# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from math import atan2, asin, sin, cos, sqrt, pi import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np import csv, gzip, os from pyqtgraph import Point class GlassDB: """ Database of dispersion coefficients for Schott glasses + Corning 7980 """ def __init__(self, fileName='schott_glasses.csv'): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) fh = gzip.open(os.path.join(path, 'schott_glasses.csv.gz'), 'rb') r = csv.reader(map(str, fh.readlines())) lines = [x for x in r] self.data = {} header = lines[0] for l in lines[1:]: info = {} for i in range(1, len(l)): info[header[i]] = l[i] self.data[l[0]] = info self.data['Corning7980'] = { ## Thorlabs UV fused silica--not in schott catalog. 'B1': 0.68374049400, 'B2': 0.42032361300, 'B3': 0.58502748000, 'C1': 0.00460352869, 'C2': 0.01339688560, 'C3': 64.49327320000, 'TAUI25/250': 0.95, ## transmission data is fabricated, but close. 'TAUI25/1400': 0.98, } for k in self.data: self.data[k]['ior_cache'] = {} def ior(self, glass, wl): """ Return the index of refraction for *glass* at wavelength *wl*. The *glass* argument must be a key in self.data. """ info = self.data[glass] cache = info['ior_cache'] if wl not in cache: B = list(map(float, [info['B1'], info['B2'], info['B3']])) C = list(map(float, [info['C1'], info['C2'], info['C3']])) w2 = (wl/1000.)**2 n = sqrt(1.0 + (B[0]*w2 / (w2-C[0])) + (B[1]*w2 / (w2-C[1])) + (B[2]*w2 / (w2-C[2]))) cache[wl] = n return cache[wl] def transmissionCurve(self, glass): data = self.data[glass] keys = [int(x[7:]) for x in data.keys() if 'TAUI25' in x] keys.sort() curve = np.empty((2,len(keys))) for i in range(len(keys)): curve[0][i] = keys[i] key = 'TAUI25/%d' % keys[i] val = data[key] if val == '': val = 0 else: val = float(val) curve[1][i] = val return curve GLASSDB = GlassDB() def wlPen(wl): """Return a pen representing the given wavelength""" l1 = 400 l2 = 700 hue = np.clip(((l2-l1) - (wl-l1)) * 0.8 / (l2-l1), 0, 0.8) val = 1.0 if wl > 700: val = 1.0 * (((700-wl)/700.) + 1) elif wl < 400: val = wl * 1.0/400. #print hue, val color = pg.hsvColor(hue, 1.0, val) pen = pg.mkPen(color) return pen class ParamObj(object): # Just a helper for tracking parameters and responding to changes def __init__(self): self.__params = {} def __setitem__(self, item, val): self.setParam(item, val) def setParam(self, param, val): self.setParams(**{param:val}) def setParams(self, **params): """Set parameters for this optic. This is a good function to override for subclasses.""" self.__params.update(params) self.paramStateChanged() def paramStateChanged(self): pass def __getitem__(self, item): # bug in pyside 1.2.2 causes getitem to be called inside QGraphicsObject.parentItem: return self.getParam(item) # PySide bug: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-671 def __len__(self): # Workaround for PySide bug: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-671 return 0 def getParam(self, param): return self.__params[param] class Optic(pg.GraphicsObject, ParamObj): sigStateChanged = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, gitem, **params): ParamObj.__init__(self) pg.GraphicsObject.__init__(self) #, [0,0], [1,1]) self.gitem = gitem self.surfaces = gitem.surfaces gitem.setParentItem(self) self.roi = pg.ROI([0,0], [1,1]) self.roi.addRotateHandle([1, 1], [0.5, 0.5]) self.roi.setParentItem(self) defaults = { 'pos': Point(0,0), 'angle': 0, } defaults.update(params) self._ior_cache = {} self.roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.roiChanged) self.setParams(**defaults) def updateTransform(self): self.setPos(0, 0) tr = QtGui.QTransform() self.setTransform(tr.translate(Point(self['pos'])).rotate(self['angle'])) def setParam(self, param, val): ParamObj.setParam(self, param, val) def paramStateChanged(self): """Some parameters of the optic have changed.""" # Move graphics item self.gitem.setPos(Point(self['pos'])) self.gitem.resetTransform() self.gitem.setRotation(self['angle']) # Move ROI to match try: self.roi.sigRegionChanged.disconnect(self.roiChanged) br = self.gitem.boundingRect() o = self.gitem.mapToParent(br.topLeft()) self.roi.setAngle(self['angle']) self.roi.setPos(o) self.roi.setSize([br.width(), br.height()]) finally: self.roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.roiChanged) self.sigStateChanged.emit() def roiChanged(self, *args): pos = self.roi.pos() # rotate gitem temporarily so we can decide where it will need to move self.gitem.resetTransform() self.gitem.setRotation(self.roi.angle()) br = self.gitem.boundingRect() o1 = self.gitem.mapToParent(br.topLeft()) self.setParams(angle=self.roi.angle(), pos=pos + (self.gitem.pos() - o1)) def boundingRect(self): return QtCore.QRectF() def paint(self, p, *args): pass def ior(self, wavelength): return GLASSDB.ior(self['glass'], wavelength) class Lens(Optic): def __init__(self, **params): defaults = { 'dia': 25.4, ## diameter of lens 'r1': 50., ## positive means convex, use 0 for planar 'r2': 0, ## negative means convex 'd': 4.0, 'glass': 'N-BK7', 'reflect': False, } defaults.update(params) d = defaults.pop('d') defaults['x1'] = -d/2. defaults['x2'] = d/2. gitem = CircularSolid(brush=(100, 100, 130, 100), **defaults) Optic.__init__(self, gitem, **defaults) def propagateRay(self, ray): """Refract, reflect, absorb, and/or scatter ray. This function may create and return new rays""" """ NOTE:: We can probably use this to compute refractions faster: (from GLSL 120 docs) For the incident vector I and surface normal N, and the ratio of indices of refraction eta, return the refraction vector. The result is computed by k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - dot(N, I) * dot(N, I)) if (k < 0.0) return genType(0.0) else return eta * I - (eta * dot(N, I) + sqrt(k)) * N The input parameters for the incident vector I and the surface normal N must already be normalized to get the desired results. eta == ratio of IORs For reflection: For the incident vector I and surface orientation N, returns the reflection direction: I – 2 ∗ dot(N, I) ∗ N N must already be normalized in order to achieve the desired result. """ iors = [self.ior(ray['wl']), 1.0] for i in [0,1]: surface = self.surfaces[i] ior = iors[i] p1, ai = surface.intersectRay(ray) if p1 is None: ray.setEnd(None) break p1 = surface.mapToItem(ray, p1) rd = ray['dir'] a1 = atan2(rd[1], rd[0]) try: ar = a1 - ai + asin((sin(ai) * ray['ior'] / ior)) except ValueError: ar = np.nan ray.setEnd(p1) dp = Point(cos(ar), sin(ar)) ray = Ray(parent=ray, ior=ior, dir=dp) return [ray] class Mirror(Optic): def __init__(self, **params): defaults = { 'r1': 0, 'r2': 0, 'd': 0.01, } defaults.update(params) d = defaults.pop('d') defaults['x1'] = -d/2. defaults['x2'] = d/2. gitem = CircularSolid(brush=(100,100,100,255), **defaults) Optic.__init__(self, gitem, **defaults) def propagateRay(self, ray): """Refract, reflect, absorb, and/or scatter ray. This function may create and return new rays""" surface = self.surfaces[0] p1, ai = surface.intersectRay(ray) if p1 is not None: p1 = surface.mapToItem(ray, p1) rd = ray['dir'] a1 = atan2(rd[1], rd[0]) ar = a1 + pi - 2*ai ray.setEnd(p1) dp = Point(cos(ar), sin(ar)) ray = Ray(parent=ray, dir=dp) else: ray.setEnd(None) return [ray] class CircularSolid(pg.GraphicsObject, ParamObj): """GraphicsObject with two circular or flat surfaces.""" def __init__(self, pen=None, brush=None, **opts): """ Arguments for each surface are: x1,x2 - position of center of _physical surface_ r1,r2 - radius of curvature d1,d2 - diameter of optic """ defaults = dict(x1=-2, r1=100, d1=25.4, x2=2, r2=100, d2=25.4) defaults.update(opts) ParamObj.__init__(self) self.surfaces = [CircleSurface(defaults['r1'], defaults['d1']), CircleSurface(-defaults['r2'], defaults['d2'])] pg.GraphicsObject.__init__(self) for s in self.surfaces: s.setParentItem(self) if pen is None: self.pen = pg.mkPen((220,220,255,200), width=1, cosmetic=True) else: self.pen = pg.mkPen(pen) if brush is None: self.brush = pg.mkBrush((230, 230, 255, 30)) else: self.brush = pg.mkBrush(brush) self.setParams(**defaults) def paramStateChanged(self): self.updateSurfaces() def updateSurfaces(self): self.surfaces[0].setParams(self['r1'], self['d1']) self.surfaces[1].setParams(-self['r2'], self['d2']) self.surfaces[0].setPos(self['x1'], 0) self.surfaces[1].setPos(self['x2'], 0) self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath() self.path.connectPath(self.surfaces[0].path.translated(self.surfaces[0].pos())) self.path.connectPath(self.surfaces[1].path.translated(self.surfaces[1].pos()).toReversed()) self.path.closeSubpath() def boundingRect(self): return self.path.boundingRect() def shape(self): return self.path def paint(self, p, *args): p.setRenderHints(p.renderHints() | p.Antialiasing) p.setPen(self.pen) p.fillPath(self.path, self.brush) p.drawPath(self.path) class CircleSurface(pg.GraphicsObject): def __init__(self, radius=None, diameter=None): """center of physical surface is at 0,0 radius is the radius of the surface. If radius is None, the surface is flat. diameter is of the optic's edge.""" pg.GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.r = radius self.d = diameter self.mkPath() def setParams(self, r, d): self.r = r self.d = d self.mkPath() def mkPath(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() r = self.r d = self.d h2 = d/2. self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath() if r == 0: ## flat surface self.path.moveTo(0, h2) self.path.lineTo(0, -h2) else: ## half-height of surface can't be larger than radius h2 = min(h2, abs(r)) arc = QtCore.QRectF(0, -r, r*2, r*2) a1 = asin(h2/r) * 180. / pi a2 = -2*a1 a1 += 180. self.path.arcMoveTo(arc, a1) self.path.arcTo(arc, a1, a2) self.h2 = h2 def boundingRect(self): return self.path.boundingRect() def paint(self, p, *args): return ## usually we let the optic draw. def intersectRay(self, ray): ## return the point of intersection and the angle of incidence #print "intersect ray" h = self.h2 r = self.r p, dir = ray.currentState(relativeTo=self) # position and angle of ray in local coords. #print " ray: ", p, dir p = p - Point(r, 0) ## move position so center of circle is at 0,0 #print " adj: ", p, r if r == 0: #print " flat" if dir[0] == 0: y = 0 else: y = p[1] - p[0] * dir[1]/dir[0] if abs(y) > h: return None, None else: return (Point(0, y), atan2(dir[1], dir[0])) else: #print " curve" ## find intersection of circle and line (quadratic formula) dx = dir[0] dy = dir[1] dr = (dx**2 + dy**2) ** 0.5 D = p[0] * (p[1]+dy) - (p[0]+dx) * p[1] idr2 = 1.0 / dr**2 disc = r**2 * dr**2 - D**2 if disc < 0: return None, None disc2 = disc**0.5 if dy < 0: sgn = -1 else: sgn = 1 br = self.path.boundingRect() x1 = (D*dy + sgn*dx*disc2) * idr2 y1 = (-D*dx + abs(dy)*disc2) * idr2 if br.contains(x1+r, y1): pt = Point(x1, y1) else: x2 = (D*dy - sgn*dx*disc2) * idr2 y2 = (-D*dx - abs(dy)*disc2) * idr2 pt = Point(x2, y2) if not br.contains(x2+r, y2): return None, None norm = atan2(pt[1], pt[0]) if r < 0: norm += pi dp = p - pt ang = atan2(dp[1], dp[0]) return pt + Point(r, 0), ang-norm class Ray(pg.GraphicsObject, ParamObj): """Represents a single straight segment of a ray""" sigStateChanged = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, **params): ParamObj.__init__(self) defaults = { 'ior': 1.0, 'wl': 500, 'end': None, 'dir': Point(1,0), } self.params = {} pg.GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.children = [] parent = params.get('parent', None) if parent is not None: defaults['start'] = parent['end'] defaults['wl'] = parent['wl'] self['ior'] = parent['ior'] self['dir'] = parent['dir'] parent.addChild(self) defaults.update(params) defaults['dir'] = Point(defaults['dir']) self.setParams(**defaults) self.mkPath() def clearChildren(self): for c in self.children: c.clearChildren() c.setParentItem(None) self.scene().removeItem(c) self.children = [] def paramStateChanged(self): pass def addChild(self, ch): self.children.append(ch) ch.setParentItem(self) def currentState(self, relativeTo=None): pos = self['start'] dir = self['dir'] if relativeTo is None: return pos, dir else: trans = self.itemTransform(relativeTo)[0] p1 = trans.map(pos) p2 = trans.map(pos + dir) return Point(p1), Point(p2-p1) def setEnd(self, end): self['end'] = end self.mkPath() def boundingRect(self): return self.path.boundingRect() def paint(self, p, *args): #p.setPen(pg.mkPen((255,0,0, 150))) p.setRenderHints(p.renderHints() | p.Antialiasing) p.setCompositionMode(p.CompositionMode_Plus) p.setPen(wlPen(self['wl'])) p.drawPath(self.path) def mkPath(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.path = QtGui.QPainterPath() self.path.moveTo(self['start']) if self['end'] is not None: self.path.lineTo(self['end']) else: self.path.lineTo(self['start']+500*self['dir']) def trace(rays, optics): if len(optics) < 1 or len(rays) < 1: return for r in rays: r.clearChildren() o = optics[0] r2 = o.propagateRay(r) trace(r2, optics[1:]) class Tracer(QtCore.QObject): """ Simple ray tracer. Initialize with a list of rays and optics; calling trace() will cause rays to be extended by propagating them through each optic in sequence. """ def __init__(self, rays, optics): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.optics = optics self.rays = rays for o in self.optics: o.sigStateChanged.connect(self.trace) self.trace() def trace(self): trace(self.rays, self.optics)