from OpenGL.GL import * from .GLMeshItem import GLMeshItem from .. MeshData import MeshData from ...Qt import QtGui import numpy as np __all__ = ['GLSurfacePlotItem'] class GLSurfacePlotItem(GLMeshItem): """ **Bases:** :class:`GLMeshItem ` Displays a surface plot on a regular x,y grid """ def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, colors=None, **kwds): """ The x, y, z, and colors arguments are passed to setData(). All other keyword arguments are passed to GLMeshItem.__init__(). """ self._x = None self._y = None self._z = None self._color = None self._vertexes = None self._meshdata = MeshData() GLMeshItem.__init__(self, meshdata=self._meshdata, **kwds) self.setData(x, y, z, colors) def setData(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, colors=None): """ Update the data in this surface plot. ============== ===================================================================== **Arguments:** x,y 1D arrays of values specifying the x,y positions of vertexes in the grid. If these are omitted, then the values will be assumed to be integers. z 2D array of height values for each grid vertex. colors (width, height, 4) array of vertex colors. ============== ===================================================================== All arguments are optional. Note that if vertex positions are updated, the normal vectors for each triangle must be recomputed. This is somewhat expensive if the surface was initialized with smooth=False and very expensive if smooth=True. For faster performance, initialize with computeNormals=False and use per-vertex colors or a normal-independent shader program. """ if x is not None: if self._x is None or len(x) != len(self._x): self._vertexes = None self._x = x if y is not None: if self._y is None or len(y) != len(self._y): self._vertexes = None self._y = y if z is not None: #if self._x is None: #self._x = np.arange(z.shape[0]) #self._vertexes = None #if self._y is None: #self._y = np.arange(z.shape[1]) #self._vertexes = None if self._x is not None and z.shape[0] != len(self._x): raise Exception('Z values must have shape (len(x), len(y))') if self._y is not None and z.shape[1] != len(self._y): raise Exception('Z values must have shape (len(x), len(y))') self._z = z if self._vertexes is not None and self._z.shape != self._vertexes.shape[:2]: self._vertexes = None if colors is not None: self._colors = colors self._meshdata.setVertexColors(colors) if self._z is None: return updateMesh = False newVertexes = False ## Generate vertex and face array if self._vertexes is None: newVertexes = True self._vertexes = np.empty((self._z.shape[0], self._z.shape[1], 3), dtype=float) self.generateFaces() self._meshdata.setFaces(self._faces) updateMesh = True ## Copy x, y, z data into vertex array if newVertexes or x is not None: if x is None: if self._x is None: x = np.arange(self._z.shape[0]) else: x = self._x self._vertexes[:, :, 0] = x.reshape(len(x), 1) updateMesh = True if newVertexes or y is not None: if y is None: if self._y is None: y = np.arange(self._z.shape[1]) else: y = self._y self._vertexes[:, :, 1] = y.reshape(1, len(y)) updateMesh = True if newVertexes or z is not None: self._vertexes[...,2] = self._z updateMesh = True ## Update MeshData if updateMesh: self._meshdata.setVertexes(self._vertexes.reshape(self._vertexes.shape[0]*self._vertexes.shape[1], 3)) self.meshDataChanged() def generateFaces(self): cols = self._z.shape[1]-1 rows = self._z.shape[0]-1 faces = np.empty((cols*rows*2, 3), dtype=np.uint) rowtemplate1 = np.arange(cols).reshape(cols, 1) + np.array([[0, 1, cols+1]]) rowtemplate2 = np.arange(cols).reshape(cols, 1) + np.array([[cols+1, 1, cols+2]]) for row in range(rows): start = row * cols * 2 faces[start:start+cols] = rowtemplate1 + row * (cols+1) faces[start+cols:start+(cols*2)] = rowtemplate2 + row * (cols+1) self._faces = faces