from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np from pyqtgraph.Point import Point import pyqtgraph.debug as debug import weakref import pyqtgraph.functions as fn from GraphicsWidget import GraphicsWidget __all__ = ['AxisItem'] class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget): def __init__(self, orientation, pen=None, linkView=None, parent=None, maxTickLength=-5, showValues=True): """ GraphicsItem showing a single plot axis with ticks, values, and label. Can be configured to fit on any side of a plot, and can automatically synchronize its displayed scale with ViewBox items. Ticks can be extended to make a grid. """ GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.label = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.showValues = showValues self.picture = None self.orientation = orientation if orientation not in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']: raise Exception("Orientation argument must be one of 'left', 'right', 'top', or 'bottom'.") if orientation in ['left', 'right']: #self.setMinimumWidth(25) #self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy( #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding #)) self.label.rotate(-90) #else: #self.setMinimumHeight(50) #self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy( #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum #)) #self.drawLabel = False self.labelText = '' self.labelUnits = '' self.labelUnitPrefix='' self.labelStyle = {'color': '#CCC'} self.textHeight = 18 self.tickLength = maxTickLength self.scale = 1.0 self.autoScale = True self.setRange(0, 1) if pen is None: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(100, 100, 100)) self.setPen(pen) self._linkedView = None if linkView is not None: self.linkToView(linkView) self.showLabel(False) self.grid = False #self.setCacheMode(self.DeviceCoordinateCache) def close(self): self.scene().removeItem(self.label) self.label = None self.scene().removeItem(self) def setGrid(self, grid): """Set the alpha value for the grid, or False to disable.""" self.grid = grid self.picture = None self.prepareGeometryChange() self.update() def resizeEvent(self, ev=None): #s = self.size() ## Set the position of the label nudge = 5 br = self.label.boundingRect() p = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) if self.orientation == 'left': p.setY(int(self.size().height()/2 + br.width()/2)) p.setX(-nudge) #s.setWidth(10) elif self.orientation == 'right': #s.setWidth(10) p.setY(int(self.size().height()/2 + br.width()/2)) p.setX(int(self.size().width()-br.height()+nudge)) elif self.orientation == 'top': #s.setHeight(10) p.setY(-nudge) p.setX(int(self.size().width()/2. - br.width()/2.)) elif self.orientation == 'bottom': p.setX(int(self.size().width()/2. - br.width()/2.)) #s.setHeight(10) p.setY(int(self.size().height()-br.height()+nudge)) #self.label.resize(s) self.label.setPos(p) self.picture = None def showLabel(self, show=True): #self.drawLabel = show self.label.setVisible(show) if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: self.setWidth() else: self.setHeight() if self.autoScale: self.setScale() def setLabel(self, text=None, units=None, unitPrefix=None, **args): if text is not None: self.labelText = text self.showLabel() if units is not None: self.labelUnits = units self.showLabel() if unitPrefix is not None: self.labelUnitPrefix = unitPrefix if len(args) > 0: self.labelStyle = args self.label.setHtml(self.labelString()) self.resizeEvent() self.picture = None self.update() def labelString(self): if self.labelUnits == '': if self.scale == 1.0: units = '' else: units = u'(x%g)' % (1.0/self.scale) else: #print repr(self.labelUnitPrefix), repr(self.labelUnits) units = u'(%s%s)' % (self.labelUnitPrefix, self.labelUnits) s = u'%s %s' % (self.labelText, units) style = ';'.join(['%s: "%s"' % (k, self.labelStyle[k]) for k in self.labelStyle]) return u"%s" % (style, s) def setHeight(self, h=None): if h is None: h = self.textHeight + max(0, self.tickLength) if self.label.isVisible(): h += self.textHeight self.setMaximumHeight(h) self.setMinimumHeight(h) self.picture = None def setWidth(self, w=None): if w is None: w = max(0, self.tickLength) + 40 if self.label.isVisible(): w += self.textHeight self.setMaximumWidth(w) self.setMinimumWidth(w) def setPen(self, pen): self.pen = pen self.picture = None self.update() def setScale(self, scale=None): """ Set the value scaling for this axis. The scaling value 1) multiplies the values displayed along the axis and 2) changes the way units are displayed in the label. For example: If the axis spans values from -0.1 to 0.1 and has units set to 'V' then a scale of 1000 would cause the axis to display values -100 to 100 and the units would appear as 'mV' If scale is None, then it will be determined automatically based on the current range displayed by the axis. """ if scale is None: #if self.drawLabel: ## If there is a label, then we are free to rescale the values if self.label.isVisible(): d = self.range[1] - self.range[0] #(scale, prefix) = fn.siScale(d / 2.) (scale, prefix) = fn.siScale(max(abs(self.range[0]), abs(self.range[1]))) if self.labelUnits == '' and prefix in ['k', 'm']: ## If we are not showing units, wait until 1e6 before scaling. scale = 1.0 prefix = '' self.setLabel(unitPrefix=prefix) else: scale = 1.0 if scale != self.scale: self.scale = scale self.setLabel() self.picture = None self.update() def setRange(self, mn, mx): if mn in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf] or mx in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]: raise Exception("Not setting range to [%s, %s]" % (str(mn), str(mx))) self.range = [mn, mx] if self.autoScale: self.setScale() self.picture = None self.update() def linkedView(self): """Return the ViewBox this axis is linked to""" if self._linkedView is None: return None else: return self._linkedView() def linkToView(self, view): oldView = self.linkedView() self._linkedView = weakref.ref(view) if self.orientation in ['right', 'left']: if oldView is not None: oldView.sigYRangeChanged.disconnect(self.linkedViewChanged) view.sigYRangeChanged.connect(self.linkedViewChanged) else: if oldView is not None: oldView.sigXRangeChanged.disconnect(self.linkedViewChanged) view.sigXRangeChanged.connect(self.linkedViewChanged) def linkedViewChanged(self, view, newRange): self.setRange(*newRange) def boundingRect(self): linkedView = self.linkedView() if linkedView is None or self.grid is False: rect = self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) ## extend rect if ticks go in negative direction if self.orientation == 'left': rect.setRight(rect.right() - min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'right': rect.setLeft(rect.left() + min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'top': rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'bottom': rect.setTop( + min(0,self.tickLength)) return rect else: return self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) | linkedView.mapRectToItem(self, linkedView.boundingRect()) def paint(self, p, opt, widget): if self.picture is None: self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) try: self.drawPicture(painter) finally: painter.end() def drawPicture(self, p): prof = debug.Profiler("AxisItem.paint", disabled=True) p.setPen(self.pen) #bounds = self.boundingRect() bounds = self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) linkedView = self.linkedView() if linkedView is None or self.grid is False: tbounds = bounds else: tbounds = linkedView.mapRectToItem(self, linkedView.boundingRect()) if self.orientation == 'left': span = (bounds.topRight(), bounds.bottomRight()) tickStart = tbounds.right() tickStop = bounds.right() tickDir = -1 axis = 0 elif self.orientation == 'right': span = (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.bottomLeft()) tickStart = tbounds.left() tickStop = bounds.left() tickDir = 1 axis = 0 elif self.orientation == 'top': span = (bounds.bottomLeft(), bounds.bottomRight()) tickStart = tbounds.bottom() tickStop = bounds.bottom() tickDir = -1 axis = 1 elif self.orientation == 'bottom': span = (bounds.topLeft(), bounds.topRight()) tickStart = tickStop = tickDir = 1 axis = 1 ## draw long line along axis p.drawLine(*span) ## determine size of this item in pixels points = map(self.mapToDevice, span) lengthInPixels = Point(points[1] - points[0]).length() ## decide optimal tick spacing in pixels pixelSpacing = np.log(lengthInPixels+10) * 2 optimalTickCount = lengthInPixels / pixelSpacing ## Determine optimal tick spacing #intervals = [1., 2., 5., 10., 20., 50.] #intervals = [1., 2.5, 5., 10., 25., 50.] intervals = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 1., 2., 10., 20., 100., 200.]) dif = abs(self.range[1] - self.range[0]) if dif == 0.0: return pw = 10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(dif))-1) scaledIntervals = intervals * pw scaledTickCounts = dif / scaledIntervals try: i1 = np.argwhere(scaledTickCounts < optimalTickCount)[0,0] except: print "AxisItem can't determine tick spacing:" print "scaledTickCounts", scaledTickCounts print "optimalTickCount", optimalTickCount print "dif", dif print "scaledIntervals", scaledIntervals print "intervals", intervals print "pw", pw print "pixelSpacing", pixelSpacing i1 = 1 distBetweenIntervals = (optimalTickCount-scaledTickCounts[i1]) / (scaledTickCounts[i1-1]-scaledTickCounts[i1]) #print optimalTickCount, i1, scaledIntervals, distBetweenIntervals #for i in range(len(intervals)): #i1 = i #if dif / (pw*intervals[i]) < 10: #break textLevel = 1 ## draw text at this scale level #print "range: %s dif: %f power: %f interval: %f spacing: %f" % (str(self.range), dif, pw, intervals[i1], sp) #print " start at %f, %d ticks" % (start, num) if axis == 0: xs = -bounds.height() / dif else: xs = bounds.width() / dif prof.mark('init') tickPositions = set() # remembers positions of previously drawn ticks ## draw ticks and generate list of texts to draw ## (to improve performance, we do not interleave line and text drawing, since this causes unnecessary pipeline switching) ## draw three different intervals, long ticks first texts = [] for i in [2,1,0]: if i1+i >= len(intervals) or i1+i < 0: print "AxisItem.paint error: i1=%d, i=%d, len(intervals)=%d" % (i1, i, len(intervals)) continue ## spacing for this interval sp = pw*intervals[i1+i] ## determine starting tick start = np.ceil(self.range[0] / sp) * sp ## determine number of ticks num = int(dif / sp) + 1 ## last tick value last = start + sp * num ## Number of decimal places to print maxVal = max(abs(start), abs(last)) places = max(0, np.ceil(-np.log10(sp*self.scale))) #print i, sp, sp*self.scale, np.log10(sp*self.scale), places ## length of tick #h = np.clip((self.tickLength*3 / num) - 1., min(0, self.tickLength), max(0, self.tickLength)) if i == 0: h = self.tickLength * distBetweenIntervals / 2. else: h = self.tickLength*i/2. ## alpha if i == 0: #a = min(255, (765. / num) - 1.) a = 255 * distBetweenIntervals else: a = 255 lineAlpha = a textAlpha = a if self.grid is not False: lineAlpha = int(lineAlpha * self.grid / 255.) if axis == 0: offset = self.range[0] * xs - bounds.height() else: offset = self.range[0] * xs for j in range(num): v = start + sp * j x = (v * xs) - offset p1 = [0, 0] p2 = [0, 0] p1[axis] = tickStart p2[axis] = tickStop if self.grid is False: p2[axis] += h*tickDir p1[1-axis] = p2[1-axis] = x if p1[1-axis] > [bounds.width(), bounds.height()][1-axis]: continue if p1[1-axis] < 0: continue p.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(150, 150, 150, lineAlpha))) # draw tick only if there is none tickPos = p1[1-axis] #if tickPos not in tickPositions: p.drawLine(Point(p1), Point(p2)) #tickPositions.add(tickPos) if i == textLevel: if abs(v*self.scale) < .001 or abs(v*self.scale) >= 10000: vstr = "%g" % (v * self.scale) else: vstr = ("%%0.%df" % places) % (v * self.scale) #print " ", v*self.scale, places, vstr textRect = p.boundingRect(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 100, 100), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, vstr) height = textRect.height() self.textHeight = height if self.orientation == 'left': textFlags = QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter rect = QtCore.QRectF(tickStop-100, x-(height/2), 99-max(0,self.tickLength), height) elif self.orientation == 'right': textFlags = QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter rect = QtCore.QRectF(tickStop+max(0,self.tickLength)+1, x-(height/2), 100-max(0,self.tickLength), height) elif self.orientation == 'top': textFlags = QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter|QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom rect = QtCore.QRectF(x-100, tickStop-max(0,self.tickLength)-height, 200, height) elif self.orientation == 'bottom': textFlags = QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter|QtCore.Qt.AlignTop rect = QtCore.QRectF(x-100, tickStop+max(0,self.tickLength), 200, height) #p.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(150, 150, 150, a))) #p.drawText(rect, textFlags, vstr) texts.append((rect, textFlags, vstr, textAlpha)) prof.mark('draw ticks') for args in texts: p.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(150, 150, 150, args[3]))) p.drawText(*args[:3]) prof.mark('draw text') prof.finish() def show(self): if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: self.setWidth() else: self.setHeight() def hide(self): if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: self.setWidth(0) else: self.setHeight(0) GraphicsWidget.hide(self) def wheelEvent(self, ev): if self.linkedView() is None: return if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: self.linkedView().wheelEvent(ev, axis=1) else: self.linkedView().wheelEvent(ev, axis=0) ev.accept() def mouseDragEvent(self, event): if self.linkedView() is None: return if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: return self.linkedView().mouseDragEvent(event, axis=1) else: return self.linkedView().mouseDragEvent(event, axis=0) def mouseClickEvent(self, event): if self.linkedView() is None: return return self.linkedView().mouseClickEvent(event)