from . import BoolParameterItem, SimpleParameter from .basetypes import GroupParameterItem, GroupParameter, WidgetParameterItem from .list import ListParameter from .slider import Emitter from .. import ParameterItem from ... import functions as fn from ...Qt import QtWidgets class ChecklistParameterItem(GroupParameterItem): """ Wraps a :class:`GroupParameterItem` to manage ``bool`` parameter children. Also provides convenience buttons to select or clear all values at once. Note these conveniences are disabled when ``exclusive`` is *True*. """ def __init__(self, param, depth): self.btnGrp = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup() self.btnGrp.setExclusive(False) self._constructMetaBtns() super().__init__(param, depth) def _constructMetaBtns(self): self.metaBtnWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.metaBtnLayout = lay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self.metaBtnWidget) lay.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) lay.setSpacing(2) self.metaBtns = {} lay.addStretch(0) for title in 'Clear', 'Select': self.metaBtns[title] = btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(f'{title} All') self.metaBtnLayout.addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(getattr(self, f'{title.lower()}AllClicked')) self.metaBtns['default'] = WidgetParameterItem.makeDefaultButton(self) self.metaBtnLayout.addWidget(self.metaBtns['default']) def defaultClicked(self): self.param.setToDefault() def treeWidgetChanged(self): ParameterItem.treeWidgetChanged(self) tw = self.treeWidget() if tw is None: return tw.setItemWidget(self, 1, self.metaBtnWidget) def selectAllClicked(self): self.param.setValue(self.param.reverse[0]) def clearAllClicked(self): self.param.setValue([]) def insertChild(self, pos, item): ret = super().insertChild(pos, item) self.btnGrp.addButton(item.widget) return ret def addChild(self, item): ret = super().addChild(item) self.btnGrp.addButton(item.widget) return ret def takeChild(self, i): child = super().takeChild(i) self.btnGrp.removeButton(child.widget) def optsChanged(self, param, opts): if 'expanded' in opts: for btn in self.metaBtns.values(): btn.setVisible(opts['expanded']) exclusive = opts.get('exclusive', param.opts['exclusive']) enabled = opts.get('enabled', param.opts['enabled']) for btn in self.metaBtns.values(): btn.setDisabled(exclusive or (not enabled)) self.btnGrp.setExclusive(exclusive) def expandedChangedEvent(self, expanded): for btn in self.metaBtns.values(): btn.setVisible(expanded) class RadioParameterItem(BoolParameterItem): """ Allows radio buttons to function as booleans when `exclusive` is *True* """ def __init__(self, param, depth): self.emitter = Emitter() super().__init__(param, depth) def makeWidget(self): w = QtWidgets.QRadioButton() w.value = w.isChecked # Since these are only used during exclusive operations, only fire a signal when "True" # to avoid a double-fire w.setValue = w.setChecked w.sigChanged = self.emitter.sigChanged w.toggled.connect(self.maybeSigChanged) self.hideWidget = False return w def maybeSigChanged(self, val): """ Make sure to only activate on a "true" value, since an exclusive button group fires once to deactivate the old option and once to activate the new selection """ if not val: return self.emitter.sigChanged.emit(self, val) # Proxy around radio/bool type so the correct item class gets instantiated class BoolOrRadioParameter(SimpleParameter): def __init__(self, **kargs): if kargs.get('type') == 'bool': self.itemClass = BoolParameterItem else: self.itemClass = RadioParameterItem super().__init__(**kargs) class ChecklistParameter(GroupParameter): """ Can be set just like a :class:`ListParameter`, but allows for multiple values to be selected simultaneously. ============== ======================================================== **Options** exclusive When *False*, any number of options can be selected. The resulting ``value()`` is a list of all checked values. When *True*, it behaves like a ``list`` type -- only one value can be selected. If no values are selected and ``exclusive`` is set to *True*, the first available limit is selected. The return value of an ``exclusive`` checklist is a single value rather than a list with one element. ============== ======================================================== """ itemClass = ChecklistParameterItem def __init__(self, **opts): self.targetValue = None limits = opts.setdefault('limits', []) self.forward, self.reverse = ListParameter.mapping(limits) value = opts.setdefault('value', limits) opts.setdefault('exclusive', False) super().__init__(**opts) # Force 'exclusive' to trigger by making sure value is not the same self.sigLimitsChanged.connect(self.updateLimits) self.sigOptionsChanged.connect(self.optsChanged) if len(limits): # Since update signal wasn't hooked up until after parameter construction, need to fire manually self.updateLimits(self, limits) # Also, value calculation will be incorrect until children are added, so make sure to recompute self.setValue(value) def updateLimits(self, _param, limits): oldOpts = self.names val = self.opts['value'] # Make sure adding and removing children don't cause tree state changes self.blockTreeChangeSignal() self.clearChildren() self.forward, self.reverse = ListParameter.mapping(limits) if self.opts.get('exclusive'): typ = 'radio' else: typ = 'bool' for chName in self.forward: # Recycle old values if they match the new limits newVal = bool(oldOpts.get(chName, False)) child = BoolOrRadioParameter(type=typ, name=chName, value=newVal, default=None) self.addChild(child) # Prevent child from broadcasting tree state changes, since this is handled by self child.blockTreeChangeSignal() child.sigValueChanged.connect(self._onSubParamChange) # Purge child changes before unblocking self.treeStateChanges.clear() self.unblockTreeChangeSignal() self.setValue(val) def _onSubParamChange(self, param, value): if self.opts['exclusive']: val = self.reverse[0][self.reverse[1].index(] return self.setValue(val) # Interpret value, fire sigValueChanged return self.setValue(self.value()) def optsChanged(self, param, opts): if 'exclusive' in opts: # Force set value to ensure updates # self.opts['value'] = self._VALUE_UNSET self.updateLimits(None, self.opts.get('limits', [])) def value(self): vals = [self.forward[] for p in self.children() if p.value()] exclusive = self.opts['exclusive'] if not vals and exclusive: return None elif exclusive: return vals[0] else: return vals def setValue(self, value, blockSignal=None): self.targetValue = value exclusive = self.opts['exclusive'] # Will emit at the end, so no problem discarding existing changes cmpVals = value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] for ii in range(len(cmpVals)-1, -1, -1): exists = any(fn.eq(cmpVals[ii], lim) for lim in self.reverse[0]) if not exists: del cmpVals[ii] names = [self.reverse[1][self.reverse[0].index(val)] for val in cmpVals] if exclusive and len(names) > 1: names = [names[0]] elif exclusive and not len(names) and len(self.forward): # An option is required during exclusivity names = [self.reverse[1][0]] for chParam in self: checked = in names chParam.setValue(checked, self._onSubParamChange) super().setValue(self.value(), blockSignal)