from ..Qt import QtCore, QtGui from ..Point import Point from .UIGraphicsItem import * from .. import functions as fn class TextItem(UIGraphicsItem): """ GraphicsItem displaying unscaled text (the text will always appear normal even inside a scaled ViewBox). """ def __init__(self, text='', color=(200,200,200), html=None, anchor=(0,0), border=None, fill=None, angle=0): """ ============== ================================================================================= **Arguments:** *text* The text to display *color* The color of the text (any format accepted by pg.mkColor) *html* If specified, this overrides both *text* and *color* *anchor* A QPointF or (x,y) sequence indicating what region of the text box will be anchored to the item's position. A value of (0,0) sets the upper-left corner of the text box to be at the position specified by setPos(), while a value of (1,1) sets the lower-right corner. *border* A pen to use when drawing the border *fill* A brush to use when filling within the border ============== ================================================================================= """ ## not working yet #*angle* Angle in degrees to rotate text (note that the rotation assigned in this item's #transformation will be ignored) self.anchor = Point(anchor) #self.angle = 0 UIGraphicsItem.__init__(self) self.textItem = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem() self.textItem.setParentItem(self) self.lastTransform = None self._bounds = QtCore.QRectF() if html is None: self.setText(text, color) else: self.setHtml(html) self.fill = fn.mkBrush(fill) self.border = fn.mkPen(border) self.rotate(angle) self.setFlag(self.ItemIgnoresTransformations) ## This is required to keep the text unscaled inside the viewport def setText(self, text, color=(200,200,200)): color = fn.mkColor(color) self.textItem.setDefaultTextColor(color) self.textItem.setPlainText(text) self.updateText() #html = '%s' % (color, text) #self.setHtml(html) def updateAnchor(self): pass #self.resetTransform() #self.translate(0, 20) def setPlainText(self, *args): self.textItem.setPlainText(*args) self.updateText() def setHtml(self, *args): self.textItem.setHtml(*args) self.updateText() def setTextWidth(self, *args): self.textItem.setTextWidth(*args) self.updateText() def setFont(self, *args): self.textItem.setFont(*args) self.updateText() #def setAngle(self, angle): #self.angle = angle #self.updateText() def updateText(self): ## Needed to maintain font size when rendering to image with increased resolution self.textItem.resetTransform() #self.textItem.rotate(self.angle) if self._exportOpts is not False and 'resolutionScale' in self._exportOpts: s = self._exportOpts['resolutionScale'] self.textItem.scale(s, s) #br = self.textItem.mapRectToParent(self.textItem.boundingRect()) self.textItem.setPos(0,0) br = self.textItem.boundingRect() apos = self.textItem.mapToParent(Point(br.width()*self.anchor.x(), br.height()*self.anchor.y())) #print br, apos self.textItem.setPos(-apos.x(), -apos.y()) #def textBoundingRect(self): ### return the bounds of the text box in device coordinates #pos = self.mapToDevice(QtCore.QPointF(0,0)) #if pos is None: #return None #tbr = self.textItem.boundingRect() #return QtCore.QRectF(pos.x() - tbr.width()*self.anchor.x(), pos.y() - tbr.height()*self.anchor.y(), tbr.width(), tbr.height()) def viewRangeChanged(self): self.updateText() def boundingRect(self): return self.textItem.mapToParent(self.textItem.boundingRect()).boundingRect() def paint(self, p, *args): tr = p.transform() if self.lastTransform is not None: if tr != self.lastTransform: self.viewRangeChanged() self.lastTransform = tr if != QtCore.Qt.NoPen or != QtCore.Qt.NoBrush: p.setPen(self.border) p.setBrush(self.fill) p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, True) p.drawPolygon(self.textItem.mapToParent(self.textItem.boundingRect()))