from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore __all__ = ['LayoutWidget'] class LayoutWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ Convenience class used for laying out QWidgets in a grid. (It's just a little less effort to use than QGridLayout) """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.items = {} self.rows = {} self.currentRow = 0 self.currentCol = 0 def nextRow(self): """Advance to next row for automatic widget placement""" self.currentRow += 1 self.currentCol = 0 def nextColumn(self, colspan=1): """Advance to next column, while returning the current column number (generally only for internal use--called by addWidget)""" self.currentCol += colspan return self.currentCol-colspan def nextCol(self, *args, **kargs): """Alias of nextColumn""" return self.nextColumn(*args, **kargs) def addLabel(self, text=' ', row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs): """ Create a QLabel with *text* and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to QLabel(). Returns the created widget. """ text = QtGui.QLabel(text, **kargs) self.addItem(text, row, col, rowspan, colspan) return text def addLayout(self, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1, **kargs): """ Create an empty LayoutWidget and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified) All extra keyword arguments are passed to :func:`LayoutWidget.__init__ ` Returns the created widget. """ layout = LayoutWidget(**kargs) self.addItem(layout, row, col, rowspan, colspan) return layout def addWidget(self, item, row=None, col=None, rowspan=1, colspan=1): """ Add a widget to the layout and place it in the next available cell (or in the cell specified). """ if row is None: row = self.currentRow if col is None: col = self.nextCol(colspan) if row not in self.rows: self.rows[row] = {} self.rows[row][col] = item self.items[item] = (row, col) self.layout.addWidget(item, row, col, rowspan, colspan) def getWidget(self, row, col): """Return the widget in (*row*, *col*)""" return self.row[row][col] #def itemIndex(self, item): #for i in range(self.layout.count()): #if self.layout.itemAt(i).graphicsItem() is item: #return i #raise Exception("Could not determine index of item " + str(item)) #def removeItem(self, item): #"""Remove *item* from the layout.""" #ind = self.itemIndex(item) #self.layout.removeAt(ind) #self.scene().removeItem(item) #r,c = self.items[item] #del self.items[item] #del self.rows[r][c] #self.update() #def clear(self): #items = [] #for i in list(self.items.keys()): #self.removeItem(i)