from ..Qt import QtGui, QtCore from .GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject from .. import getConfigOption from .. import functions as fn __all__ = ['ErrorBarItem'] class ErrorBarItem(GraphicsObject): def __init__(self, **opts): """ All keyword arguments are passed to setData(). """ GraphicsObject.__init__(self) self.opts = dict( x=None, y=None, height=None, width=None, top=None, bottom=None, left=None, right=None, beam=None, pen=None ) self.setData(**opts) def setData(self, **opts): """ Update the data in the item. All arguments are optional. Valid keyword options are: x, y, height, width, top, bottom, left, right, beam, pen * x and y must be numpy arrays specifying the coordinates of data points. * height, width, top, bottom, left, right, and beam may be numpy arrays, single values, or None to disable. All values should be positive. * top, bottom, left, and right specify the lengths of bars extending in each direction. * If height is specified, it overrides top and bottom. * If width is specified, it overrides left and right. * beam specifies the width of the beam at the end of each bar. * pen may be any single argument accepted by pg.mkPen(). This method was added in version 0.9.9. For prior versions, use setOpts. """ self.opts.update(opts) self.path = None self.update() self.prepareGeometryChange() self.informViewBoundsChanged() def setOpts(self, **opts): # for backward compatibility self.setData(**opts) def drawPath(self): p = QtGui.QPainterPath() x, y = self.opts['x'], self.opts['y'] if x is None or y is None: return beam = self.opts['beam'] height, top, bottom = self.opts['height'], self.opts['top'], self.opts['bottom'] if height is not None or top is not None or bottom is not None: ## draw vertical error bars if height is not None: y1 = y - height/2. y2 = y + height/2. else: if bottom is None: y1 = y else: y1 = y - bottom if top is None: y2 = y else: y2 = y + top for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x[i], y2[i]) if beam is not None and beam > 0: x1 = x - beam/2. x2 = x + beam/2. if height is not None or top is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y2[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y2[i]) if height is not None or bottom is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y1[i]) width, right, left = self.opts['width'], self.opts['right'], self.opts['left'] if width is not None or right is not None or left is not None: ## draw vertical error bars if width is not None: x1 = x - width/2. x2 = x + width/2. else: if left is None: x1 = x else: x1 = x - left if right is None: x2 = x else: x2 = x + right for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y[i]) if beam is not None and beam > 0: y1 = y - beam/2. y2 = y + beam/2. if width is not None or right is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x2[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x2[i], y2[i]) if width is not None or left is not None: for i in range(len(x)): p.moveTo(x1[i], y1[i]) p.lineTo(x1[i], y2[i]) self.path = p self.prepareGeometryChange() def paint(self, p, *args): if self.path is None: self.drawPath() pen = self.opts['pen'] if pen is None: pen = getConfigOption('foreground') p.setPen(fn.mkPen(pen)) p.drawPath(self.path) def boundingRect(self): if self.path is None: self.drawPath() return self.path.boundingRect()