# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import initExample ## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this) import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui import numpy as np app = QtGui.QApplication([]) spins = [ ("Floating-point spin box, min=0, no maximum.", pg.SpinBox(value=5.0, bounds=[0, None])), ("Integer spin box, dec stepping
(1-9, 10-90, 100-900, etc)", pg.SpinBox(value=10, int=True, dec=True, minStep=1, step=1)), ("Float with SI-prefixed units
(n, u, m, k, M, etc)", pg.SpinBox(value=0.9, suffix='V', siPrefix=True)), ("Float with SI-prefixed units,
dec step=0.1, minStep=0.1", pg.SpinBox(value=1.0, suffix='V', siPrefix=True, dec=True, step=0.1, minStep=0.1)), ("Float with SI-prefixed units,
dec step=0.5, minStep=0.01", pg.SpinBox(value=1.0, suffix='V', siPrefix=True, dec=True, step=0.5, minStep=0.01)), ("Float with SI-prefixed units,
dec step=1.0, minStep=0.001", pg.SpinBox(value=1.0, suffix='V', siPrefix=True, dec=True, step=1.0, minStep=0.001)), ] win = QtGui.QMainWindow() cw = QtGui.QWidget() layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() cw.setLayout(layout) win.setCentralWidget(cw) win.show() #win.resize(300, 600) changingLabel = QtGui.QLabel() ## updated immediately changedLabel = QtGui.QLabel() ## updated only when editing is finished or mouse wheel has stopped for 0.3sec changingLabel.setMinimumWidth(200) font = changingLabel.font() font.setBold(True) font.setPointSize(14) changingLabel.setFont(font) changedLabel.setFont(font) labels = [] def valueChanged(sb): changedLabel.setText("Final value: %s" % str(sb.value())) def valueChanging(sb, value): changingLabel.setText("Value changing: %s" % str(sb.value())) for text, spin in spins: label = QtGui.QLabel(text) labels.append(label) layout.addWidget(label) layout.addWidget(spin) spin.sigValueChanged.connect(valueChanged) spin.sigValueChanging.connect(valueChanging) layout.addWidget(changingLabel, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(changedLabel, 2, 1) #def mkWin(): #win = QtGui.QMainWindow() #g = QtGui.QFormLayout() #w = QtGui.QWidget() #w.setLayout(g) #win.setCentralWidget(w) #s1 = SpinBox(value=5, step=0.1, bounds=[-1.5, None], suffix='units') #t1 = QtGui.QLineEdit() #g.addRow(s1, t1) #s2 = SpinBox(value=10e-6, dec=True, step=0.1, minStep=1e-6, suffix='A', siPrefix=True) #t2 = QtGui.QLineEdit() #g.addRow(s2, t2) #s3 = SpinBox(value=1000, dec=True, step=0.5, minStep=1e-6, bounds=[1, 1e9], suffix='Hz', siPrefix=True) #t3 = QtGui.QLineEdit() #g.addRow(s3, t3) #s4 = SpinBox(int=True, dec=True, step=1, minStep=1, bounds=[-10, 1000]) #t4 = QtGui.QLineEdit() #g.addRow(s4, t4) #win.show() #import sys #for sb in [s1, s2, s3,s4]: ##QtCore.QObject.connect(sb, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(double)'), lambda v: sys.stdout.write(str(sb) + " valueChanged\n")) ##QtCore.QObject.connect(sb, QtCore.SIGNAL('editingFinished()'), lambda: sys.stdout.write(str(sb) + " editingFinished\n")) #sb.sigValueChanged.connect(valueChanged) #sb.sigValueChanging.connect(valueChanging) #sb.editingFinished.connect(lambda: sys.stdout.write(str(sb) + " editingFinished\n")) #return win, w, [s1, s2, s3, s4] #a = mkWin() #def test(n=100): #for i in range(n): #win, w, sb = mkWin() #for s in sb: #w.setParent(None) #s.setParent(None) #s.valueChanged.disconnect() #s.editingFinished.disconnect() ## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()