details how to format the text, by default None If None, do not show any text next to the TargetItem If Callable, then the label will display the result of ``text(x, y)`` If a fromatted string, then the output of ``text.format(x, y)`` will be displayed If a non-formatted string, then the text label will display ``text``, by default None labelOpts : dictionary, optional These arguments are passed on to :class:`~pyqtgraph.TextItem` """ if not text: if self._label is not None and self._label.scene() is not None: # remove the label if it's already added self._label.scene().removeItem(self._label) self._label = None else: # provide default text if text is True if text is True: # convert to default value or empty string text = "x = {: .3n}\ny = {: .3n}" labelOpts = {} if labelOpts is None else labelOpts if self._label is not None: self._label.scene().removeItem(self._label) self._label = TargetLabel(self, text=text, **labelOpts) def setLabelAngle(self, angle): warnings.warn( "TargetItem.setLabelAngle is deprecated and will be removed in 0.13.0." "Use TargetItem.label().setAngle() instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if self.label() is not None and angle != self.label().angle: self.label().setAngle(angle) return None class TargetLabel(TextItem): """A TextItem that attaches itself to a TargetItem. This class extends TextItem with the following features : * Automatically positions adjacent to the symbol at a fixed position. * Automatically reformats text when the symbol location has changed. Parameters ---------- target : TargetItem The TargetItem to which this label will be attached to. text : str or callable, Optional Governs the text displayed, can be a fixed string or a format string that accepts the x, and y position of the target item; or be a callable method that accepts a tuple (x, y) and returns a string to be displayed. If None, an empty string is used. Default is None offset : tuple or list or QPointF or QPoint Position to set the anchor of the TargetLabel away from the center of the target in pixels, by default it is (20, 0). anchor : tuple, list, QPointF or QPoint Position to rotate the TargetLabel about, and position to set the offset value to see :class:`~pyqtgraph.TextItem` for more inforation. kwargs : dict of arguments that are passed on to :class:`~pyqtgraph.TextItem` constructor, excluding text parameter """ def __init__( self, target, text="", offset=(20, 0), anchor=(0, 0.5), **kwargs, ): if isinstance(offset, Point): self.offset = offset elif isinstance(offset, (tuple, list)): self.offset = Point(*offset) elif isinstance(offset, (QtCore.QPoint, QtCore.QPointF)): self.offset = Point(offset.x(), offset.y()) else: raise TypeError("Offset parameter is the wrong data type") super().__init__(anchor=anchor, **kwargs) self.setParentItem(target) = target self.setFormat(text) self.valueChanged() def format(self): return self._format def setFormat(self, text): """Method to set how the TargetLabel should display the text. This method should be called from TargetItem.setLabel directly. Parameters ---------- text : Callable or str Details how to format the text. If Callable, then the label will display the result of ``text(x, y)`` If a fromatted string, then the output of ``text.format(x, y)`` will be displayed If a non-formatted string, then the text label will display ``text`` """ if not callable(text): parsed = list(string.Formatter().parse(text)) if parsed and parsed[0][1] is not None: self.setProperty("formattableText", True) else: self.setText(text) self.setProperty("formattableText", False) else: self.setProperty("formattableText", False) self._format = text self.valueChanged() def valueChanged(self): x, y = if"formattableText"): self.setText(self._format.format(float(x), float(y))) elif callable(self._format): self.setText(self._format(x, y)) def viewTransformChanged(self): viewbox = self.getViewBox() if isinstance(viewbox, ViewBox): viewPixelSize = viewbox.viewPixelSize() scaledOffset = QtCore.QPointF( self.offset.x() * viewPixelSize[0], self.offset.y() * viewPixelSize[1] ) self.setPos(scaledOffset) return super().viewTransformChanged() def mouseClickEvent(self, ev): return self.parentItem().mouseClickEvent(ev) def mouseDragEvent(self, ev): targetItem = self.parentItem() if not targetItem.movable or int(ev.button() & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) == 0: return ev.accept() if ev.isStart(): targetItem.symbolOffset = targetItem.pos() - self.mapToView( ev.buttonDownPos() ) targetItem.moving = True if not targetItem.moving: return targetItem.setPos(targetItem.symbolOffset + self.mapToView(ev.pos())) if ev.isFinish(): targetItem.moving = False targetItem.sigPositionChangeFinished.emit(self)