from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import collections, os, weakref, re from .ParameterItem import ParameterItem PARAM_TYPES = {} def registerParameterType(name, cls, override=False): global PARAM_TYPES if name in PARAM_TYPES and not override: raise Exception("Parameter type '%s' already exists (use override=True to replace)" % name) PARAM_TYPES[name] = cls class Parameter(QtCore.QObject): """ Tree of name=value pairs (modifiable or not) - Value may be integer, float, string, bool, color, or list selection - Optionally, a custom widget may be specified for a property - Any number of extra columns may be added for other purposes - Any values may be reset to a default value - Parameters may be grouped / nested - Parameter may be subclassed to provide customized behavior. For more Parameter types, see ParameterTree.parameterTypes module. =================================== ========================================================= **Signals:** sigStateChanged(self, change, info) Emitted when anything changes about this parameter at all. The second argument is a string indicating what changed ('value', 'childAdded', etc..) The third argument can be any extra information about the change sigTreeStateChanged(self, changes) Emitted when any child in the tree changes state (but only if monitorChildren() is called) the format of *changes* is [(param, change, info), ...] sigValueChanged(self, value) Emitted when value is finished changing sigValueChanging(self, value) Emitted immediately for all value changes, including during editing. sigChildAdded(self, child, index) Emitted when a child is added sigChildRemoved(self, child) Emitted when a child is removed sigParentChanged(self, parent) Emitted when this parameter's parent has changed sigLimitsChanged(self, limits) Emitted when this parameter's limits have changed sigDefaultChanged(self, default) Emitted when this parameter's default value has changed sigNameChanged(self, name) Emitted when this parameter's name has changed sigOptionsChanged(self, opts) Emitted when any of this parameter's options have changed =================================== ========================================================= """ ## name, type, limits, etc. ## can also carry UI hints (slider vs spinbox, etc.) sigValueChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, value emitted when value is finished being edited sigValueChanging = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, value emitted as value is being edited sigChildAdded = QtCore.Signal(object, object, object) ## self, child, index sigChildRemoved = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, child sigParentChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, parent sigLimitsChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, limits sigDefaultChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, default sigNameChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, name sigOptionsChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) ## self, {opt:val, ...} ## Emitted when anything changes about this parameter at all. ## The second argument is a string indicating what changed ('value', 'childAdded', etc..) ## The third argument can be any extra information about the change sigStateChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object, object) ## self, change, info ## emitted when any child in the tree changes state ## (but only if monitorChildren() is called) sigTreeStateChanged = QtCore.Signal(object, object) # self, changes # changes = [(param, change, info), ...] # bad planning. #def __new__(cls, *args, **opts): #try: #cls = PARAM_TYPES[opts['type']] #except KeyError: #pass #return QtCore.QObject.__new__(cls, *args, **opts) @staticmethod def create(**opts): """ Create a new Parameter (or subclass) instance using opts['type'] to select the appropriate class. Use registerParameterType() to add new class types. """ cls = PARAM_TYPES[opts['type']] return cls(**opts) def __init__(self, **opts): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.opts = { 'type': None, 'readonly': False, 'visible': True, 'enabled': True, 'renamable': False, 'removable': False, 'strictNaming': False, # forces name to be usable as a python variable } self.opts.update(opts) self.childs = [] self.names = {} ## map name:child self.items = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() ## keeps track of tree items representing this parameter self._parent = None self.treeStateChanges = [] ## cache of tree state changes to be delivered on next emit self.blockTreeChangeEmit = 0 #self.monitoringChildren = False ## prevent calling monitorChildren more than once if 'value' not in self.opts: self.opts['value'] = None if 'name' not in self.opts or not isinstance(self.opts['name'], basestring): raise Exception("Parameter must have a string name specified in opts.") self.setName(opts['name']) for chOpts in self.opts.get('children', []): #print self, "Add child:", type(chOpts), id(chOpts) self.addChild(chOpts) if 'value' in self.opts and 'default' not in self.opts: self.opts['default'] = self.opts['value'] ## Connect all state changed signals to the general sigStateChanged self.sigValueChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('value', data)) self.sigChildAdded.connect(lambda param, *data: self.emitStateChanged('childAdded', data)) self.sigChildRemoved.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('childRemoved', data)) self.sigParentChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('parent', data)) self.sigLimitsChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('limits', data)) self.sigDefaultChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('default', data)) self.sigNameChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('name', data)) self.sigOptionsChanged.connect(lambda param, data: self.emitStateChanged('options', data)) #self.watchParam(self) ## emit treechange signals if our own state changes def name(self): return self.opts['name'] def setName(self, name): """Attempt to change the name of this parameter; return the actual name. (The parameter may reject the name change or automatically pick a different name)""" if self.opts['strictNaming']: if len(name) < 1 or'\W', name) or re.match(r'\d', name[0]): raise Exception("Parameter name '%s' is invalid. (Must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters and may not start with a number)" % name) parent = self.parent() if parent is not None: name = parent._renameChild(self, name) ## first ask parent if it's ok to rename if self.opts['name'] != name: self.opts['name'] = name self.sigNameChanged.emit(self, name) return name def type(self): return self.opts['type'] def childPath(self, child): """ Return the path of parameter names from self to child. If child is not a (grand)child of self, return None. """ path = [] while child is not self: path.insert(0, child = child.parent() if child is None: return None return path def setValue(self, value, blockSignal=None): ## return the actual value that was set ## (this may be different from the value that was requested) #print self, "Set value:", value, self.opts['value'], self.opts['value'] == value try: if blockSignal is not None: self.sigValueChanged.disconnect(blockSignal) if self.opts['value'] == value: return value self.opts['value'] = value self.sigValueChanged.emit(self, value) finally: if blockSignal is not None: self.sigValueChanged.connect(blockSignal) return value def value(self): return self.opts['value'] def getValues(self): """Return a tree of all values that are children of this parameter""" vals = collections.OrderedDict() for ch in self: vals[] = (ch.value(), ch.getValues()) return vals def saveState(self): """ Return a structure representing the entire state of the parameter tree. The tree state may be restored from this structure using restoreState() """ state = self.opts.copy() state['children'] = [ch.saveState() for ch in self] return state def restoreState(self, state, recursive=True, addChildren=True, removeChildren=True): """ Restore the state of this parameter and its children from a structure generated using saveState() If recursive is True, then attempt to restore the state of child parameters as well. If addChildren is True, then any children which are referenced in the state object will be created if they do not already exist. If removeChildren is True, then any children which are not referenced in the state object will be removed. """ childState = state.get('children', []) self.setOpts(**state) if not recursive: return ptr = 0 ## pointer to first child that has not been restored yet foundChilds = set() #print "==============", for ch in childState: name = ch['name'] typ = ch['type'] #print('child: %s, %s' % ('.'+name, typ)) ## First, see if there is already a child with this name and type gotChild = False for i, ch2 in enumerate(self.childs[ptr:]): #print ch2,, ch2.type if != name or ch2.type() != typ: continue gotChild = True #print " found it" if i != 0: ## move parameter to next position self.removeChild(ch2) self.insertChild(ptr, ch2) #print " moved to position", ptr ch2.restoreState(ch, recursive=recursive, addChildren=addChildren, removeChildren=removeChildren) foundChilds.add(ch2) break if not gotChild: if not addChildren: #print " ignored child" continue #print " created new" ch2 = Parameter.create(**ch) self.insertChild(ptr, ch2) foundChilds.add(ch2) ptr += 1 if removeChildren: for ch in self: if ch not in foundChilds: #print " remove:", ch self.removeChild(ch) def defaultValue(self): """Return the default value for this parameter.""" return self.opts['default'] def setDefault(self, val): """Set the default value for this parameter.""" if self.opts['default'] == val: return self.opts['default'] = val self.sigDefaultChanged.emit(self, val) def setToDefault(self): """Set this parameter's value to the default.""" if self.hasDefault(): self.setValue(self.defaultValue()) def hasDefault(self): """Returns True if this parameter has a default value.""" return 'default' in self.opts def valueIsDefault(self): """Returns True if this parameter's value is equal to the default value.""" return self.value() == self.defaultValue() def setLimits(self, limits): """Set limits on the acceptable values for this parameter. The format of limits depends on the type of the parameter and some parameters do not make use of limits at all.""" if 'limits' in self.opts and self.opts['limits'] == limits: return self.opts['limits'] = limits self.sigLimitsChanged.emit(self, limits) return limits def writable(self): """ Returns True if this parameter's value can be changed by the user. Note that the value of the parameter can *always* be changed by calling setValue(). """ return not self.opts.get('readonly', False) def setOpts(self, **opts): """ Set any arbitrary options on this parameter. The exact behavior of this function will depend on the parameter type, but most parameters will accept a common set of options: value, name, limits, default, readonly, removable, renamable, visible, and enabled. """ changed = collections.OrderedDict() for k in opts: if k == 'value': self.setValue(opts[k]) elif k == 'name': self.setName(opts[k]) elif k == 'limits': self.setLimits(opts[k]) elif k == 'default': self.setDefault(opts[k]) elif k not in self.opts or self.opts[k] != opts[k]: self.opts[k] = opts[k] changed[k] = opts[k] if len(changed) > 0: self.sigOptionsChanged.emit(self, changed) def emitStateChanged(self, changeDesc, data): ## Emits stateChanged signal and ## requests emission of new treeStateChanged signal self.sigStateChanged.emit(self, changeDesc, data) #self.treeStateChanged(self, changeDesc, data) self.treeStateChanges.append((self, changeDesc, data)) self.emitTreeChanges() def makeTreeItem(self, depth): """Return a TreeWidgetItem suitable for displaying/controlling the content of this parameter. Most subclasses will want to override this function. """ if hasattr(self, 'itemClass'): #print "Param:", self, "Make item from itemClass:", self.itemClass return self.itemClass(self, depth) else: return ParameterItem(self, depth=depth) def addChild(self, child): """Add another parameter to the end of this parameter's child list.""" return self.insertChild(len(self.childs), child) def insertChild(self, pos, child): """Insert a new child at pos. If pos is a Parameter, then insert at the position of that Parameter. If child is a dict, then a parameter is constructed as Parameter(**child) """ if isinstance(child, dict): child = Parameter.create(**child) name = if name in self.names: if child.opts.get('autoIncrementName', False): name = self.incrementName(name) child.setName(name) else: raise Exception("Already have child named %s" % str(name)) if isinstance(pos, Parameter): pos = self.childs.index(pos) if child.parent() is not None: child.remove() self.names[name] = child self.childs.insert(pos, child) child.parentChanged(self) self.sigChildAdded.emit(self, child, pos) child.sigTreeStateChanged.connect(self.treeStateChanged) return child def removeChild(self, child): """Remove a child parameter.""" name = if name not in self.names or self.names[name] is not child: raise Exception("Parameter %s is not my child; can't remove." % str(child)) del self.names[name] self.childs.pop(self.childs.index(child)) child.parentChanged(None) self.sigChildRemoved.emit(self, child) child.sigTreeStateChanged.disconnect(self.treeStateChanged) def clearChildren(self): """Remove all child parameters.""" for ch in self.childs[:]: self.removeChild(ch) def children(self): """Return a list of this parameter's children.""" ## warning -- this overrides QObject.children return self.childs[:] def parentChanged(self, parent): """This method is called when the parameter's parent has changed. It may be useful to extend this method in subclasses.""" self._parent = parent self.sigParentChanged.emit(self, parent) def parent(self): """Return the parent of this parameter.""" return self._parent def remove(self): """Remove this parameter from its parent's child list""" parent = self.parent() if parent is None: raise Exception("Cannot remove; no parent.") parent.removeChild(self) def incrementName(self, name): ## return an unused name by adding a number to the name given base, num = re.match('(.*)(\d*)', name).groups() numLen = len(num) if numLen == 0: num = 2 numLen = 1 else: num = int(num) while True: newName = base + ("%%0%dd"%numLen) % num if newName not in self.childs: return newName num += 1 def __iter__(self): for ch in self.childs: yield ch def __getitem__(self, names): """Get the value of a child parameter. The name may also be a tuple giving the path to a sub-parameter:: value = param[('child', 'grandchild')] """ if not isinstance(names, tuple): names = (names,) return self.param(*names).value() def __setitem__(self, names, value): """Set the value of a child parameter. The name may also be a tuple giving the path to a sub-parameter:: param[('child', 'grandchild')] = value """ if isinstance(names, basestring): names = (names,) return self.param(*names).setValue(value) def param(self, *names): """Return a child parameter. Accepts the name of the child or a tuple (path, to, child)""" try: param = self.names[names[0]] except KeyError: raise Exception("Parameter %s has no child named %s" % (, names[0])) if len(names) > 1: return param.param(*names[1:]) else: return param def __repr__(self): return "<%s '%s' at 0x%x>" % (self.__class__.__name__,, id(self)) def __getattr__(self, attr): ## Leaving this undocumented because I might like to remove it in the future.. #print type(self), attr if attr in self.names: return self.param(attr) else: raise AttributeError(attr) def _renameChild(self, child, name): ## Only to be called from Parameter.rename if name in self.names: return self.names[name] = child del self.names[] return name def registerItem(self, item): self.items[item] = None def hide(self): """Hide this parameter. It and its children will no longer be visible in any ParameterTree widgets it is connected to.""" def show(self, s=True): """Show this parameter. """ self.opts['visible'] = s self.sigOptionsChanged.emit(self, {'visible': s}) #def monitorChildren(self): #if self.monitoringChildren: #raise Exception("Already monitoring children.") #self.watchParam(self) #self.monitoringChildren = True #def watchParam(self, param): #param.sigChildAdded.connect(self.grandchildAdded) #param.sigChildRemoved.connect(self.grandchildRemoved) #param.sigStateChanged.connect(self.grandchildChanged) #for ch in param: #self.watchParam(ch) #def unwatchParam(self, param): #param.sigChildAdded.disconnect(self.grandchildAdded) #param.sigChildRemoved.disconnect(self.grandchildRemoved) #param.sigStateChanged.disconnect(self.grandchildChanged) #for ch in param: #self.unwatchParam(ch) #def grandchildAdded(self, parent, child): #self.watchParam(child) #def grandchildRemoved(self, parent, child): #self.unwatchParam(child) #def grandchildChanged(self, param, change, data): ##self.sigTreeStateChanged.emit(self, param, change, data) #self.emitTreeChange((param, change, data)) def treeChangeBlocker(self): """ Return an object that can be used to temporarily block and accumulate sigTreeStateChanged signals. This is meant to be used when numerous changes are about to be made to the tree and only one change signal should be emitted at the end. Example: with param.treeChangeBlocker(): param.addChild(...) param.removeChild(...) param.setValue(...) """ return SignalBlocker(self.blockTreeChangeSignal, self.unblockTreeChangeSignal) def blockTreeChangeSignal(self): """ Used to temporarily block and accumulate tree change signals. *You must remember to unblock*, so it is advisable to use treeChangeBlocker() instead. """ self.blockTreeChangeEmit += 1 def unblockTreeChangeSignal(self): """Unblocks enission of sigTreeStateChanged and flushes the changes out through a single signal.""" self.blockTreeChangeEmit -= 1 self.emitTreeChanges() def treeStateChanged(self, param, changes): """ Called when the state of any sub-parameter has changed. Arguments: param: the immediate child whose tree state has changed. note that the change may have originated from a grandchild. changes: list of tuples describing all changes that have been made in this event: (param, changeDescr, data) This function can be extended to react to tree state changes. """ self.treeStateChanges.extend(changes) self.emitTreeChanges() def emitTreeChanges(self): if self.blockTreeChangeEmit == 0: changes = self.treeStateChanges self.treeStateChanges = [] self.sigTreeStateChanged.emit(self, changes) class SignalBlocker: def __init__(self, enterFn, exitFn): self.enterFn = enterFn self.exitFn = exitFn def __enter__(self): self.enterFn() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): self.exitFn()