from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore from scipy.fftpack import fft import numpy as np import scipy.stats from GraphicsObject import GraphicsObject import pyqtgraph.functions as fn from pyqtgraph import debug from pyqtgraph.Point import Point import struct __all__ = ['PlotCurveItem'] class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject): """Class representing a single plot curve. Provides: - Fast data update - FFT display mode - shadow pen - mouse interaction """ sigPlotChanged = QtCore.Signal(object) sigClicked = QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__(self, y=None, x=None, fillLevel=None, copy=False, pen=None, shadowPen=None, brush=None, parent=None, color=None, clickable=False): GraphicsObject.__init__(self, parent) self.clear() self.path = None self.fillPath = None if pen is None: if color is None: self.setPen((200,200,200)) else: self.setPen(color) else: self.setPen(pen) self.setShadowPen(shadowPen) if y is not None: self.updateData(y, x, copy) ## this is disastrous for performance. #self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) self.fillLevel = fillLevel self.brush = brush self.metaData = {} self.opts = { 'spectrumMode': False, 'logMode': [False, False], 'pointMode': False, 'pointStyle': None, 'downsample': False, 'alphaHint': 1.0, 'alphaMode': False } self.setClickable(clickable) #self.fps = None def implements(self, interface=None): ints = ['plotData'] if interface is None: return ints return interface in ints def setClickable(self, s): self.clickable = s def getData(self): if self.xData is None: return (None, None) if self.xDisp is None: nanMask = np.isnan(self.xData) | np.isnan(self.yData) if any(nanMask): x = self.xData[~nanMask] y = self.yData[~nanMask] else: x = self.xData y = self.yData ds = self.opts['downsample'] if ds > 1: x = x[::ds] #y = resample(y[:len(x)*ds], len(x)) ## scipy.signal.resample causes nasty ringing y = y[::ds] if self.opts['spectrumMode']: f = fft(y) / len(y) y = abs(f[1:len(f)/2]) dt = x[-1] - x[0] x = np.linspace(0, 0.5*len(x)/dt, len(y)) if self.opts['logMode'][0]: x = np.log10(x) if self.opts['logMode'][1]: y = np.log10(y) self.xDisp = x self.yDisp = y #print self.yDisp.shape, self.yDisp.min(), self.yDisp.max() #print self.xDisp.shape, self.xDisp.min(), self.xDisp.max() return self.xDisp, self.yDisp #def generateSpecData(self): #f = fft(self.yData) / len(self.yData) #self.ySpec = abs(f[1:len(f)/2]) #dt = self.xData[-1] - self.xData[0] #self.xSpec = linspace(0, 0.5*len(self.xData)/dt, len(self.ySpec)) def dataBounds(self, ax, frac=1.0): (x, y) = self.getData() if x is None or len(x) == 0: return (0, 0) if ax == 0: d = x elif ax == 1: d = y if frac >= 1.0: return (d.min(), d.max()) elif frac <= 0.0: raise Exception("Value for parameter 'frac' must be > 0. (got %s)" % str(frac)) else: return (scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d, 50 - (frac * 50)), scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d, 50 + (frac * 50))) def setMeta(self, data): self.metaData = data def meta(self): return self.metaData def setPen(self, pen): self.pen = fn.mkPen(pen) self.update() def setColor(self, color): self.pen.setColor(color) self.update() def setAlpha(self, alpha, auto): self.opts['alphaHint'] = alpha self.opts['alphaMode'] = auto self.update() def setSpectrumMode(self, mode): self.opts['spectrumMode'] = mode self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None self.path = None self.update() def setLogMode(self, mode): self.opts['logMode'] = mode self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None self.path = None self.update() def setPointMode(self, mode): self.opts['pointMode'] = mode self.update() def setShadowPen(self, pen): self.shadowPen = fn.mkPen(pen) self.update() def setDownsampling(self, ds): if self.opts['downsample'] != ds: self.opts['downsample'] = ds self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None self.path = None self.update() def setData(self, x, y, copy=False): """For Qwt compatibility""" self.updateData(y, x, copy) def updateData(self, data, x=None, copy=False): prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.updateData', disabled=True) if isinstance(data, list): data = np.array(data) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or data.ndim > 2: raise Exception("Plot data must be 1 or 2D ndarray (data shape is %s)" % str(data.shape)) if x == None: if 'complex' in str(data.dtype): raise Exception("Can not plot complex data types.") else: if 'complex' in str(data.dtype)+str(x.dtype): raise Exception("Can not plot complex data types.") if data.ndim == 2: ### If data is 2D array, then assume x and y values are in first two columns or rows. if x is not None: raise Exception("Plot data may be 2D only if no x argument is supplied.") ax = 0 if data.shape[0] > 2 and data.shape[1] == 2: ax = 1 ind = [slice(None), slice(None)] ind[ax] = 0 y = data[tuple(ind)] ind[ax] = 1 x = data[tuple(ind)] elif data.ndim == 1: y = data prof.mark("data checks") self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.NoCache) ## Disabling and re-enabling the cache works around a bug in Qt 4.6 causing the cached results to display incorrectly ## Test this bug with test_PlotWidget and zoom in on the animated plot self.prepareGeometryChange() if copy: self.yData = y.view(np.ndarray).copy() else: self.yData = y.view(np.ndarray) if x is None: self.xData = np.arange(0, self.yData.shape[0]) else: if copy: self.xData = x.view(np.ndarray).copy() else: self.xData = x.view(np.ndarray) prof.mark('copy') if self.xData.shape != self.yData.shape: raise Exception("X and Y arrays must be the same shape--got %s and %s." % (str(x.shape), str(y.shape))) self.path = None self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None prof.mark('set') self.update() prof.mark('update') #self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('plotChanged'), self) self.sigPlotChanged.emit(self) prof.mark('emit') #prof.finish() #self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache) prof.mark('set cache mode') prof.finish() def generatePath(self, x, y): prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.generatePath', disabled=True) path = QtGui.QPainterPath() ## Create all vertices in path. The method used below creates a binary format so that all ## vertices can be read in at once. This binary format may change in future versions of Qt, ## so the original (slower) method is left here for emergencies: #path.moveTo(x[0], y[0]) #for i in range(1, y.shape[0]): # path.lineTo(x[i], y[i]) ## Speed this up using >> operator ## Format is: ## numVerts(i4) 0(i4) ## x(f8) y(f8) 0(i4) <-- 0 means this vertex does not connect ## x(f8) y(f8) 1(i4) <-- 1 means this vertex connects to the previous vertex ## ... ## 0(i4) ## ## All values are big endian--pack using struct.pack('>d') or struct.pack('>i') n = x.shape[0] # create empty array, pad with extra space on either end arr = np.empty(n+2, dtype=[('x', '>f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('c', '>i4')]) # write first two integers prof.mark('allocate empty')[12:20] = struct.pack('>ii', n, 0) prof.mark('pack header') # Fill array with vertex values arr[1:-1]['x'] = x arr[1:-1]['y'] = y arr[1:-1]['c'] = 1 prof.mark('fill array') # write last 0 lastInd = 20*(n+1)[lastInd:lastInd+4] = struct.pack('>i', 0) prof.mark('footer') # create datastream object and stream into path buf = QtCore.QByteArray([12:lastInd+4]) # I think one unnecessary copy happens here prof.mark('create buffer') ds = QtCore.QDataStream(buf) prof.mark('create datastream') ds >> path prof.mark('load') prof.finish() return path def shape(self): if self.path is None: try: self.path = self.generatePath(*self.getData()) except: return QtGui.QPainterPath() return self.path def boundingRect(self): (x, y) = self.getData() if x is None or y is None or len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0: return QtCore.QRectF() if self.shadowPen is not None: lineWidth = (max(self.pen.width(), self.shadowPen.width()) + 1) else: lineWidth = (self.pen.width()+1) pixels = self.pixelVectors() if pixels is None: pixels = [Point(0,0), Point(0,0)] xmin = x.min() - pixels[0].x() * lineWidth xmax = x.max() + pixels[0].x() * lineWidth ymin = y.min() - abs(pixels[1].y()) * lineWidth ymax = y.max() + abs(pixels[1].y()) * lineWidth return QtCore.QRectF(xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin) def paint(self, p, opt, widget): prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.paint '+str(id(self)), disabled=True) if self.xData is None: return #if self.opts['spectrumMode']: #if self.specPath is None: #self.specPath = self.generatePath(*self.getData()) #path = self.specPath #else: x = None y = None if self.path is None: x,y = self.getData() if x is None or len(x) == 0 or y is None or len(y) == 0: return self.path = self.generatePath(x,y) self.fillPath = None path = self.path prof.mark('generate path') if self.brush is not None: if self.fillPath is None: if x is None: x,y = self.getData() p2 = QtGui.QPainterPath(self.path) p2.lineTo(x[-1], self.fillLevel) p2.lineTo(x[0], self.fillLevel) p2.closeSubpath() self.fillPath = p2 p.fillPath(self.fillPath, fn.mkBrush(self.brush)) if self.shadowPen is not None: sp = QtGui.QPen(self.shadowPen) else: sp = None ## Copy pens and apply alpha adjustment cp = QtGui.QPen(self.pen) for pen in [sp, cp]: if pen is None: continue c = pen.color() c.setAlpha(c.alpha() * self.opts['alphaHint']) pen.setColor(c) #pen.setCosmetic(True) if self.shadowPen is not None: p.setPen(sp) p.drawPath(path) p.setPen(cp) p.drawPath(path) prof.mark('drawPath') #print "Render hints:", int(p.renderHints()) prof.finish() #p.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(255,0,0))) #p.drawRect(self.boundingRect()) def clear(self): self.xData = None ## raw values self.yData = None self.xDisp = None ## display values (after log / fft) self.yDisp = None self.path = None #del self.xData, self.yData, self.xDisp, self.yDisp, self.path #def mousePressEvent(self, ev): ##GraphicsObject.mousePressEvent(self, ev) #if not self.clickable: #ev.ignore() #if ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: #ev.ignore() #self.mousePressPos = ev.pos() #self.mouseMoved = False #def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): ##GraphicsObject.mouseMoveEvent(self, ev) #self.mouseMoved = True ##print "move" #def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev): ##GraphicsObject.mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev) #if not self.mouseMoved: #self.sigClicked.emit(self) def mouseClickEvent(self, ev): if not self.clickable or ev.button() != QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: return ev.accept() self.sigClicked.emit(self) class ROIPlotItem(PlotCurveItem): """Plot curve that monitors an ROI and image for changes to automatically replot.""" def __init__(self, roi, data, img, axes=(0,1), xVals=None, color=None): self.roi = roi self.roiData = data self.roiImg = img self.axes = axes self.xVals = xVals PlotCurveItem.__init__(self, self.getRoiData(), x=self.xVals, color=color) #roi.connect(roi, QtCore.SIGNAL('regionChanged'), self.roiChangedEvent) roi.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.roiChangedEvent) #self.roiChangedEvent() def getRoiData(self): d = self.roi.getArrayRegion(self.roiData, self.roiImg, axes=self.axes) if d is None: return while d.ndim > 1: d = d.mean(axis=1) return d def roiChangedEvent(self): d = self.getRoiData() self.updateData(d, self.xVals)