# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ViewBox is the general-purpose graphical container that allows the user to zoom / pan to inspect any area of a 2D coordinate system. This example demonstrates many of the features ViewBox provides. """ import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np x = np.arange(1000, dtype=float) y = np.random.normal(size=1000) y += 5 * np.sin(x/100) win = pg.GraphicsWindow() win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: ____') win.resize(1000, 800) win.ci.setBorder((50, 50, 100)) sub1 = win.addLayout() sub1.addLabel("<b>Standard mouse interaction:</b><br>left-drag to pan, right-drag to zoom.") sub1.nextRow() v1 = sub1.addViewBox() l1 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v1.addItem(l1) sub2 = win.addLayout() sub2.addLabel("<b>One-button mouse interaction:</b><br>left-drag zoom to box, wheel to zoom out.") sub2.nextRow() v2 = sub2.addViewBox() v2.setMouseMode(v2.RectMode) l2 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v2.addItem(l2) win.nextRow() sub3 = win.addLayout() sub3.addLabel("<b>Locked aspect ratio when zooming.</b>") sub3.nextRow() v3 = sub3.addViewBox() v3.setAspectLocked(1.0) l3 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v3.addItem(l3) sub4 = win.addLayout() sub4.addLabel("<b>View limits:</b><br>prevent panning or zooming past limits.") sub4.nextRow() v4 = sub4.addViewBox() v4.setLimits(xMin=-100, xMax=1100, minXRange=20, maxXRange=500, yMin=-10, yMax=10, minYRange=1, maxYRange=10) l4 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v4.addItem(l4) win.nextRow() sub5 = win.addLayout() sub5.addLabel("<b>Linked axes:</b> Data in this plot is always X-aligned to<br>the plot above.") sub5.nextRow() v5 = sub5.addViewBox() v5.setXLink(v3) l5 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v5.addItem(l5) sub6 = win.addLayout() sub6.addLabel("<b>Disable mouse:</b> Per-axis control over mouse input.<br>" "<b>Auto-scale-visible:</b> Automatically fit *visible* data within view<br>" "(try panning left-right).") sub6.nextRow() v6 = sub6.addViewBox() v6.setMouseEnabled(x=True, y=False) v6.enableAutoRange(x=False, y=True) v6.setXRange(300, 450) v6.setAutoVisible(x=False, y=True) l6 = pg.PlotDataItem(y) v6.addItem(l6) ## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()