import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_almost_equal np.random.seed(12345) def testSolve3D(): p1 = np.array([[0,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1]], dtype=float) # transform points through random matrix tr = np.random.normal(size=(4, 4)) tr[3] = (0,0,0,1) p2 =, p1.T).T[:,:3] # solve to see if we can recover the transformation matrix. tr2 = pg.solve3DTransform(p1, p2) assert_array_almost_equal(tr[:3], tr2[:3]) def test_interpolateArray(): data = np.array([[ 1., 2., 4. ], [ 10., 20., 40. ], [ 100., 200., 400.]]) x = np.array([[ 0.3, 0.6], [ 1. , 1. ], [ 0.5, 1. ], [ 0.5, 2.5], [ 10. , 10. ]]) result = pg.interpolateArray(data, x) #import scipy.ndimage #spresult = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data, x.T, order=1) spresult = np.array([ 5.92, 20. , 11. , 0. , 0. ]) # generated with the above line assert_array_almost_equal(result, spresult) # test mapping when x.shape[-1] < data.ndim x = np.array([[ 0.3, 0], [ 0.3, 1], [ 0.3, 2]]) r1 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x) r2 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x[0,:1]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1, r2) # test mapping 2D array of locations x = np.array([[[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0], [0.5, 1.5]], [[1.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.0], [1.5, 1.5]]]) r1 = pg.interpolateArray(data, x) #r2 = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data, x.transpose(2,0,1), order=1) r2 = np.array([[ 8.25, 11. , 16.5 ], # generated with the above line [ 82.5 , 110. , 165. ]]) assert_array_almost_equal(r1, r2) def test_subArray(): a = np.array([0, 0, 111, 112, 113, 0, 121, 122, 123, 0, 0, 0, 211, 212, 213, 0, 221, 222, 223, 0, 0, 0, 0]) b = pg.subArray(a, offset=2, shape=(2,2,3), stride=(10,4,1)) c = np.array([[[111,112,113], [121,122,123]], [[211,212,213], [221,222,223]]]) assert np.all(b == c) # operate over first axis; broadcast over the rest aa = np.vstack([a, a/100.]).T cc = np.empty(c.shape + (2,)) cc[..., 0] = c cc[..., 1] = c / 100. bb = pg.subArray(aa, offset=2, shape=(2,2,3), stride=(10,4,1)) assert np.all(bb == cc) if __name__ == '__main__': test_interpolateArray()