import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np app = pg.mkQApp() plot = pg.plot() app.processEvents() # set view range equal to its bounding rect. # This causes plots to look the same regardless of pxMode. plot.setRange(rect=plot.boundingRect()) def test_modes(): for i, pxMode in enumerate([True, False]): for j, useCache in enumerate([True, False]): s = pg.ScatterPlotItem() s.opts['useCache'] = useCache plot.addItem(s) s.setData(x=np.array([10,40,20,30])+i*100, y=np.array([40,60,10,30])+j*100, pxMode=pxMode) s.addPoints(x=np.array([60, 70])+i*100, y=np.array([60, 70])+j*100, size=[20, 30]) if __name__ == '__main__': test_modes()